Commit 59ebd0d6 authored by 李晓兵's avatar 李晓兵


parent 2f97c4af
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ import Jpush from './scripts/jpushService'
import Jmessage from './scripts/jmessageService'
//if (process.env.CONFIG_ENV === 'uat') {
// const VConsole = require('vconsole')
// new VConsole() // eslint-disable-line
const VConsole = require('vconsole')
new VConsole() // eslint-disable-line
......@@ -179,8 +179,11 @@ export default {
hlsUtil.baiduOcr(fileUrl, url, function (res) {
let result = res.result.result
alert('result' + result)
vm.bank_lists[0].bank_account_num = result.bank_card_number.replace(/\s*/g, '') // 卡号
vm.bank_lists[0].bank_full_name = result.bank_name // 银行名称
alert('数组'+ JSON.stringify(vm.bank_lists))
// vm.bank_lists.bank_card_type = result.bank_card_type
......@@ -971,7 +971,12 @@ export default {
getInfo (i, isClear) {
this.isClear = isClear
if (isClear) {
this.bank_lists = {}
// this.bank_lists = {}
this.bank_lists.bank_account_num = ''
this.bank_lists.bank_account_name = ''
this.bank_lists.bank_card_type = ''
this.bank_lists.bank_full_name = ''
this.bank_lists.bank_branch_name = ''
this.showModalValue = i
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