Commit 0437f37a authored by 李晓兵's avatar 李晓兵


parent bd27d58b
"prepare_queue": {
"installed": [],
"uninstalled": []
"config_munge": {
"files": {}
"installed_plugins": {
"com.handmobile.cordovaplugin.hotpatch": {
"cordova-plugin-baidumaplocation": {
"IOS_KEY": "HTTVa66Fmu7xLbanhWGIMxK5MEPZeuDN",
"IOS_LOCATION_DESC": "请点击'好'以允许访问。",
"cordova-plugin-camera": {
"cordova-plugin-compat": {
"cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview": {
"XWALK_LITEVERSION": "xwalk_core_library_canary:17+",
"XWALK_COMMANDLINE": "--disable-pull-to-refresh-effect",
"XWALK_MODE": "embedded",
"cordova-plugin-datepicker": {
"cordova-plugin-dialogs": {
"cordova-plugin-file": {
"cordova-plugin-file-transfer": {
"cordova-plugin-hrms-faceidentify": {
"cordova-plugin-image-picker": {
"cordova-plugin-jcore": {
"cordova-plugin-network-information": {
"cordova-plugin-splashscreen": {
"cordova-plugin-statusbar": {
"cordova-plugin-touch-id": {
"cordova-plugin-whitelist": {
"ionic-plugin-keyboard": {
"jmessage-phonegap-plugin": {
"APP_KEY": "45ace0e521f01edb2f1c753a",
"jpush-phonegap-plugin": {
"APP_KEY": "45ace0e521f01edb2f1c753a",
"dependent_plugins": {
"cordova-plugin-3dtouch": {
"cordova-plugin-contacts": {
"cordova-plugin-device": {
"cordova-plugin-fingerprint": {
"cordova-plugin-x-toast": {
"es6-promise-plugin": {
\ No newline at end of file
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Contributing to Apache Cordova
Anyone can contribute to Cordova. And we need your contributions.
There are multiple ways to contribute: report bugs, improve the docs, and
contribute code.
For instructions on this, start with the
[contribution overview](
The details are explained there, but the important items are:
- Sign and submit an Apache ICLA (Contributor License Agreement).
- Have a Jira issue open that corresponds to your contribution.
- Run the tests so your patch doesn't break existing functionality.
We look forward to your contributions!
This diff is collapsed.
Apache Cordova
Copyright 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (
title: Device
description: Get device information.
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
|AppVeyor|Travis CI|
|[![Build status](](|[![Build Status](](|
# cordova-plugin-device
This plugin defines a global `device` object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
Although the object is in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
## Installation
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Properties
- device.cordova
- device.model
- device.platform
- device.uuid
- device.version
- device.manufacturer
- device.isVirtual
- device.serial
## device.cordova
Get the version of Cordova running on the device.
### Supported Platforms
- Android
- Browser
- iOS
- Windows
## device.model
The `device.model` returns the name of the device's model or
product. The value is set by the device manufacturer and may be
different across versions of the same product.
### Supported Platforms
- Android
- Browser
- iOS
- Windows
### Quick Example
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. See
// OSX: returns "x86_64"
var model = device.model;
### Android Quirks
- Gets the [product name]( instead of the [model name](, which is often the production code name. For example, the Nexus One returns `Passion`, and Motorola Droid returns `voles`.
## device.platform
Get the device's operating system name.
var string = device.platform;
### Supported Platforms
- Android
- Browser
- iOS
- Windows
### Quick Example
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - "browser"
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
// - "Mac OS X"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
## device.uuid
Get the device's Universally Unique Identifier ([UUID](
var string = device.uuid;
### Description
The details of how a UUID is generated are determined by the device manufacturer and are specific to the device's platform or model.
### Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
### Quick Example
// Android: Returns a random 64-bit integer (as a string, again!)
// The integer is generated on the device's first boot
// BlackBerry: Returns the PIN number of the device
// This is a nine-digit unique integer (as a string, though!)
// iPhone: (Paraphrased from the UIDevice Class documentation)
// Returns the [UIDevice identifierForVendor] UUID which is unique and the same for all apps installed by the same vendor. However the UUID can be different if the user deletes all apps from the vendor and then reinstalls it.
// Windows Phone 7 : Returns a hash of device+current user,
// if the user is not defined, a guid is generated and will persist until the app is uninstalled
// Tizen: returns the device IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a number
// unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS Quirk
The `uuid` on iOS uses the identifierForVendor property. It is unique to the device across the same vendor, but will be different for different vendors and will change if all apps from the vendor are deleted and then reinstalled.
Refer [here]( for details.
The UUID will be the same if app is restored from a backup or iCloud as it is saved in preferences. Users using older versions of this plugin will still receive the same previous UUID generated by another means as it will be retrieved from preferences.
### OSX Quirk
The `uuid` on OSX is generated automatically if it does not exist yet and is stored in the `standardUserDefaults` in the `CDVUUID` property.
## device.version
Get the operating system version.
var string = device.version;
### Supported Platforms
- Android 2.1+
- Browser
- iOS
- Windows
### Quick Example
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Windows 8: return the current OS version, ex on Windows 8.1 returns 6.3.9600.16384
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
// OSX: El Capitan would return "10.11.2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
## device.manufacturer
Get the device's manufacturer.
var string = device.manufacturer;
### Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
### Quick Example
// Android: Motorola XT1032 would return "motorola"
// BlackBerry: returns "BlackBerry"
// iPhone: returns "Apple"
var deviceManufacturer = device.manufacturer;
## device.isVirtual
whether the device is running on a simulator.
var isSim = device.isVirtual;
### Supported Platforms
- Android 2.1+
- Browser
- iOS
- Windows
### OSX and Browser Quirk
The `isVirtual` property on OS X and Browser always returns false.
## device.serial
Get the device hardware serial number ([SERIAL](
var string = device.serial;
### Supported Platforms
- Android
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Release Notes
### 2.0.2 (Apr 12, 2018)
* [CB-13893]( **iOS** delete `libz.tbd` from device plugin
### 2.0.1 (Dec 27, 2017)
* [CB-13702]( Fix to allow 2.0.0 version install
### 2.0.0 (Dec 15, 2017)
* [CB-13670]( Remove deprecated platforms
### 1.1.7 (Nov 06, 2017)
* [CB-13472]( (CI) Fixed Travis **Android** builds again
* [CB-12895]( setup `eslint` and removed `jshint`
* [CB-13113]( (browser) `device.isVirtual` is always false
* [CB-13028]( (CI) **Browser** builds on Travis and AppVeyor
* [CB-13000]( (CI) Speed up **Android** builds
* [CB-12847]( added `bugs` entry to `package.json`.
### 1.1.6 (Apr 27, 2017)
* [CB-12622]( Added **Android 6.0** build badge to `README`
* [CB-12685]( added `package.json` to tests folder
* [CB-12105]( (browser) Properly detect Edge
### 1.1.5 (Feb 28, 2017)
* [CB-12353]( Corrected merges usage in `plugin.xml`
* [CB-12369]( Add plugin typings from `DefinitelyTyped`
* [CB-12363]( Added build badges for **iOS 9.3** and **iOS 10.0**
* [CB-12230]( Removed **Windows 8.1** build badges
### 1.1.4 (Dec 07, 2016)
* [CB-12224]( Updated version and for release 1.1.4
* [CB-11917]( - Remove pull request template checklist item: "iCLA has been submitted…"
* [CB-11832]( Incremented plugin version.
### 1.1.3 (Sep 08, 2016)
* [CB-11795]( Add 'protective' entry to cordovaDependencies
* Add badges for paramedic builds on Jenkins
* Add pull request template.
* Readme: Add fenced code blocks with langauage hints
* [CB-10996]( Adding front matter to ``
### 1.1.2 (Apr 15, 2016)
* Use passed device, follow create policy forf `CFUUIDCreate`
* [CB-10631]( Fix for `device.uuid` in **iOS 5.1.1**
* Updating the comment to exclude URL
* [CB-10636]( Add `JSHint` for plugins
* Refactored `deviceInfo` on **iOS** for better readability.
### 1.1.1 (Jan 15, 2016)
* [CB-10238]( **OSX** Move `device-plugin` out from `cordovalib` to the plugin repository
* [CB-9923]( Update `device.platform` documentation for **Browser** platform
### 1.1.0 (Nov 18, 2015)
* [CB-10035]( Updated `RELEASENOTES` to be newest to oldest
* Add `isVirtual` for **Windows Phone 8.x**
* Added basic **Android** support for hardware serial number
* [CB-9865]( Better simulator detection for **iOS**
* Fixing contribute link.
* Added **WP8** implementation
* update to use `TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR` as `TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR` is deprecated.
* update code to use 'isVirtual'
* create test to verify existence and type of new property 'isVirtual'
* add `isSimulator` for **iOS** & **Android** device
* Updated documentation to mention backwards compatibility
* Updated **README** to reflect new behaviour and quirks on **iOS**
* Check user defaults first to maintain backwards compatibility
* Changed `UUID` to use `[UIDevice identifierForVendor]`
### 1.0.1 (Jun 17, 2015)
* [CB-9128]( cordova-plugin-device documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device
* Attempts to corrent npm markdown issue
### 1.0.0 (Apr 15, 2015)
* [CB-8746]( gave plugin major version bump
* [CB-8683]( changed plugin-id to pacakge-name
* [CB-8653]( properly updated translated docs to use new id
* [CB-8653]( updated translated docs to use new id
* Use TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, install paramedic by npm
* [CB-8653]( Updated Readme
* remove defunct windows8 version
* add travis badge
* Add cross-plugin ios paramedic test running for TravisCI
* [CB-8538]( Added package.json file
### 0.3.0 (Feb 04, 2015)
* Added device.manufacturer property for Android, iOS, Blackberry, WP8
* Support for Windows Phone 8 ANID2 ANID is only supported up to Windows Phone 7.5
* [CB-8351]( Use a local copy of uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier rather than CordovaLib's version
* browser: Fixed a bug that caused an "cannot call method of undefined" error if the browser's user agent wasn't recognized
### 0.2.13 (Dec 02, 2014)
* Changing `device.platform` to always report the platform as "browser".
