Commit 904cca3a authored by Tyh's avatar Tyh


parent 8ede6c19
Pipeline #5455 canceled with stages
......@@ -233,6 +233,38 @@ export default {
vm.undo_flag = false
vm.bp_type = vm.$route.params.bp_type
vm.recordQuery('全部', vm.lists)
vm.selected = 'all'
vm.pagenum = 1
vm.unSigned_pagenum = 1
vm.unRepay_pagenum = 1
vm.repaying_pagenum = 1
vm.repayed_pagenum = 1
vm.undo_pagenum = 1
vm.other_pagenum = 1
vm.searchInput = ''
vm.contract_status_n = '全部'
vm.lists = []
vm.unSignedLists = []
vm.unRepayLists = []
vm.repayingLists = []
vm.repayedLists = []
vm.undoLists = []
vm.otherLists = []
vm.unSigned_flag = false
vm.unRepay_flag = false
vm.repaying_flag = false
vm.repayed_flag = false
vm.other_flag = false
vm.undo_flag = false
if (window.localStorage.multipleRole === 'TENANT') {
vm.bp_type = 'TENANT'
} else if (window.localStorage.bp_type === 'TENANT' && !window.localStorage.multipleRole) {
vm.bp_type = 'TENANT'
} else {
vm.bp_type = 'TENANT'
vm.recordQuery('全部', vm.lists)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
<img slot="icon" src="../assets/image/tab/n_message@2x.png">
<span slot="label">消息</span>
<tabbar-item :link="{path:'/tab/function-center'}" :selected="$route.path === '/tab/function-center'">
<img slot="icon-active" src="../assets/image/tab/function@2x.png">
<img slot="icon" src="../assets/image/tab/n_function@2x.png">
<span slot="label">业务办理</span>
<tabbar-item @click.native="tabClick">
<img slot="icon-active" src="../assets/image/tab/my@2x.png">
<img slot="icon" src="../assets/image/tab/n_my@2x.png">
......@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ import About from '@/pages/myInfo/About'
import UserAgree from '@/pages/myInfo/UserAgreement'
import PrivacyPolicy from '@/pages/myInfo/PrivacyPolicy'
// 业务办理
import FunctionCenter from '@/pages/functionCenter/function-list'
// 我的发票
import MyInvoice from '@/pages/invoice/invoice'
......@@ -160,6 +163,7 @@ export default new Router({
{path: '/tab/home-page', component: HomePage, name: 'HomePage', meta: {keepAlive: false}},
{path: '/tab/my-info', component: MyInfo, name: 'MyInfo', meta: {keepAlive: true}},
{path: '/tab/message-center', component: MessageCenter, name: 'MessageCenter', meta: {keepAlive: true}},
{path: '/tab/function-center', component: FunctionCenter, name: 'FunctionCenter', meta: {keepAlive: true}},
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