CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW PRJ_PROJECT_LEASE_ITEM_HEAD_LV AS select t.vehicle_class, t.Lease_Item_Seq, t.Brand_Id, t.Series_Id, t.Truck_Class, t.Price, t.Quantity, t.Item_Engine_Number, t.Horsepower, t.NOTICE_NUMBER, t.Gps_Flag, (SELECT a.description value_name FROM hls_car_brands_vl a WHERE t.brand_id = a.brand_id AND a.enabled_flag = 'Y') brand_id_n, (SELECT a.description FROM hls_car_series_vl a WHERE a.series_id = t.series_id) series_id_n, (select code_value_name from sys_code_values_v scv where scv.code = 'TRUCK_CLASS' and scv.code_value = t.Truck_Class) Truck_Class_n, (t.price * t.quantity) TOTAL_AMOUNT, t.project_id, t.project_lease_item_id, t.lease_item_id, (select i.full_name from hls_lease_item i where i.lease_item_id = t.lease_item_id) lease_item_id_n, t.Vehicles_Number, (select COUNT(1) from CON_CONTRACT_LEASE_ITEM CI where CI.PROJECT_LEASE_ITEM_ID = T.PROJECT_LEASE_ITEM_ID) CONFIRM_NUMBER, t.insurance_price, t.gps_amount, t.Purchase_Tax, t.model_id, (SELECT a.description FROM hls_car_model_vl a WHERE a.model_id = t.model_id) model_id_n, t.guide_price, t.VEHICLE_TYPE, (select a.code_value_name from sys_code_values_v a where a.code = 'HLS_VEHICLE_TYPE' and a.code_value=t.vehicle_type) vehicle_type_n, --add by chenlingfeng t.ton_code, t.short_name, t.full_name, t.pattern, (select v.code_value_name as value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'DS_TON_NAME' and t.ton_code = v.code_value) ton_code_n, t.ITEM_TYPE ,--物件类型 (select v.code_value_name as value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'DS_ITEM_TYPE' and t.ITEM_TYPE = v.code_value) ITEM_TYPE_n, t.machine_number ,--机号 t.equipment_type, (select v.code_value_name as value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'EQUIPMENT_TYPE' and t.EQUIPMENT_TYPE = v.code_value) EQUIPMENT_TYPE_n, t.FACTORY_price, t.DELIVERY_DATE, t.sale_date, --add by lijingjing t.division, t.machine_model, t.equipments, t.accessories, t.origin_place, t.machine_model_class, (select v.code_value_name as value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'MACHINE_MODEL_CLASS' and t.machine_model_class = v.code_value) machine_model_class_n, (select v.code_value_name as value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'ORIGIN_PLACE' and t.origin_place = v.code_value) origin_place_n, (select v.code_value_name as value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'DIVISION' and t.division = v.code_value) division_n, t.full_name full_name_n --end from prj_project_lease_item t ;