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package org.apache.cordova.mediacapture;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.SparseArray;

import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
import org.apache.cordova.LOG;
import org.apache.cordova.PluginResult;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * Holds the pending javascript requests for the plugin
public class PendingRequests {
    private static final String LOG_TAG = "PendingCaptureRequests";

    private static final String CURRENT_ID_KEY = "currentReqId";
    private static final String REQUEST_KEY_PREFIX = "request_";

    private int currentReqId = 0;
    private SparseArray<Request> requests = new SparseArray<Request>();

    private Bundle lastSavedState;
    private CallbackContext resumeContext;

     * Creates a request and adds it to the array of pending requests. Each created request gets a
     * unique result code for use with startActivityForResult() and requestPermission()
     * @param action            The action this request corresponds to (capture image, capture audio, etc.)
     * @param options           The options for this request passed from the javascript
     * @param callbackContext   The CallbackContext to return the result to
     * @return                  The newly created Request object with a unique result code
     * @throws JSONException
    public synchronized Request createRequest(int action, JSONObject options, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
        Request req = new Request(action, options, callbackContext);
        requests.put(req.requestCode, req);
        return req;

     * Gets the request corresponding to this request code
     * @param requestCode   The request code for the desired request
     * @return              The request corresponding to the given request code or null if such a
     *                      request is not found
    public synchronized Request get(int requestCode) {
        // Check to see if this request was saved
        if (lastSavedState != null && lastSavedState.containsKey(REQUEST_KEY_PREFIX + requestCode)) {
            Request r = new Request(lastSavedState.getBundle(REQUEST_KEY_PREFIX + requestCode), this.resumeContext, requestCode);
            requests.put(requestCode, r);

            // Only one of the saved requests will get restored, because that's all cordova-android
            // supports. Having more than one is an extremely unlikely scenario anyway
            this.lastSavedState = null;
            this.resumeContext = null;

            return r;

        return requests.get(requestCode);

     * Removes the request from the array of pending requests and sends an error plugin result
     * to the CallbackContext that contains the given error object
     * @param req   The request to be resolved
     * @param error The error to be returned to the CallbackContext
    public synchronized void resolveWithFailure(Request req, JSONObject error) {

     * Removes the request from the array of pending requests and sends a successful plugin result
     * to the CallbackContext that contains the result of the request
     * @param req   The request to be resolved
    public synchronized void resolveWithSuccess(Request req) {
        req.callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, req.results));

     * Each request gets a unique ID that represents its request code when calls are made to
     * Activities and for permission requests
     * @return  A unique request code
    private synchronized int incrementCurrentReqId() {
        return currentReqId ++;

     * Restore state saved by calling toBundle along with a callbackContext to be used in
     * delivering the results of a pending callback
     * @param lastSavedState    The bundle received from toBundle()
     * @param resumeContext     The callbackContext to return results to
    public synchronized void setLastSavedState(Bundle lastSavedState, CallbackContext resumeContext) {
        this.lastSavedState = lastSavedState;
        this.resumeContext = resumeContext;
        this.currentReqId = lastSavedState.getInt(CURRENT_ID_KEY);

     * Save the current pending requests to a bundle for saving when the Activity gets destroyed.
     * @return  A Bundle that can be used to restore state using setLastSavedState()
    public synchronized Bundle toBundle() {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putInt(CURRENT_ID_KEY, currentReqId);

        for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
            Request r = requests.valueAt(i);
            int requestCode = requests.keyAt(i);
            bundle.putBundle(REQUEST_KEY_PREFIX + requestCode, r.toBundle());

        if (requests.size() > 1) {
            // This scenario is hopefully very unlikely because there isn't much that can be
            // done about it. Should only occur if an external Activity is launched while
            // there is a pending permission request and the device is on low memory
            LOG.w(LOG_TAG, "More than one media capture request pending on Activity destruction. Some requests will be dropped!");

        return bundle;

     * Holds the options and CallbackContext for a capture request made to the plugin.
    public class Request {

        // Keys for use in saving requests to a bundle
        private static final String ACTION_KEY = "action";
        private static final String LIMIT_KEY = "limit";
        private static final String DURATION_KEY = "duration";
        private static final String QUALITY_KEY = "quality";
        private static final String RESULTS_KEY = "results";

        // Unique int used to identify this request in any Android Permission or Activity callbacks
        public int requestCode;

        // The action that this request is performing
        public int action;

        // The number of pics/vids/audio clips to take (CAPTURE_IMAGE, CAPTURE_VIDEO, CAPTURE_AUDIO)
        public long limit = 1;

        // Optional max duration of recording in seconds (CAPTURE_VIDEO only)
        public int duration = 0;

        // Quality level for video capture 0 low, 1 high (CAPTURE_VIDEO only)
        public int quality = 1;

        // The array of results to be returned to the javascript callback on success
        public JSONArray results = new JSONArray();

        // The callback context for this plugin request
        private CallbackContext callbackContext;

        private Request(int action, JSONObject options, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
            this.callbackContext = callbackContext;
            this.action = action;

            if (options != null) {
                this.limit = options.optLong("limit", 1);
                this.duration = options.optInt("duration", 0);
                this.quality = options.optInt("quality", 1);

            this.requestCode = incrementCurrentReqId();

        private Request(Bundle bundle, CallbackContext callbackContext, int requestCode) {
            this.callbackContext = callbackContext;
            this.requestCode = requestCode;
            this.action = bundle.getInt(ACTION_KEY);
            this.limit = bundle.getLong(LIMIT_KEY);
            this.duration = bundle.getInt(DURATION_KEY);
            this.quality = bundle.getInt(QUALITY_KEY);

            try {
                this.results = new JSONArray(bundle.getString(RESULTS_KEY));
            } catch(JSONException e) {
                // This should never be caught
                LOG.e(LOG_TAG, "Error parsing results for request from saved bundle", e);

        private Bundle toBundle() {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

            bundle.putInt(ACTION_KEY, this.action);
            bundle.putLong(LIMIT_KEY, this.limit);
            bundle.putInt(DURATION_KEY, this.duration);
            bundle.putInt(QUALITY_KEY, this.quality);
            bundle.putString(RESULTS_KEY, this.results.toString());

            return bundle;