Commit 20a0a23c authored by 786817560's avatar 786817560

Merge branch 'ren' into develop

parents 779efd65 b6d0faeb
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Descrip: 主页
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2019-10-10 14:25:15
* @LastEditTime: 2019-10-11 14:45:17
* @LastEditTime: 2019-10-11 16:26:13
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
<h-header class="bar-custom">
<div slot="left" class="h-header-btn">
<!-- <i class="ion-ios-arrow-back" /> -->
<img class="locations" src="@/assets/homePage/location.png" alt="">
<span @click="location">徐州</span>
<img class="locations" src="@/assets/homePage/location.png" alt="" @click="location">
<div slot="center">徐工租赁</div>
......@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
<img src="@/assets/homePage/3 copy@2x.png" alt="">
<div class="guessing">
<div class="guessing">猜你喜欢</div>
<list-item :item-height="110">
<div slot="name" class="item-pic">
......@@ -103,34 +101,34 @@ export default {
watch: {},
// goFunctionHome (data) {
// if (data.functionState === 'NaturePersonReadOnly') {
// if (this.user_bp_status === 'APPROVED' && this.user_bp_class === 'NP') {
// this.$router.push({
// name: 'NaturePersonReadOnly',
// params: {
// 'bp_id': this.bp_id,
// },
// })
// } else if (this.user_bp_status === 'APPROVED' && this.user_bp_class === 'ORG') {
// this.$router.push({
// name: 'EnterpriseReadOnly',
// params: {
// 'bp_id': this.bp_id,
// },
// })
// } else {
// this.hlsPopup.showLongCenter('您的绑定申请还在流程中')
// }
// } else {
// this.$router.push({
// name: data.functionState,
// })
// }
// },
goFunctionHome (data) {
// if (data.functionState === 'NaturePersonReadOnly') {
// if (this.user_bp_status === 'APPROVED' && this.user_bp_class === 'NP') {
// this.$router.push({
// name: 'NaturePersonReadOnly',
// params: {
// 'bp_id': this.bp_id,
// },
// })
// } else if (this.user_bp_status === 'APPROVED' && this.user_bp_class === 'ORG') {
// this.$router.push({
// name: 'EnterpriseReadOnly',
// params: {
// 'bp_id': this.bp_id,
// },
// })
// } else {
// this.hlsPopup.showLongCenter('您的绑定申请还在流程中')
// }
// } else {
// this.$router.push({
// name: data.functionState,
// })
// }
location () {
name: 'location',
name: 'Location',
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Descrip""/>User Settings Edit
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2019-10-11 09:39:51
* @LastEditTime: 2019-10-11 14:02:18
* @LastEditTime: 2019-10-11 15:55:47
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<div class="provinces">
<p :class="{styles:!flag}" @click="changeStyle(1)">{{ province }}</p>
<p :class="{styles:flag}" @click="changeStyle(2)">请选择市</p>
<p :class="{styles:flag}" @click="changeStyle(2)">{{ city }}</p>
<list-item v-if="province_flag" :item-height="40">
<item v-for="(item,index) in lists" :key="index">
......@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ export default {
flag: false,
province_flag: true,
province: '请选择省',
city: '请选择市',
places: '江苏省-徐州市',
lists: ['北京省', '浙江省', '四川省'],
cityList: ['北京', '成都', '上海', '广州'],
cityList: ['北京市', '成都市', '上海市', '广州市'],
computed: {},
......@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ export default {
if (val === 1) {
this.flag = false
this.province_flag = true
} else {
this.flag = true
......@@ -92,11 +94,12 @@ export default {
selectCity (val) {
title: '提示',
content: `是否切换到${val}城市?`,
content: `是否切换到${val}?`,
onConfirm: (data) => {
if (data) {
this.places = this.province + '-' + val = val
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