* [CB-5892]( - Remove deprecated `window.Settings`
* [CB-7700]( cordova-plugin-device documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device
* [CB-7571]( Bump version of nested plugin to match parent plugin
### 0.2.12 (Sep 17, 2014)
* [CB-7471]( cordova-plugin-device documentation translation
* [CB-7552]( docs have not been removed
* [fxos] Fix cordova version
* added status box and documentation to manual tests
* [fxos] Fix cordova version
* added status box and documentation to manual tests
* Added plugin support for the browser
* [CB-7262]( Adds support for universal windows apps.
### 0.2.11 (Aug 06, 2014)
* [FFOS] update DeviceProxy.js
* [CB-6127]( Updated translations for docs
* Use Windows system calls to get better info
### 0.2.10 (Jun 05, 2014)
* [CB-6127]( Spanish and French Translations added. Github close #12
* Changing 1.5 to 2.0
* added firefoxos version - conversion
* added firefoxos version
* [CB-6800]( Add license
* [CB-6491]( add
### 0.2.9 (Apr 17, 2014)
* [CB-5105]( [Android, windows8, WP, BlackBerry10] Removed dead code for device.version
* [CB-6422]( [windows8] use cordova/exec/proxy
* [CB-6460]( Update license headers
* Add NOTICE file
### 0.2.8 (Feb 05, 2014)
* Tizen support added
### 0.2.7 (Jan 07, 2014)
* [CB-5737]( Fix exception on close caused by left over telephony code from [CB-5504](
### 0.2.6 (Jan 02, 2014)
* [CB-5658]( Add doc/ for Device plugin
* [CB-5504]( Moving Telephony Logic out of Device
### 0.2.5 (Dec 4, 2013)
* [CB-5316]( Spell Cordova as a brand unless it's a command or script
* [ubuntu] use cordova/exec/proxy
* add ubuntu platform
* Modify Device.platform logic to use amazon-fireos as the platform for Amazon Devices
* 1. Added amazon-fireos platform. 2. Change to use cordova-amazon-fireos as the platform if user agent contains 'cordova-amazon-fireos'
### 0.2.4 (Oct 28, 2013)
* [CB-5128]( added repo + issue tag in plugin.xml for device plugin
* [CB-5085]( device.cordova returning wrong value
* [CB-4915]( Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
### 0.2.3 (Sept 25, 2013)
* [CB-4889]( bumping&resetting version
* [windows8] commandProxy has moved
* [BlackBerry10] removed uneeded permission tags in plugin.xml
* [CB-4889]( renaming org.apache.cordova.core.device to org.apache.cordova.device
* Rename ->
* updated to use commandProxy for ffos
* add firefoxos support
* [CB-4752]( Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
### 0.2.1 (Sept 5, 2013)
* removed extraneous print statement
* [CB-4432]( copyright notice change
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
Dieses Plugin definiert eine globale `device` -Objekt, das des Geräts Hard- und Software beschreibt. Das Objekt im globalen Gültigkeitsbereich ist es zwar nicht verfügbar bis nach dem `deviceready` Ereignis.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Installation
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Eigenschaften
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Rufen Sie die Version von Cordova, die auf dem Gerät ausgeführt.
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
Die `device.model` gibt den Namen der Modell- oder des Geräts zurück. Der Wert wird vom Gerätehersteller festgelegt und kann zwischen den Versionen des gleichen Produkts unterschiedlich sein.
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Finden Sie unter / / Var-Modell = device.model;
### Android Eigenarten
* Ruft den [Produktname]( anstelle des [Modellnamens](, das ist oft der Codename für die Produktion. Beispielsweise das Nexus One gibt `Passion` , und Motorola Droid gibt`voles`.
### Tizen Macken
* Gibt z. B. das Gerätemodell von dem Kreditor zugeordnet,`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 und 8 Eigenarten
* Gibt das vom Hersteller angegebenen Gerätemodell zurück. Beispielsweise gibt der Samsung-Fokus`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Name des Betriebssystems des Geräts zu erhalten.
var string = device.platform;
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 Macken
Windows Phone 7 Geräte melden die Plattform als`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 Macken
Windows Phone 8 Geräte melden die Plattform als`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Des Geräts Universally Unique Identifier ([UUID]( zu erhalten).
var string = device.uuid;
### Beschreibung
Die Details wie eine UUID generiert wird werden vom Gerätehersteller und beziehen sich auf die Plattform oder das Modell des Geräts.
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
/ / Android: wird eine zufällige 64-Bit-Ganzzahl (als Zeichenfolge, wieder!) / / die ganze Zahl wird beim ersten Start des Geräts erzeugt / / / / BlackBerry: gibt die PIN-Nummer des Gerätes / / Dies ist eine neunstellige eindeutige Ganzzahl (als String, obwohl!) / / / / iPhone: (paraphrasiert aus der Dokumentation zur UIDevice-Klasse) / / liefert eine Reihe von Hash-Werte, die aus mehreren Hardware erstellt identifiziert.
/ / Es ist gewährleistet, dass für jedes Gerät eindeutig sein und kann nicht gebunden werden / / an den Benutzer weitergeleitet.
/ / Windows Phone 7: gibt einen Hash des Gerät + aktueller Benutzer, / / wenn der Benutzer nicht definiert ist, eine Guid generiert und wird weiter bestehen, bis die app deinstalliert wird / / Tizen: gibt das Gerät IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity oder IMEI ist eine Zahl / / einzigartig für jedes GSM- und UMTS-Handy.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS Quirk
Die `uuid` auf iOS ist nicht eindeutig zu einem Gerät, aber für jede Anwendung, für jede Installation variiert. Es ändert sich, wenn Sie löschen und neu die app installieren, und möglicherweise auch beim iOS zu aktualisieren, oder auch ein Upgrade möglich die app pro Version (scheinbaren in iOS 5.1). Die `uuid` ist kein zuverlässiger Wert.
### Windows Phone 7 und 8 Eigenarten
Die `uuid` für Windows Phone 7 die Berechtigung erfordert `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft wird diese Eigenschaft wahrscheinlich bald abzuschaffen. Wenn die Funktion nicht verfügbar ist, generiert die Anwendung eine persistente Guid, die für die Dauer der Installation der Anwendung auf dem Gerät gewährleistet ist.
## device.version
Version des Betriebssystems zu erhalten.
var string = device.version;
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
Dieses Plugin definiert eine globale `device` -Objekt, das des Geräts Hard- und Software beschreibt. Das Objekt im globalen Gültigkeitsbereich ist es zwar nicht verfügbar bis nach dem `deviceready` Ereignis.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Installation
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Eigenschaften
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Rufen Sie die Version von Cordova, die auf dem Gerät ausgeführt.
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
Die `device.model` gibt den Namen der Modell- oder des Geräts zurück. Der Wert wird vom Gerätehersteller festgelegt und kann zwischen den Versionen des gleichen Produkts unterschiedlich sein.
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Finden Sie unter / / Var-Modell = device.model;
### Android Eigenarten
* Ruft den [Produktname][1] anstelle des [Modellnamens][2], das ist oft der Codename für die Produktion. Beispielsweise das Nexus One gibt `Passion` , und Motorola Droid gibt`voles`.
### Tizen Macken
* Gibt z. B. das Gerätemodell von dem Kreditor zugeordnet,`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 und 8 Eigenarten
* Gibt das vom Hersteller angegebenen Gerätemodell zurück. Beispielsweise gibt der Samsung-Fokus`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Name des Betriebssystems des Geräts zu erhalten.
var string = device.platform;
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 Macken
Windows Phone 7 Geräte melden die Plattform als`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 Macken
Windows Phone 8 Geräte melden die Plattform als`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Des Geräts Universally Unique Identifier ([UUID][3] zu erhalten).
var string = device.uuid;
### Beschreibung
Die Details wie eine UUID generiert wird werden vom Gerätehersteller und beziehen sich auf die Plattform oder das Modell des Geräts.
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
/ / Android: wird eine zufällige 64-Bit-Ganzzahl (als Zeichenfolge, wieder!) / / die ganze Zahl wird beim ersten Start des Geräts erzeugt / / / / BlackBerry: gibt die PIN-Nummer des Gerätes / / Dies ist eine neunstellige eindeutige Ganzzahl (als String, obwohl!) / / / / iPhone: (paraphrasiert aus der Dokumentation zur UIDevice-Klasse) / / liefert eine Reihe von Hash-Werte, die aus mehreren Hardware erstellt identifiziert.
/ / Es ist gewährleistet, dass für jedes Gerät eindeutig sein und kann nicht gebunden werden / / an den Benutzer weitergeleitet.
/ / Windows Phone 7: gibt einen Hash des Gerät + aktueller Benutzer, / / wenn der Benutzer nicht definiert ist, eine Guid generiert und wird weiter bestehen, bis die app deinstalliert wird / / Tizen: gibt das Gerät IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity oder IMEI ist eine Zahl / / einzigartig für jedes GSM- und UMTS-Handy.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS Quirk
Die `uuid` auf iOS ist nicht eindeutig zu einem Gerät, aber für jede Anwendung, für jede Installation variiert. Es ändert sich, wenn Sie löschen und neu die app installieren, und möglicherweise auch beim iOS zu aktualisieren, oder auch ein Upgrade möglich die app pro Version (scheinbaren in iOS 5.1). Die `uuid` ist kein zuverlässiger Wert.
