Commit 67ac088a authored by Jefferyne's avatar Jefferyne

Updates 前端组件/

Auto commit by GitBook Editor
parent 18530bc6
......@@ -72,21 +72,21 @@
| dataBound | Function | 数据加载完之后触发 |
| detailCollapse | Function | 折叠表行时触发 |
| detailExpand | Function | 展开表行时触发 |
| detailInit | Function | |
| edit | Function | |
| excelExport | Function | |
| filter | Function | |
| group | Function | |
| page | Function | |
| pdfExport | Function | |
| filterMenuInit | Function | |
| remove | Function | |
| save | Function | |
| saveChanges | Function | |
| sort | Function | |
| columnLock | Function | |
| columnUnlock | Function | |
| navigate | Function | |
| detailInit | Function | 表行初始化时触发 |
| edit | Function | 编辑时触发 |
| excelExport | Function | excel导出 |
| filter | Function | 过滤 |
| group | Function | 分组 |
| page | Function | 分页 |
| pdfExport | Function | pdf导出 |
| filterMenuInit | Function | 第一次打开筛选器时触发 |
| remove | Function | 点击删除按钮触发 |
| save | Function | 点击保存时触发 |
| saveChanges | Function | 点击保存时触发 |
| sort | Function | 排序 |
| columnLock | Function | 锁定列时触发 |
| columnUnlock | Function | 接触列锁定触发 |
| navigate | Function | 开启导航栏 |
......@@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ function rowTemplate(){
#### **子标签**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| allowCopy | Object |
| columns | Array |
| columnMenu | Object |
| editable | Object |
| messages | Object |
| scrollable | Object |
| sortable | Object |
| toolbar | Array |
| 属性名 | 类型 | 描述 |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| allowCopy | Object | |
| columns | Array | |
| columnMenu | Object | |
| editable | Object | |
| messages | Object | |
| scrollable | Object | |
| sortable | Object | |
| toolbar | Array | |
#### **allowCopy**子标签
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