Commit cd25c2a0 authored by 18083's avatar 18083

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

parents 851534b0 e5acd67c
......@@ -58,11 +58,12 @@
<!--<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL&apos;, &apos;DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ&apos;, &apos;DEPOSIT_RETURN&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;PROJECT_WFL&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;CON_ET_WFL&apos;,&apos;TENANT_CHANGE_WFL&apos;,&apos;CON_BUYBACK_WFL&apos;,&apos;DEPOSIT_RETURN&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1))"/>-->
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL&apos;, &apos;DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ&apos;, &apos;DEPOSIT_RETURN&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;PROJECT_WFL&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in (&apos;CON_ET_WFL&apos;,&apos;TENANT_CHANGE_WFL&apos;,&apos;CON_BUYBACK_WFL&apos;,&apos;DEPOSIT_RETURN&apos;)) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1)
or( ((t1.SUBMITTED_BY = ${/session/@user_id}) or (t1.APPROVE_USER_CODE in (
Select distinct e.employee_code From exp_employees e, exp_employee_assigns ea Where e.employee_id =
ea.employee_id And nvl(e.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y' And nvl(ea.enabled_flag, 'N') =
'Y' And
e.employee_id in (Select t.employee_id From sys_user t Where t.user_id = ${/session/@user_id})
) ) ) and t1.workflow_code in('HLS_JOURNAL_WFL','HLS_JOURNAL_REVERSE_WFL')))"/>
or( ((t1.SUBMITTED_BY = ${/session/@user_id}) or ( (Select t.user_name From sys_user t Where t.user_id = ${/session/@user_id})
in (Select u.user_name
From zj_wfl_instance_node_recipient t, sys_user u
Where t.instance_id = t1.instance_id
And t.user_id = u.user_id
And t.record_type = 'APPROVER')
) ) and t1.workflow_code in('HLS_JOURNAL_WFL','HLS_JOURNAL_REVERSE_WFL')))"/>
......@@ -974,6 +974,13 @@
var hls_bp_master_ds_id = f_bp_create_ds_id;
if ( == hls_bp_master_ds_id && hls_bp_master_ds_id) {
if (name == 'due_box') {
if (value == 'Y') {
record.set('due_date', '2099-12-31');
}else if(value == 'N'){
record.set('due_date', '');
if (name == 'id_card_no_leg') {
if (!value) {
record.set('ccx_resmsg1', '');
......@@ -805,6 +805,13 @@
var test_ds_id2 = get_dsid_by_tabcode_basetable(window['${/parameter/@layout_code}_layoutDataSetList'], 'F_SPOUSE', 'hls_bp_master');
if ( == f_bp_create_ds_id) {
if (name == 'due_box') {
if (value == 'Y') {
record.set('due_date', '2099-12-31');
}else if(value == 'N'){
record.set('due_date', '');
var hd_ds = get_dsid_by_tabcode_basetable(window['${/parameter/@layout_code}_layoutDataSetList'], 'F_BASIC', 'hls_bp_master');
record = $(hd_ds).getCurrentRecord();
......@@ -808,6 +808,13 @@
var test_ds_id2 = get_dsid_by_tabcode_basetable(window['${/parameter/@layout_code}_layoutDataSetList'], 'F_SPOUSE', 'hls_bp_master_req');
if ( == f_bp_create_ds_id) {
if (name == 'due_box') {
if (value == 'Y') {
record.set('due_date', '2099-12-31');
}else if(value == 'N'){
record.set('due_date', '');
var hd_ds = get_dsid_by_tabcode_basetable(window['${/parameter/@layout_code}_layoutDataSetList'], 'F_BASIC', 'hls_bp_master_req');
record = $(hd_ds).getCurrentRecord();
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