Commit 1744227b authored by nature's avatar nature


parent a0b97de1
module.exports = {
"plugins": {
// to edit target browsers: use "browserslist" field in package.json
"postcss-import": {},
"autoprefixer": {}
plugins: {
'autoprefixer': {
browsers: ['Android >= 4.0', 'iOS >= 7'],
//'postcss-aspect-ratio-mini': {},
'postcss-px-to-viewport': {
viewportWidth: 375,
// 视窗的宽度,对应的是我们设计稿的宽度,一般是750
// viewportHeight: 750,
// 视窗的高度,根据750设备的宽度来指定,一般指定1334,也可以不配置
unitPrecision: 3,
// 指定`px`转换为视窗单位值的小数位数(很多时候无法整除)
viewportUnit: 'vw',
// 指定需要转换成的视窗单位,建议使用vw
selectorBlackList: [
// 指定不转换为视窗单位的类,可以自定义,可以无限添加,建议定义一至两个通用的类名
minPixelValue: 1,
// 小于或等于`1px`不转换为视窗单位,你也可以设置为你想要的值
mediaQuery: true, // 允许在媒体查询中转换`px`
'cssnano': {
autoprefixer: false,
'postcss-zindex': false,
......@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ module.exports = {
base: {
// Use Flexible?
useFlexible: true,
useFlexible: false,
remUnit: 50, // 启用flexible时的根字体大小(px)
// Use PostCSS?
usePostCSS: false,
usePostCSS: true,
dev: {
......@@ -4861,7 +4861,7 @@ a.subdued:last-child {
.checkbox input:checked:before,
input:checked + .checkbox-icon:before {
border-width: 2px; /*no*/
//border-width: 2px; /*no*/
.checkbox input:after,
......@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@ export default {
border-radius: 11px;
&:after {
top: 32%;
top: 30%;
left: 20%;
opacity: 1;
border-width: 2px; /*no*/
/* px-to-viewport-ignore-next */
border-width: 2px; /* px-to-viewport-ignore */
&:checked {
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export default {
data () {
return {
fontSize: Number('px', '')),
// fontSize: Number('px', '')),
winHeight: window.innerHeight,
winWidth: window.innerWidth,
......@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ export default {
if ($el._prevClass && $el._prevClass.indexOf('h-header') === 0) {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
headerHeight += 0.8 * vm.fontSize
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
headerHeight += 0.8 * vm.fontSize
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios') {
headerHeight += 0.4 * vm.fontSize
headerHeight += 20
$el = $el.previousElementSibling
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ export default {
nextHeight += 0
} else {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
nextHeight += vm.fontSize * 0.68
nextHeight += 34
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
nextHeight += vm.fontSize * 0.68
nextHeight += 34
......@@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ export default {
if ($el._prevClass && $el._prevClass.indexOf('h-header') === 0) {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
headerHeight += 0.8 * vm.fontSize
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
headerHeight += 0.8 * vm.fontSize
headerHeight += 40
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios') {
headerHeight += 0.4 * vm.fontSize
headerHeight += 20
$el = $el.previousElementSibling
......@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ export default {
nextHeight += 0
} else {
if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 375 && vm.winHeight === 812) {
nextHeight += vm.fontSize * 0.68
nextHeight += 34
} else if (detectOS() === 'ios' && vm.winWidth === 414 && vm.winHeight === 896) {
nextHeight += vm.fontSize * 0.68
nextHeight += 34
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ export default {
<style lang="less">
@import "../packages/common/styles/publicStyle";
html, body, #app {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import axios from 'axios'
import App from './App'
import router from './router/index'
import flexible from './common/ydui.flexible'
// import flexible from './common/ydui.flexible'
import {componentInstall, appStyle, hlsPopup, directives, filter, prototype} from '../packages/index'
import {componentInstall, hlsPopup, directives, filter, prototype} from '../packages/index'
import component from './components/index'
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ if (process.env.CONFIG_ENV === 'uat') {
new VConsole() // eslint-disable-line
// Vue.use(appStyle)
// Vue.use(flexible)
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