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# Cordova Plugin Fingerprint All-In-One
## **Android** and **iOS**

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**This plugin provides a single and simple interface for accessing fingerprint APIs on both Android 6+ and iOS.**

## Features

* Check if fingerprint scanner is available
* Fingerprint authentication
* Ionic Native support
* ngCordova support
* Fallback options
* Now with **FaceID** on iPhone X

### Platforms

* Android - Minimum SDK 23
* iOS - **XCode 9.2 or higher** required
  * _Please set `<preference name="UseSwiftLanguageVersion" value="3.2" />` in your config.xml_

## How to use


**[Tutorial about using this plugin with Ionic](** thanks to Paul Halliday


[ngCordova Example](

[Ionic Native Example](


### Install

**Install from NPM**

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio --save

If you want to set a FaceID description use:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio --variable FACEID_USAGE_DESCRIPTION="Login now...."

**Use Release candidate**

You can use preview versions with the `rc` tag on npm.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio@rc

**Use this Github repo**

Get the latest development version. *Not recommended!*

cordova plugin add

### Check if fingerprint authentication is available
Fingerprint.isAvailable(isAvailableSuccess, isAvailableError);

    function isAvailableSuccess(result) {
      result depends on device and os. 
      iPhone X will return 'face' other Android or iOS devices will return 'finger'  
      alert("Fingerprint available");

    function isAvailableError(message) {

### Show authentication dialogue
      clientId: "Fingerprint-Demo",
      clientSecret: "password" //Only necessary for Android
    }, successCallback, errorCallback);

    function successCallback(){
      alert("Authentication successfull");

    function errorCallback(err){
      alert("Authentication invalid " + err);
**Optional parameters**

* __disableBackup__: If true remove backup option on authentication dialogue for Android. Default false.
* __localizedFallbackTitle__ (iOS only): Title of fallback button.
* __localizedReason__ (iOS only): Description in authentication dialogue.

## Thanks to the authors of the original fingerprint plugins

Some code is refactored from their projects and I learned how to make Cordova plugins from their great plugins:

@EddyVerbruggen and @mjwheatley



## License

* Project and iOS source -> MIT
* Android source -> MIT and Apache 2.0