expression:"(exists (select 1 from aut_trx_user_authorize a1, aut_owner_user_authorize a2 where a1.trx_category = 'CONTRACT' and a1.trx_id = t1.contract_id and trunc(sysdate) between a1.start_date and nvl(a1.end_date, trunc(sysdate)) and a1.user_id = a2.owner_user_id and a1.trx_category = a2.trx_category and a2.authorized_user_id = ${/session/@user_id} and trunc(sysdate) between a2.start_date and nvl(a2.end_date, trunc(sysdate))))"
expression:"(exists (select 1 from aut_trx_user_authorize a1, aut_owner_user_authorize a2 where a1.trx_category = 'CONTRACT' and a1.trx_id = t1.contract_id and trunc(sysdate) between a1.start_date and nvl(a1.end_date, trunc(sysdate)) and a1.user_id = a2.owner_user_id and a1.trx_category = a2.trx_category and a2.authorized_user_id = ${/session/@user_id} and trunc(sysdate) between a2.start_date and nvl(a2.end_date, trunc(sysdate))))"