Commit a0761508 authored by 5359's avatar 5359


parent b5d9513a
* Copyright (C), 2018-2021
* FileName: HclcChinaPayController
* Author: lsy
* Date: 2021/12/8 14:40
* Description:
* History:
* <author> <time> <version> <desc>
* lishuangyi 修改时间 版本号 描述
package com.cmb.controllers;
import com.chinapay.service.IHclcChinaPayService;
import com.hand.hap.core.IRequest;
import com.hand.hap.system.controllers.BaseController;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
* 〈〉
* @author 27214
* @create 2021/12/8
* @since 1.0.0
@RequestMapping(value = {"/r/api", "/"})
public class HclcCmbPolyController extends BaseController {
IHclcChinaPayService hclcChinaPayService;
* 4.4签约短信接口
* @param request
* @param params 4.4签约短信接口
* @return Map
public JSONObject sendSignMessage(HttpServletRequest request,
@RequestBody(required = true) JSONObject params) {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
IRequest iRequest = createRequestContext(request);
jsonResult = hclcChinaPayService.sendSignMessage(iRequest, params);
return jsonResult;
* 4.5签约接口
* @param request
* @param params 4.5签约接口
* @return Map
public JSONObject sendSign(HttpServletRequest request,
@RequestBody(required = true) JSONObject params) {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
IRequest iRequest = createRequestContext(request);
jsonResult = hclcChinaPayService.sendSign(iRequest, params);
return jsonResult;
* 4.9 批量交易文件上传接口
* @param request
* @param params 4.9 批量交易文件上传接口
* @return Map
public JSONObject uploadBatch(HttpServletRequest request,
@RequestBody(required = true) JSONObject params) {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
IRequest iRequest = createRequestContext(request);
jsonResult = hclcChinaPayService.uploadBatch(iRequest, params);
return jsonResult;
* 4.11 批量交易回盘文件内容下载接口
* @param request
* @param params 4.11 批量交易回盘文件内容下载接口
* @return Map
public JSONObject downloadBatch(HttpServletRequest request,
@RequestBody(required = true) JSONObject params) {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
IRequest iRequest = createRequestContext(request);
jsonResult = hclcChinaPayService.downloadBatch(iRequest, params);
return jsonResult;
* 4.12 批量交易文件查询接口
* @param request
* @param params 4.12 批量交易文件查询接口
* @return Map
public JSONObject queryBatch(HttpServletRequest request,
@RequestBody(required = true) JSONObject params) {
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();
IRequest iRequest = createRequestContext(request);
jsonResult = hclcChinaPayService.queryBatch(iRequest, params);
return jsonResult;
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