get_sub_condition.lwm 770 Bytes
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    $Author: WangYu  
    $Date: 2014-11-10 下午02:22:33  
    $Revision: 1.0  
<bm:model xmlns:bm="" needAccessControl="false">
        <bm:operation name="query">
            <bm:query-sql><![CDATA[select 'Y' flag from dual where exists (select * from yonda_doc_status_history_vl t,con_contract cc where t.document_category='PROJECT' and cc.contract_id = ${/parameter/@contract_id} and t.document_id=cc.project_id and t.status = '290')]]></bm:query-sql>
        <bm:field name="flag" databaseType="CHAR" datatype="java.lang.String" physicalName="flag"/>