Commit ae2f265a authored by nature's avatar nature


parent 2cdfa7f8
......@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ export default (Vue) => {
Vue.filter('currency', function (val) {
if (!val) return '0.00'
var intPart = parseInt(Number(val)) // 获取整数部分
// var intPart = parseInt(Number(val)) // 获取整数部分
var value2Array = (val + '').split('.')
var intPart = value2Array.length === 2 ? value2Array[0] : val
var intPartFormat = intPart.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,') // 将整数部分逢三一断
var floatPart = '.00' // 预定义小数部分
var value2Array = (val + '').split('.')
// =2表示数据有小数位
if (value2Array.length === 2) {
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
background-color: #fff;
position: relative;
line-height: 24px;
min-height: 45px;
&:after {
......@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ export default {
if (currencyInput && value !== currencyInput.value) {
currencyInput.value = value
let uncurrency = this.$options.filter['uncurrency']
this.currencyValue = uncurrency(value)
this.$emit('input', this.currencyValue)
// let uncurrency = this.$options.filter['uncurrency']
// this.currencyValue = uncurrency(value)
this.$emit('input', value)
onFocus (event) {
if (this.readonly || this.disabled) {
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export default {
itemHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 45,
default: null,
showIcon: {
type: Boolean,
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<div :style="{'flex':proportion[1] }" class="field-value">
<div :class="{'field-control-error':hasError}" class="field-body">
v-if="type!=='number' && type!=='textarea'"
v-if="type!=='number' && type!=='textarea' && type!=='txt'"
:readonly="readonly" :disabled="disabled" :placeholder="placehold" :value="value"
......@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
<div v-if="type==='txt'" class="field-control">{{ value }}</div>
<i v-if="showCancel" class="field-icon field-right-icon icon ion-close-circled" @touchstart="cleanValue"/>
<div v-if="showRightIcon" class="field-icon field-right-icon" @click="onClickRightIcon">
<img v-if="!hasRightIcon" :src="rightIcon">
<slot name="right-icon"/>
<div v-if="wordLimit && maxlength" class="field-word-limit"><span class="field-word-num">{{ count }}</span>/{{
maxlength }}
<div v-if="wordLimit && maxlength" class="field-word-limit"><span class="field-word-num">{{ count }}</span>/{{ maxlength }}
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ export default {
itemHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 45,
default: null,
label: {
type: String,
......@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ export default {
if (required && error) {
this.hasError = !isDef(fieldInput.value)
/* if (isString(error)) {
this.placehold = error
} */
this.placehold = error
} */
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
import { detectOS } from '../../common/utils/index'
export default {
name: 'HContent',
props: {
......@@ -21,14 +20,17 @@ export default {
data () {
return {
// fontSize: Number('px', '')),
winHeight: window.innerHeight,
winWidth: window.innerWidth,
orientation: 'portrait',
mounted () {
if (this.calContent) {
update () {
if (this.calContent) {
methods: {
......@@ -43,14 +45,13 @@ export default {
if (elHeight && part.test(elHeight)) {
headerHeight += Number(elHeight.replace('px', ''))
if ($el._prevClass && $el._prevClass.indexOf('h-header') === 0) {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios') {
headerHeight += 20
let paddingTopHeight = window.getComputedStyle($el).paddingTop
let paddingBottomHeight = window.getComputedStyle($el).paddingBottom
if (paddingTopHeight && part.test(paddingTopHeight)) {
headerHeight += Number(paddingTopHeight.replace('px', ''))
if (paddingBottomHeight && part.test(paddingBottomHeight)) {
headerHeight += Number(paddingBottomHeight.replace('px', ''))
$el = $el.previousElementSibling
......@@ -60,25 +61,24 @@ export default {
getNextElementHeight () {
let vm = this
let nextElement = this.$el.nextElementSibling
let nextElement = vm.$el.nextElementSibling
let nextHeight = 0
do {
if (nextElement) {
let elHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).height
let part = /^\d+(\.\d+)?px$/
if (elHeight && part.test(elHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(elHeight.replace('px', ''))
if (nextElement._prevClass && nextElement._prevClass.indexOf('h-bottom-tab') === 0) {
let height = nextElement.clientHeight
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && height > Math.ceil(vm.fontSize * 0.88)) {
nextHeight += 0
} else {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
nextHeight += 34
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
nextHeight += 34