### Windows Phone 7 und 8 Eigenarten
Die `uuid` für Windows Phone 7 die Berechtigung erfordert `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft wird diese Eigenschaft wahrscheinlich bald abzuschaffen. Wenn die Funktion nicht verfügbar ist, generiert die Anwendung eine persistente Guid, die für die Dauer der Installation der Anwendung auf dem Gerät gewährleistet ist.
## device.version
Version des Betriebssystems zu erhalten.
var string = device.version;
### Unterstützte Plattformen
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 und 8
* Windows 8
### Kurzes Beispiel
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
Este plugin define un global `device` objeto que describe del dispositivo hardware y software. Aunque el objeto está en el ámbito global, no está disponible hasta después de la `deviceready` evento.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Instalación
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Propiedades
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Obtener la versión de Cordova que se ejecuta en el dispositivo.
### Plataformas soportadas
* Amazon fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Explorador
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
El `device.model` devuelve el nombre de modelo del dispositivo o producto. El valor es fijado por el fabricante del dispositivo y puede ser diferente a través de versiones del mismo producto.
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Explorador
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. See
var model = device.model;
### Rarezas Android
* Obtiene el [nombre del producto]( en lugar del [nombre de la modelo](, que es a menudo el nombre de código de producción. Por ejemplo, el Nexus One devuelve `Passion` y Motorola Droid devuelve `voles`.
### Rarezas Tizen
* Devuelve que el modelo de dispositivo asignado por el proveedor, por ejemplo, `TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 y 8 rarezas
* Devuelve el modelo de dispositivo especificado por el fabricante. Por ejemplo, el Samsung Focus devuelve `SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Obtener el nombre del sistema operativo del dispositivo.
var string = device.platform;
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 rarezas
Dispositivos Windows Phone 7 informe de la plataforma como `WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 rarezas
Dispositivos Windows Phone 8 Informe la plataforma como `Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Obtener identificador universalmente única del dispositivo ([UUID](
var string = device.uuid;
### Descripción
Los detalles de cómo se genera un UUID son determinados por el fabricante del dispositivo y son específicos a la plataforma del dispositivo o modelo.
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Android: Returns a random 64-bit integer (as a string, again!)
// The integer is generated on the device's first boot
// BlackBerry: Returns the PIN number of the device
// This is a nine-digit unique integer (as a string, though!)
// iPhone: (Paraphrased from the UIDevice Class documentation)
// Returns a string of hash values created from multiple hardware identifies.
// It is guaranteed to be unique for every device and can't be tied
// to the user account.
// Windows Phone 7 : Returns a hash of device+current user,
// if the user is not defined, a guid is generated and will persist until the app is uninstalled
// Tizen: returns the device IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a number
// unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### Rarezas de iOS
El `uuid` en iOS no es exclusiva de un dispositivo, pero varía para cada aplicación, para cada instalación. Cambia si puedes borrar y volver a instalar la aplicación, y posiblemente también cuándo actualizar iOS, o incluso mejorar la aplicación por la versión (evidente en iOS 5.1). El `uuid` no es un valor confiable.
### Windows Phone 7 y 8 rarezas
El `uuid` para Windows Phone 7 requiere el permiso `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE`. Microsoft pronto probablemente desaprueban esta propiedad. Si la capacidad no está disponible, la aplicación genera un guid persistente que se mantiene durante la duración de la instalación de la aplicación en el dispositivo.
## device.version
Obtener la versión del sistema operativo.
var string = device.version;
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Explorador
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
Este plugin define un global `device` objeto que describe del dispositivo hardware y software. Aunque el objeto está en el ámbito global, no está disponible hasta después de la `deviceready` evento.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Instalación
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Propiedades
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Obtener la versión de Cordova que se ejecuta en el dispositivo.
### Plataformas soportadas
* Amazon fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Explorador
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
El `device.model` devuelve el nombre de modelo del dispositivo o producto. El valor es fijado por el fabricante del dispositivo y puede ser diferente a través de versiones del mismo producto.
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Explorador
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. See
var model = device.model;
### Rarezas Android
* Obtiene el [nombre del producto][1] en lugar del [nombre de la modelo][2], que es a menudo el nombre de código de producción. Por ejemplo, el Nexus One devuelve `Passion` y Motorola Droid devuelve `voles`.
### Rarezas Tizen
* Devuelve que el modelo de dispositivo asignado por el proveedor, por ejemplo, `TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 y 8 rarezas
* Devuelve el modelo de dispositivo especificado por el fabricante. Por ejemplo, el Samsung Focus devuelve `SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Obtener el nombre del sistema operativo del dispositivo.
var string = device.platform;
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 rarezas
Dispositivos Windows Phone 7 informe de la plataforma como `WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 rarezas
Dispositivos Windows Phone 8 Informe la plataforma como `Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Obtener identificador universalmente única del dispositivo ([UUID][3]).
var string = device.uuid;
### Descripción
Los detalles de cómo se genera un UUID son determinados por el fabricante del dispositivo y son específicos a la plataforma del dispositivo o modelo.
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Android: devuelve un entero de 64 bits al azar (como una cadena, otra vez!)
// el entero es generado en el primer arranque del dispositivo
// BlackBerry: devuelve el número PIN del dispositivo
// este es un entero único de nueve dígitos (como una cadena, aunque!)
// iPhone: (parafraseado de la documentación de la clase UIDevice)
// devuelve una cadena de valores hash creado a partir
// de múltiples hardware identifica.
/ / Está garantizado para ser único para cada dispositivo y no puede ser atado / / a la cuenta de usuario.
// Windows Phone 7: devuelve un hash de dispositivo + usuario actual,
// si el usuario no está definido, un guid generado y persistirá hasta que se desinstala la aplicación
// Tizen: devuelve el dispositivo IMEI (identidad de equipo móvil internacional o IMEI es un número
// único para cada teléfono móvil GSM y UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS chanfle
El `uuid` en iOS no es exclusiva de un dispositivo, pero varía para cada aplicación, para cada instalación. Cambia si puedes borrar y volver a instalar la aplicación, y posiblemente también cuándo actualizar iOS, o incluso mejorar la aplicación por la versión (evidente en iOS 5.1). El `uuid` no es un valor confiable.
### Windows Phone 7 y 8 rarezas
El `uuid` para Windows Phone 7 requiere el permiso `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE`. Microsoft pronto probablemente desaprueban esta propiedad. Si la capacidad no está disponible, la aplicación genera un guid persistente que se mantiene durante la duración de la instalación de la aplicación en el dispositivo.
## device.version
Obtener la versión del sistema operativo.
var string = device.version;
### Plataformas soportadas
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Explorador
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 y 8
* Windows 8
### Ejemplo rápido
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. el Mango se vuelve 7.10.7720
// Tizen: devuelve "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
Ce plugin définit un global `device` objet qui décrit le matériel et les logiciels de l'appareil. Bien que l'objet est dans la portée globale, il n'est pas disponible jusqu'après la `deviceready` événement.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Installation
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Propriétés
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Retourne la version de Cordova en cours d'exécution sur l'appareil.
### Plates-formes supportées
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Navigateur
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
L'objet `device.model` retourne le nom du modèle de l'appareil/produit. Cette valeur est définie par le fabricant du périphérique et peut varier entre les différentes versions d'un même produit.
### Plates-formes supportées
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Navigateur
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Exemple court
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Voir
var model = device.model;
### Quirks Android
* Retourne le [nom du produit]( au lieu du [nom du modèle](, ce qui équivaut souvent au nom de code de production. Par exemple, `Passion` pour le Nexus One et `voles` pour le Motorola Droid.
### Bizarreries de paciarelli
* Retourne le modèle du dispositif, assigné par le vendeur, par exemple `TIZEN`
### Notes au sujet de Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Retourne le modèle de l'appareil spécifié par le fabricant. Par exemple `SGH-i917` pour le Samsung Focus.
## device.platform
Obtenir le nom de système d'exploitation de l'appareil.
var string = device.platform;
### Plates-formes supportées
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Exemple court
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
Appareils Windows Phone 7 rapport de la plate-forme comme`WinCE`.
### Notes au sujet de Windows Phone 8
Appareils Windows Phone 8 rapport de la plate-forme comme`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Obtenir Universally Unique Identifier de l'appareil ([UUID](
var string = device.uuid;
### Description
Les détails de comment un UUID généré sont déterminées par le fabricant du périphérique et sont spécifiques à la plate-forme ou le modèle de l'appareil.
### Plates-formes supportées
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Exemple court
// Android : retourne un nombre entier 64-bit aléatoire (sous la forme d'une chaîne de caractères, encore !)
// Ce nombre entier est généré lors du premier démarrage de l'appareil
// BlackBerry : retourne le numéro PIN de l'appareil
// Il s'agit d'un nombre entier unique à neuf chiffres (sous la forme d'une chaîne de caractères cependant !)
// iPhone : (copié depuis la documentation de la classe UIDevice)
// Retourne une chaîne de caractères générée à partir de plusieurs caractéristiques matérielles.
/ / Il est garanti pour être unique pour chaque appareil et ne peut pas être lié / / pour le compte d'utilisateur.
// Windows Phone 7 : retourne un hashage généré à partir de appareil+utilisateur actuel,
// si aucun utilisateur n'est défini, un guid est généré persistera jusqu'à ce que l'application soit désinstallée
// Tizen : retourne le numéro IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) de l'appareil, ce numéro est
// unique pour chaque téléphone GSM et UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### Spécificités iOS
Le `uuid` sur iOS n'est pas propre à un périphérique, mais varie pour chaque application, pour chaque installation. Elle change si vous supprimez, puis réinstallez l'application, et éventuellement aussi quand vous mettre à jour d'iOS, ou même mettre à jour le soft par version (apparent dans iOS 5.1). Le `uuid` n'est pas une valeur fiable.
### Notes au sujet de Windows Phone 7 et 8
Le `uuid` pour Windows Phone 7 requiert l'autorisation `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft va probablement bientôt obsolète de cette propriété. Si la capacité n'est pas disponible, l'application génère un guid persistant qui est maintenu pendant toute la durée de l'installation de l'application sur le périphérique.
