/* * Leaf UI Library. * Copyright(c) 2010, Hand China Co.,Ltd. * * http://www.hand-china.com */ /** * @class Leaf Leaf UI 核心工具类. * @author 牛佳庆 * @singleton */ // 解决IE8 forEach兼容性问题 if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function forEach(callback, thisArg) { var T, k; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError("this is null or not defined"); } var O = Object(this); var len = O.length >>> 0; if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError(callback + " is not a function"); } if (arguments.length > 1) { T = thisArg; } k = 0; while (k < len) { var kValue; if (k in O) { kValue = O[k]; callback.call(T, kValue, k, O); } k++; } }; } Ext.Ajax.timeout = 1800000; $L = Leaf = {version: '1.0', revision: '$Rev:$'}; $jq = jQuery.noConflict(); // $L.firstFire = false; $L.fireWindowResize = function () { if ($L.winWidth != $L.getViewportWidth() || $L.winHeight != $L.getViewportHeight()) { $L.winHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); $L.winWidth = $L.getViewportWidth(); $L.Cover.resizeCover(); } } /** * 内部页面body的padding值 */ $L.usedHeight = 20;// -6 $L.usedWidth = 20;// -6 $L.minViewportWidth = 1000; $L.minViewportHeight = 500; $L.auWindow = new Ext.util.Observable(); if (Ext.isIE6) Ext.EventManager.on(window, "resize", $L.fireWindowResize, this); $L.PARENT_DOMAIN = true; try { parent.document } catch (e) { $L.PARENT_DOMAIN = false; } $L.cache = {}; $L.cmps = {}; $L.onReady = function (fn, scope, options) { if (window['__host']) { if (!$L.loadEvent) $L.loadEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); $L.loadEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); } else { Ext.onReady(fn, scope, options); } }// Ext.onReady; $L.get = Ext.get; // $L.focusWindow; // $L.focusTab; $L.defaultDateFormat = "isoDate"; $L.defaultDateTimeFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss"; $L.defaultChineseLength = 2; /** * 页面地址重定向 * * @param {String} * url */ $L.go = function (url) { if (!url)return; var r = Math.random(); window.location.href = url + (url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + '__r__=' + r; } /** * 对页面url参数进行加密处理 * * @param {String} * url */ //window.encryptOpen = function(url,tar,con){ // var param = url.indexOf("?"); // if(param>0){ // var key = "1234567qwertyuiASDFGVFR8"; // var oldUrl = url.split("?"); // var arr = url.substr(param+1).split("&"); // var str =""; // for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ // var num = arr[i].indexOf("="); // if(num>0){ // var name = arr[i].substring(0,num); // var value = name + "=leaf-" + $L.encryptByDES(arr[i].substr(num+1),key); // } // if(str==""){ // str += value; // }else{ // str +="&" + value; // } // } // url = oldUrl[0] +"?"+ str; // window.open(url,tar,con); // }else{ // window.open(url,tar,con); // } //} // //$L.encryptByDES = function(message,key){ // var keyHex = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key); // var encrypted = CryptoJS.DES.encrypt(message, keyHex, { // mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, // padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 // }); // return encodeURIComponent(encrypted.toString()); //} /** * 将对象居中 * * @param {Object/String} * el Leaf组件对象或者是DOM对象或者是对象的ID字符串 */ $L.center = function (el) { var ele; if (typeof(el) == "string") { var cmp = $L.CmpManager.get(el) if (cmp) { if (cmp.wrap) { ele = cmp.wrap; } } else { ele = Ext.get(el); } } else { ele = Ext.get(el); } var screenWidth = $L.getViewportWidth(); var screenHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); var x = Math.max(0, (screenWidth - ele.getWidth()) / 2); var y = Math.max(0, (screenHeight - ele.getHeight()) / 2); ele.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); ele.moveTo(x, y); } /** * 设置主题 * * @param {String} * theme 主题名 */ $L.setCookie = function (cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires; } $L.setTheme = function (theme) { if (theme) { var exp = new Date(); $L.setCookie("app_theme", "", -1); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000); document.cookie = "app_theme=" + escape(theme) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); window.location.reload(); } } $L.setThemeUnload = function (theme) { if (theme) { var exp = new Date(); $L.setCookie("app_theme", "", -1); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000); document.cookie = "app_theme=" + escape(theme) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } } $L.getTheme = function () { return this.getCookie("app_theme"); } $L.setSubjectAndTheme = function (subject, theme) { if (theme) { var exp = new Date(); $L.setCookie("app_theme", "", -1); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000); document.cookie = "app_theme=" + escape(theme) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } if (subject) { var exp = new Date(); var oldSubject = $L.getCookie("app_subject"); $L.setCookie("app_subject", "", -1); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000); document.cookie = "app_subject=" + escape(subject) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); var hrefUrl = window.location.href; if (subject === 'HAP' && oldSubject !== 'HAP') { hrefUrl = hrefUrl.replace("leaf_main.lview", "main.lview") } else if(subject === 'LEAF' && oldSubject !== 'LEAF'){ hrefUrl = hrefUrl.replace("main.lview", "leaf_main.lview") } window.location.replace(hrefUrl); } } $L.setSubjectUnload = function (subject) { if (subject) { var exp = new Date(); $L.setCookie("app_subject", "", -1); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000); document.cookie = "app_subject=" + escape(subject) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } } $L.getSubject = function () { return this.getCookie("app_subject"); } $L.CmpManager = function () { return { put: function (id, cmp) { if (!this.cache) this.cache = {}; if (this.cache[id] != null) { alert("错误: ID为' " + id + " '的组件已经存在!"); return; } if (cmp.hostid) { var host = Ext.get(cmp.hostid); // var host = Ext.getBody().child('[host_id='+cmp.hostid+']'); (host.cmps = host.cmps || {})[id] = cmp; cmp['__host'] = host; } else if (window['__host']) { window['__host'].cmps[id] = cmp; cmp['__host'] = window['__host']; } // if($L.focusWindow) $L.focusWindow.cmps[id] = cmp; // if($L.focusTab) $L.focusTab.cmps[id] = cmp; this.cache[id] = cmp; cmp.on('mouseover', $L.CmpManager.onCmpOver, $L.CmpManager); cmp.on('mouseout', $L.CmpManager.onCmpOut, $L.CmpManager); }, onCmpOver: function (cmp, e) { if ($L.validInfoType != 'tip') return; if (($L.Grid && cmp instanceof $L.Grid) || ($L.Table && cmp instanceof $L.Table) || ($L.GridBox && cmp instanceof $L.GridBox)) { var ds = cmp.dataset; if (!ds || !e.target)return; var target = Ext.fly(e.target).findParent('td'); if (target) { var atype = Ext.fly(target).getAttributeNS("", "atype"); if (atype == 'grid-cell' || atype == 'table-cell' || atype == 'gridbox-cell') { var rid = Ext.fly(target).getAttributeNS("", "recordid"); var record = ds.findById(rid); if (record) { var name = Ext.fly(target).getAttributeNS("", "dataindex"); var field = record.getMeta().getField(name) if (!field)return; var msg = record.valid[name] || field.get('tooltip'); if (Ext.isEmpty(msg))return; $L.ToolTip.show(target, msg); } } } } else { if (cmp.binder) { var ds = cmp.binder.ds; if (!ds)return; var record = cmp.record; if (!record)return; var field = record.getMeta().getField(cmp.binder.name) var msg = record.valid[cmp.binder.name] || field.get('tooltip'); if (Ext.isEmpty(msg))return; $L.ToolTip.show(cmp.id, msg); } } }, onCmpOut: function (cmp, e) { if ($L.validInfoType != 'tip') return; $L.ToolTip.hide(); }, getAll: function () { return this.cache; }, remove: function (id) { var cmp = this.cache[id]; if (cmp) { if (cmp['__host'] && cmp['__host'].cmps) { delete cmp['__host'].cmps[id]; } cmp.un('mouseover', $L.CmpManager.onCmpOver, $L.CmpManager); cmp.un('mouseout', $L.CmpManager.onCmpOut, $L.CmpManager); delete this.cache[id]; } }, get: function (id) { if (!this.cache) return null; return this.cache[id]; } }; }(); Ext.Ajax.on("requestexception", function (conn, response, options) { if ($L.slideBarEnable) $L.SideBar.enable = $L.slideBarEnable; $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxerror', $L.manager, response.status, response); if ($L.logWindow) { var record = $le('HTTPWATCH_DATASET').getCurrentRecord(); var st = $L['_startTime']; var ed = new Date(); record.set('spend', ed - st); record.set('status', response.status); record.set('result', response.statusText); record.set('response', response.statusText); } switch (response.status) { case 404: $L.showErrorMessage(response.status + _lang['ajax.error'], _lang['ajax.error.404'] + '"' + response.statusText + '"', null, 400, 150); break; case 500: $L.showErrorMessage(response.status + _lang['ajax.error'], response.responseText, null, 500, 300); break; case 0: break; default: $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], response.statusText); break; } }, this); /** * 获取Leaf控件的对象,可以使用简写方式的$le()方法 * * @param {String} * id Leaf控件的id */ $ = $L.getCmp = function (id) { var cmp = $L.CmpManager.get(id) if (cmp == null) { // alert('未找到组件:' + id) window.console && console.error('未找到组件:' + id); } return cmp; } $le = $L.getCmp = function (id) { var cmp = $L.CmpManager.get(id) if (cmp == null) { // alert('未找到组件:' + id) window.console && console.error('未找到组件:' + id); } return cmp; } /** * 设置cookie * * @param {String} * name cookie名 * @param {String} * value cookie值 * @param {Number} * days 有效期(单位是天),默认是sessions */ $L.setCookie = function (name, value, days) { var pathname = location.pathname; pathname = pathname.substring(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); var exp = null; if (days) { exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ';path = ' + pathname + ((exp) ? (';expires=' + exp.toGMTString()) : ''); } /** * 根据cookie名获取cookie值 * * @param {String} * name cookie名 */ $L.getCookie = function (name) { var arr = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)")); if (arr != null) return unescape(arr[2]); return null; } /** * 获取页面可视高度 * * @return {Number} 页面可视高度 */ $L.getViewportHeight = function () { var viewportHeight = $L.minViewportHeight; if (Ext.isIE || Ext.isIE9 || Ext.isIE10) { viewportHeight = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; } else { viewportHeight = self.innerHeight; } if (viewportHeight < $L.minViewportHeight) { viewportHeight = $L.minViewportHeight } return viewportHeight; } /** * 获取页面可视宽度 * * @return {Number} 页面可视宽度 */ $L.getViewportWidth = function () { var viewportWidth = $L.minViewportWidth; if (Ext.isIE || Ext.isIE9 || Ext.isIE10) { viewportWidth = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth; } else { viewportWidth = self.innerWidth; } if (viewportWidth < $L.minViewportWidth) { viewportWidth = $L.minViewportWidth; } return viewportWidth; } // $L.recordSize = function(){ // var w = $L.getViewportWidth(); // var h = $L.getViewportHeight(); // document.cookie = "vw="+w; // document.cookie = "vh="+h; // } // $L.recordSize(); /** * post的方式提交数据,同{@link Leaf.DataSet#post} * * @param {String} * action 提交的url地址 * @param {Object} * data 数据集合 * @param {String} * target 提交目标 */ $L.post = function (action, data, target) { if(action.indexOf("?") == -1){ action = action + "?