Commit 0defa9bf authored by 高洋's avatar 高洋


Auto commit by GitBook Editor
parent 18684b9a
......@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
在 HelParent 项目录下执行:
- MySql
- `mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -D db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -D db.url=jdbc:mysql:// -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev`
- `mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -D db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -D db.url=jdbc:mysql:// -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev`
- SqlServer
- `mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev-D -D db.url="jdbc:sqlserver://; DatabaseName=hel_dev"`
- `mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev-D -D db.url="jdbc:sqlserver://; DatabaseName=hel"`
- Oracle
- `mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -D db.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver -D db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev
- `mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -D db.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver -D db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev
- 以上命令中,需要按实际情况修改 url,user,password
### 测试
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
> 注意
* 如果项目中过有覆盖过HEL的xml配置文件,更新以后请注意比对有没有变化
* 新建项目默认依赖的是1.0.0-RELEASE版本的HEL,后续更新可能会涉及数据库的变化,请注意同步更新数据库
* 新建项目默认依赖的是1.0.0-RELEASE版本的HEL,后续更新可能会涉及数据库的变化,请注意同步更新数据库,同步指令如下:`mvn process-resources -D skipLiquibaseRun=false -D db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -D db.url=jdbc:mysql:// -Ddb.user=hel_dev -Ddb.password=hel_dev -Ddb.skipUpdateTables=sys_user,sys_function_b`
\ No newline at end of file
# hlsCombobox标签
hlsCombobox 下拉列表组件
<h: hlsCombobox placeholder="hlsCombobox"
bind="enabled: isEnabled, source: comboboxSource, value:data.productId"
style="width: 100%;"/>
### **主要属性**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| animation | Boolean |
| autoBind | Boolean |
| autoWidth | Boolean |
| cascadeFrom | String |
| cascadeFromField | String |
| clearButton | Boolean |
| dataSource | DataSource |
| dataTextField | String |
| dataValueField | String |
| delay | Number |
| enable | Boolean |
| enforceMinLength | Boolean |
| filter | String |
| fixedGroupTemplate | String \| Function |
| footerTemplate | String \| Function |
| groupTemplate | String \| Function |
| height | Number |
| highlightFirst | Boolean |
| ignoreCase | Boolean |
| index | Number |
| minLength | Number |
| noDataTemplate | String \| Function |
| placeholder | String |
| suggest | Boolean |
| headerTemplate | String \| Function |
| template | String \| Function |
| text | String |
| value | String |
| valuePrimitive | Boolean |
| virtual | Boolean |
| change | Function |
| close | Function |
| dataBound | Function |
| filtering | Function |
| open | Function |
| select | Function |
| cascade | Function |
> 属性用法请参考KendoUI文档 [http:\/\/\/kendo-ui\/api\/javascript\/ui\/combobox](
### **用法示例**
var dataSource= new{
var itemTemplate = function (){
function onComboboxChange(e){
var value = this.value();
// Use the value of the widget.
<h: hlsCombobox id="hlsCombobox" dataSource="dataSource" clearButton="true" placeholder="test" enable="false" template="fn:itemTemplate" change="onComboboxChange"/>
> **提示:** 某些属性类型为**String \| Function** 时,表明它可以定义为字符串或者函数。因此当需要定义为Function时需要增加前缀**fn:**来区分\(例如函数template="fn:itemTemplate" \)
### **主要子节点**
* animation
* popup
* virtual
### **animation**
* open 打开效果
* close 关闭效果
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| effects | String |
| duration | Number |
<h: hlsCombobox id=" hlsCombobox ">
<h:close effects="zoom:out" duration="300"/>
<h:open effects="zoom:in" duration="300"/>
</h: hlsCombobox >
### **popup**
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| appendTo | String |
| origin | String |
| position | String |
<h: hlsCombobox id="combobox">
<h:popup appendTo="container" origin="top left" position="top left"/>
</h: hlsCombobox >
### **virtual**
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| itemHeight | Number |
| mapValueTo | String |
| valueMapper | Function |
function valueMapper(){
url: "",
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: convertValues(options.value),
success: function(data) {
//the **data** is either index or array of indices.
// 10258 -> 10 (index in the Orders collection)
// [10258, 10261] -> [10, 14] (indices in the Orders collection)
<h: hlsCombobox id="combobox">
<h:virtual itemHeight ="20" mapValueTo="index" valueMapper="valueMapper"/>
</h: hlsCombobox >
# hlsCombobox标签
hlsCombobox 下拉列表组件
<h: hlsCombobox placeholder="hlsCombobox"
bind="enabled: isEnabled, source: comboboxSource, value:data.productId"
style="width: 100%;"/>
### **主要属性**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| animation | Boolean |
| autoBind | Boolean |
| autoWidth | Boolean |
| cascadeFrom | String |
| cascadeFromField | String |
| clearButton | Boolean |
| dataSource | DataSource |
| dataTextField | String |
| dataValueField | String |
| delay | Number |
| enable | Boolean |
| enforceMinLength | Boolean |
| filter | String |
| fixedGroupTemplate | String \| Function |
| footerTemplate | String \| Function |
| groupTemplate | String \| Function |
| height | Number |
| highlightFirst | Boolean |
| ignoreCase | Boolean |
| index | Number |
| minLength | Number |
| noDataTemplate | String \| Function |
| placeholder | String |
| suggest | Boolean |
| headerTemplate | String \| Function |
| template | String \| Function |
| text | String |
| value | String |
| valuePrimitive | Boolean |
| virtual | Boolean |
| change | Function |
| close | Function |
| dataBound | Function |
| filtering | Function |
| open | Function |
| select | Function |
| cascade | Function |
> 属性用法请参考KendoUI文档 [http:\/\/\/kendo-ui\/api\/javascript\/ui\/combobox](
### **用法示例**
var dataSource= new{
var itemTemplate = function (){
function onComboboxChange(e){
var value = this.value();
// Use the value of the widget.
<h: hlsCombobox id="hlsCombobox" dataSource="dataSource" clearButton="true" placeholder="test" enable="false" template="fn:itemTemplate" change="onComboboxChange"/>
> **提示:** 某些属性类型为**String \| Function** 时,表明它可以定义为字符串或者函数。因此当需要定义为Function时需要增加前缀**fn:**来区分\(例如函数template="fn:itemTemplate" \)
### **主要子节点**
* animation
* popup
* virtual
### **animation**
* open 打开效果
* close 关闭效果
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| effects | String |
| duration | Number |
<h: hlsCombobox id=" hlsCombobox ">
<h:close effects="zoom:out" duration="300"/>
<h:open effects="zoom:in" duration="300"/>
</h: hlsCombobox >
### **popup**
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| appendTo | String |
| origin | String |
| position | String |
<h: hlsCombobox id="combobox">
<h:popup appendTo="container" origin="top left" position="top left"/>
</h: hlsCombobox >
### **virtual**
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| itemHeight | Number |
| mapValueTo | String |
| valueMapper | Function |
function valueMapper(){
url: "",
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: convertValues(options.value),
success: function(data) {
//the **data** is either index or array of indices.
// 10258 -> 10 (index in the Orders collection)
// [10258, 10261] -> [10, 14] (indices in the Orders collection)
<h: hlsCombobox id="combobox">
<h:virtual itemHeight ="20" mapValueTo="index" valueMapper="valueMapper"/>
</h: hlsCombobox >
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