## device.version
Téléchargez la version de système d'exploitation.
var string = device.version;
### Plates-formes supportées
* Android 2.1+
* BlackBerry 10
* Navigateur
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Exemple court
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
Ce plugin définit un global `device` objet qui décrit le matériel et les logiciels de l'appareil. Bien que l'objet est dans la portée globale, il n'est pas disponible jusqu'après la `deviceready` événement.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Installation
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Propriétés
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Retourne la version de Cordova en cours d'exécution sur l'appareil.
### Plates-formes prises en charge
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Navigateur
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
L'objet `device.model` retourne le nom du modèle de l'appareil/produit. Cette valeur est définie par le fabricant du périphérique et peut varier entre les différentes versions d'un même produit.
### Plates-formes prises en charge
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Navigateur
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Petit exemple
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Voir
var model = device.model;
### Quirks Android
* Retourne le [nom du produit][1] au lieu du [nom du modèle][2], ce qui équivaut souvent au nom de code de production. Par exemple, `Passion` pour le Nexus One et `voles` pour le Motorola Droid.
### Bizarreries de paciarelli
* Retourne le modèle du dispositif, assigné par le vendeur, par exemple `TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 et 8 Quirks
* Retourne le modèle de l'appareil spécifié par le fabricant. Par exemple `SGH-i917` pour le Samsung Focus.
## device.platform
Obtenir le nom de système d'exploitation de l'appareil.
var string = device.platform;
### Plates-formes prises en charge
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Petit exemple
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
Appareils Windows Phone 7 rapport de la plate-forme comme`WinCE`.
### Notes au sujet de Windows Phone 8
Appareils Windows Phone 8 rapport de la plate-forme comme`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Obtenir Universally Unique Identifier de l'appareil ([UUID][3]).
var string = device.uuid;
### Description
Les détails de comment un UUID généré sont déterminées par le fabricant du périphérique et sont spécifiques à la plate-forme ou le modèle de l'appareil.
### Plates-formes prises en charge
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Petit exemple
// Android : retourne un nombre entier 64-bit aléatoire (sous la forme d'une chaîne de caractères, encore !)
// Ce nombre entier est généré lors du premier démarrage de l'appareil
// BlackBerry : retourne le numéro PIN de l'appareil
// Il s'agit d'un nombre entier unique à neuf chiffres (sous la forme d'une chaîne de caractères cependant !)
// iPhone : (copié depuis la documentation de la classe UIDevice)
// Retourne une chaîne de caractères générée à partir de plusieurs caractéristiques matérielles.
/ / Il est garanti pour être unique pour chaque appareil et ne peut pas être lié / / pour le compte d'utilisateur.
// Windows Phone 7 : retourne un hashage généré à partir de appareil+utilisateur actuel,
// si aucun utilisateur n'est défini, un guid est généré persistera jusqu'à ce que l'application soit désinstallée
// Tizen : retourne le numéro IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) de l'appareil, ce numéro est
// unique pour chaque téléphone GSM et UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### Spécificités iOS
Le `uuid` sur iOS n'est pas propre à un périphérique, mais varie pour chaque application, pour chaque installation. Elle change si vous supprimez, puis réinstallez l'application, et éventuellement aussi quand vous mettre à jour d'iOS, ou même mettre à jour le soft par version (apparent dans iOS 5.1). Le `uuid` n'est pas une valeur fiable.
### Windows Phone 7 et 8 Quirks
Le `uuid` pour Windows Phone 7 requiert l'autorisation `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft va probablement bientôt obsolète de cette propriété. Si la capacité n'est pas disponible, l'application génère un guid persistant qui est maintenu pendant toute la durée de l'installation de l'application sur le périphérique.
## device.version
Téléchargez la version de système d'exploitation.
var string = device.version;
### Plates-formes prises en charge
* Android 2.1+
* BlackBerry 10
* Navigateur
* iOS
* Paciarelli
* Windows Phone 7 et 8
* Windows 8
### Petit exemple
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
Questo plugin definisce un global `device` oggetto che descrive il dispositivo hardware e software. Sebbene l'oggetto sia in ambito globale, non è disponibile fino a dopo il `deviceready` evento.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Installazione
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Proprietà
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Ottenere la versione di Cordova in esecuzione nel dispositivo.
### Piattaforme supportate
* Amazon fuoco OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
Il `device.model` restituisce il nome del modello del dispositivo o del prodotto. Il valore viene impostato dal produttore del dispositivo e può essere differente tra le versioni dello stesso prodotto.
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Vedi / / modello var = device.model;
### Stranezze Android
* Ottiene il [nome del prodotto]( anziché il [nome del modello](, che è spesso il nome di codice di produzione. Ad esempio, restituisce il Nexus One `Passion` , e Motorola Droid restituisce`voles`.
### Tizen stranezze
* Restituisce il modello di dispositivo assegnato dal fornitore, ad esempio,`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 e 8 stranezze
* Restituisce il modello di dispositivo specificato dal produttore. Ad esempio, restituisce il Samsung Focus`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Ottenere il nome del sistema operativo del dispositivo.
var string = device.platform;
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 capricci
Windows Phone 7 dispositivi segnalano la piattaforma come`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 stranezze
Dispositivi Windows Phone 8 segnalano la piattaforma come`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Ottenere identificatore del dispositivo univoco universale ([UUID](
var string = device.uuid;
### Descrizione
I dettagli di come viene generato un UUID sono determinati dal produttore del dispositivo e sono specifici per la piattaforma o il modello del dispositivo.
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
/ / Android: restituisce un intero casuale di 64 bit (come stringa, ancora una volta!) / / il numero intero è generato al primo avvio del dispositivo / / / / BlackBerry: restituisce il numero PIN del dispositivo / / questo è un valore integer univoco a nove cifre (come stringa, benchè!) / / / / iPhone: (parafrasato dalla documentazione della classe UIDevice) / / restituisce una stringa di valori hash creata dall'hardware più identifica.
/ / È garantito per essere unica per ogni dispositivo e non può essere legato / / per l'account utente.
/ / Windows Phone 7: restituisce un hash dell'utente corrente, + dispositivo / / se l'utente non è definito, un guid generato e persisterà fino a quando l'applicazione viene disinstallata / / Tizen: restituisce il dispositivo IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity o IMEI è un numero / / unico per ogni cellulare GSM e UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS Quirk
Il `uuid` su iOS non è univoco per un dispositivo, ma varia per ogni applicazione, per ogni installazione. Cambia se si elimina e re-installare l'app, e possibilmente anche quando aggiornare iOS o anche aggiornare l'app per ogni versione (apparente in iOS 5.1). Il `uuid` non è un valore affidabile.
### Windows Phone 7 e 8 stranezze
Il `uuid` per Windows Phone 7 richiede l'autorizzazione `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft probabilmente sarà presto deprecare questa proprietà. Se la funzionalità non è disponibile, l'applicazione genera un guid persistente che viene mantenuto per la durata dell'installazione dell'applicazione sul dispositivo.
## device.version
Ottenere la versione del sistema operativo.
var string = device.version;
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
Questo plugin definisce un global `device` oggetto che descrive il dispositivo hardware e software. Sebbene l'oggetto sia in ambito globale, non è disponibile fino a dopo il `deviceready` evento.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Installazione
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Proprietà
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Ottenere la versione di Cordova in esecuzione nel dispositivo.
### Piattaforme supportate
* Amazon fuoco OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
Il `device.model` restituisce il nome del modello del dispositivo o del prodotto. Il valore viene impostato dal produttore del dispositivo e può essere differente tra le versioni dello stesso prodotto.
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Vedi / / modello var = device.model;
### Stranezze Android
* Ottiene il [nome del prodotto][1] anziché il [nome del modello][2], che è spesso il nome di codice di produzione. Ad esempio, restituisce il Nexus One `Passion` , e Motorola Droid restituisce`voles`.
### Tizen stranezze
* Restituisce il modello di dispositivo assegnato dal fornitore, ad esempio,`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 e 8 stranezze
* Restituisce il modello di dispositivo specificato dal produttore. Ad esempio, restituisce il Samsung Focus`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Ottenere il nome del sistema operativo del dispositivo.
var string = device.platform;
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 capricci
Windows Phone 7 dispositivi segnalano la piattaforma come`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 stranezze
Dispositivi Windows Phone 8 segnalano la piattaforma come`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Ottenere identificatore del dispositivo univoco universale ([UUID][3]).
var string = device.uuid;
### Descrizione
I dettagli di come viene generato un UUID sono determinati dal produttore del dispositivo e sono specifici per la piattaforma o il modello del dispositivo.
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
/ / Android: restituisce un intero casuale di 64 bit (come stringa, ancora una volta!) / / il numero intero è generato al primo avvio del dispositivo / / / / BlackBerry: restituisce il numero PIN del dispositivo / / questo è un valore integer univoco a nove cifre (come stringa, benchè!) / / / / iPhone: (parafrasato dalla documentazione della classe UIDevice) / / restituisce una stringa di valori hash creata dall'hardware più identifica.
/ / È garantito per essere unica per ogni dispositivo e non può essere legato / / per l'account utente.
/ / Windows Phone 7: restituisce un hash dell'utente corrente, + dispositivo / / se l'utente non è definito, un guid generato e persisterà fino a quando l'applicazione viene disinstallata / / Tizen: restituisce il dispositivo IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity o IMEI è un numero / / unico per ogni cellulare GSM e UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS Quirk
Il `uuid` su iOS non è univoco per un dispositivo, ma varia per ogni applicazione, per ogni installazione. Cambia se si elimina e re-installare l'app, e possibilmente anche quando aggiornare iOS o anche aggiornare l'app per ogni versione (apparente in iOS 5.1). Il `uuid` non è un valore affidabile.