_csrf="+ $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); }else{ action = action + "&_csrf="+ $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); } var form = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style: 'display:none', tag: 'form', method: 'post', action: action, target: target || '_self' }); for (var key in data) { var v = data[key] if (v) { if (v instanceof Date) v = v.format('isoDate');// TODO:时分秒如何处理? form.createChild({tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: key, value: v}); } } form.dom.submit(); form.remove(); } /** * POST方式的Ajax请求 * <p> * opt对象的属性: <div class="mdetail-params"> * <ul> * <li><code>url</code> <div class="sub-desc">提交的url地址</div></li> * <li><code>para</code> <div class="sub-desc">提交的参数</div></li> * <li><code>scope</code> <div class="sub-desc">作用域</div></li> * <li><code>sync</code> <div class="sub-desc">是否同步,默认false</div></li> * <li><code>success</code> <div class="sub-desc">成功的回调函数</div></li> * <li><code>error</code> <div class="sub-desc">错误的回调函数</div></li> * <li><code>failure</code> <div class="sub-desc">ajax调用失败的回调函数</div></li> * <li><code>lockMessage</code> <div class="sub-desc">锁屏消息</div></li> * </ul> * </div> * </p> * * @param {Object} * opt 参数对象 */ $L.request = function (opt) { var url = opt.url, isRest = /\/rest\//.test(url) || opt.isRest, para = opt.para || {}, xmlData = opt.xmlData, jsonData = opt.jsonData, successCall = opt.success, errorCall = opt.error, scope = opt.scope, failureCall = opt.failure, lockMessage = opt.lockMessage, body = Ext.getBody(), opts = Ext.apply({}, opt.opts), method = opt.method, params = {}; if (!Ext.isEmpty(lockMessage)) { $L.Masker.mask(body, lockMessage); } $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxstart', url, para); if ($L.logWindow) { $L['_startTime'] = new Date(); $le('HTTPWATCH_DATASET').create({'url': url, 'request': Ext.util.JSON.encode({parameter: para})}) } if (isRest) { if (method != 'GET') { var dtoName = opt.dtoName, restDataFormat = opt.restDataFormat, arr = params[dtoName] = [], records = {}; if (restDataFormat) { var format = $L.getRenderer(restDataFormat); if (format == null) { alert("未找到" + restDataFormat + "方法"); } } if (format) { params = format(para); } else { Ext.each(para, function (p) { var _p = {}; Ext.iterate(p, function (key, value) { if (/^@/.test(key)) { _p[key] = value; } }); Ext.applyIf(_p, p); delete _p._id; delete _p._status; arr.push(_p); }); } params = Ext.util.JSON.encode(params); } } else if(method == 'GET'){ if(para){ var paraStr = ''; for(var key in para){ paraStr += '&'+key+'='+para[key]; } if(paraStr.length > 0) { url = url + url.lastIndexOf('?') > 0 ? paraStr : '?' + paraStr.substring(1); } } } else { para.randomString = Math.random().toString() + new Date().toString(); params['_request_data'] = Ext.util.JSON.encode(Ext.apply({parameter: para}, opt.ext)) } var header = $jq('meta[name=_csrf_header]').attr('content'); var token = $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); if (method != 'GET') { if (!opt.headers) { opt.headers = {}; } opt.headers[header] = token; } if (url.indexOf("autocrud") == -1 && url.indexOf(".lsc") == -1 && url.indexOf(".lview") == -1) { if (opt.headers) { opt.headers.springFlag = "Y"; } else { opt.headers = { springFlag: "Y" }; } } return Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, method: method || 'POST', xmlData: xmlData, jsonData: jsonData, params: params, opts: opts, sync: opt.sync, headers: opt.headers, success: function (response, options) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(lockMessage)) { $L.Masker.unmask(body); } if (response) { if ($L.logWindow) { var st = $L['_startTime']; var ed = new Date(); var record = $le('HTTPWATCH_DATASET').getCurrentRecord(); record.set('spend', ed - st); record.set('result', response.statusText); record.set('status', response.status); record.set('response', response.responseText); } $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxcomplete', url, para, response); var res = null; if (Ext.isEmpty(response.responseText)) { successCall.call(scope, {result: {}}, options); } else { try { res = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } catch (e) { $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], _lang['ajax.error.format']); return; } if (res) { if (isRest) { if (res.status == 'query') { res.result = res.result || {}; res.result.totalCount = Number(res.totalCount); res.success = true; } else if (res.modifiedResult || res.returnCode == 'S') { var record_arr = []; res.result = {} // Ext.each(res.modifiedResult.record,function(r){ // record_arr.push(records[r.code]); // }); res.result.record = para; res.success = true; } else if (res.returnCode == 'E') { res.success = false; res.error = {message: res.returnMessage}; } } if (!res.success) { $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxfailed', $L.manager, url, para, res); if (res.error) { if (res.error.code && (res.error.code == 'session_expired' || res.error.code == 'login_required')) { if ($L.manager.fireEvent('timeout', $L.manager)) $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], _lang['session.expired']); } else { var st = res.error.stackTrace; st = (st) ? st.replaceAll('\r\n', '</br>') : ''; if (res.error.message) { var h = (st == '') ? 150 : 250; $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], res.error.message + '</br>' + st, null, 400, h); } else { $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], st, null, 400, 250); } } if (errorCall) errorCall.call(scope, res, options); } } else { if (successCall) { successCall.call(scope, res, options); opt.showSuccessTip = opt.showSuccessTip || false; } if (opt.showSuccessTip) { $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxsuccess', opt.successTip); } } } } } }, failure: function (response, options) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(lockMessage)) { $L.Masker.unmask(body); } if (failureCall) failureCall.call(scope, response, options); }, scope: scope }); } $L.parseXML = function (strxml) { var xmldom = null; if (typeof DOMParser != "undefined") { try { xmldom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(strxml, "text/xml"); } catch (e) { throw new Error("XML parsing error:" + e.message); } var errors = xmldom.getElementsByTagName("parsererror"); if (errors.length) { throw new Error("XML parsing error:" + errors[0].textContent); } } else if (document.implementation.hasFeature("LS", "3.0")) { var implementation = document.implementation, parser = implementaion.createLSParser(implementation.MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, null), input = implementation.createLSInput(); input.stringData = strxml; xmldom = parser.parse(input); } else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined") { xmldom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmldom.loadXML(strxml); if (xmldom.parseError != 0) { throw new Error("XML parsing error:" + xmldom.parseError.reason); } } else { throw new Error("No XML parser available."); } return xmldom; } Leaf.dateFormat = function () { var masks = { "default": "ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss", shortDate: "m/d/yy", mediumDate: "mmm d, yyyy", longDate: "mmmm d, yyyy", fullDate: "dddd, mmmm d, yyyy", shortTime: "h:MM TT", mediumTime: "h:MM:ss TT", longTime: "h:MM:ss TT Z", isoDate: "yyyy-mm-dd", isoTime: "HH:MM:ss", isoDateTime: "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss", isoUtcDateTime: "UTC:yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss'Z'" }; var token = /d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|([HhMsTt])\1?|[LloSZ]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, timezone = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g, timezoneClip = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g, pad = function (val, len) { val = String(val); len = len || 2; while (val.length < len) val = "0" + val; return val; }, hasTimeStamp = function (mask, token) { return !!String(masks[mask] || mask || masks["default"]).match(token); }, _parseDate = function (string, mask, fun) { for (var i = 0, arr = mask.match(token), numbers = string.match(/\d+/g), value, index = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (numbers.length == arr.length) value = numbers[i]; else if (numbers.length == 1) value = parseInt(string.slice(index, index += arr[i].length), 10); else value = parseInt(string.slice(index = mask.search(arr[i]), index + arr[i].length)); switch (arr[i]) { case "mm": ; case "m": value--; break; } fun(arr[i], value); } }; return { pad: pad, parseDate: function (string, mask, utc) { if (typeof string != "string" || string == "")return null; mask = String(masks[mask] || mask || masks["default"]); if (mask.slice(0, 4) == "UTC:") { mask = mask.slice(4); utc = true; } var date = new Date(1970, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), _ = utc ? "setUTC" : "set", d = date[_ + "Date"], m = date[_ + "Month"], yy = date[_ + "FullYear"], y = date[_ + "Year"], H = date[_ + "Hours"], M = date[_ + "Minutes"], s = date[_ + "Seconds"], L = date[_ + "Milliseconds"], // o = utc ? 0 : date.getTimezoneOffset(); flags = { d: d, dd: d, m: m, mm: m, yy: y, yyyy: yy, h: H, hh: H, H: H, HH: H, M: M, MM: M, s: s, ss: s, l: L, L: L }; try { _parseDate(string, mask, function ($0, value) { flags[$0].call(date, value); }); } catch (e) { throw new SyntaxError("invalid date"); } if (isNaN(date)) throw new SyntaxError("invalid date"); return date; }, format: function (date, mask, utc) { if (arguments.length == 1 && (typeof date == "string" || date instanceof String) && !/\d/.test(date)) { mask = date; date = undefined; } date = date ? new Date(date) : new Date(); if (isNaN(date)) throw new SyntaxError("invalid date"); mask = String(masks[mask] || mask || masks["default"]); if (mask.slice(0, 4) == "UTC:") { mask = mask.slice(4); utc = true; } var _ = utc ? "getUTC" : "get", d = date[_ + "Date"](), D = date[_ + "Day"](), m = date[_ + "Month"](), y = date[_ + "FullYear"](), H = date[_ + "Hours"](), M = date[_ + "Minutes"](), s = date[_ + "Seconds"](), L = date[_ + "Milliseconds"](), o = utc ? 0 : date.getTimezoneOffset(), flags = { d: d, dd: pad(d), m: m + 1, mm: pad(m + 1), yy: String(y).slice(2), yyyy: y, h: H % 12 || 12, hh: pad(H % 12 || 12), H: H, HH: pad(H), M: M, MM: pad(M), s: s, ss: pad(s), l: pad(L, 3), L: pad(L > 99 ? Math.round(L / 10) : L), t: H < 12 ? "a" : "p", tt: H < 12 ? "am" : "pm", T: H < 12 ? "A" : "P", TT: H < 12 ? "AM" : "PM", Z: utc ? "UTC" : (String(date).match(timezone) || [""]).pop().replace(timezoneClip, ""), o: (o > 0 ? "-" : "+") + pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(o) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(o) % 60, 4), S: ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"][d % 10 > 3 ? 0 : (d % 100 - d % 10 != 10) * d % 10] }; return mask.replace(token, function ($0) { return $0 in flags ? flags[$0] : $0.slice(1, $0.length - 1); }); }, isDateTime: function (mask) { return hasTimeStamp(mask, /([HhMs])\1?