<bm:query-fieldname="description"queryExpression="t1.description like '%'||${@description}||'%'"/>
<bm:query-fieldname="query_reversed_flag"queryExpression="(${@query_reversed_flag}='Y' and nvl(t1.reversed_flag,'N')='N')"/>
<bm:query-fieldname="status_list_flag"queryExpression="(${@status_list_flag}='Y' and t1.status in ('U','B'))"/>
<bm:query-fieldname="gld_flag"queryExpression="exists (select 1 from gld_je_transaction d where d.je_transaction_code = t1.je_transaction_code and d.gld_flag = ${@gld_flag})"/>
<!--<bm:query-field name="gld_flag" queryExpression="exists (select 1 from gld_je_transaction d where d.je_transaction_code = t1.je_transaction_code and d.gld_flag = ${@gld_flag})"/>-->
<bm:query-fieldname="bp_id_tenant"queryExpression="exists (select 1 from hls_journal_detail_v dv where dv.reference1=(select a.bp_code from hls_bp_master a where a.bp_id=${@bp_id_tenant} )and dv.journal_header_id=t1.journal_header_id )"/>
<bm:query-fieldname="desc"queryExpression="t1.description like '%'||${@desc}||'%' "/>
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="(CASE WHEN ${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('HAND','0017')) THEN nvl(t1.manual_flag,'N') else 'N' end ='N')"/>
<!--<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN','WFL_FEE_REMIT')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1))"/>-->
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1)
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0017','HAND')) and t1.workflow_code not in ('HLS_JOURNAL_WFL', 'HLS_JOURNAL_REVERSE_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014','0017','HAND')) and 1 = 1)
or( ((t1.SUBMITTED_BY = ${/session/@user_id}) or (