### Windows Phone 7 e 8 stranezze
Il `uuid` per Windows Phone 7 richiede l'autorizzazione `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft probabilmente sarà presto deprecare questa proprietà. Se la funzionalità non è disponibile, l'applicazione genera un guid persistente che viene mantenuto per la durata dell'installazione dell'applicazione sul dispositivo.
## device.version
Ottenere la versione del sistema operativo.
var string = device.version;
### Piattaforme supportate
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 e 8
* Windows 8
### Esempio rapido
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
このプラグインをグローバル定義します `device` オブジェクトは、デバイスのハードウェアとソフトウェアについて説明します。 それは後まで利用可能なオブジェクトがグローバル スコープでは、 `deviceready` イベント。
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## インストール
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## プロパティ
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アマゾン火 OS
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* ブラウザー
* Firefox の OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* ブラウザー
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Http:// を参照してください//var モデル = device.model;
### Android の癖
* 生産コード名は[モデル名](の代わりに[製品名](を取得します。 たとえば、ネクサス 1 つを返します `Passion` 、Motorola のドロイドを返します`voles`.
### Tizen の癖
* たとえば、ベンダーによって割り当てられているデバイスのモデルを返します`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 と 8 癖
* 製造元によって指定されたデバイスのモデルを返します。たとえば、三星フォーカスを返します`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
デバイスのオペレーティング システム名を取得します。
var string = device.platform;
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* Browser4
* Firefox の OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 の癖
Windows Phone 7 デバイスとプラットフォームを報告します。`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 癖
Windows Phone 8 デバイスとプラットフォームを報告します。`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
デバイスのユニバーサル ・ ユニーク識別子 ([UUID](を取得します。).
var string = device.uuid;
### 解説
UUID を生成する方法の詳細は、デバイスの製造元によって決定され、デバイスのプラットフォームやモデルに固有です。
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
//アンドロイド: ランダムな 64 ビットの整数 (を文字列として返します、再び !)/デバイスの最初の起動時に生成される整数/////ブラックベリー: デバイスのピン番号を返します//これは 9 桁の一意な整数 (を文字列としても !)////iPhone: (UIDevice クラスのドキュメントから言い換え)//識別複数のハードウェアから作成されたハッシュ値の文字列を返します。。
//それはすべてのデバイスに対して一意であることが保証され、接続することはできません//ユーザー アカウント。
//Windows Phone 7: デバイス + 現在のユーザーのハッシュを返します//ユーザーが定義されていない場合 guid が生成され、アプリがアンインストールされるまで保持されます//Tizen: デバイスの IMEI を返します (国際モバイル機器アイデンティティまたは IMEI は番号です//すべての GSM および UMTS の携帯電話に固有です。
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS の気まぐれ
`uuid`IOS で、デバイスに固有ではないインストールごと、アプリケーションごとに異なります。 削除、アプリを再インストールした場合に変更と多分またときアップグレード iOS の, またはもアップグレードするアプリ (iOS の 5.1 で明らかに) バージョンごと。 `uuid`は信頼性の高い値ではありません。
### Windows Phone 7 と 8 癖
`uuid`のために Windows Phone 7 には、権限が必要です `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` 。 Microsoft はすぐにこのプロパティを廃止して可能性があります。 機能が利用できない場合、アプリケーションはデバイスへのアプリケーションのインストールの持続期間のために保持されている永続的な guid を生成します。
## device.version
オペレーティング システムのバージョンを取得します。
var string = device.version;
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド 2.1 +
* ブラックベリー 10
* ブラウザー
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
このプラグインをグローバル定義します `device` オブジェクトは、デバイスのハードウェアとソフトウェアについて説明します。 それは後まで利用可能なオブジェクトがグローバル スコープでは、 `deviceready` イベント。
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## インストール
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## プロパティ
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アマゾン火 OS
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* ブラウザー
* Firefox の OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* ブラウザー
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Http:// を参照してください//var モデル = device.model;
### Android の癖
* 生産コード名は[モデル名][1]の代わりに[製品名][2]を取得します。 たとえば、ネクサス 1 つを返します `Passion` 、Motorola のドロイドを返します`voles`.
### Tizen の癖
* たとえば、ベンダーによって割り当てられているデバイスのモデルを返します`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 と 8 癖
* 製造元によって指定されたデバイスのモデルを返します。たとえば、三星フォーカスを返します`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
デバイスのオペレーティング システム名を取得します。
var string = device.platform;
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* Browser4
* Firefox の OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 の癖
Windows Phone 7 デバイスとプラットフォームを報告します。`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 癖
Windows Phone 8 デバイスとプラットフォームを報告します。`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
デバイスのユニバーサル ・ ユニーク識別子 ([UUID][3]を取得します。).
var string = device.uuid;
### 説明
UUID を生成する方法の詳細は、デバイスの製造元によって決定され、デバイスのプラットフォームやモデルに固有です。
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド
* ブラックベリー 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
//アンドロイド: ランダムな 64 ビットの整数 (を文字列として返します、再び !)/デバイスの最初の起動時に生成される整数/////ブラックベリー: デバイスのピン番号を返します//これは 9 桁の一意な整数 (を文字列としても !)////iPhone: (UIDevice クラスのドキュメントから言い換え)//識別複数のハードウェアから作成されたハッシュ値の文字列を返します。。
//それはすべてのデバイスに対して一意であることが保証され、接続することはできません//ユーザー アカウント。
//Windows Phone 7: デバイス + 現在のユーザーのハッシュを返します//ユーザーが定義されていない場合 guid が生成され、アプリがアンインストールされるまで保持されます//Tizen: デバイスの IMEI を返します (国際モバイル機器アイデンティティまたは IMEI は番号です//すべての GSM および UMTS の携帯電話に固有です。
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS の気まぐれ
`uuid`IOS で、デバイスに固有ではないインストールごと、アプリケーションごとに異なります。 削除、アプリを再インストールした場合に変更と多分またときアップグレード iOS の, またはもアップグレードするアプリ (iOS の 5.1 で明らかに) バージョンごと。 `uuid`は信頼性の高い値ではありません。
### Windows Phone 7 と 8 癖
`uuid`のために Windows Phone 7 には、権限が必要です `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` 。 Microsoft はすぐにこのプロパティを廃止して可能性があります。 機能が利用できない場合、アプリケーションはデバイスへのアプリケーションのインストールの持続期間のために保持されている永続的な guid を生成します。
## device.version
オペレーティング システムのバージョンを取得します。
var string = device.version;
### サポートされているプラットフォーム
* アンドロイド 2.1 +
* ブラックベリー 10
* ブラウザー
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 と 8
* Windows 8
### 簡単な例
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
이 플러그인 정의 전역 `device` 개체, 디바이스의 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어에 설명 합니다. 개체는 전역 범위에서 비록 그것은 후까지 사용할 수 있는 `deviceready` 이벤트.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## 설치
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## 속성
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
코르도바는 장치에서 실행 중인 버전을 얻을.
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 아마존 화재 운영 체제
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* 브라우저
* Firefox 운영 체제
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
## device.model
`device.model`소자의 모델 또는 제품의 이름을 반환 합니다. 값 장치 제조업체에서 설정 되 고 동일 제품의 버전 간에 다를 수 있습니다.
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* 브라우저
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Http:// 참조 / / var 모델 = device.model;
### 안 드 로이드 단점
* 어떤은 종종 프로덕션 코드 이름 대신 [제품 모델 이름](, [제품 이름]( 을 가져옵니다. 예를 들어 넥서스 하나 반환 합니다 `Passion` , 모토로라 Droid를 반환 합니다`voles`.
### Tizen 특수
* 예를 들어, 공급 업체에 의해 할당 된 디바이스 모델을 반환 합니다.`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7, 8 특수
* 제조업체에서 지정 하는 장치 모델을 반환 합니다. 예를 들어 삼성 포커스를 반환 합니다.`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
장치의 운영 체제 이름을 얻을.
var string = device.platform;
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* Browser4
* Firefox 운영 체제
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 단점
Windows Phone 7 장치 보고 플랫폼으로`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 단점
Windows Phone 8 장치 보고 플랫폼으로`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
소자의 보편적으로 고유 식별자 ([UUID]( 를 얻을합니다).
var string = device.uuid;
### 설명
UUID 생성 방법의 자세한 내용은 장치 제조업체에 의해 결정 됩니다 및 소자의 플랫폼 이나 모델.
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
/ / 안 드 로이드: (문자열로 다시!) 임의의 64 비트 정수를 반환 합니다 / / 정수 장치의 첫 번째 부팅에서 생성 / / / / 블랙베리: 디바이스의 핀 번호를 반환 합니다 / / 이것은 9 자리 고유 정수 (문자열로 비록!) / / / / 아이폰: (UIDevice 클래스 설명서에서 읊 었) / / 문자열 여러 하드웨어에서 생성 하는 해시 값을 식별 하는 반환 합니다.
/ 그것은 모든 장치에 대 한 고유 해야 보장 되 고 묶일 수 없습니다 / / / 사용자 계정에.
/ / Windows Phone 7: 장치 + 현재 사용자의 해시를 반환 합니다 / / 사용자 정의 되지 않은 경우 guid 생성 되 고 응용 프로그램을 제거할 때까지 유지 됩니다 / / Tizen: 반환 장치 IMEI (국제 모바일 기기 식별 또는 IMEI 숫자입니다 / / 모든 GSM와 UMTS 휴대 전화 고유.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS 특질
`uuid`ios 장치에 고유 하지 않습니다 하지만 각 설치에 대 한 응용 프로그램 마다 다릅니다. 삭제 하 고 다시 애플 리 케이 션을 설치 하는 경우 변경 가능 하 게 또한 iOS를 업그레이드 하거나 때 버전 (iOS 5.1에에서 명백한) 당 응용 프로그램 업그레이드도 하 고. `uuid`은 신뢰할 수 있는 값이 아닙니다.
