expression="c.contract_id = ccc.contract_id and ccc.due_date <= trunc(sysdate) and c.data_class = 'NORMAL' and ccc.write_off_flag != 'FULL' and c.contract_status in ('SIGN','INCEPT') and ccc.cf_status = 'RELEASE' and ccc.cf_direction = 'INFLOW' and c.pay_method is not null"/>
expression="c.contract_id = ccc.contract_id and ccc.due_date <= trunc(sysdate) and c.data_class = 'NORMAL' and ccc.write_off_flag != 'FULL' and c.contract_status in ('SIGN','INCEPT') and ccc.cf_status = 'RELEASE' and ccc.cf_direction = 'INFLOW' and c.pay_method is not null and ccc.cf_item in (1,9)"/>
expression="not exists(select 1 from hls_ebank_batch_group g,hls_ebank_batch_ln l where g.status in ('NEW','DEAL') and g.group_id = l.group_id and l.cashflow_id = ccc.cashflow_id)"/>
<bm:fieldname="agent_id_desc"expression="(select hbm.bp_name from hls_bp_master hbm where hbm.bp_id = t1.agent_id)"forUpdate="false"forInsert="false"/>
<bm:fieldname="bp_tenant_name"expression="(select bp_name from hls_bp_master where bp_id = t1.write_off_bp_id)"forInsert="false"forUpdate="false"/>
<bm:fieldname="bp_tenant_name"expression="(select bp_name from hls_bp_master h,con_contract c where h.bp_id = c.bp_id_tenant and c.contract_id = t1.contract_id)"forInsert="false"forUpdate="false"/>