Commit cb14e6c0 authored by nature2104's avatar nature2104


parent bbc0de27
### 此文件夹存放第三方js
* 基础 mixins
import { case2Param } from '../utils'
const preName = 'hls'
export default {
methods: {
* 生成 css class helper
* c() // 'hls-componentName'
* c('wrap') // 'hls-componentName-wrap'
* c('wrap--active') // 'hls-componentName-wrap--active'
* @param {String} className 类名
* @returns String
c (className) {
const { name } = this.$options // 组件名
return className ? `${preName}-${case2Param(name)}-${className}` : `${preName}-${case2Param(name)}`
import base from './base'
import prefix from './prefix'
import touch from './touch'
export {
const preName = 'hls'
export default {
methods: {
// 生成 css class
b (className) {
return className ? `${preName}-${className}` : ''
export default {
methods: {
onTouchStart (event) {
this.direction = ''
this.deltaX = 0
this.deltaY = 0
this.offsetX = 0
this.offsetY = 0
this.startX = event.touches[0].clientX
this.startY = event.touches[0].clientY
onTouchMove (event) {
const touch = event.touches[0]
this.deltaX = touch.clientX - this.startX
this.deltaY = touch.clientY - this.startY
this.offsetX = Math.abs(this.deltaX)
this.offsetY = Math.abs(this.deltaY)
this.direction = this.offsetX > this.offsetY ? 'horizontal' : this.offsetX < this.offsetY ? 'vertical' : ''
This diff is collapsed.
* 一些帮助函数
* setTimeout 的 promise 封装
* @param {Number} time
* @returns
export function timeout (time) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, time)
* 断言
* @param {any} condition 条件
* @param {any} msg 信息
export function assert (condition, msg) {
if (!condition) throw new Error(`[hls-ui] ${msg}`)
* 改变 case 格式为 param
* @param {String} str 字符串
export function case2Param (str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string', 'case2Param 传入数据类型错误:应为 String')
str = str.replace(/^[A-Z]/g, $0 => $0.toLowerCase())
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, $0 => `-${$0.toLowerCase()}`)
* 判断平台
* @return {String} 平台
export function detectOS () {
const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
if (/MicroMessenger/i.test(ua)) {
return 'weixin'
} else if (/iPhone|iPad|iPod|iOS/i.test(ua)) {
return 'ios'
} else if (/Android/i.test(ua)) {
return 'android'
} else {
return 'other'
* 取URL上的参数
* @param {String} param 参数名
* @return {String}
export function getUrlParam (param) {
const result = window.location.href.match(new RegExp('(\\?|&)' + param + '(\\[\\])?=([^&#]*)'))
return result ? result[3] : undefined
* 动态插入 script to html
* @param url
* @param callback
export function createScript (url, callback) {
const oScript = document.createElement('script')
oScript.type = 'text/javascript'
oScript.async = true
oScript.src = url
* IE6/7/8 -- onreadystatechange
* IE9/10 -- onreadystatechange, onload
* Firefox/Chrome/Opera -- onload
const isIE = !-[1,] // eslint-disable-line
if (isIE) {
// 判断IE8及以下浏览器
oScript.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') {
callback && callback()
} else {
// IE9及以上浏览器,Firefox,Chrome,Opera
oScript.onload = function () {
callback && callback()
export function range (num, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max)
function trimExtraChar (value, char, regExp) {
const index = value.indexOf(char)
if (index === -1) {
return value
if (char === '-' && index !== 0) {
return value.slice(0, index)
return value.slice(0, index + 1) + value.slice(index).replace(regExp, '')
export function formatNumber (value, allowDot) {
if (value) {
if (allowDot) {
value = trimExtraChar(value, '.', /\./g)
} else {
value = value.split('.')[0]
value = trimExtraChar(value, '-', /-/g)
const regExp = allowDot ? /[^-0-9.]/g : /[^-0-9]/g
return value.replace(regExp, '')
export function isDef (val) {
return val !== undefined && val !== null && val !== ''
export function isUndefined (value) {
return === '[object Undefined]'
export function isString (value) {
return === '[object String]'
export function isNumber (value) {
return === '[object Number]'
export function isBoolean (value) {
return === '[object Boolean]'
export function isNull (value) {
return === '[object Null]'
export function isObject (value) {
return === '[object Object]'
export function isFunction (value) {
return === '[object Function]'
export function isArray (value) {
return === '[object Array]'
export function isDate (value) {
return === '[object Date]'
export function isRegExp (value) {
return === '[object RegExp]'
/* eslint-disable */
* YDUI 可伸缩布局方案
* rem计算方式:设计图尺寸px / 50 = 实际rem 例: 100px = 2rem
!(function(window) {
/* 设计图文档宽度 */
var docWidth = 750;
var doc = window.document,
docEl = doc.documentElement,
resizeEvt = 'orientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize';
var recalc = (function refreshRem() {
var clientWidth = docEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
/* 8.55:小于320px不再缩小,11.2:大于420px不再放大 */ = Math.max(Math.min(20 * (clientWidth / docWidth), 11.2), 8.55) * 5 + 'px';
return refreshRem;
/* 添加倍屏标识,安卓倍屏为1 */
docEl.setAttribute('data-dpr', window.navigator.appVersion.match(/iphone/gi) ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1);
if (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
/* 添加IOS标识 */
/* IOS8以上给html添加hairline样式,以便特殊处理 */
if (parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/)[1], 10) >= 8) doc.documentElement.classList.add('hairline');
if (!doc.addEventListener) return;
window.addEventListener(resizeEvt, recalc, false);
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', recalc, false);
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