### Windows Phone 7, 8 특수
`uuid`Windows Phone 7 필요 허가 `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft는 곧이 속성을 세웁니다 가능성이 것입니다. 기능을 사용할 수 없는 경우 응용 프로그램 장치에 응용 프로그램의 설치 하는 동안 유지 하는 영구 guid를 생성 합니다.
## device.version
운영 체제 버전을 얻을.
var string = device.version;
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드 2.1 +
* 블랙베리 10
* 브라우저
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
이 플러그인 정의 전역 `device` 개체, 디바이스의 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어에 설명 합니다. 개체는 전역 범위에서 비록 그것은 후까지 사용할 수 있는 `deviceready` 이벤트.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## 설치
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## 속성
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
코르도바는 장치에서 실행 중인 버전을 얻을.
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 아마존 화재 운영 체제
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* 브라우저
* Firefox 운영 체제
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
## device.model
`device.model`소자의 모델 또는 제품의 이름을 반환 합니다. 값 장치 제조업체에서 설정 되 고 동일 제품의 버전 간에 다를 수 있습니다.
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* 브라우저
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Http:// 참조 / / var 모델 = device.model;
### 안 드 로이드 단점
* 어떤은 종종 프로덕션 코드 이름 대신 [제품 모델 이름][1], [제품 이름][2] 을 가져옵니다. 예를 들어 넥서스 하나 반환 합니다 `Passion` , 모토로라 Droid를 반환 합니다`voles`.
### Tizen 특수
* 예를 들어, 공급 업체에 의해 할당 된 디바이스 모델을 반환 합니다.`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7, 8 특수
* 제조업체에서 지정 하는 장치 모델을 반환 합니다. 예를 들어 삼성 포커스를 반환 합니다.`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
장치의 운영 체제 이름을 얻을.
var string = device.platform;
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* Browser4
* Firefox 운영 체제
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 단점
Windows Phone 7 장치 보고 플랫폼으로`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 단점
Windows Phone 8 장치 보고 플랫폼으로`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
소자의 보편적으로 고유 식별자 ([UUID][3] 를 얻을합니다).
var string = device.uuid;
### 설명
UUID 생성 방법의 자세한 내용은 장치 제조업체에 의해 결정 됩니다 및 소자의 플랫폼 이나 모델.
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드
* 블랙베리 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
/ / 안 드 로이드: (문자열로 다시!) 임의의 64 비트 정수를 반환 합니다 / / 정수 장치의 첫 번째 부팅에서 생성 / / / / 블랙베리: 디바이스의 핀 번호를 반환 합니다 / / 이것은 9 자리 고유 정수 (문자열로 비록!) / / / / 아이폰: (UIDevice 클래스 설명서에서 읊 었) / / 문자열 여러 하드웨어에서 생성 하는 해시 값을 식별 하는 반환 합니다.
/ 그것은 모든 장치에 대 한 고유 해야 보장 되 고 묶일 수 없습니다 / / / 사용자 계정에.
/ / Windows Phone 7: 장치 + 현재 사용자의 해시를 반환 합니다 / / 사용자 정의 되지 않은 경우 guid 생성 되 고 응용 프로그램을 제거할 때까지 유지 됩니다 / / Tizen: 반환 장치 IMEI (국제 모바일 기기 식별 또는 IMEI 숫자입니다 / / 모든 GSM와 UMTS 휴대 전화 고유.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS 특질
`uuid`ios 장치에 고유 하지 않습니다 하지만 각 설치에 대 한 응용 프로그램 마다 다릅니다. 삭제 하 고 다시 애플 리 케이 션을 설치 하는 경우 변경 가능 하 게 또한 iOS를 업그레이드 하거나 때 버전 (iOS 5.1에에서 명백한) 당 응용 프로그램 업그레이드도 하 고. `uuid`은 신뢰할 수 있는 값이 아닙니다.
### Windows Phone 7, 8 특수
`uuid`Windows Phone 7 필요 허가 `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft는 곧이 속성을 세웁니다 가능성이 것입니다. 기능을 사용할 수 없는 경우 응용 프로그램 장치에 응용 프로그램의 설치 하는 동안 유지 하는 영구 guid를 생성 합니다.
## device.version
운영 체제 버전을 얻을.
var string = device.version;
### 지원 되는 플랫폼
* 안 드 로이드 2.1 +
* 블랙베리 10
* 브라우저
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7과 8
* 윈도우 8
### 빠른 예제
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
Ten plugin określa globalne `device` obiekt, który opisuje urządzenia sprzętowe i programowe. Mimo, że obiekt jest w globalnym zasięgu, nie jest dostępne dopiero po `deviceready` zdarzenie.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Instalacja
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Właściwości
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Pobierz wersję Cordova działa na urządzeniu.
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Przeglądarka
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
`device.model`Zwraca nazwę modelu lub produktu. Wartość jest zestaw przez producenta urządzenia i mogą się różnić między wersjami tego samego produktu.
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Przeglądarka
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Zobacz / / modelu var = device.model;
### Dziwactwa Androida
* Pobiera [nazwę produktu]( zamiast [nazwy modelu](, który często jest nazwą kod produkcji. Na przykład, Nexus One zwraca `Passion` , i zwraca Motorola Droid`voles`.
### Dziwactwa Tizen
* Zwraca modelu urządzenia przypisane przez dostawcę, na przykład,`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 i 8 dziwactwa
* Zwraca modelu urządzenia, określonej przez producenta. Na przykład Samsung ostrości zwraca`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Uzyskać nazwę systemu operacyjnego urządzenia.
var string = device.platform;
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Dziwactwa Windows Phone 7
Urządzenia Windows Phone 7 raport platformy jako`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 dziwactwa
Urządzenia Windows Phone 8 raport platformy jako`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Się urządzenia uniwersalnie unikatowy identyfikator ([UUID](
var string = device.uuid;
### Opis
Szczegóły jak UUID jest generowane są określane przez producenta urządzenia i są specyficzne dla platformy lub modelu urządzenia.
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Android: Returns a random 64-bit integer (as a string, again!)
// The integer is generated on the device's first boot
// BlackBerry: Returns the PIN number of the device
// This is a nine-digit unique integer (as a string, though!)
// iPhone: (Paraphrased from the UIDevice Class documentation)
// Returns a string of hash values created from multiple hardware identifies.
// It is guaranteed to be unique for every device and can't be tied
// to the user account.
// Windows Phone 7 : Returns a hash of device+current user,
// if the user is not defined, a guid is generated and will persist until the app is uninstalled
// Tizen: returns the device IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a number
// unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS dziwactwo
`uuid`Na iOS nie jest przypisany do urządzenia, ale różni się dla każdej aplikacji, dla każdej instalacji. Zmienia się jeśli możesz usunąć i ponownie zainstalować aplikację, a ewentualnie także po aktualizacji iOS czy nawet uaktualnienia aplikacji dla wersji (widoczny w iOS 5.1). `uuid`Jest nie wiarygodne wartości.
### Windows Phone 7 i 8 dziwactwa
`uuid`Dla Windows Phone 7 wymaga uprawnień `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft będzie prawdopodobnie potępiać ten wkrótce. Jeśli funkcja nie jest dostępna, aplikacja generuje trwałe identyfikator guid, który jest utrzymywany przez czas trwania instalacji aplikacji na urządzeniu.
## device.version
Pobierz wersję systemu operacyjnego.
var string = device.version;
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Przeglądarka
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
Ten plugin określa globalne `device` obiekt, który opisuje urządzenia sprzętowe i programowe. Mimo, że obiekt jest w globalnym zasięgu, nie jest dostępne dopiero po `deviceready` zdarzenie.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Instalacja
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Właściwości
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Pobierz wersję Cordova działa na urządzeniu.
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Przeglądarka
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
`device.model`Zwraca nazwę modelu lub produktu. Wartość jest zestaw przez producenta urządzenia i mogą się różnić między wersjami tego samego produktu.
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Przeglądarka
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. Zobacz / / modelu var = device.model;
### Dziwactwa Androida
* Pobiera [nazwę produktu][1] zamiast [nazwy modelu][2], który często jest nazwą kod produkcji. Na przykład, Nexus One zwraca `Passion` , i zwraca Motorola Droid`voles`.
### Dziwactwa Tizen
* Zwraca modelu urządzenia przypisane przez dostawcę, na przykład,`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 i 8 dziwactwa
* Zwraca modelu urządzenia, określonej przez producenta. Na przykład Samsung ostrości zwraca`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Uzyskać nazwę systemu operacyjnego urządzenia.
var string = device.platform;
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Browser4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Dziwactwa Windows Phone 7
Urządzenia Windows Phone 7 raport platformy jako`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 dziwactwa
Urządzenia Windows Phone 8 raport platformy jako`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Się urządzenia uniwersalnie unikatowy identyfikator ([UUID][3]).
var string = device.uuid;
### Opis
Szczegóły jak UUID jest generowane są określane przez producenta urządzenia i są specyficzne dla platformy lub modelu urządzenia.
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
/ / Android: zwraca losowe 64-bitowa liczba całkowita (jako ciąg, znowu!) / / liczba całkowita jest generowany na pierwszego uruchomienia urządzenia / / / / BlackBerry: zwraca numer PIN urządzenia / / to jest unikatową liczbą całkowitą dziewięciu cyfr (jako ciąg, choć!) / / / / iPhone: (zacytowana w dokumentacji klasy UIDevice) / / zwraca ciąg wartości mieszania utworzone z wielu sprzętu identyfikuje.
Zapewniona jest unikatowy dla każdego urządzenia i nie może być związane z / do konta użytkownika.
