Commit fbc32bb0 authored by linxin's avatar linxin


parent f369c331
......@@ -466,6 +466,7 @@ export default {
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
// 绑定查询入口
next(vm => {
vm.isAddNewType = false
if (from.fullPath === '/tab/my-info') {
if (vm.$route.params.status === 'APPROVED') {
vm.isApproved = true
......@@ -602,6 +602,7 @@ export default {
next(vm => {
vm.isAddNewType = false
if (from.fullPath === '/tab/my-info') { /* || from.fullPath === '/margin-first-pay' */
vm.legal_personMsg = {
id_card_no: null,
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