camera.cpp 4.8 KB
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "camera.h"
#include <cordova.h>

#include <QCameraViewfinder>
#include <QCameraImageCapture>
#include <QGraphicsObject>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QQuickItem>

const char code[] = "\
var component, object;                                                  \
function createObject() {                                               \
    component = Qt.createComponent(%1);                                 \
    if (component.status == Component.Ready)                            \
        finishCreation();                                               \
    else                                                                \
        component.statusChanged.connect(finishCreation);                \
}                                                                       \
function finishCreation() {                                             \ = component.createObject(root, \
        {root: root, cordova: cordova});                                \
}                                                                       \

Camera::Camera(Cordova *cordova):
    _lastEcId(0) {

bool Camera::preprocessImage(QString &path) {
    bool convertToPNG = (*_options.find("encodingType")).toInt() == Camera::PNG;
    int quality = (*_options.find("quality")).toInt();
    int width = (*_options.find("targetWidth")).toInt();
    int height = (*_options.find("targetHeight")).toInt();

    QImage image(path);
    if (width <= 0)
        width = image.width();
    if (height <= 0)
        height = image.height();
    image = image.scaled(width, height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

    QFile oldImage(path);
    QTemporaryFile newImage;

    const char *type;
    if (convertToPNG) {
        path = generateLocation("png");
        type = "png";
    } else {
        path = generateLocation("jpg");
        type = "jpg";
    }, type, quality);


    return true;

void Camera::onImageSaved(QString path) {
    bool dataURL = _options.find("destinationType")->toInt() == Camera::DATA_URL;

    QString cbParams;
    if (preprocessImage(path)) {
        QString absolutePath = QFileInfo(path).absoluteFilePath();
        if (dataURL) {
            QFile image(absolutePath);
            QByteArray content = image.readAll().toBase64();
            cbParams = QString("\"%1\"").arg(;
        } else {
            cbParams = CordovaInternal::format(QString("file://localhost") + absolutePath);

    this->callback(_lastScId, cbParams);

    _lastEcId = _lastScId = 0;

void Camera::takePicture(int scId, int ecId, int quality, int destinationType, int/*sourceType*/, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, int encodingType,
                         int/*mediaType*/, bool/*allowEdit*/, bool/*correctOrientation*/, bool/*saveToPhotoAlbum*/, const QVariantMap &/*popoverOptions*/, int/*cameraDirection*/) {
    if (_camera.isNull()) {
        _camera = QSharedPointer<QCamera>(new QCamera());

    if (((_lastScId || _lastEcId) && (_lastScId != scId && _lastEcId != ecId)) || !_camera->isAvailable() || _camera->lockStatus() != QCamera::Unlocked) {
        this->cb(_lastEcId, "Device is busy");

    _options.insert("quality", quality);
    _options.insert("destinationType", destinationType);
    _options.insert("targetWidth", targetWidth);
    _options.insert("targetHeight", targetHeight);
    _options.insert("encodingType", encodingType);

    _lastScId = scId;
    _lastEcId = ecId;

    QString path = m_cordova->get_app_dir() + "/../qml/CaptureWidget.qml";

    // TODO: relative url
    QString qml = QString(code).arg(CordovaInternal::format(path));

void Camera::cancel() {
    this->cb(_lastEcId, "canceled");

    _lastEcId = _lastScId = 0;