/ / Windows Phone 7: zwraca wartość mieszania urządzenia + bieżący użytkownik, / / jeśli nie zdefiniowane przez użytkownika, identyfikator guid jest generowany i będzie trwać do czasu odinstalowania aplikacji / / Tizen: zwraca urządzenia IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity lub IMEI jest liczbą / / unikatowe dla każdego telefonu komórkowego GSM i UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS dziwactwo
`uuid`Na iOS nie jest przypisany do urządzenia, ale różni się dla każdej aplikacji, dla każdej instalacji. Zmienia się jeśli możesz usunąć i ponownie zainstalować aplikację, a ewentualnie także po aktualizacji iOS czy nawet uaktualnienia aplikacji dla wersji (widoczny w iOS 5.1). `uuid`Jest nie wiarygodne wartości.
### Windows Phone 7 i 8 dziwactwa
`uuid`Dla Windows Phone 7 wymaga uprawnień `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft będzie prawdopodobnie potępiać ten wkrótce. Jeśli funkcja nie jest dostępna, aplikacja generuje trwałe identyfikator guid, który jest utrzymywany przez czas trwania instalacji aplikacji na urządzeniu.
## device.version
Pobierz wersję systemu operacyjnego.
var string = device.version;
### Obsługiwane platformy
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Przeglądarka
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 i 8
* Windows 8
### Szybki przykład
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
Этот плагин определяет глобальный объект `device`, который описывает оборудование и программное обеспечение устройства. Несмотря на то что объект в глобальной области видимости, он не доступен до того момента пока не произойдет событие `deviceready`.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## Установка
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## Параметры
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
Возвращает версию Cordova, работающую на устройстве.
### Поддерживаемые платформы
* Amazon Fire OS
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Обозреватель
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 и 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
Свойство `device.model` возвращает имя устройства модели или продукта. Значение устанавливается производителем устройства и могут отличаться в разных версиях одного и того же продукта.
### Поддерживаемые платформы
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Обозреватель
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 и 8
* Windows 8
### Краткий пример
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. See
var model = device.model;
### Особенности Android
* Возвращает [имя продукта][1] , а не [имя модели][2], которое часто является производственным кодом. Например, Nexus One из них возвращает `Passion` , и Motorola Droid возвращает `voles`.
### Особенности Tizen
* Возвращает модель устройства, назначенного вендором, например,`TIZEN`
### Особенности Windows Phone 7 и 8
* Возвращает модель устройства, указанной заводом-изготовителем. Например Samsung Focus возвращает `SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
Получите имя операционной системы устройства.
var string = device.platform;
### Поддерживаемые платформы
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* Браузером4
* Firefox OS
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 и 8
* Windows 8
### Краткий пример
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Особенности Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7 устройства сообщают платформу как `WinCE`.
### Особенности Windows Phone 8
Устройства Windows Phone 8 сообщают платформу как `Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
Возвращает универсальный уникального идентификатора ([UUID][3] устройства).
var string = device.uuid;
### Описание
Подробная информация о том как UUID генерируется, определяются изготовителем устройства и являются специфическими для платформы или модели устройства.
### Поддерживаемые платформы
* Android
* BlackBerry 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 и 8
* Windows 8
### Краткий пример
// Android: Возвращает случайное 64-разрядное целое число (в виде строки, опять!)
// целое число генерируется при первой загрузке устройства
// BlackBerry: Возвращает номер PIN устройства
// это 9 значный уникальный целочисленный (как строка, хотя!)
// iPhone: (Перефразировано из документации класса UIDevice)
// возвращает строку хэш-значения, созданные из нескольких аппаратных определяет.
// Это значение гарантированно является уникальным для каждого устройства и не может быть привязано
// к учетной записи пользователя.
// Windows Phone 7: Возвращает хэш устройство + текущего пользователя,
// если пользователь не определен, формируется guid который и будет сохраняться до тех пор, пока приложение не удалиться
// Tizen: возвращает IMEI устройства (Международный идентификатор мобильного оборудования или IMEI это число
// уникальное для каждого мобильного телефона GSM и UMTS.
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### Особенности iOS
На iOS `uuid` не является уникальным для устройства, но варьируется для каждого приложения, и для каждой установки. Значение меняется, если удалить и повторно установить приложение, и возможно также когда вы обновите iOS, или даже обновить приложение до следующей версии (очевидно в iOS 5.1). Значение `uuid` не является надежным.
### Особенности Windows Phone 7 и 8
Для Windows Phone 7 `uuid` требует разрешения `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` . Microsoft скорее всего скоро сделает это свойство устаревшим. Если возможность недоступна, приложение создает постоянные guid, который сохраняется на все время установки приложения на устройстве.
## device.version
Возвращает версию операционной системы.
var string = device.version;
### Поддерживаемые платформы
* Android 2.1 +
* BlackBerry 10
* Обозреватель
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 и 8
* Windows 8
### Краткий пример
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
[![Build Status](](
這個外掛程式定義全球 `device` 物件,描述該設備的硬體和軟體。 雖然物件是在全球範圍內,但不是可用,直到後 `deviceready` 事件。
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## 安裝
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## 屬性
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
### 支援的平臺
* 亞馬遜火 OS
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* 瀏覽器
* 火狐瀏覽器作業系統
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
### 支援的平臺
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* 瀏覽器
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. 請參閱 HTTP:// / / var 模型 = device.model ;
### Android 的怪癖
* 獲取[產品名稱](而不是[產品型號名稱](,這往往是生產代碼名稱。 例如,Nexus One 返回 `Passion` ,和摩托羅拉 Droid 返回`voles`.
### Tizen 怪癖
* 例如,返回與供應商指派的設備模型`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 和 8 怪癖
* 返回由製造商指定的設備模型。例如,三星焦點返回`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
var string = device.platform;
### 支援的平臺
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* Browser4
* 火狐瀏覽器作業系統
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 的怪癖
Windows Phone 7 設備報告作為平臺`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 怪癖
Windows Phone 8 設備報告作為平臺`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
獲取設備的通用唯一識別碼 ([UUID](
var string = device.uuid;
### 說明
如何生成一個 UUID 的細節由設備製造商和特定于設備的平臺或模型。
### 支援的平臺
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
/ / Android: 一個隨機的 64 位整數 (作為字串返回,再次!) / / 上設備的第一次啟動生成的整數 / / / / 黑莓手機: 返回設備的 PIN 號碼 / / 這是九個數字的唯一整數 (作為字串,雖然!) / / / / iPhone: (從 UIDevice 類文檔解釋) / / 返回一個字串的雜湊值創建的多個硬體標識。
/ / 它保證是唯一的每個設備並不能綁 / / 到使用者帳戶。
/ / Windows Phone 7: 返回的雜湊代碼的設備 + 當前使用者,/ / 如果未定義使用者,則一個 guid 生成的並且將會保留直到卸載該應用程式 / / Tizen: 返回設備 IMEI (國際行動裝置身份或 IMEI 是一個數位 / / 獨有的每一個 UMTS 和 GSM 行動電話。
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS 怪癖
`uuid`在 iOS 不是唯一的一種裝置,但對於每個應用程式,為每個安裝而異。 如果您刪除並重新安裝該應用程式,它更改和可能還當你升級 iOS,或甚至升級每個版本 (iOS 5.1 中存在明顯的) 的應用程式。 `uuid`不是一個可靠的值。
### Windows Phone 7 和 8 怪癖
`uuid`為 Windows Phone 7 須經許可 `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` 。 Microsoft 可能會很快棄用此屬性。 如果沒有可用的能力,應用程式將生成設備上應用程式的安裝過程中保持持續的 guid。
## device.version
var string = device.version;
### 支援的平臺
* Android 2.1 +
* 黑莓 10
* 瀏覽器
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
\ No newline at end of file
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# cordova-plugin-device
這個外掛程式定義全球 `device` 物件,描述該設備的硬體和軟體。 雖然物件是在全球範圍內,但不是可用,直到後 `deviceready` 事件。
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
## 安裝
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
## 屬性
* device.cordova
* device.model
* device.platform
* device.uuid
* device.version
## device.cordova
### 支援的平臺
* 亞馬遜火 OS
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* 瀏覽器
* 火狐瀏覽器的作業系統
* iOS
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
## device.model
### 支援的平臺
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* 瀏覽器
* iOS
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
// Android: Nexus One returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
// Motorola Droid returns "voles"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 returns "9800"
// Browser: Google Chrome returns "Chrome"
// Safari returns "Safari"
// iOS: for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. 請參閱 HTTP:// / / var 模型 = device.model ;
### Android 的怪癖
* 獲取[產品名稱][1]而不是[產品型號名稱][2],這往往是生產代碼名稱。 例如,Nexus One 返回 `Passion` ,和摩托羅拉 Droid 返回`voles`.
### Tizen 怪癖
* 例如,返回與供應商指派的設備模型`TIZEN`
### Windows Phone 7 和 8 怪癖
* 返回由製造商指定的設備模型。例如,三星焦點返回`SGH-i917`.
## device.platform
var string = device.platform;
### 支援的平臺
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* Browser4
* 火狐瀏覽器的作業系統
* iOS
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
// Depending on the device, a few examples are:
// - "Android"
// - "BlackBerry 10"
// - Browser: returns "MacIntel" on Mac
// returns "Win32" on Windows
// - "iOS"
// - "WinCE"
// - "Tizen"
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
### Windows Phone 7 的怪癖
Windows Phone 7 設備報告作為平臺`WinCE`.
### Windows Phone 8 怪癖
Windows Phone 8 設備報告作為平臺`Win32NT`.