/); } }; }(); Ext.applyIf(String.prototype, { trim: function () { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } }); Ext.applyIf(Date.prototype, { format: function (mask, utc) { return Leaf.dateFormat.format(this, mask, utc); } }); Ext.applyIf(Array.prototype, { add: function (o) { if (this.indexOf(o) == -1) this[this.length] = o; }, find: function (property, value) { var r = null; for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) { var item = this[i]; if (item[property] == value) { r = item; break; } } return r; }, map: function (callback, scope) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) { arr.push(callback.call(scope || window, this[i], i)) } return arr; } }); Ext.applyIf(String.prototype, { replaceAll: function (s1, s2) { return this.replace(new RegExp(s1, "gm"), s2); } }); Ext.applyIf(String.prototype, { parseDate: function (mask, utc) { return Leaf.dateFormat.parseDate(this.toString(), mask, utc); } }); $L.TextMetrics = function () { // var shared; return { measure: function (el, text, fixedWidth) { // if(!shared){ var shared = $L.TextMetrics.Instance(el, fixedWidth); // } // shared.bind(el); // shared.setFixedWidth(fixedWidth || 'auto'); return shared.getSize(text); } }; }(); $L.TextMetrics.Instance = function (bindTo, fixedWidth) { var p = '<div style="left:-10000px;top:-10000px;position:absolute;visibility:hidden"></div>', ml = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.get(bindTo), p)), // var ml = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('div')); // document.body.appendChild(ml.dom); // ml.position('absolute'); // ml.setLeft(-1000); // ml.setTop(-1000); // ml.hide(); instance = { getSize: function (text) { ml.update(text); var s = { width: ml.getWidth(), height: ml.getHeight() }; ml.remove(); return s; }, bind: function (el) { var a = ['padding', 'font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-family', 'line-height', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing'], len = a.length, r = {}; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { r[a[i]] = Ext.fly(el).getStyle(a[i]); } ml.setStyle(r); }, setFixedWidth: function (width) { ml.setWidth(width); } }; if (fixedWidth) { ml.setWidth(fixedWidth); } instance.bind(bindTo); return instance; }; $L.ToolTip = function () { var q = { init: function () { var sf = this; Ext.onReady(function () { sf.tip = new Ext.Template('<div class="tip-wrap item-shadow">{shadow}<div class="tip-body"></div><div class="triangle"><div class="triangle1"></div><div class="triangle2"></div></div></div>').insertFirst(document.body, { shadow: Ext.isIE ? '<div class="item-ie-shadow"></div>' : '' }, true); // sf.shadow = Ext.get(sdom); sf.body = sf.tip.first("div.tip-body"); }); }, show: function (el, text) { if (this.tip == null) { this.init(); // return; } this.tip.show(); // this.shadow.show(); this.body.update(text) var ele; if (typeof(el) == "string") { if (this.sid == el) return; this.sid = el; var cmp = $L.CmpManager.get(el) if (cmp) { if (cmp.wrap) { ele = cmp.wrap; } } } else { ele = Ext.get(el); } // this.shadow.setWidth(this.tip.getWidth()) // this.shadow.setHeight(this.tip.getHeight()) this.correctPosition(ele); }, correctPosition: function (ele) { /* * 减去20是body得padding值 */ var screenWidth = $L.getViewportWidth() - 20; var screenHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); var x = ele.getX(); // var sx = ele.getX() - 2; /* * 设置图标按钮文本提示显示位置在其上方,若按钮图标距离顶部的高度不足以显示提示文本时, * 提示文本显示在其下方 * 向平 2017-10-26 */ var y = ele.getY(); // var sy = ele.getY() - this.tip.getHeight() - 15; var triangle = this.tip; triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapLeftTop"); triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapLeftBottom"); triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapRightTop"); triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapRightBottom"); if (x + this.tip.getWidth() - (ele.getWidth() / 2) < screenWidth && y > this.tip.getHeight() + 13) { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapLeftTop"); x = ele.getX(); y = ele.getY() - this.tip.getHeight() - 15; } else if (x + this.tip.getWidth() - (ele.getWidth() / 2) > screenWidth && y > this.tip.getHeight() + 13) { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapRightTop"); x = ele.getX() - this.tip.getWidth() + ele.getWidth() / 2; y = ele.getY() - this.tip.getHeight() - 15; } else if (x + this.tip.getWidth() - (ele.getWidth() / 2) > screenWidth && y < this.tip.getHeight() + 13) { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapRightBottom"); x = ele.getX() - this.tip.getWidth() + ele.getWidth() / 2; y = ele.getY() + ele.getHeight() + 10; } else { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapLeftBottom"); x = ele.getX(); y = ele.getY() + ele.getHeight() + 10; } this.tip.setX(x); this.tip.setY(y); // this.tip.setX(x); // this.tip.setY(ele.getY()); // this.shadow.setX(sx); // this.shadow.setY(this.tip.getY()+ 2) }, hide: function () { this.sid = null; if (this.tip != null) this.tip.hide(); // if(this.shadow != null) this.shadow.hide(); } } return q }(); $L.ToolFloat = function () { var q = { init: function () { var sf = this; Ext.onReady(function () { sf.tip = new Ext.Template('<div class="float-wrap float-item-shadow">{shadow}<div class="float-body"></div></div>').insertFirst(document.body, { shadow: Ext.isIE ? '<div class="float-ie-shadow"></div>' : '' }, true); sf.body = sf.tip.first("div.float-body"); }); }, show: function (el, text) { if (this.tip == null) { this.init(); // return; } this.tip.show(); this.body.update(text) var ele; if (typeof(el) == "string") { if (this.sid == el) return; this.sid = el; var cmp = $L.CmpManager.get(el) if (cmp) { if (cmp.wrap) { ele = cmp.wrap; } } } else { ele = Ext.get(el); } this.correctPosition(ele); }, correctPosition: function (ele) { /* * 减去20是body得padding值 */ var screenWidth = $L.getViewportWidth() - 20; var screenHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); var x = ele.getX(); // var sx = ele.getX() - 2; /* * 设置图标按钮文本提示显示位置在其上方,若按钮图标距离顶部的高度不足以显示提示文本时, * 提示文本显示在其下方 * 向平 2017-10-26 */ var y = ele.getY(); // var sy = ele.getY() - this.tip.getHeight() - 15; var triangle = this.tip; triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapLeftTop"); triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapLeftBottom"); triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapRightTop"); triangle.removeClass("tip-wrapRightBottom"); if (x + this.tip.getWidth() - (ele.getWidth() / 2) < screenWidth && y > this.tip.getHeight() + 13) { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapLeftTop"); x = ele.getX(); y = ele.getY() - this.tip.getHeight(); } else if (x + this.tip.getWidth() - (ele.getWidth() / 2) > screenWidth && y > this.tip.getHeight() + 13) { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapRightTop"); x = ele.getX() - this.tip.getWidth() + ele.getWidth() / 2; y = ele.getY() - this.tip.getHeight(); } else if (x + this.tip.getWidth() - (ele.getWidth() / 2) > screenWidth && y < this.tip.getHeight() + 13) { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapRightBottom"); x = ele.getX() - this.tip.getWidth() + ele.getWidth() / 2; y = ele.getY() + ele.getHeight(); } else { triangle.addClass("tip-wrapLeftBottom"); x = ele.getX(); y = ele.getY() + ele.getHeight(); } this.tip.setX(x); this.tip.setY(y); }, hide: function () { this.sid = null; if (this.tip != null) this.tip.hide(); } } return q }(); //obj.type success , error warning $L.SideBar = function () { var m = { enable: true, bar: null, show: function (obj) { var msg = obj.msg; var type = obj.type || 'success'; if (!this.enable)return; // this.hide(); var sf = this; if ($L.PARENT_DOMAIN && parent.showSideBar) { parent.showSideBar(msg || '') } else { this.hide(); var p; if (msg) { p = '<div class="item-slideBar"><div class="slidebar-img ' + type + '"></div><div class="inner" style="float: left">' + msg + '</div></div>'; } else { p = obj.html; } this.bar = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.getBody(), p)); this.bar.setStyle('z-index', 999999); var screenWidth = $L.getViewportWidth(); var screenHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); var x = Math.max(0, (screenWidth - this.bar.getWidth()) / 2); var y = Math.max(0, (screenHeight - this.bar.getHeight()) / 2); // this.bar.setY(y); // this.bar.setX(x); this.bar.setStyle('position', 'fixed'); this.bar.setStyle('top', '30px'); this.bar.setStyle('left', x + 'px'); //this.bar.setStyle('margin-left', '' + x + 'px'); this.bar.fadeIn(); // this.bar.animate({height: {to: 50, from: 0}},0.35,function(){ setTimeout(function () { sf.hide(); }, obj.duration || 2000); // },'easeOut','run'); } }, hide: function () { if ($L.PARENT_DOMAIN && parent.hideSideBar) { parent.hideSideBar() } else { if (this.bar) { Ext.fly(this.bar).fadeOut(); Ext.fly(this.bar).remove(); this.bar = null; } } } } return m; }(); $L.Status = function () { var m = { bar: null, enable: true, show: function (msg) { if (!this.enable)return; this.hide(); if ($L.PARENT_DOMAIN && parent.showStatus) { parent.showStatus(msg); } else { var p = '<div class="item-statusBar" unselectable="on">' + msg + '</div>'; this.bar = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.getBody(), p)); this.bar.setStyle('z-index', 999998); } }, hide: function () { if ($L.PARENT_DOMAIN && parent.hideStatus) { parent.hideStatus(); } else { if (this.bar) { Ext.fly(this.bar).remove(); this.bar = null; } } } } return m; }(); $L.Cover = function () { var m = { bodyOverflow: null, sw: null, sh: null, container: {}, cover: function (el) { // if(!$L.Cover.bodyOverflow)$L.Cover.bodyOverflow = // Ext.getBody().getStyle('overflow'); var scrollWidth = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.scrollWidth : document.body.scrollWidth; var scrollHeight = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.scrollHeight : document.body.scrollHeight; var screenWidth = Math.max(scrollWidth, $L.getViewportWidth()); var screenHeight = Math.max(scrollHeight, $L.getViewportHeight()); var p = '<DIV tabIndex="-1" class="leaf-cover"' + (Ext.isIE6 ? ' style="position:absolute;width:' + (screenWidth - 1) + 'px;height:' + (screenHeight - 1) + 'px;' : '') + '" unselectable="on" hideFocus></DIV>'; var cover = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.getBody(), p)); cover.on('focus', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); Ext.fly(el).focus() }); cover.setStyle('z-index', Ext.fly(el).getStyle('z-index') - 1); // Ext.getBody().setStyle('overflow','hidden'); $L.Cover.container[el.id] = cover; cover.addClass('animated fadeIn03'); setTimeout(function () { cover.removeClass('animated fadeIn03'); }, 600); }, uncover: function (el) { var cover = $L.Cover.container[el.id]; cover.removeClass('animated fadeIn03'); if (cover) { Ext.fly(cover).remove(); $L.Cover.container[el.id] = null; delete $L.Cover.container[el.id]; } var reset = true; for (key in $L.Cover.container) { if ($L.Cover.container[key]) { reset = false; break; } } // if(reset&&$L.Cover.bodyOverflow)Ext.getBody().setStyle('overflow',$L.Cover.bodyOverflow); }, resizeCover: function () { for (key in $L.Cover.container) { var cover = $L.Cover.container[key]; Ext.fly(cover).setStyle('display', 'none'); } setTimeout(function () { var scrollWidth = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.scrollWidth : document.body.scrollWidth; var scrollHeight = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.scrollHeight : document.body.scrollHeight; var screenWidth = Math.max(scrollWidth, $L.getViewportWidth()) - 1; var screenHeight = Math.max(scrollHeight, $L.getViewportHeight()) - 1; for (key in $L.Cover.container) { var cover = $L.Cover.container[key]; Ext.fly(cover).setWidth(screenWidth); Ext.fly(cover).setHeight(screenHeight); Ext.fly(cover).setStyle('display', ''); } }, 1) } } return m; }(); $L.Masker = function () { var m = { container: {}, mask: function (el, msg) { if ($L.Masker.container[el.id]) { return; } msg = msg || _lang['mask.loading']; var el = Ext.get(el); var w = el.getWidth(); var h = el.getHeight();// leftp:0px;top:0px; 是否引起resize? var vh = Math.min(h - 2, 30); var zi = el.getStyle('z-index') == 'auto' ? 