(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='DATA_CLASSIFICATION' and c.code_value = t1.archive_type) archive_type_desc,
(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='YES_NO' and c.code_value = 'Y') suppl_trans_flag, t1.hly_req_number as post_batch_num,
nvl((select gps.monthly_closed_flag from gld_periods gp,gld_period_status gps where replace(gp.period_name,'-','')=t1.internal_period_num and gps.company_id = ${/session/@company_id} and gp.internal_period_num=gps.internal_period_num and gps.period_set_code=gp.period_set_code),'N') monthly_closed_flag ,
(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='DATA_CLASSIFICATION' and c.code_value = t1.archive_type) archive_type_desc,
(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='DATA_CLASSIFICATION' and c.code_value = t1.archive_type) archive_type_desc,
(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='YES_NO' and c.code_value = 'Y') suppl_trans_flag,
(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='YES_NO' and c.code_value = 'Y') suppl_trans_flag,
(SELECT c.code_value_name FROM sys_code_values_v c where c.code='POST_STATUS_DESC' and c.code_value =t1.post_status) post_status_desc,
<!--<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1))"/>-->
<!--<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1))"/>-->
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1)
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1)
or( ((t1.SUBMITTED_BY = ${/session/@user_id}) or (t1.APPROVE_USER_CODE = (
or( ((t1.SUBMITTED_BY = ${/session/@user_id}) or (t1.APPROVE_USER_CODE in (
Select distinct e.employee_code From exp_employees e, exp_employee_assigns ea Where e.employee_id =
Select distinct e.employee_code From exp_employees e, exp_employee_assigns ea Where e.employee_id =
ea.employee_id And nvl(e.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y' And nvl(ea.enabled_flag, 'N') =
ea.employee_id And nvl(e.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y' And nvl(ea.enabled_flag, 'N') =
'Y' And
'Y' And
e.employee_id = (Select t.employee_id From sys_user t Where t.user_id = ${/session/@user_id})
e.employee_id in (Select t.employee_id From sys_user t Where t.user_id = ${/session/@user_id})
) ) ) and t1.workflow_code = 'HLS_JOURNAL_WFL'))"/>
) ) ) and t1.workflow_code in('HLS_JOURNAL_WFL','HLS_JOURNAL_REVERSE_WFL')))"/>
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var file_templet_get_atm_path = $bm('zjwfl.ZJWFL1060.wfl_instance_pdf').queryAsMap({
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@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@
@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@
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var brwt = new BookmarksReplaceWithText($instance('leaf.database.service.IDatabaseServiceFactory'), $instance('uncertain.ocm.IObjectRegistry'), $ctx.getData());
@@ -70,7 +75,8 @@
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instance_id: instance_id,
instance_id: instance_id,
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file_name: to_file_name.toString(),
file_path: to_file_path.toString(),
file_path: to_file_path.toString(),
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