## device.uuid
獲取設備的通用唯一識別碼 ([UUID][3]).
var string = device.uuid;
### 說明
如何生成一個 UUID 的細節由設備製造商和特定于設備的平臺或模型。
### 支援的平臺
* Android 系統
* 黑莓 10
* iOS
* Tizen
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
/ / Android: 一個隨機的 64 位整數 (作為字串返回,再次!) / / 上設備的第一次啟動生成的整數 / / / / 黑莓手機: 返回設備的 PIN 號碼 / / 這是九個數字的唯一整數 (作為字串,雖然!) / / / / iPhone: (從 UIDevice 類文檔解釋) / / 返回一個字串的雜湊值創建的多個硬體標識。
/ / 它保證是唯一的每個設備並不能綁 / / 到使用者帳戶。
/ / Windows Phone 7: 返回的雜湊代碼的設備 + 當前使用者,/ / 如果未定義使用者,則一個 guid 生成的並且將會保留直到卸載該應用程式 / / Tizen: 返回設備 IMEI (國際行動裝置身份或 IMEI 是一個數位 / / 獨有的每一個 UMTS 和 GSM 行動電話。
var deviceID = device.uuid;
### iOS 怪癖
`uuid`在 iOS 不是唯一的一種裝置,但對於每個應用程式,為每個安裝而異。 如果您刪除並重新安裝該應用程式,它更改和可能還當你升級 iOS,或甚至升級每個版本 (iOS 5.1 中存在明顯的) 的應用程式。 `uuid`不是一個可靠的值。
### Windows Phone 7 和 8 怪癖
`uuid`為 Windows Phone 7 須經許可 `ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE` 。 Microsoft 可能會很快棄用此屬性。 如果沒有可用的能力,應用程式將生成設備上應用程式的安裝過程中保持持續的 guid。
## device.version
var string = device.version;
### 支援的平臺
* Android 2.1 +
* 黑莓 10
* 瀏覽器
* iOS
* Windows Phone 7 和 8
* Windows 8
### 快速的示例
// Android: Froyo OS would return "2.2"
// Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
// Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
// BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
// Browser: Returns version number for the browser
// iPhone: iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
// Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
// Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
var deviceVersion = device.version;
"name": "cordova-plugin-device",
"version": "2.0.2",
"description": "Cordova Device Plugin",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"cordova": {
"id": "cordova-plugin-device",
"platforms": [
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"scripts": {
"test": "npm run eslint",
"eslint": "node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint www && node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint src && node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint tests"
"author": "Apache Software Foundation",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"engines": {
"cordovaDependencies": {
"3.0.0": {
"cordova": ">100"
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^3.19.0",
"eslint-config-semistandard": "^11.0.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "^10.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.3.0",
"eslint-plugin-node": "^5.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^3.5.0",
"eslint-plugin-standard": "^3.0.1"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<plugin xmlns=""
<description>Cordova Device Plugin</description>
<license>Apache 2.0</license>
<js-module src="www/device.js" name="device">
<clobbers target="device" />
<!-- android -->
<platform name="android">
<config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
<feature name="Device" >
<param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.device.Device"/>
<source-file src="src/android/" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/device" />
<!-- ios -->
<platform name="ios">
<config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
<feature name="Device">
<param name="ios-package" value="CDVDevice"/>
<header-file src="src/ios/CDVDevice.h" />
<source-file src="src/ios/CDVDevice.m" />
<!-- windows -->
<platform name="windows">
<js-module src="src/windows/DeviceProxy.js" name="DeviceProxy">
<runs />
<!-- browser -->
<platform name="browser">
<config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
<feature name="Device">
<param name="browser-package" value="Device" />
<js-module src="src/browser/DeviceProxy.js" name="DeviceProxy">
<runs />
<!-- osx -->
<platform name="osx">
<config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
<feature name="Device">
<param name="ios-package" value="CDVDevice"/>
<header-file src="src/osx/CDVDevice.h" />
<source-file src="src/osx/CDVDevice.m" />
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
package org.apache.cordova.device;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView;
import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaInterface;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import android.provider.Settings;
public class Device extends CordovaPlugin {
public static final String TAG = "Device";
public static String platform; // Device OS
public static String uuid; // Device UUID
private static final String ANDROID_PLATFORM = "Android";
private static final String AMAZON_PLATFORM = "amazon-fireos";
private static final String AMAZON_DEVICE = "Amazon";
* Constructor.
public Device() {
* Sets the context of the Command. This can then be used to do things like
* get file paths associated with the Activity.
* @param cordova The context of the main Activity.
* @param webView The CordovaWebView Cordova is running in.
public void initialize(CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView) {
super.initialize(cordova, webView);
Device.uuid = getUuid();
* Executes the request and returns PluginResult.
* @param action The action to execute.
* @param args JSONArry of arguments for the plugin.
* @param callbackContext The callback id used when calling back into JavaScript.
* @return True if the action was valid, false if not.
public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
if ("getDeviceInfo".equals(action)) {
JSONObject r = new JSONObject();
r.put("uuid", Device.uuid);
r.put("version", this.getOSVersion());
r.put("platform", this.getPlatform());
r.put("model", this.getModel());
r.put("manufacturer", this.getManufacturer());
r.put("isVirtual", this.isVirtual());
r.put("serial", this.getSerialNumber());
else {
return false;
return true;
* Get the OS name.
* @return
public String getPlatform() {
String platform;
if (isAmazonDevice()) {
} else {
return platform;
* Get the device's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
* @return
public String getUuid() {
String uuid = Settings.Secure.getString(this.cordova.getActivity().getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
return uuid;
public String getModel() {
String model = android.os.Build.MODEL;
return model;
public String getProductName() {
String productname = android.os.Build.PRODUCT;
return productname;
public String getManufacturer() {
String manufacturer = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER;
return manufacturer;
public String getSerialNumber() {
String serial = android.os.Build.SERIAL;
return serial;
* Get the OS version.
* @return
public String getOSVersion() {
String osversion = android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
return osversion;
public String getSDKVersion() {
String sdkversion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK;
return sdkversion;
public String getTimeZoneID() {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
return (tz.getID());
* Function to check if the device is manufactured by Amazon
* @return
public boolean isAmazonDevice() {
if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals(AMAZON_DEVICE)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isVirtual() {
return android.os.Build.FINGERPRINT.contains("generic") ||
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var browser = require('cordova/platform');
function getPlatform () {
return 'browser';
function getModel () {
return getBrowserInfo(true);
function getVersion () {
return getBrowserInfo(false);
function getBrowserInfo (getModel) {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
var returnVal = '';
var offset;
if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('Edge')) !== -1) {
returnVal = (getModel) ? 'Edge' : userAgent.substring(offset + 5);
} else if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('Chrome')) !== -1) {
returnVal = (getModel) ? 'Chrome' : userAgent.substring(offset + 7);
} else if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('Safari')) !== -1) {
if (getModel) {
returnVal = 'Safari';
} else {
returnVal = userAgent.substring(offset + 7);
if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('Version')) !== -1) {
returnVal = userAgent.substring(offset + 8);
} else if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('Firefox')) !== -1) {
returnVal = (getModel) ? 'Firefox' : userAgent.substring(offset + 8);
} else if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')) !== -1) {
returnVal = (getModel) ? 'MSIE' : userAgent.substring(offset + 5);
} else if ((offset = userAgent.indexOf('Trident')) !== -1) {
returnVal = (getModel) ? 'MSIE' : '11';
if ((offset = returnVal.indexOf(';')) !== -1 || (offset = returnVal.indexOf(' ')) !== -1) {
returnVal = returnVal.substring(0, offset);
return returnVal;
module.exports = {
getDeviceInfo: function (success, error) {
setTimeout(function () {
cordova: browser.cordovaVersion,
platform: getPlatform(),
model: getModel(),
version: getVersion(),
uuid: null,
isVirtual: false
}, 0);
require('cordova/exec/proxy').add('Device', module.exports);
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
@interface CDVDevice : CDVPlugin
+ (NSString*)cordovaVersion;
- (void)getDeviceInfo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include "TargetConditionals.h"
#import <Cordova/CDV.h>
#import "CDVDevice.h"
@implementation UIDevice (ModelVersion)
- (NSString*)modelVersion
size_t size;
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
char* machine = malloc(size);
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0);
NSString* platform = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:machine];
return platform;
@interface CDVDevice () {}
@implementation CDVDevice
- (NSString*)uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier:(UIDevice*)device
NSUserDefaults* userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
static NSString* UUID_KEY = @"CDVUUID";
// Check user defaults first to maintain backwards compaitibility with previous versions
// which didn't user identifierForVendor
NSString* app_uuid = [userDefaults stringForKey:UUID_KEY];
if (app_uuid == nil) {
if ([device respondsToSelector:@selector(identifierForVendor)]) {
app_uuid = [[device identifierForVendor] UUIDString];
} else {
CFUUIDRef uuid = CFUUIDCreate(NULL);
app_uuid = (__bridge_transfer NSString *)CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, uuid);
[userDefaults setObject:app_uuid forKey:UUID_KEY];
[userDefaults synchronize];
return app_uuid;
- (void)getDeviceInfo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
NSDictionary* deviceProperties = [self deviceProperties];
CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsDictionary:deviceProperties];
[self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
- (NSDictionary*)deviceProperties
UIDevice* device = [UIDevice currentDevice];
return @{
@"manufacturer": @"Apple",
@"model": [device modelVersion],
@"platform": @"iOS",
@"version": [device systemVersion],
@"uuid": [self uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier:device],
@"cordova": [[self class] cordovaVersion],
@"isVirtual": @([self isVirtual])
+ (NSString*)cordovaVersion
- (BOOL)isVirtual
return true;
return true;
return false;
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
@interface CDVDevice : CDVPlugin
+ (NSString*) cordovaVersion;
- (void) getDeviceInfo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;
This diff is collapsed.
"name": "cordova-plugin-device-tests",
"version": "1.1.6-dev",
"description": "",
"cordova": {
"id": "cordova-plugin-device-tests",
"platforms": []
"keywords": [
"author": "",
"license": "Apache 2.0"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<plugin xmlns=""
<name>Cordova Device Plugin Tests</name>
<license>Apache 2.0</license>
<js-module src="tests.js" name="tests">
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MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 极光开发者
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