0 : Number(el.getStyle('z-index')); if (el === Ext.getBody()) { w = $L.getViewportWidth() - 2; h = $L.getViewportHeight() - 2; vh = Math.min(h - 2, 30); zi = 99999; } var p = '<div class="leaf-mask" style="left:-10000px;top:-10000px;width:' + w + 'px;height:' + h + 'px;position: absolute;"><div unselectable="on"></div><span style="top:' + (h / 2 - 11) + 'px;height:' + vh + 'px;line-height:' + (vh - 2) + 'px">' + msg + '</span></div>'; var wrap = el.parent('body') ? el.parent() : el.child('body') || el; var masker = new Ext.Template(p).insertFirst(wrap.dom, {}, true); masker.setStyle('z-index', zi + 1); masker.setXY(el.getXY()); masker.addClass('animated fadeIn03'); setTimeout(function () { masker.removeClass('animated fadeIn03'); }, 600); var sp = masker.child('span'); // var size = $L.TextMetrics.measure(sp,msg); // sp.setLeft((w-size.width - 45)/2) sp.setLeft((w - sp.getWidth() - 45) / 2) $L.Masker.container[el.id] = masker; masker.on('mousewheel', function (e) { e.stopEvent() }); }, unmask: function (el) { var masker = $L.Masker.container[el.id]; if (masker) { Ext.fly(masker).remove(); $L.Masker.container[el.id] = null; delete $L.Masker.container[el.id]; } } } return m; }(); Ext.util.JSON.encodeDate = function (o) { var pad = function (n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n; }; var r = '"' + o.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(o.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + pad(o.getDate()); if (o.xtype == 'timestamp') { r = r + " " + pad(o.getHours()) + ":" + pad(o.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad(o.getSeconds()) } r += '"'; return r }; $L.evalList = []; $L.evaling = false; $L.doEvalScript = function () { $L.evaling = true; var list = $L.evalList; var o = list.shift(); if (!o) { window['__host'] = null; $L.evaling = false; if ($L.loadEvent) { $L.loadEvent.fire(); $L.loadEvent = null; } return; } var sf = o.sf, html = o.html, loadScripts = o.loadScripts, callback = o.callback, host = o.host, id = o.id; var dom = sf.dom; if (host) window['__host'] = host; var links = []; var scripts = []; var hd = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; for (var i = 0; i < hd.childNodes.length; i++) { var he = hd.childNodes[i]; if (he.tagName == 'LINK') { links.push(he.href); } else if (he.tagName == 'SCRIPT') { scripts.push(he.src); } } var jsre = /(?:<script([^>]*)?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig; var jsSrcRe = /\ssrc=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var cssre = /(?:<link([^>]*)?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)/ig; var cssHreRe = /\shref=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var cssMediaRe = /\smedia=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var cssm; while (cssm = cssre.exec(html)) { var attrs = cssm[1]; var srcMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(cssHreRe) : false; var mediaMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(cssMediaRe) : false; if (srcMatch && srcMatch[2]) { var included = false; for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; if (link.indexOf(srcMatch[2]) != -1) { included = true; break; } } if (!included) { var s = document.createElement("link"); s.type = 'text/css'; s.rel = 'stylesheet'; s.href = srcMatch[2]; if (mediaMatch) s.media = mediaMatch[2]; hd.appendChild(s); } } } var match; var jslink = []; var jsscript = []; while (match = jsre.exec(html)) { var attrs = match[1]; var srcMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(jsSrcRe) : false; if (srcMatch && srcMatch[2]) { var included = false; for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var script = scripts[i]; if (script.indexOf(srcMatch[2]) != -1) { included = true; break; } } if (!included) { jslink[jslink.length] = { src: srcMatch[2], type: 'text/javascript' } } } else if (match[2] && match[2].length > 0) { jsscript[jsscript.length] = match[2]; } } var loaded = 0; var finishLoad = function () { try { for (j = 0, k = jsscript.length; j < k; j++) { var jst = jsscript[j]; if (o.destroying === true) break; try { if (window.execScript) { window.execScript(jst); } else { window.eval(jst); } } catch (e) { window.console && console.error("执行代码: " + jst + '\n' + e.stack); } } } catch (e) { } var el = document.getElementById(id); if (el) { Ext.removeNode(el); } // Ext.fly(dom).setStyle('display', 'block'); Ext.fly(dom).show(); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } $L.doEvalScript(); } var continueLoad = function () { var js = jslink[loaded]; var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = js.src; s.type = js.type; s[Ext.isIE ? "onreadystatechange" : "onload"] = onReadOnLoad; s["onerror"] = onErrorLoad; hd.appendChild(s); } var onReadOnLoad = function () { var isready = Ext.isIE ? (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete") : true; if (isready) { loaded++; if (loaded == jslink.length) { finishLoad(); } else { continueLoad(); } } } var onErrorLoad = function (evt) { loaded++; alert('无法加载脚本:' + evt.target.src); if (loaded == jslink.length) { finishLoad(); } else { continueLoad(); } } if (jslink.length > 0) { continueLoad(); } else if (jslink.length == 0) { for (j = 0, k = jsscript.length; j < k; j++) { var jst = jsscript[j]; if (o.destroying === true) break; try { if (window.execScript) { window.execScript(jst); } else { window.eval(jst); } } catch (e) { window.console && console.error("执行代码: " + jst + '\n' + e.stack); } } var el = document.getElementById(id); if (el) { Ext.removeNode(el); } // Ext.fly(dom).setStyle('display', 'block'); Ext.fly(dom).show(); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } $L.doEvalScript(); } } Ext.Element.prototype.update = function (html, loadScripts, callback, host) { if (typeof html == "undefined") { html = ""; } if (loadScripts !== true) { this.dom.innerHTML = html; if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } return this; } var id = Ext.id(); var sf = this; var dom = this.dom; html += '<span id="' + id + '"></span>'; Ext.lib.Event.onAvailable(id, function () { $L.evalList.push({ html: html, loadScripts: loadScripts, callback: callback, host: host, id: id, sf: sf }); if (!$L.evaling) $L.doEvalScript() }); // Ext.fly(dom).setStyle('display', 'none'); Ext.fly(dom).hide(); dom.innerHTML = html.replace(/(?:<script.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, "").replace(/(?:<link.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)/ig, ""); return this; } Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype['isSpecialKey'] = function () { var k = this.keyCode; // return (this.type == 'keypress' && this.ctrlKey) || k==8 || k== 46 || k == 9 // || k == 13 || k == 40 || k == 27 || k == 44 || return (this.type == 'keypress' && this.ctrlKey) || k == 9 || k == 13 || k == 40 || k == 27 || (k == 16) || (k == 17) || (k >= 18 && k <= 20) || (k >= 33 && k <= 35) || (k >= 36 && k <= 39) || (k >= 44 && k <= 45); } Ext.removeNode = Ext.isIE && !Ext.isIE8 ? function () { var d; return function (n) { if (n && n.tagName != 'BODY') { (Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval) ? Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(n, true) : Ext.EventManager.removeAll(n); if (!d) { d = document.createElement('div'); d.id = '_removenode'; d.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;display:none;left:-10000px;top:-10000px'; } // d = d || document.createElement('<div id="_removenode" // style="position:absolute;display:none;left:-10000px;top:-10000px">'); if (!d.parentNode) document.body.appendChild(d); d.appendChild(n); d.innerHTML = ''; delete Ext.elCache[n.id]; } } }() : function (n) { if (n && n.parentNode && n.tagName != 'BODY') { (Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval) ? Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(n, true) : Ext.EventManager.removeAll(n); n.parentNode.removeChild(n); delete Ext.elCache[n.id]; } } $L.parseDate = function (str) { if (typeof str == 'string') { // TODO:临时, 需要服务端解决 // if(str.indexOf('.0') !=-1) str = str.substr(0,str.length-2); var results = str.match(/^ *(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}) *$/); if (results && results.length > 3) return new Date(parseInt(results[1]), parseInt(results[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(results[3], 10)); results = str.match(/^ *(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}) +(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}).?(\d{0,3}) *$/); if (results && results.length > 6) return new Date(parseInt(results[1]), parseInt(results[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(results[3], 10), parseInt(results[4], 10), parseInt(results[5], 10), parseInt(results[6], 10)); } return null; } $L.getRenderer = function (renderer) { if (!renderer) return null; /* * var rder; if(renderer.indexOf('Leaf.') != -1){ rder = * $L[renderer.substr(7,renderer.length)] }else{ rder = window[renderer]; } */ try { return eval(renderer); } catch (e) { return window[renderer]; } } $L.RowNumberRenderer = function (value, record, name) { if (record && record.ds) { var ds = record.ds; return (ds.currentPage - 1) * ds.pagesize + ds.indexOf(record) + 1; } } /** * 将日期转换成默认格式的字符串,默认格式是根据Leaf.defaultDateFormat来定义的.如果没有特殊指定,默认格式为yyyy-mm-dd * * @param {Date} * date 转换的日期 * @return {String} */ $L.formatDate = function (date) { if (!date)return ''; if (date.format)return date.format($L.defaultDateFormat); return date; } /** * 将日期转换成yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss格式的字符串 * * @param {Date} * date 需要转换的日期 * @return {String} 转换后的字符串 */ $L.formatDateTime = function (date) { if (!date)return ''; if (date.format)return date.format($L.defaultDateTimeFormat); return date; } /** * 将数值根据精度转换成带有千分位的字符串 * * @param {Number} * value 数值 * @param {Number} * decimalprecision 小数点位数 * @return {String} */ $L.formatNumber = function (value, decimalprecision) { if (Ext.isEmpty(value))return ''; value = String(value).replace(/,/g, ''); if (isNaN(value))return ''; if (!isNaN(decimalprecision)) value = Number(value).toFixed(decimalprecision); var ps = $L.parseScientific(value).split('.'); var sub = (ps.length == 2) ? '.' + ps[1] : ''; var whole = ps[0]; var r = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (r.test(whole)) { whole = whole.replace(r, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } v = whole + sub; return v; } /** * 将数值转换成带有千分位的字符串,并保留两位小数 * * @param {Number} * value 数值 * @return {String} */ $L.formatMoney = function (v) { return $L.formatNumber(v, 2) } /** * 将科学技术法的数值转换成普通数值字符串 * * @param {Number} * value 数值 * @return {String} */ $L.parseScientific = function (v) { if ((v = String(v)).search(/e/i) == -1) { return v; } else { var re = v.split(/e/i), doubleStr = re[0], negative = doubleStr.match(/-/) || '', inf = doubleStr.indexOf('.'), str = doubleStr.replace(/[-.]