Commit 71a21eea authored by Spencer Chang's avatar Spencer Chang

[fix] 变更默认添加用印信息

parent 4c8b6faa
......@@ -172,6 +172,19 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_change_req_pkg is
p_simulation_flag => p_simulation_flag,
p_cashflow_change_flag => 'Y',
p_user_id => p_user_id);
if p_req_type = 'LEASE_CHAG' then
cus_con_change_req_pkg.insert_hls_document_use_seal(p_change_req_id => v_change_req_id,
p_document_table => 'CON_CONTRACT_CHANGE_REQ',
p_instruments_types => '权力义务转让文本',
p_common_seal => 'Y',
p_corporate_visa_seal => 'Y',
p_legal_seal => 'N',
p_con_special_seal => 'N',
p_financial_seal => 'N',
p_supervisio_seal => 'N',
p_seal_number => 'SEAL_O_TW_NUMBER',
p_user_id => p_user_id);
end if;
p_change_req_id := v_change_req_id;
end create_change_req;
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_contract_repo_pkg is
con_contract_history_pkg.create_change_req(p_contract_id => p_contract_id,
p_change_req_id => v_change_req_id,
p_req_date => sysdate,
p_ref_v01 => null,
p_ref_v01 => p_user_id,
p_description => null,
p_change_quotation => null,
p_change_lease_item => null,
......@@ -189,6 +189,29 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_contract_repo_pkg is
c.last_updated_by = p_user_id,
c.last_update_date = sysdate
where c.contract_id = v_change_req_id;
cus_con_change_req_pkg.insert_hls_document_use_seal(p_change_req_id => v_change_req_id,
p_document_table => 'CON_CONTRACT_CHANGE_REQ',
p_instruments_types => '解除融资租赁合同协议',
p_common_seal => 'Y',
p_corporate_visa_seal => 'Y',
p_legal_seal => 'N',
p_con_special_seal => 'N',
p_financial_seal => 'N',
p_supervisio_seal => 'N',
p_seal_number => 'SEAL_O_TW_NUMBER',
p_user_id => p_user_id);
cus_con_change_req_pkg.insert_hls_document_use_seal(p_change_req_id => v_change_req_id,
p_document_table => 'CON_CONTRACT_CHANGE_REQ',
p_instruments_types => '《融资租赁合同》之补充协议(回购合同)',
p_common_seal => 'Y',
p_corporate_visa_seal => 'Y',
p_legal_seal => 'N',
p_con_special_seal => 'N',
p_financial_seal => 'N',
p_supervisio_seal => 'N',
p_seal_number => 'SEAL_O_TW_NUMBER',
p_user_id => p_user_id);
p_change_req_id := v_change_req_id;
procedure delete_cashflow(p_contract_id number, p_times number) is
......@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_et_pkg is
v_contract_rec := get_contract_rec(p_contract_id, p_user_id);
if v_contract_rec.contract_status <> 'INCEPT' and p_req_type = 'ET' then
if v_contract_rec.contract_status <> 'INCEPT' and
p_req_type = 'ET_CHAG' then
sys_raise_app_error_pkg.raise_sys_others_error(p_message => '只有起租状态的合同才能进行提前结清申请!',
p_created_by => p_user_id,
p_package_name => 'cus_con_et_pkg',
......@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_et_pkg is
con_contract_history_pkg.create_change_req(p_contract_id => p_contract_id,
p_change_req_id => v_change_req_id,
p_req_date => sysdate,
p_ref_v01 => null,
p_ref_v01 => p_user_id,
p_description => null,
p_change_quotation => null,
p_change_lease_item => null,
......@@ -106,6 +107,18 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_et_pkg is
p_simulation_flag => p_simulation_flag,
p_et_flag => 'Y',
p_user_id => p_user_id);
cus_con_change_req_pkg.insert_hls_document_use_seal(p_change_req_id => v_change_req_id,
p_document_table => 'CON_CONTRACT_CHANGE_REQ',
p_instruments_types => '《融资租赁合同》之补充协议(提前结清)',
p_common_seal => 'Y',
p_corporate_visa_seal => 'Y',
p_legal_seal => 'N',
p_con_special_seal => 'N',
p_financial_seal => 'N',
p_supervisio_seal => 'N',
p_seal_number => 'SEAL_O_TW_NUMBER',
p_user_id => p_user_id);
p_change_req_id := v_change_req_id;
end create_change_req_et;
create or replace view hls_document_use_seal_vl as
select t.document_use_seal_id,
t.document_id AS contract_id,
t.document_id AS change_req_id,
(select v.code_value_name
from sys_code_values_v v
......@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ select t.document_use_seal_id,
where v.code_value = t.seal_number
and v.code = 'SEAL_NUMBER'
and v.code_enabled_flag='Y'
and v.code_value_enabled_flag='Y') seal_number_n
and v.code_value_enabled_flag='Y') seal_number_n
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