Commit f7a579e2 authored by gzj34291's avatar gzj34291


parent 4e3face0
......@@ -41,6 +41,32 @@ var override_queryfields = [
var add_datafilters = [];
var add_datafilters = [
expression : "(exists (SELECT 1\n" +
" FROM hls_bp_master hm,\n" +
" exp_org_unit u,\n" +
" exp_org_position op,\n" +
" exp_employee_assigns ea,\n" +
" sys_user su\n" +
" where hm.unit_id = u.unit_id\n" +
" and u.unit_id = op.unit_id\n" +
" and ea.position_id = op.position_id\n" +
" and ea.employee_id = su.employee_id\n" +
" and hm.bp_id = t1.bp_agent_id\n" +
" and su.user_id = ${/session/@user_id}) or\n" +
" exists(SELECT 1\n" +
" FROM sys_role sr\n" +
" WHERE sr.role_id =${/session/@role_id}\n" +
" and sr.role_code in ('0017', 'HAND')) or exists (select 1\n" +
" from exp_employees ee, exp_employee_types et,sys_user us\n" +
" where ee.employee_id = us.employee_id\n" +
" and ee.employee_type_id = et.employee_type_id\n" +
" and et.employee_type_code = 'STAFF'\n" +
" and us.user_id = ${/session/@user_id}))"
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