let position = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).position
if (position === 'fixed') {
let elHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).height
let part = /^\d+(\.\d+)?px$/
if (elHeight && part.test(elHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(elHeight.replace('px', ''))
let paddingTopHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).paddingTop
let paddingBottomHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).paddingBottom
if (paddingTopHeight && part.test(paddingTopHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(paddingTopHeight.replace('px', ''))
if (paddingBottomHeight && part.test(paddingBottomHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(paddingBottomHeight.replace('px', ''))
nextElement = nextElement.nextElementSibling
......@@ -86,12 +86,22 @@ export default {
} while (nextElement)
return nextHeight
contentHeight () {
resizeHeight () {
let vm = this
const headerHeight = vm.getHeaderHeight()
const nextHeight = vm.getNextElementHeight()
let content = vm.$el = (window.innerHeight - nextHeight - headerHeight) + 'px'
this.$nextTick(() => {
const headerHeight = vm.getHeaderHeight()
const nextHeight = vm.getNextElementHeight()
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight
let windowWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth
if (windowWidth > windowHeight) {
this.orientation = 'landscape'
} else {
this.orientation = 'portrait'
let content = vm.$el = windowHeight - headerHeight + nextHeight + 'px'
......@@ -247,14 +247,13 @@ export default {
if (elHeight && part.test(elHeight)) {
headerHeight += Number(elHeight.replace('px', ''))
if ($el._prevClass && $el._prevClass.indexOf('h-header') === 0) {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios') {
headerHeight += 20
let paddingTopHeight = window.getComputedStyle($el).paddingTop
let paddingBottomHeight = window.getComputedStyle($el).paddingBottom
if (paddingTopHeight && part.test(paddingTopHeight)) {
headerHeight += Number(paddingTopHeight.replace('px', ''))
if (paddingBottomHeight && part.test(paddingBottomHeight)) {
headerHeight += Number(paddingBottomHeight.replace('px', ''))
$el = $el.previousElementSibling
......@@ -264,25 +263,24 @@ export default {
getNextElementHeight () {
let vm = this
let nextElement = this.$el.nextElementSibling
let nextElement = vm.$el.nextElementSibling
let nextHeight = 0
do {
if (nextElement) {
let elHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).height
let part = /^\d+(\.\d+)?px$/
if (elHeight && part.test(elHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(elHeight.replace('px', ''))
if (nextElement._prevClass && nextElement._prevClass.indexOf('h-bottom-tab') === 0) {
let height = nextElement.clientHeight
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && height > Math.ceil(vm.fontSize * 0.88)) {
nextHeight += 0
} else {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
nextHeight += 34
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
nextHeight += 34
let position = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).position
if (position === 'fixed') {
let elHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).height
let part = /^\d+(\.\d+)?px$/
if (elHeight && part.test(elHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(elHeight.replace('px', ''))
let paddingTopHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).paddingTop
let paddingBottomHeight = window.getComputedStyle(nextElement).paddingBottom
if (paddingTopHeight && part.test(paddingTopHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(paddingTopHeight.replace('px', ''))
if (paddingBottomHeight && part.test(paddingBottomHeight)) {
nextHeight += Number(paddingBottomHeight.replace('px', ''))
nextElement = nextElement.nextElementSibling
......@@ -475,7 +473,7 @@ export default {
width 100%
overflow hidden !important
box-sizing border-box
position absolute !important
position absolute
top 0
height 100%
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export default {
itemHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 45,
default: null,
inputAlign: {
type: String,
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
<i slot="left-icon" class="field-icon field-left-icon icon ion-android-favorite"/>
<i slot="right-icon" class="field-icon field-right-icon icon ion-android-arrow-forward"/>
<h-field v-model="homeAddress" type="txt" label="家庭地址"/>
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
<h-modal ref="modal" v-model="showModalValue" position="bottom" class="sign-modal">
<h-modal ref="modal" v-model="showModalValue" position="top" class="sign-modal">
<h-header style="height: 43px !important;padding-top:0px">
<template #left>
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