mobile_project_rsc.lwm 1.34 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bm:model xmlns:bm="">
        <bm:operation name="query">
  (select bt.description from hls_business_type bt where bt.business_type = cl.business_type) credit_type,--额度类型
  (select et.type_name from gld_exchangerate_types_vl et where et.type_code = cl.exchange_rate_type) exchange_type,--汇率类型
   1 exchange_rate,--汇率
   to_char(cl.valid_from,'YYYY-MM-DD')  valid_from, --有效日期从
   to_char(cl.valid_to,'YYYY-MM-DD')  valid_to--有效日期到 
from rsc_credit_line cl
        <bm:data-filter enforceOperations="query" expression="cl.project_id = (SELECT ip.parameter_value FROM   zj_wfl_workflow_instance wi,zj_wfl_workflow          ww,zj_wfl_workflow_type_parameter tp,zj_wfl_workflow_instance_para ip WHERE  wi.workflow_id = ww.workflow_id AND ww.workflow_type_id = tp.workflow_type_id AND    tp.parameter_code = &apos;PROJECT_ID&apos; AND    ip.workflow_type_para_id = tp.workflow_type_para_id AND    wi.instance_id = ip.instance_id and wi.instance_id = ${/parameter/@instance_id} and rownum=1)"/>