Commit aaadad10 authored by 14699's avatar 14699


parent 0046b8d4
......@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
"build:makeRepayment:test": "set VITE_TARGET=makeRepayment&& vite build --mode test",
"build:makeRepayment:production": "set VITE_TARGET=makeRepayment&& vite build --mode production",
"build:homeMessage:test": "set VITE_TARGET=homeMessage&& vite build --mode test",
"build:homeMessage:production": "set VITE_TARGET=homeMessage&& vite build --mode production"
"build:homeMessage:production": "set VITE_TARGET=homeMessage&& vite build --mode production",
"build:paymentProtocol:test": "set VITE_TARGET=paymentProtocol&& vite build --mode test",
"build:paymentProtocol:production": "set VITE_TARGET=paymentProtocol&& vite build --mode production"
"dependencies": {
"@hips/plugin-vue-jssdk": "^1.1.2",
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<section class="form-area">
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ const api = {
saveInfo(data = {}) {
return post(`${baseURL}/app/api/app/financing/intention/save`, { userId: window.localStorage.getItem('userId'), })
getAgent() {
return post(`${baseURL}/app/api/app/agent/file`, {})
getAgent(data = {}) {
return post(`${baseURL}/app/api/app/agent/file`, data)
......@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ const formRaw = [
title: '代理店联系电话',
propName: 'agentPhone',
type: 'digit',
type: 'input',
value: '',
isRequired: true,
reg: phoneReg
reg: cellPhoneReg
title: '您的姓名/公司名称',
......@@ -149,35 +149,56 @@ const getLocation = () => {
message: '加载中...',
location(function (res) {
let info = JSON.parse(res);
let provineReg = new RegExp(info.address.province)
let cityReg = new RegExp(
let temp1 = agentList.filter(item => provineReg.test(item.provinceIdN));
if (temp1.length > 0) {
let temp2 = temp1.filter(item => cityReg.test(item.cityIdN))
if (temp2.length > 0) {
formConfig.setFormValue('agentBpName', 'value', temp2[0].value)
formConfig.setFormValue('agentPhone', 'value', temp2[0].cellPhone)
checkAgentObj = {
agentBpName: temp2[0].bpName,
agentBpId: temp2[0].bpId
} else {
formConfig.setFormValue('agentBpName', 'value', temp1[0].value)
formConfig.setFormValue('agentPhone', 'value', temp1[0].cellPhone)
checkAgentObj = {
agentBpName: temp1[0].bpName,
agentBpId: temp1[0].bpId
let province = info.address.province;
let city =>0?'ALL';
getLocationRegeo(province +'_'+ city)
// let provineReg = new RegExp(info.address.province)
// let cityReg = new RegExp(
// let temp1 = agentList.filter(item => provineReg.test(item.provinceIdN));
// if (temp1.length > 0) {
// let temp2 = temp1.filter(item => cityReg.test(item.cityIdN))
// if (temp2.length > 0) {
// formConfig.setFormValue('agentBpName', 'value', temp2[0].value)
// formConfig.setFormValue('agentPhone', 'value', temp2[0].cellPhone)
// checkAgentObj = {
// agentBpName: temp2[0].bpName,
// agentBpId: temp2[0].bpId
// }
// } else {
// formConfig.setFormValue('agentBpName', 'value', temp1[0].value)
// formConfig.setFormValue('agentPhone', 'value', temp1[0].cellPhone)
// checkAgentObj = {
// agentBpName: temp1[0].bpName,
// agentBpId: temp1[0].bpId
// }
// }
// }
}, function (error) {
console.error('定位error', error)
const getLocationRegeo = async (area) => {
let agentRes = await api.getAgent({
if (agentRes.success) {
if(agentRes.rows.length > 0){
formConfig.setFormValue('agentBpName', 'value', agentRes.rows[0].bpName)
formConfig.setFormValue('agentPhone', 'value', agentRes.rows[0].cellPhone)
checkAgentObj = {
agentBpName: agentRes.rows[0].bpName,
agentBpId: agentRes.rows[0].bpId
const getFormVal = () => {
if (formStore.intentionData.intentionId) {
......@@ -217,7 +238,8 @@ const handleAgent = async () => {
).map(item => {
return { text: item.bpName, value: item.bpName, ...item }
}).sort((a, b) => (a.text.localeCompare(b.text)))
// .sort((a, b) => (a.text.localeCompare(b.text)))
formStore.agentList = agentList;
// }
......@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ const checkCashflow = (listItem, curIndex) => {
let monthLastDate = moment().endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD') // 获取当前日期本月最后一天
// 判断当期还款日期是否本月最后一天之后
if(moment(listItem.dueDate).isAfter(monthLastDate, 'year')){
return false
return true
import { get, put, post, File, deleteReq } from '@/utils/http'
const baseURL = import.meta.env.VITE_HTTP_BASE_URL
const api = {
// getMakingList (data) { // 查询合同制作列表
// return get(
// `${baseURL}/hlct/v1/0/contracts/toMake`,
// {}
// )
// },
export default api;
const state = {};
export default {
namespaced: true,
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const handleDocumentRender = (args) => {
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pageCount = pdfRef.pageCount
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height: calc(100% - var(--van-nav-bar-height));
overflow-y: auto;
.vue-pdf-embed {}
meta: {
title: '支付协议'
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