Commit 1a505a02 authored by linxin's avatar linxin

Merge branch 'liuin' into develop

parents 04bdf9cf 2089edca
Pipeline #4766 canceled with stages
......@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ module.exports = merge(prodEnv, {
debug: true,
isMobilePlatform: false,
loginPath: '"" ',
basePath: '""',
basePath: '""',
rootPath: '""',
filePath: '""',
filePath: '""',
ocrPath: '""',
appId: '""',
currentVersion: '"1.8.1"',
......@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ export default {
keyWordProduct (newVal, oldVal) {
'saveInfo.equip_price' () {
this.saveInfo.down_payment = (this.saveInfo.equip_price * this.saveInfo.down_payment_ratio_n.replace('%', '') / 100).toFixed(2)
this.saveInfo.deposit = (this.saveInfo.equip_price * this.saveInfo.deposit_ratio_n.replace('%', '') / 100).toFixed(2)
......@@ -429,6 +430,7 @@ export default {
vm.divisionLists = []
vm.pagenum = 1
vm.pagenumPolicy = 1
vm.fromPage = window.localStorage.fromPage
vm.saveInfo.project_id = window.localStorage.project_id // 重新赋值,防止缓存
// vm.productInfo['project_id'] = window.localStorage.project_id // 重新赋值,防止缓存
......@@ -443,7 +445,6 @@ export default {
if (vm.fromPage === 'sale') {
vm.fromList = false
vm.isReadOnly = false
} else if (vm.fromPage === 'list') {
if (window.localStorage.contractReadonly === 'true') {
vm.isReadOnly = true
......@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ export default {
Object.keys(vm.saveInfo).forEach(i => { // 置空saveInfo
if (i !== 'project_id' && i !== 'bp_name') {
if (i !== 'project_id' && i !== 'bp_name' && i !== 'lease_start_date') {
vm.saveInfo[i] = ''
......@@ -796,13 +797,23 @@ export default {
}, */
setTime () {
if (!this.saveInfo.lease_start_date) {
let signDate = new Date(window.localStorage.getItem('signDate').replace(/-/, '/'))
let iToDay = signDate.getDate()
let iToMon = signDate.getMonth()
let iToYear = signDate.getFullYear()
let newDay = new Date(iToYear, iToMon, (iToDay + 30))
this.saveInfo.lease_start_date = `${newDay.getFullYear()}-${(newDay.getMonth()).length === 2 ? newDay.getMonth() : '0' + newDay.getMonth()}-${(newDay.getDate()).length === 2 ? newDay.getDate() : '0' + newDay.getDate()}`
showTime (format) { // 预计付款日
let vm = this
let signDate = new Date(window.localStorage.getItem('signDate').replace(/-/, '/'))
var iToDay = signDate.getDate()
var iToMon = signDate.getMonth()
var iToYear = signDate.getFullYear()
var newDay = new Date(iToYear, iToMon, (iToDay + 30))
let iToDay = signDate.getDate()
let iToMon = signDate.getMonth()
let iToYear = signDate.getFullYear()
let newDay = new Date(iToYear, iToMon, (iToDay + 30))
nowDate: newDay.format('yyyy-MM-dd'),
format: format,
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