Commit 699e94ab authored by 5359's avatar 5359


parent a83808cb
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -195,12 +195,23 @@
<div v-if="unAuthorizedList.length && showButton" class="button_all">
<div v-if="unAuthorizedList.length && showButton" class="info_all" style="border: none;">
<div class="list_left"
style="width:100%;color: #898989;font-family: '微软雅黑';border: none;line-height: 150%;">
<img src="../../../assets/userRegister/choosed.png"
<div v-if="unAuthorizedList.length && showButton" class="button_all">
<h-button id="unAuthorized" class="next_step2" :disabled="ableFlag" @click.native="autohrized('Y')">{{content}}</h-button>
......@@ -224,7 +235,10 @@
choosedList: [],//已选择数组
obj: {},
showButton: true,
totalTime: 5,
canClick: false, //添加canClick
content: '同意授权',
ableFlag: true
components: {
......@@ -248,7 +262,23 @@
methods: {
// tab切换
getRadioVal() {
// console.log(this.staffType);
if (this.staffType == '未授权') {
let vm = this
vm.canClick = false;
vm.ableFlag = true;
vm.content = '同意授权' + vm.totalTime + 's'
let clock = window.setInterval(() => {
vm.content = '同意授权' + vm.totalTime + 's'
if (vm.totalTime < 0) {
vm.content = '同意授权'
vm.totalTime = 5
vm.canClick = true //这里重新开启
vm.ableFlag = false;
}, 1000);
changeChoose(item) {
let vm = this
......@@ -304,6 +334,7 @@
autohrized(flag) {
if (flag == 'Y' && !this.canClick) return //改动的是这两行代码
let vm = this
vm.choosedList = [];
if (flag == 'N') { //已经授权的 取消授权
......@@ -329,11 +360,11 @@
let url = process.env.rootPath + '/auth/api/individual/authorize'
let param = vm.choosedList
if (flag == 'Y') {
title: '“授权”须知',
content: '您即将授权“未授权”的经办人员作为贵司的签约授权代表,一旦您点击了“授权”按钮,相应的授权经办人员即完全取得代表贵司签约的权利,其所有签约操作行为都完全代表贵司。请您作为贵司签约授权管理人,在完全理解和明白前述点击“授权”按钮的法律后果并确保贵司愿意接受该种法律后果的情况下点击“授权”按钮。如您因误操作点击了“授权”按钮,请您立即进行取消授权的操作,否则贵司也将承担因误操作所引发的一切法律后果。',
onConfirm: function (index) {
if (index === 1) {
// hlsPopup.showConfirm({
// title: '“授权”须知',
// content: '您即将授权“未授权”的经办人员作为贵司的签约授权代表,一旦您点击了“授权”按钮,相应的授权经办人员即完全取得代表贵司签约的权利,其所有签约操作行为都完全代表贵司。请您作为贵司签约授权管理人,在完全理解和明白前述点击“授权”按钮的法律后果并确保贵司愿意接受该种法律后果的情况下点击“授权”按钮。如您因误操作点击了“授权”按钮,请您立即进行取消授权的操作,否则贵司也将承担因误操作所引发的一切法律后果。',
// onConfirm: function (index) {
// if (index === 1) {
vm.$post(url, param).then(function (res) {
......@@ -346,9 +377,9 @@
// }
// },
// })
} else if (flag == 'N') {
vm.$post(url, param).then(function (res) {
......@@ -562,6 +593,14 @@
color: #ffffff;
margin-top: 50px;
.next_step2 {
width: 120px;
/*height: 30px;*/
border-radius: 15px;
background-color: #09bb07;
color: #ffffff;
margin-top: 50px;
......@@ -288,6 +288,19 @@ export default {
'target': null,
'applicationFlag': 'N',
'appCode': 'HLS_APP',
'functionId': 66,
'functionCode': '470',
'functionName': '银联电子签约',
'functionIcon': require('@/assets/home-manager/chinapay_logo.png'),
'functionState': 'ChinaUnionPay',
'prodFlag': 'Y',
'enableFlag': 'Y',
'functionType': 'local',
'target': null,
'applicationFlag': 'N',
'appCode': 'HLS_APP',
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
} else {
"Y" == window.localStorage.authFlag || "UserRegister" == data.functionState ? this.$router.push({name: data.functionState}) : hlsPopup.showPopup({
"Y" == window.localStorage.authFlag || "UserRegister" == data.functionState|| "ChinaUnionPay" == data.functionState ? this.$router.push({name: data.functionState}) : hlsPopup.showPopup({
title: "提示",
content: "当前用户未完成注册,请先注册!",
onConfirm: function () {
......@@ -378,12 +378,12 @@
.function-item {
width: 25%;
height: 89px;
height: 100px;
font-size: 12px;
// border: 1px solid rgba(169,169,169,0.1); /*no*/
/deep/ img {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
margin: 23px 28px 9px 33px;
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ import ContractDownloadList from '@/pages/applications/contractDownload/contract
// 图片上传微信服务器
import UploadImg from '@/pages/applications/userRegisters/uploadImg'
import UploadImage from '@/pages/applications/userRegisters/uploadImage'
import ChinaUnionPay from '@/pages/applications/chinaUnionPay/chinaUnionPay'
// 全局跳转路由方法
Router.prototype.pushPage = function(param, bool) {
......@@ -204,6 +206,15 @@ export default new Router({
keepAlive: false
// 银联电子签约
path: '/ChinaUnionPay',
component: ChinaUnionPay,
name: 'ChinaUnionPay',
meta: {
keepAlive: false
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