/g, ''), eStr = parseInt(re[1]) - (inf == -1 ? 0 : str.length - inf); if (eStr > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < eStr; i++) { str += '0'; } } else { eStr = str.length + eStr; if (eStr > 0) { str = str.substring(0, eStr) + '.' + str.substring(eStr) } else { var prex = '0.'; for (var i = 0; i > eStr; i--) { prex += '0'; } str = prex + str; } } return negative + str; } } /** * 将字符串的千分位去除 * * @param {Number} * value 数值 * @param {String} * rv 带有千分位的数值字符串 * @return {Number} 数值 */ $L.removeNumberFormat = function (rv) { rv = String(rv || ''); while (rv.indexOf(',') != -1) { rv = rv.replace(',', ''); } return isNaN(rv) ? parseFloat(rv) : rv; } $L.EventManager = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function () { $L.EventManager.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.initEvents(); }, initEvents: function () { this.addEvents( 'ajaxerror', 'ajaxsuccess', 'ajaxfailed', 'ajaxstart', 'ajaxcomplete', 'valid', 'timeout', 'beforeunload' ); } }); $L.manager = new $L.EventManager(); $L.manager.on('ajaxstart', function () { $L.Status.show(_lang['eventmanager.start']); }) $L.manager.on('timeout', function () { $L.Status.hide(); }) $L.manager.on('ajaxerror', function () { $L.Status.hide(); }) $L.manager.on('ajaxcomplete', function () { $L.Status.hide(); }) $L.manager.on('ajaxsuccess', function (tip) { $L.SideBar.show({msg: tip || _lang['eventmanager.success']}) }) $L.regEvent = function (name, hanlder) { $L.manager.on(name, hanlder); } $L.validInfoType = 'area'; $L.validInfoTypeObj = ''; $L.setValidInfoType = function (type, obj) { $L.validInfoType = type; $L.validInfoTypeObj = obj; } $L.invalidRecords = {}; $L.addInValidReocrd = function (id, record) { var rs = $L.invalidRecords[id]; if (!rs) { $L.invalidRecords[id] = rs = []; } var has = false; for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { var r = rs[i]; if (r.id == record.id) { has = true; break; } } if (!has) { rs.add(record) } } $L.removeInvalidReocrd = function (id, record) { var rs = $L.invalidRecords[id]; if (!rs) return; for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { var r = rs[i]; if (r.id == record.id) { rs.remove(r) break; } } } $L.getInvalidRecords = function (pageid) { var records = []; for (var key in $L.invalidRecords) { var ds = $L.CmpManager.get(key) if (ds.pageid == pageid) { var rs = $L.invalidRecords[key]; records = records.concat(rs); } } return records; } $L.isInValidReocrdEmpty = function (pageid) { var isEmpty = true; for (var key in $L.invalidRecords) { var ds = $L.CmpManager.get(key) if (ds.pageid == pageid) { var rs = $L.invalidRecords[key]; if (rs.length != 0) { isEmpty = false; break; } } } return isEmpty; } $L.manager.on('valid', function (manager, ds, valid) { switch ($L.validInfoType) { case 'area': $L.showValidTopMsg(ds); break; case 'message': $L.showValidWindowMsg(ds); break; } }) $L.showValidWindowMsg = function (ds) { var empty = $L.isInValidReocrdEmpty(ds.pageid); if (empty == true) { if ($L.validWindow) $L.validWindow.close(); } if (!$L.validWindow && empty == false) { $L.validWindow = $L.showWarningMessage(_lang['valid.fail'], '', 400, 200); $L.validWindow.on('close', function () { $L.validWindow = null; }) } var sb = []; var rs = $L.getInvalidRecords(ds.pageid); for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { var r = rs[i]; var index = r.ds.data.indexOf(r) + 1 sb[sb.length] = _lang['valid.fail.note'] + '<a href="#" onclick="$le(\'' + r.ds.id + '\').locate(' + index + ')">(' + r.id + ')</a>:'; for (var k in r.valid) { sb[sb.length] = r.valid[k] + ';' } sb[sb.length] = '<br/>'; } if ($L.validWindow) $L.validWindow.body.child('div').update(sb.join('')) } $L.pageids = []; $L.showValidTopMsg = function (ds) { var empty = $L.isInValidReocrdEmpty(ds.pageid); if (empty == true) { var d = Ext.get(ds.pageid + '_msg'); if (d) { d.hide(); d.setStyle('display', 'none') d.update(''); } return; } var rs = $L.getInvalidRecords(ds.pageid); var sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { var r = rs[i]; var index = r.ds.data.indexOf(r) + 1 sb[sb.length] = _lang['valid.fail.note'] + '<a href="#" onclick="$le(\'' + r.ds.id + '\').locate(' + index + ')">(' + r.id + ')</a>:'; for (var k in r.valid) { sb[sb.length] = r.valid[k] + ';' } sb[sb.length] = '<br/>'; } var d = Ext.get(ds.pageid + '_msg'); if (d) { d.update(sb.join('')); d.show(true); } } Ext.fly(document.documentElement).on('keydown', function (e, t) { // if(e.altKey&&e.keyCode == 76){ // if(!$L.logWindow) { // $L.logWindow = new $L.Window({modal:false, // url:'log.screen',title:'AjaxWatch', height:550,width:530}); // $L.logWindow.on('close',function(){ // delete $L.logWindow; // }) // } // } var tagName = t.tagName.toUpperCase(); e.keyCode == 8 && tagName != 'INPUT' && tagName != 'TEXTAREA' && e.stopEvent(); }) $L.startCustomization = function () { var cust = $L.CmpManager.get('_customization'); if (cust == null) { cust = new $L.Customization({id: '_customization'}); } cust.start(); } $L.stopCustomization = function () { var cust = $L.CmpManager.get('_customization'); if (cust != null) { cust.stop(); $L.CmpManager.remove('_customization'); } } /** * 将数字金额转换成大写金额. * * @param {Number} * amount 金额 * @return {String} 大写金额 */ $L.convertMoney = function (mnum) { mnum = Math.abs(mnum); var unitArray = [["元", "万", "亿"], ["仟", "", "拾", "佰"], ["零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖"]]; totalarray = new Array(); totalarray = mnum.toString().split("."); if (totalarray.length == 1) { totalarray[1] = "00" } else if (totalarray[1].length == 1) { totalarray[1] += '0'; } integerpart = new Array(); decimalpart = new Array(); var strout = ""; for (var i = 0; i < totalarray[0].length; i++) { integerpart[i] = totalarray[0].charAt(i); } for (var i = 0; i < totalarray[1].length; i++) { decimalpart[i] = totalarray[1].charAt(i); } for (var i = 0; i < integerpart.length; i++) { var strTemp = (integerpart.length - i - 1) % 4 == 0 ? unitArray[0][parseInt((integerpart.length - i) / 4)] : (integerpart[i] == 0) ? "" : unitArray[1][((integerpart.length - i) % 4)] strout = strout + unitArray[2][integerpart[i]] + strTemp; } strout = strout.replace(new RegExp(/零+/g), "零"); strout = strout.replace("零万", "万"); strout = strout.replace("零亿", "亿"); strout = strout.replace("零元", "元"); strout = strout.replace("亿万", "亿"); var strdec = "" if (decimalpart[0] == 0 && decimalpart[1] == 0) { strdec = "整"; } else { if (decimalpart[0] == 0) { strdec = "零" } else { strdec = unitArray[2][decimalpart[0]] + '角'; } if (decimalpart[1] != 0) { strdec += unitArray[2][decimalpart[1]] + '分'; } } strout += strdec; if (mnum < 0) strout = "负" + strout; return strout; } $L.setValidInfoType('tip'); $L.escapeHtml = function (str) { if (Ext.isEmpty(str) || !Ext.isString(str)) return str; return String(str).replace(/&/gm, '&').replace(/\"/gm, '"').replace(/\(/gm, '(').replace(/\)/gm, ')').replace(/\+/gm, '+').replace(/\%/gm, '%') .replace(/</gm, '<').replace(/>/gm, '>'); } $L.unescapeHtml = function (str) { if (Ext.isEmpty(str) || !Ext.isString(str)) return str; return String(str).replace(/&/gm, '&').replace(/"/gm, '"').replace(/(/gm, '(').replace(/)/gm, ')').replace(/+/gm, '+').replace(/%/gm, '%') .replace(/</gm, '<').replace(/>/gm, '>'); } $L.doExport = function (dataset, cols, mergeCols, type, separator, filename, generate_state, param) { // var p = {"parameter": {"_column_config_": {}}}, columns = [], parentMap = {}, _parentColumn = function (pcl, cl) { if (!(Ext.isDefined(pcl.forexport) ? pcl.forexport : true))return null; var json = Ext.encode(pcl); var c = parentMap[json]; if (!c) c = {prompt: pcl.prompt}; parentMap[json] = c; (c["column"] = c["column"] || []).add(cl); if (pcl._parent) { return _parentColumn(pcl._parent, c) } return c; }; for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { var column = cols[i], forExport = Ext.isDefined(column.forexport) ? column.forexport : true; if (column.type != 'rowcheck' && column.type != 'rowradio' && column.type != 'rownumber' && forExport) { var c = {prompt: column.prompt} if (column.width) c.width = column.width; if (column.name) c.name = column.exportfield || column.name; if (column.exportdatatype) c.datatype = column.exportdatatype; if (column.exportdataformat) c.dataformat = column.exportdataformat; c.align = column.align || "left"; var o = column._parent ? _parentColumn(column._parent, c) : c; if (o) columns.add(o); } } p["parameter"]["_column_config_"]["column"] = columns; p["_generate_state"] = Ext.isEmpty(generate_state) ? true : generate_state; p["_format"] = type || "xlsx"; if (separator) p["separator"] = separator; if (filename) p["_file_name_"] = filename; if (mergeCols) { var _merge_column_ = []; Ext.each(mergeCols, function (item) { _merge_column_.push({name: item}); }); p["parameter"]["_merge_column_"] = _merge_column_; } var r, q = param || {}; if (dataset.qds) r = dataset.qds.getCurrentRecord(); if (r) Ext.apply(q, r.data); Ext.apply(q, dataset.qpara); for (var k in q) { if (Ext.isEmpty(q[k], false)) delete q[k]; } Ext.apply(p.parameter, q) var form = document.createElement("form"); form.target = "_export_window"; form.method = "post"; var url = dataset.queryurl; var token = $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); if (url) form.action = url + (url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'r=' + Math.random()+"&_csrf="+token; var iframe = Ext.get('_export_window') || new Ext.Template('<iframe id ="_export_window" name="_export_window" style="position:absolute;left:-10000px;top:-10000px;width:1px;height:1px;display:none"></iframe>').insertFirst(document.body, {}, true) var s = document.createElement("input"); s.id = "_request_data"; s.type = 'hidden'; s.name = '_request_data'; s.value = Ext.encode(p); form.appendChild(s); document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); Ext.fly(form).remove(); } $L.isChinese = function (value) { return /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5_%]+$/.test(value.trim()); } $L.isLetter = function (value) { return /^[a-zA-Z_%]+$/.test(value.trim()); } $L.isUpperCase = function (value) { return /^[A-Z_%]+$/.test(value.trim()); } $L.isLowerCase = function (value) { return /^[a-z_%]+$/.test(value.trim()); } $L.isNumber = function (value) { return Ext.isNumber(Number(value)); } $L.isDate = function () { var formats = [ 'mm/dd/yyyy', 'yyyy-mm-dd' ]; return function (value) { if (!Ext.isString(value))return false; for (var i = formats.length; i--;) { try { value.parseDate(formats[i]); return true; } catch (e) { } } return false; } }(); $L.isEmpty = Ext.isEmpty; $L.checkNotification = function (cmps) { var result = null; if (Ext.isObject(cmps)) { for (var key in cmps) { var cmp = cmps[key]; if (cmp.cmps) { result = $L.checkNotification(cmp.cmps) } else if (!result && cmp instanceof Leaf.DataSet) { result = (cmp.notification && cmp.isModified()) ? cmp.notification : null; } if (result)break; } } return result; } window.onbeforeunload = function () { var message = []; $L.manager.fireEvent('beforeunload', message); if (message.length != 0) return message[0]; } if (Ext.isIE) {// for fix IE event's order bug (function () { var elProto = Ext.Element.prototype, on = elProto.on, un = elProto.un, objs = {}; elProto.on = elProto.addListener = function (eventName, handler, scope, opt) { var sf = this, listeners = objs[sf.id] || (objs[sf.id] = []); sf.un(eventName, handler, scope); on.call(sf, eventName, handler, scope, opt); Ext.each(listeners, function (obj) { var _e = obj.eventName, _h = obj.handler, _s = obj.scope; un.call(sf, _e, _h, _s); on.call(sf, _e, _h, _s, obj.opt); }); listeners.unshift({ eventName: eventName, handler: handler, scope: scope, opt: opt }); return sf; } elProto.un = elProto.removeListener = function (eventName, handler, scope) { var sf = this, listeners = objs[sf.id], index = Ext.each(listeners, function (obj) { if (obj.eventName === eventName && obj.handler == handler && obj.scope == scope) { return false; } }); if (Ext.isDefined(index)) { listeners.splice(index, 1); } un.call(sf, eventName, handler, scope); return sf; } })(); } /* * else if(!Ext.isIE9 && !Ext.isIE10) { (function(){ var _proto = * Number.prototype, _toFixed = _proto.toFixed; _proto.toFixed = * function(deci) { var s = String(this); if(s.indexOf('e') != -1){ var arr = * s.split('e'); if(arr[1]<0){ if(arr[0].indexOf('.') == -1){ arr[1] -=1; } * return _toFixed.call(Number(arr[0]+1+'e'+arr[1]),deci); }else{ return * _toFixed.call(this,deci); } }else if(s.indexOf('.') == -1){ return * _toFixed.call(this,deci); }else{ return _toFixed.call(Number(s+1),deci); } } * })(); } */ $L.FixMath = (function () { var POW = Math.pow, mul = function (a, b) { var m = 0, s1 = String(a), s2 = String(b), l1 = s1.indexOf('.'), l2 = s2.indexOf('.'), e1 = s1.indexOf('e'), e2 = s2.indexOf('e'); if (e1 != -1) { m -= Number(s1.substr(e1 + 1)); s1 = s1.substr(0, e1); } if (e2 != -1) { m -= Number(s2.substr(e2 + 1)); s2 = s2.substr(0, e2); } if (l1 != -1) m += s1.length - l1 - 1; if (l2 != -1) m += s2.length - l2 - 1; return Number(s1.replace('.', '')) * Number(s2.replace('.', '')) / POW(10, m); }, div = function (a, b) { var re = String(a / b), i = re.indexOf('.'); if (i != -1) { re = Number(re).toFixed(16 - i - 1) } return Number(re); }, plus = function (a, b) { var m1 = 0, m2 = 0, m3, s1 = String(a), s2 = String(b), l1 = s1.indexOf('.'), l2 = s2.indexOf('.'), e1 = s1.indexOf('e'), e2 = s2.indexOf('e'); if (e1 != -1) { m1 -= Number(s1.substr(e1 + 1)); s1 = s1.substr(0, e1); } if (e2 != -1) { m2 -= Number(s2.substr(e2 + 1)); s2 = s2.substr(0, e2); } if (l1 != -1) m1 += s1.length - l1 - 1; if (l2 != -1) m2 += s2.length - l2 - 1; if (m2 > m1) { m3 = m2; m1 = m2 - m1; m2 = 0; } else if (m1 > m2) { m3 = m1; m2 = m1 - m2; m1 = 0; } else { m3 = m1; m1 = m2 = 0; } return (Number(s1.replace('.', '')) * POW(10, m1) + Number(s2.replace('.', '')) * POW(10, m2)) / POW(10, m3); }, minus = function (a, b) { return plus(a, -b); }, pow = function (a, b) { var re = String(POW(a, b)), i = re.indexOf('.'); if (i != -1) { re = Number(re).toFixed(16 - i - 1) } return Number(re); }; return { pow: pow, minus: minus, plus: plus, div: div, mul: mul } })(); $L.merge = function () { function clone(object) { var _clone = function () { }; _clone.prototype = object return new _clone(); } function mergeOne(source, key, current) { if (Ext.isObject(current)) { if (!Ext.isObject(source[key])) source[key] = clone(current) _merge(source[key], current); } else if (Ext.isArray(current)) { source[key] = [].concat(current); } else { source[key] = current; } return source; } function _merge(source, k, v) { if (Ext.isString(k)) return mergeOne(source, k, v); for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { var object = arguments[i]; for (var key in object) mergeOne(source, key, object[key]); } return source; } return function () { return _merge.apply(null, Ext.toArray(arguments)); } }(); /** * @class Leaf.DataSet * @extends Ext.util.Observable * <p> * DataSet是一个数据源,也是一个数据集合,它封装了所有数据的操作,校验,提交等操作. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.AUTO_ID = 1000; $L.DataSet = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function (config) {// datas,fields, type var sf = this; $L.DataSet.superclass.constructor.call(this); config = config || {}; this.querymethod = config.querymethod; this.deletemethod = config.deletemethod; this.deleteurl = config.deleteurl || ''; if (config.listeners) { this.on(config.listeners); } this.validateEnable = true; this.pageid = config.pageid; this.spara = {}; this.notification = config.notification; this.selected = []; this.sorttype = config.sorttype || 'remote'; this.maxpagesize = config.maxpagesize || 1000; this.pagesize = config.pagesize || 10; if (this.pagesize > this.maxpagesize) this.pagesize = this.maxpagesize; this.submiturl = config.submiturl || ''; this.queryurl = config.queryurl || ''; this.fetchall = config.fetchall || false; // Hybris this.dtoname = config.dtoname || ''; this.hybrisws = config.hybrisws; this.restDataFormat = config.restdataformat; this.totalcountfield = config.totalcountfield || 'totalCount'; this.selectable = config.selectable || false; this.selectionmodel = config.selectionmodel || 'multiple'; this.selectfunction = config.selectfunction; this.autocount = config.autocount; this.autopagesize = config.autopagesize; this.bindtarget = config.bindtarget; this.bindname = config.bindname; this.processfunction = config.processfunction; this.modifiedcheck = config.modifiedcheck; this.loading = false; this.qpara = {}; this.fields = {}; this.resetConfig(); this.id = config.id || Ext.id(); this.hostid = config.hostid; this.keepData = false; this.prompt = config.prompt; $L.CmpManager.put(this.id, this) if (this.bindtarget && this.bindname) this.bind($le(this.bindtarget), this.bindname);// $le(this.bindtarget).bind(this.bindname,this); this.qds = Ext.isEmpty(config.querydataset) ? null : $le(config.querydataset); if (this.qds != null && this.qds.getCurrentRecord() == null) this.qds.create(); this.initEvents(); if (config.fields) this.initFields(config.fields) if (config.datas && config.datas.length != 0) { var datas = config.datahead ? this.convertData(config.datahead, config.datas) : config.datas; this.autocount = false; this.loadData(datas); // $L.onReady(function(){ // sf.locate(sf.currentIndex,true); //不确定有没有影响 // }); } if (config.autoquery === true) { $L.onReady(function () { sf.query(); }); } if (config.autocreate == true) { if (this.data.length == 0) this.create(); } }, convertData: function (head, datas) { var nds = []; for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { var d = datas[i], nd = {}; for (var j = 0; j < head.length; j++) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(d[j], true)) nd[head[j]] = d[j]; } nds.push(nd); } return nds; }, destroy: function () { var sf = this, id = sf.id, o = sf.qtId, bindtarget = sf.bindtarget, bindname = sf.bindname, manager = $L.CmpManager; sf.processListener('un'); o && Ext.Ajax.abort(o); bindtarget && bindname && (o = manager.get(bindtarget)) && o.clearBind(bindname); Ext.iterate(sf.fields, function (key, field) { field.type == 'dataset' && sf.clearBind(key); }); manager.remove(id); delete $L.invalidRecords[id] }, reConfig: function (config) { // this.resetConfig(); // Ext.apply(this, config); /* * 向平 2017.10.19 * 修复isModified方法导致数据丢失的问题 */ if (config) { this.resetConfig(); Ext.apply(this, config); } }, /** * 取消绑定. */ clearBind: function (name) { var sf = this, fields = sf.fields, ds = fields[name].pro['dataset']; ds && ds.processBindDataSetListener(sf, 'un'); delete fields[name]; Ext.each(sf.getAll(), function (r) { r.data[name] = null; delete r.data[name]; }); }, processBindDataSetListener: function (ds, ou) { var bdp = this.onDataSetModify; // this[ou]('beforecreate', this.beforeCreate, this);//TODO:有待测试 this[ou]('add', bdp, this); this[ou]('remove', bdp, this); this[ou]('select', this.onDataSetSelect, this); this[ou]('update', bdp, this); this[ou]('indexchange', bdp, this); this[ou]('clear', bdp, this); this[ou]('load', this.onDataSetLoad, this); this[ou]('reject', bdp, this); ds[ou]('indexchange', this.onDataSetIndexChange, this); ds[ou]('load', this.onBindDataSetLoad, this); ds[ou]('remove', this.onBindDataSetLoad, this); ds[ou]('clear', this.removeAll, this); }, /** * 将组件绑定到某个DataSet的某个Field上. * * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 绑定的DataSet. * @param {String} * name Field的name. * */ bind: function (ds, name) { if (ds.fields[name]) { alert('重复绑定 ' + name); return; } this.processBindDataSetListener(ds, 'un'); this.processBindDataSetListener(ds, 'on'); var field = new $L.Record.Field({ name: name, type: 'dataset', dataset: this }); ds.fields[name] = field; }, onBindDataSetLoad: function (ds, options) { if (ds.getAll().length == 0) this.removeAll(); }, onDataSetIndexChange: function (ds, record) { if (!record.get(this.bindname) && record.isNew != true) { this.qpara = {}; Ext.apply(this.qpara, record.data); this.query(1, {record: record}); } }, onDataSetModify: function () { var bt = $L.CmpManager.get(this.bindtarget); if (bt) { this.refreshBindDataSet(bt.getCurrentRecord(), this.getConfig()) } }, onDataSetSelect: function (ds, record) { var bt = $L.CmpManager.get(this.bindtarget); if (bt) { var datas = bt.data; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { var dr = datas[i]; var dc = dr.get(this.bindname); if (dc) { for (var j = 0; j < dc.data.length; j++) { var r = dc.data[j]; if (r.id == record.id) { dc.selected = this.selected; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } } }, onDataSetLoad: function (ds, options) { var record; if (options && options.opts && options.opts.record) { record = options.opts.record; } else { var bt = $L.CmpManager.get(this.bindtarget); if (bt) record = bt.getCurrentRecord(); } if (record) this.refreshBindDataSet(record, ds.getConfig()) }, refreshBindDataSet: function (record, config) { if (!record)return; // record.set(this.bindname,config,true)//this.getConfig() record.data[this.bindname] = config; // for(var k in this.fields){ // var field = this.fields[k]; // if(field.type == 'dataset'){ // var ds = field.pro['dataset']; // // if(ds && clear==true)ds.resetConfig(); // record.set(field.name,ds.getConfig(),true) // } // } }, beforeCreate: function (ds, record, index) { if (this.data.length == 0) { this.create({}, false); } }, resetConfig: function () { this.data = []; this.selected = []; this.gotoPage = 1; this.currentPage = 1; this.currentIndex = 1; this.totalCount = 0; this.totalPage = 0; this.isValid = true; // this.bindtarget = null; // this.bindname = null; }, getConfig: function () { var c = {}; // c.id = this.id; c.xtype = 'dataset'; c.data = this.data; c.selected = this.selected; c.isValid = this.isValid; // c.bindtarget = this.bindtarget; // c.bindname = this.bindname; c.gotoPage = this.gotoPage; c.currentPage = this.currentPage; c.currentIndex = this.currentIndex; c.totalCount = this.totalCount; c.totalPage = this.totalPage; c.fields = this.fields; return c; }, processListener: function (ou) { if (this.notification) { $L.manager[ou]('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload, this) } }, onBeforeUnload: function (ms) { if (this.isModified()) { ms.add(this.notification); } }, initEvents: function () { this.addEvents( /** * @event ajaxfailed ajax调用失败. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Object} * res res. * @param {Object} * opt opt. */ 'ajaxfailed', /** * @event beforecreate 数据创建前事件.