aut_allocation_desc.lwm 1.38 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bm:model xmlns:f="leaf.database.features" xmlns:bm="" alias="t1" needAccessControl="flase">
        <bm:operation name="query">
                    (select distinct su.user_id,su.user_name,su.description
					from zj_wfl_workflow zw,
					     zj_wfl_workflow_node zwn,
					     zj_wfl_workflow_assign_rule zwr,
					     cfl_wfl_approver_group cg,
					     cfl_wf_approver_relation cr,
					     sys_user su
					where zw.workflow_code='WFL_PRJ'
					and   zw.enabled_flag='Y'
					and   zwn.workflow_id=zw.workflow_id
					and   zwn.sequence_num in (10,15,20,30)
					and   zwr.assign_source_id=zwn.node_id
					and   zwr.company_id=1
					and   cg.approver_group_code=zwr.parameter_value_code1
					and   cg.enabled_flag='Y'
					and   cr.approver_group_id=cg.approver_group_id
					and   cr.enabled_flag='Y'
					and   su.employee_id=cr.approver_employee_id
                    ) t1 #WHERE_CLAUSE#
    <!--  <bm:query-fields>
        <bm:query-field name="user_id" queryExpression="t1.user_id like ${@user_id}"/>
    </bm:query-fields> -->