(select count(v.unit_id) from hls_bp_master v where v.enabled_flag = 'Y' and v.bp_id = t.bp_id) = 1
(Select u.unit_name From exp_org_unit_v u Where u.unit_id = (select v.unit_id from hls_bp_master v where v.enabled_flag = 'Y' and v.bp_id = t.bp_id))
' '
) extra_nam,
(Select u.bp_code From hls_bp_master u Where u.unit_id = (select v.unit_id from hls_bp_master v where v.enabled_flag = 'Y' and v.bp_id = t.bp_id) and u.bp_type = 'AGENT') bp_code,
new Ext.Template('<iframe id ="_input_window" name="_input_window" border="0" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%" style="border:none;padding:0px;margin:0px;"></iframe>').insertFirst(_input_window.body.dom, {}, true);
var form = document.getElementById('importForm');
var url = '${/request/@context_path}/modules/csh/CSH1400/csh_abc_excel_import.lview?session_id=${/parameter/@session_id}&winid=${/parameter/@winid}&batch_id=${/parameter/@batch_id}&_csrf=${/session/@_csrf.token}';