Commit 28e21a58 authored by WangRui's avatar WangRui


parent d7cbe26c
<div class="container">
<NavBar :title="navTitle" left-arrow @click-left="goBack" :right-text="navText"/>
<NavBar :title="navTitle" left-arrow @click-left="goBack" :right-text="navText" @click-right="onClickRight"/>
<div class="content">
<div class="header-top">
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
import { goBack } from "@/utils/globalFun"
import { NavBar } from "vant";
const emit = defineEmits(['onClickRight'])
navTitle: {
type: String,
......@@ -62,6 +63,10 @@ defineProps({
const onClickRight = () => {
<style lang="less" scoped>
......@@ -88,22 +88,30 @@
<!-- <Cell title="支付方式" is-link value="内容" />-->
<!-- <van-dialog v-model:show="state.showDialog" z-index="2022">-->
<!-- <div class="van-nav-bar-pay van-hairline&#45;&#45;bottom" data-v-8b47ba6a="">-->
<!-- <div class="van-nav-bar__content">-->
<!-- <div class="van-nav-bar__left van-haptics-feedback" @click="cancel">-->
<!-- <span>X</span>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <div class="van-nav-bar__paytitle van-ellipsis">确认支付</div>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div>jhahha</div>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <img src="" />&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- </van-dialog>-->
<Popup v-model:show="showDialog" position="bottom" :style="{ height: '60%', padding: '20px' }">
<i class="van-badge__wrapper van-icon van-icon-cross van-popup__close-icon van-popup__close-icon--top-right van-haptics-feedback" role="button" tabindex="0"><!----><!----><!----></i>
<div :style="{fontWeight: '600', marginLeft: '130px'}">请输入密码</div>
<div :style="{marginLeft: '135px',marginTop:'10px', marginBottom: '20px'}">
<span :style="{fontSize: '13px'}">金额:{{orderAmount}}</span>
@focus="showKeyboard = true"
<div class="finish-pay" @click="handleFinishAmount">完成</div>
<script setup>
import { Popup, NavBar, Field, Cell,RadioGroup, Radio,CellGroup, Button, NumberKeyboard, Dialog } from 'vant';
import { Popup, NavBar, Field, Cell,RadioGroup, Radio,CellGroup, Button, NumberKeyboard, Dialog, PasswordInput } from 'vant';
import {ref, reactive} from "vue";
const props = defineProps({
......@@ -114,17 +122,17 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['payMoneyClick', 'closePage'])
// const state = reactive({
// showDialog: true, //弹窗
// });
// const showDialog = ref(false);
const showDialog = ref(false);
const show = ref(false);
const checked = ref(null);
const orderAmount = ref(null);
const showModeFlag = ref(true);
// const emit = defineEmits(['update:visible']);
const password = ref([]);
const showKeyboard = ref(true);
const cancel = () => {
// emit('update:visible',false)
emit('closePage', false);
......@@ -137,14 +145,16 @@ const onDelete = () => {
const payMoney = () => {
// state.showDialog = true;
// title: '标题',
message: '代码是写出来给人看的,附带能在机器上运行。',
}).then(() => {
// on close
// emit('closePage', false);
showDialog.value = true;
// Dialog.alert({
// // title: '标题',
// showConfirmButton: false,
// allowHtml: true,
// message: `<div>哈哈哈哈1111</div>`,
// }).then(() => {
// // on close
// });
emit('closePage', false);
const info = {
orderAmount: orderAmount.value,
checked: checked.value,
......@@ -152,6 +162,10 @@ const payMoney = () => {
emit('payMoneyClick', info);
const handleFinishAmount = () => {
showDialog.value = false;
......@@ -208,6 +222,18 @@ const payMoney = () => {
margin-top: 30px;
top: 10px;
left: 5px;
right: 0px;
margin-top: 26px;
/* float: right; */
position: absolute;
right: 50px;
color: #1989fa;
:deep(.van-cell__title.van-field__label) {
margin-top: 10px;
width: 10% ;
......@@ -220,4 +246,10 @@ const payMoney = () => {
background: antiquewhite;
height: 40px;
width: 90%;
:deep(.van-password-input__security li){
border: 1px solid #c4c4c4;
<NavBar title="违约金明细" left-arrow @click-left="goBack" />
<Collapse v-model="activeNames" v-for="(item, index) of damageDetailInfo">
<CollapseItem :title="item.periods" :name="index+1" :value="item.amount">
<CellGroup v-for="(k) of item.detail">
<!-- <Cell title="单元格" value="内容" />-->
<Cell :title="" :value="k.debait" :label="" />
<!-- <CollapseItem title="标题2" name="2">-->
<!-- 技术无非就是那些开发它的人的共同灵魂。-->
<!-- </CollapseItem>-->
<!-- <CollapseItem title="标题3" name="3">-->
<!-- 在代码阅读过程中人们说脏话的频率是衡量代码质量的唯一标准。-->
<!-- </CollapseItem>-->
<script setup>
import { Collapse, CollapseItem, Cell, CellGroup, NavBar } from 'vant';
import {ref, reactive} from "vue";
const damageDetailInfo = ref([
periods: '第一期',
amount: '4300.88',
detail: [
name: '违约金1',
debait: '2300',
date: '2022-12-08',
name: '违约金2',
debait: '2300.88',
date: '2022-12-08',
periods: '第二期',
amount: '4300.88',
detail: [
name: '违约金1',
debait: '2300',
date: '2022-12-08',
name: '违约金2',
debait: '2300.88',
date: '2022-12-08',
const activeNames = ref([]);
<style lang="less" scoped>
<RepayPlan navTitle="还款计划" :currencyObj="currencyObj" navText="违约金明细">
<RepayPlan navTitle="还款计划" :currencyObj="currencyObj" navText="违约金明细" @onClickRight="goDamagesDetail">
<template #list>
<div class="repay_list">
<div class="left">
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import RepayPlan from '@/components/RepayPlan.vue'
import Pay from '../components/Pay.vue'
import { Icon, Dialog } from 'vant'
import {ref} from "vue";
import {useRouter} from "vue-router";
const showDialog = ref(false);
const currencyObj = $ref({
......@@ -77,6 +78,11 @@ const pay = (value) => {
// console.log(payInfo.value)
const router = useRouter();
const goDamagesDetail = () => {
router.push({ name: 'makeRepayment-views-liquidatedDamagesDetails' })
<style lang="less" scoped>
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