Commit 8b847b37 authored by WangRui's avatar WangRui


parent 81eb1ef4
const state = {};
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
export default {
namespaced: true,
export const useProjectList = defineStore('formStore', () => {
const contractId = ref('')
return { contractId }
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<PullRefresh v-model="refreshing" @refresh="getList" class="scroll">
<List :finished="finished" finished-text="没有更多了" @load="loadApproval">
<ListItem v-for="item in listValue" :other_title="item.other_title" :title="item.title" :values="item.values"
@click="jump" />
@click="jump(item.contractId)" />
......@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ import ListItem from '@/components/ListItem.vue'
import Plus from '@/components/Plus.vue'
import api from "../api";
import { useRouter } from "vue-router";
import { useProjectList } from "../store";
const formStore = useProjectList()
// const listValue = $ref([
// {
// title: '2204-DB001-001',
......@@ -42,18 +44,20 @@ let listValue = $ref([]);
const getList = async () => {
// 下拉重置参数,重新加载
let list = await api.getProjectList({userId: window.localStorage.getItem('userId')});
if(list.result === 'SUCCESS'){
list = => ({
let res = await api.getProjectList({userId: window.localStorage.getItem('userId')});
console.log('hha', res);
let list = []
list = => ({
title: item.intentionNumber,
other_title: item.creationDate.split(' ')[0],
values: [["机型", "状态", "代理店"], [item.model, item.intentionStatusN, item.agentBpName]]
title: item.itemProjectNumber,
other_title: item.creationDate?.split(' ')[0],
values: [["机型", "状态", "代理店"], [item.model, item.intentionStatusN, item.agencyBpName]]
}else {
list = [];
listValue = list.reverse();
listValue = list;
refreshing = false;
......@@ -64,8 +68,9 @@ const loadApproval = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const jump = () => {
router.push({ name: 'projectList-views-projectForm' })
const jump = (id) => {
formStore.contractId = id;
router.push({ name: 'projectList-views-projectForm'})
......@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ import RepayPlan from '@/components/RepayPlan.vue'
import { Icon } from 'vant'
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import api from "../api";
import { useProjectList } from "../store";
const router = useRouter()
const formStore = useProjectList()
let currencyObj = $ref({
// financingCurrency: '200,000.00',
// headerCurrency: '5,000.00',
......@@ -62,7 +64,8 @@ let currencyObj = $ref({
let cashflow = []
const getRepayPlanInfo = async () => {
const result = await api.getRepaymentDetails({"contractId": "777"})
// "contractId": "777"
const result = await api.getRepaymentDetails({"contractId": formStore.contractId})
if(result.message === '请求成功'){
const rows = result.rows[0];
currencyObj = {
......@@ -23,9 +23,13 @@ import AuFormClass from "@/components/useAuForm";
import GuarantorList from '../components/GuarantorList.vue'
import { onActivated } from "vue";
import api from "../api";
import { useRouter } from "vue-router";
import { useProjectList } from "../store";
import { useRouter, useRoute } from "vue-router";
const route = useRoute();
const router = useRouter();
const formStore = useProjectList()
const formBaseConfigArr = [
title: '合同编号',
......@@ -279,9 +283,8 @@ const formleaseInfoConfig = $ref(new AuFormClass(formleaseInfoArr))
let contractId = $ref(null);
const projectInfoDetail = async () => {
// 下拉重置参数,重新加载
let result = await api.getProjectDetail({"contractId": "777"});
console.log('list===', result);
console.log('url', formStore.contractId);
let result = await api.getProjectDetail({"contractId": formStore.contractId});
if(result.success) {
let rows = result.rows;
let baseInfo = [];
......@@ -331,37 +334,9 @@ const projectInfoDetail = async () => {
// const setup = (props,ctx) => {
// // const router = useRouter();
// //router是全局路由对象,route= userRoute()是当前路由对象
// let router = useRouter();
// let gotoRepayPlan = () => {
// console.log('hhaha')
// router.push({
// //传递参数使用query的话,指定path或者name都行,但使用params的话,只能使用name指定
// // path:'/home',
// // query:{
// // num:1
// // }
// name: 'repayPlan-views-plan',
// params: {
// contractId: '777'
// }
// });
// }
// return{
// gotoRepayPlan
// }
// }
const router = useRouter();
const gotoRepayPlan = () =>{
name: 'projectList-views-plan',
query: {
contractId: contractId
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