返回true则新增一条记录,false则不新增直接返回 * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Object} * object 新增的数据对象. */ 'beforecreate', /** * @event metachange meta配置改变事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 当前的record. * @param {Leaf.Record.Meta} * meta meta配置对象. * @param {String} * type 类型. * @param {Object} * value 值. */ 'metachange', /** * @event fieldchange field配置改变事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 当前的record. * @param {Leaf.Record.Field} * field Field配置对象. * @param {String} * type 类型. * @param {Object} * value 值. */ 'fieldchange', /** * @event add 数据增加事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 增加的record. * @param {Number} * index 指针. */ 'add', /** * @event remove 数据删除事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 删除的record. * @param {Number} * index 指针. */ 'remove', /** * @event beforeremove 数据删除前.如果为true则删除一条记录,false则不删除直接返回 * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Array} * records 将要删除的数据集合 */ 'beforeremove', /** * @event afterremove * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'afterremove', /** * @event beforeupdate 数据更新前.如果为true则更新记录,false直接返回 * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 更新的record. * @param {String} * name 更新的field. * @param {Object} * value 更新的值. * @param {Object} * oldvalue 更新前的值. */ 'beforeupdate', /** * @event update 数据更新事件. "update", this, record, name, value * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 更新的record. * @param {String} * name 更新的field. * @param {Object} * value 更新的值. * @param {Object} * oldvalue 更新前的值. */ 'update', /** * @event clear 清除数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'clear', /** * @event query 查询事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Object} * queryParam 参数. * @param {Object} * options 选项. */ 'query', /** * @event beforeload 准备加载数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'beforeload', /** * @event load 加载数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'load', /** * @event loadfailed 加载数据失败. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Object} * res res. * @param {Object} * opt opt. */ 'loadfailed', /** * @event refresh 刷新事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'refresh', /** * @event valid DataSet校验事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 校验的record. * @param {String} * name 校验的field. * @param {Boolean} * valid 校验结果. true 校验成功 false 校验失败 */ 'valid', /** * @event indexchange DataSet当前指针改变事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 当前record. */ 'indexchange', /** * @event beforeselect 选择数据前事件. 返回true表示可以选中,false表示不能选中 * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 选择的record. */ 'beforeselect', /** * @event select 选择数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 选择的record. */ 'select', /** * @event unselect 取消选择数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 取消选择的record. */ 'unselect', /** * @event selectall 选择数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'selectall', /** * @event unselectall 取消选择数据事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'unselectall', /** * @event reject 数据重置事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 取消选择的record. * @param {String} * name 重置的field. * @param {Object} * value 重置的值. */ 'reject', /** * @event wait 等待数据准备事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'wait', /** * @event afterwait 等待数据准备完毕事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'afterwait', /** * @event beforesubmit 数据提交前事件.如果为false则中断提交请求 * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. */ 'beforesubmit', /** * @event submit 数据提交事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {String} * url 提交的url. * @param {Array} * datas 提交的数据. */ 'submit', /** * @event submitsuccess 数据提交成功事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Object} * res 返回结果res. */ 'submitsuccess', /** * @event submitfailed 数据提交失败事件. * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 当前DataSet. * @param {Object} * res 返回结果res. */ 'submitfailed' ); this.processListener('on'); }, addField: function (fd, notCheck) { if (notCheck !== true) { var rf = fd.returnfield, vf = fd.valuefield; if (rf && vf) { var mapping = fd.mapping || [], has = false; for (var i = 0, l = mapping.length; i < l; i++) { var m = mapping[i]; if (m.from == vf && m.to == rf) { has = true break; } } if (!has) { mapping.push({from: vf, to: rf}); fd.mapping = mapping; } } } var field = new $L.Record.Field(fd); this.fields[field.name] = field; }, removeField: function (name) { this.fields[name] = null; delete this.fields[name]; }, initFields: function (fields) { for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++) { this.addField(fields[i], true); } }, /** * 获取Field配置. * * @param {String} * name Field的name. * @return {Leaf.Record.Field} field配置对象 */ getField: function (name) { return this.fields[name]; }, beforeLoadData: function (datas) { if (this.processfunction) { var fun = $L.getRenderer(this.processfunction); if (fun) { return fun.call(window, datas); } } return datas; }, clearFilter: function () { if (this.backup) { this.data = this.backup; delete this.backup; } }, filter: function (callback, scope) { var d = this.backup || this.data, nd = []; this.backup = d; Ext.each(d, function (o) { if (callback.call(scope || this, o, nd) !== false) { nd.push(o); } }, this) this.data = nd; }, loadData: function (datas, num, options) { this.clearFilter(); datas = this.beforeLoadData(datas); // 保留原数据的情况,不需要对数据进行 if (!this.keepData) { this.data = []; } this.selected = []; if (num && this.fetchall == false) { this.totalCount = num; this.totalPage = Math.ceil(this.totalCount / this.pagesize); } else { this.totalCount = datas.length; this.totalPage = 1; } for (var i = 0, len = datas.length; i < len; i++) { var data = datas[i].data || datas[i]; for (var key in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[key]; if (field) { data[key] = this.processData(data, key, field) } } var record = new $L.Record(data, datas[i].field); record.setDataSet(this); this.data.push(record); } // if(this.sortInfo) this.sort(); this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, this.data); var needFire = true; if (this.bindtarget && options) { var cr = $L.CmpManager.get(this.bindtarget).getCurrentRecord(); if (options.opts.record && cr != options.opts.record) { this.refreshBindDataSet(options.opts.record, this.getConfig()); needFire = false; } } if (needFire) this.fireEvent("load", this, options); // 每次完成数据加载后,重置一下KeepData状态为false this.keepData = false; }, sort: function (f, direction) { if (this.getAll().length == 0)return; if (this.sorttype == 'remote') { if (direction == '') { delete this.qpara['ORDER_FIELD']; delete this.qpara['ORDER_TYPE']; } else { this.setQueryParameter('ORDER_FIELD', f); this.setQueryParameter('ORDER_TYPE', direction); } this.query(); } else { this.data.sort(function (a, b) { var rs = a.get(f) > b.get(f) return (direction == 'desc' ? (rs ? -1 : 1) : (rs ? 1 : -1)); }) this.fireEvent('refresh', this); } }, /** * 创建一条记录 * * @param {Object} * data 数据对象 * @param {Number} * index 指定位置.若不指定则添加到最后. * @return {Leaf.Record} record 返回创建的record对象 */ create: function (data, index) { if (Ext.isNumber(data)) { index = data; data = null; } // var dirty = !!data;//MAS云新增特性 data = data || {} if (this.fireEvent("beforecreate", this, data)) { // if(valid !== false) if(!this.validCurrent())return; var dd = {}; for (var k in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[k], dv = field.getPropertity('defaultvalue'), name = field.name; if (dv && !data[name]) { dd[name] = dv; dd[name] = this.processData(dd, name, field); } else { dd[name] = this.processData(data, name, field); // dd[field.name] = this.processValueListField(dd,data[field.name],field); } } var data = Ext.apply(data || {}, dd); var record = new $L.Record(data); // if(dirty)record.dirty = true;//MAS云新增特性 this.add(record, index) // var index = (this.currentPage-1)*this.pagesize + this.data.length; // this.locate(index, true); return record; } }, /** * 获取所有新创建的数据. * * @return {Array} 所有新创建的records */ getNewRecords: function () { var records = this.getAll(); var news = []; for (var k = 0, l = records.length; k < l; k++) { var record = records[k]; if (record.isNew == true) { news.push(record); } } return news; }, // validCurrent : function(){ // var c = this.getCurrentRecord(); // if(c==null)return true; // return c.validateRecord(); // }, /** * 新增数据. * * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 需要新增的Record对象. * @param {Number} * index 指定位置.若不指定则添加到最后. */ add: function (record, index) { var d = this.data; if (d.indexOf(record) != -1)return; if (Ext.isEmpty(index) || index > d.length) index = d.length; record.isNew = true; record.setDataSet(this); // var index = this.data.length; d.splice(index, 0, record); // for(var k in this.fields){ // var field = this.fields[k]; // if(field.type == 'dataset'){ // var ds = field.pro['dataset']; // ds.resetConfig() // } // } this.currentIndex = (this.currentPage - 1) * this.pagesize + index + 1; this.fireEvent("add", this, record, index); this.locate(this.currentIndex, true); }, /** * 获取当前Record的数据对象 * * @return {Object} */ getCurrentObject: function () { return this.getCurrentRecord().getObject(); }, /** * 获取当前指针的Record. * * @return {Leaf.Record} 当前指针所处的Record */ getCurrentRecord: function () { if (this.data.length == 0) return null; return this.data[this.currentIndex - (this.currentPage - 1) * this.pagesize - 1]; }, /** * 移除数据. * * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 需要移除的Record. */ remove: function (record) { if (!record) { record = this.getCurrentRecord(); } if (!record)return; var rs = [].concat(record); if (this.fireEvent("beforeremove", this, rs)) { var rrs = []; for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { var r = rs[i] if (r.isNew) { this.removeLocal(r); } else { rrs[rrs.length] = r; } } this.removeRemote(rrs); } }, removeRemote: function (rs) { var sf = this, submiturl = sf.deleteurl || sf.submiturl, p = [], isRest = /\/rest\//.test(submiturl) || sf.hybrisws, dtoName = sf.dtoname; if (Ext.isEmpty(submiturl)) return; Ext.each(rs, function (r) { var data = { _id: r.id, _status: 'delete' }; Ext.iterate(sf.fields, function (key, f) { if (f && f.type == 'dataset') delete r.data[key]; }); data = Ext.apply(data, r.data); p.push(data); }); // var p = [d]; // for(var i=0;i<p.length;i++){ // p[i] = Ext.apply(p[i],sf.spara) // } if (p.length) { $L.request(Ext.apply({ url: submiturl, para: p, ext: sf.spara, success: sf.onRemoveSuccess, error: sf.onSubmitError, scope: sf, method:sf.deletemethod, failure: sf.onAjaxFailed, opts: sf.bindtarget ? {record: $L.CmpManager.get(sf.bindtarget).getCurrentRecord(), dataSet: sf} : null }, isRest ? { isRest: true, dtoName: dtoName, restDataFormat: sf.restDataFormat, // method:'Delete', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } } : {})); } }, onRemoveSuccess: function (res, options) { if (res.result.record) { var datas = [].concat(res.result.record); if (this.bindtarget) { var bd = $L.CmpManager.get(this.bindtarget); if (bd.getCurrentRecord() == options.opts.record) { for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { var data = datas[i]; this.removeLocal(this.findById(data['_id']), true); } } else { var config = options.opts.record.get(this.bindname); var ds = new $L.DataSet({}); ds.reConfig(config); for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { var data = datas[i]; ds.removeLocal(ds.findById(data['_id']), true); } this.refreshBindDataSet(options.opts.record, ds.getConfig()) delete ds; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { var data = datas[i]; this.removeLocal(this.findById(data['_id']), true); } } this.fireEvent('afterremove', this); } }, removeLocal: function (record, count, notLocate) { $L.removeInvalidReocrd(this.id, record) var index = this.data.indexOf(record); if (index == -1)return; this.data.remove(record); if (count) this.totalCount--; this.selected.remove(record); // if(this.data.length == 0){ // this.removeAll(); // return; // } if (!notLocate) if (this.data.length != 0) { var lindex = this.currentIndex - (this.currentPage - 1) * this.pagesize; if (lindex < 0)return; if (lindex <= this.data.length) { this.locate(this.currentIndex, true); } else { this.pre(); } } this.fireEvent("remove", this, record, index); if (!this.selected.length) { this.fireEvent('unselectall', this, this.selected); } }, /** * 获取当前数据集下的所有数据. * * @return {Array} records 当前数据集的所有Record. */ getAll: function () { return this.data; }, /** * 查找数据. * * @param {String} * property 查找的属性. * @param {Object} * value 查找的属性的值. * @param {Leaf.Record} * exceptRecord 当符合查找条件的第一个record为exceptRecord,将跳过该record继续查找. * @return {Leaf.Record} 符合查找条件的第一个record */ find: function (property, value, exceptRecord, allRecord) { var r = null; var rs = []; if (!allRecord) { this.each(function (record) { if (!exceptRecord || record != exceptRecord) { var v = record.get(property); if (v == value) { r = record; return false; } } }, this) return r; } else { this.each(function (record) { if (!exceptRecord || record != exceptRecord) { var v = record.get(property); if (v == value) { rs.push(record); // return false; } } }, this) return rs; } }, /** * 根据id查找数据. * * @param {Number} * id id. * @return {Leaf.Record} 查找的record */ findById: function (id) { var find = null; for (var i = 0, len = this.data.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.data[i].id == id) { find = this.data[i] break; } } return find; }, /** * 删除所有数据. */ removeAll: function () { this.currentIndex = 1; this.totalCount = 0; this.data = []; this.selected = []; this.fireEvent("clear", this); }, /** * 返回指定record的位置 * * @param {Leaf.Record} * record * @return {int} */ indexOf: function (record) { return this.data.indexOf(record); }, /** * 获取指定位置的record * * @param {Number} * 位置 */ getAt: function (index) { return this.data[index]; }, each: function (fn, scope) { var items = [].concat(this.data); // each safe for removal for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { if (fn.call(scope || items[i], items[i], i, len) === false) { break; } } }, processCurrentRow: function () { var r = this.getCurrentRecord(); for (var k in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[k]; if (field.type == 'dataset') { var ds = field.pro['dataset']; if (r && r.data[field.name]) { ds.reConfig(r.data[field.name]); } else { ds.resetConfig(); } ds.fireEvent('refresh', ds); ds.processCurrentRow(); } } if (r) this.fireEvent("indexchange", this, r); }, /** * 获取所有选择的数据. * * @return {Array} 所有选择数据. */ getSelected: function () { return this.selected; }, /** * 选择所有数据. */ selectAll: function () { if (!this.selectable)return; for (var i = 0, l = this.data.length; i < l; i++) { if (!this.execSelectFunction(this.data[i]))continue; this.select(this.data[i], true); } this.fireEvent('selectall', this, this.selected); }, /** * 取消所有选择. */ unSelectAll: function () { if (!this.selectable)return; for (var i = 0, l = this.data.length; i < l; i++) { if (!this.execSelectFunction(this.data[i]))continue; this.unSelect(this.data[i], true); } this.fireEvent('unselectall', this, this.selected); }, /** * 选择某个record. * * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 需要选择的record. */ select: function (r, isSelectAll) { if (!this.selectable)return; if (typeof(r) == 'string' || typeof(r) == 'number') r = this.findById(r); if (!r) return; if (this.selected.indexOf(r) != -1)return; // if(!this.execSelectFunction(r))return; if (this.fireEvent("beforeselect", this, r)) { r.isSelected = true; if (this.selectionmodel == 'multiple') { this.selected.add(r); this.fireEvent('select', this, r, isSelectAll); } else { var or = this.selected[0]; this.unSelect(or); this.selected = [] this.selected.push(r); this.fireEvent('select', this, r); } } }, /** * 取消选择某个record. * * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 需要取消选择的record. */ unSelect: function (r, isSelectAll) { if (!this.selectable)return; if (typeof(r) == 'string' || typeof(r) == 'number') r = this.findById(r); if (!r) return; if (this.selected.indexOf(r) == -1) return; this.selected.remove(r); r.isSelected = false; this.fireEvent('unselect', this, r, isSelectAll); }, execSelectFunction: function (r) { if (this.selectfunction) { var selfun = $L.getRenderer(this.selectfunction); if (selfun == null) { alert("未找到" + this.selectfunction + "方法!") } else { var b = selfun.call(window, r); if (Ext.isDefined(b))return b; } } return true; }, /** * 定位到某个指针位置. * * @param {Number} * index 指针位置. */ locate: function (index, force, keepData) { /* * 徐昭 2017/11/06 14:17 * DataSet通过bindName绑定时,currentIndex默认为1,若index=1,绑定的dataset没有查询。 * 徐昭 2017/11/21 10:27 * 恢复if(this.currentIndex === index && force !== true)的判断 * 为避免上述问题,在执行locate方法时将force参数设为true */ if (this.currentIndex === index && force !== true) { return; } if (this.fetchall == true && index > ((this.currentPage - 1) * this.pagesize + this.data.length)) { return; } // 对于没有autcount的,判断最后一页 if (!this.autocount && index > ((this.currentPage - 1) * this.pagesize + this.data.length) && this.data.length < this.pagesize) { return; } // if(valid !== false) if(!this.validCurrent())return; if (index <= 0) { return; } if (index <= 0 || (this.autocount && (index > this.totalCount + this.getNewRecords().length))) { return; } var lindex = index - (this.currentPage - 1) * this.pagesize; // 只读性请求,不判断当前数据是否在Data内 if (!keepData && this.data[lindex - 1]) { this.currentIndex = index; } else { if (this.modifiedcheck && this.isModified()) { $L.showInfoMessage(_lang['dataset.info'], _lang['dataset.info.locate']) } else { this.currentIndex = index; this.currentPage = Math.ceil(index / this.pagesize); this.keepData = keepData; this.query(this.currentPage); return; } } this.processCurrentRow(); if (this.selectionmodel == 'single') { var r = this.getAt(index - this.pagesize * (this.currentPage - 1) - 1) if (this.execSelectFunction(r)) this.select(r); } }, /** * 定位到某页. * * @param {Number} * page 页数. */ goPage: function (page, keepData) { if (page > 0) { this.gotoPage = page; var go = (page - 1) * this.pagesize + 1; var news; // 如果当前keepData为true,说明是只读性访问,不存在新增数据 if (keepData) { news = 0; } else { news = this.getAll().length - this.pagesize; } if (this.currentPage < page && news > 0) go += news; // var go = Math.max(0,page-2)*this.pagesize + this.data.length + 1; this.locate(go, false, keepData); } }, /** * 定位到所有数据的第一条位置. */ first: function () { this.locate(1); }, /** * 向前移动一个指针位置. */ pre: function () { if (arguments[0] == 'tree') { for (var i = this.currentIndex - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.data[i].get("tree_level") == 1 || this.data[i].expand == true) { this.locate(i + 1); return; } } } else { this.locate(this.currentIndex - 1); } }, /** * 向后移动一个指针位置. */ next: function () { if (arguments[0] == 'tree') { for (var i = this.currentIndex + 1; i < this.data.length; i++) { if (this.data[i].get("tree_level") == 1 || this.data[i].expand == true) { this.locate(i + 1); return; } } } else { this.locate(this.currentIndex + 1); } }, /** * 定位到第一页. */ firstPage: function () { this.goPage(1); }, /** * 向前移动一页. */ prePage: function () { this.goPage(this.currentPage - 1); }, /** * 向后移动一页. */ nextPage: function () { this.goPage(this.currentPage + 1); }, /** * 加载后一页,同时保留之前数据 */ loadNextPage: function () { this.goPage(this.currentPage + 1, true); }, /** * 定位到最后一页. */ lastPage: function () { this.goPage(this.totalPage); }, /** * 仅对dataset本身进行校验,不校验绑定的子dataset. * * @param {Boolean} * selected 校验选中的记录. * @return {Boolean} valid 校验结果. */ validateSelf: function (selected) { return this.validate(selected, true, false) }, /** * 设置dataset是否进行校验 * * @return {Boolean} enable 是否校验. */ setValidateEnable: function (enable) { this.validateEnable = enable; }, /** * 对当前数据集进行校验. * * @param {Boolean} * selected 校验选中的记录. * @return {Boolean} valid 校验结果. */ validate: function (selected, fire, vc) { if (!this.validateEnable)return true; this.isValid = true; var current = this.getCurrentRecord(); if (!current)return true; var records = selected ? this.getSelected() : this.getAll(); var dmap = {}; var hassub = false; var unvalidRecord = null; var issubValid = true; if (vc !== false) for (var k in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[k]; if (field.type == 'dataset') { hassub = true; var d = field.pro['dataset']; dmap[field.name] = d; } } for (var k = 0, l = records.length; k < l; k++) { var record = records[k]; // 有些项目是虚拟的字段,例如密码修改 // if(record.dirty == true || record.isNew == true) { if (!record.validateRecord()) { this.isValid = false; unvalidRecord = record; $L.addInValidReocrd(this.id, record); } else { $L.removeInvalidReocrd(this.id, record); } if (this.isValid == false) { if (hassub)break; } else { for (var key in dmap) { var ds = dmap[key]; if (record.data[key]) { ds.reConfig(record.data[key]); if (!ds.validate()) { issubValid = this.isValid = false; unvalidRecord = record; } else ds.reConfig(current.data[key]);// 循环校验完毕后,重新定位到当前行 } } if (this.isValid == false) { break; } // } } } if (unvalidRecord != null) { var r = this.indexOf(unvalidRecord); if (r != -1) this.locate(r + 1); } if (fire !== false && issubValid !== false) { $L.manager.fireEvent('valid', $L.manager, this, this.isValid); if (!this.isValid) { var valid = unvalidRecord.valid, unvalidMessage; var unvalidMessage = ''; var errorCount = 0; for (var key in valid) { if(valid[key]==valid[key+'_n']){ continue; } unvalidMessage += valid[key]; /* * 添加对placeHolder的判断,有prompt就得到prompt * 没有如果有placeHolder就得到placeHolder * 向平 2017-12-27 */ if (unvalidRecord.ds.prompt) { unvalidMessage += ' ' + unvalidRecord.ds.prompt; } else if (unvalidRecord.ds.placeholder) { unvalidMessage += ' ' + unvalidRecord.ds.placeholder; } else { // unvalidMessage += ' ' + unvalidRecord.ds.id; } /* * 添加对placeHolder的判断,有prompt就得到prompt * 没有如果有placeHolder就得到placeHolder * 向平 2017-12-27 */ if (unvalidRecord.ds.fields && unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key] && unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro) { if (unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.requiredmessage != null) { if(valid[key] != unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.requiredmessage) { unvalidMessage += '-' + unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.requiredmessage; } } else if (unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.prompt) { unvalidMessage += '-' + unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.prompt; } else if (unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.placeholder) { unvalidMessage += '-' + unvalidRecord.ds.fields[key].pro.placeholder; } } else { unvalidMessage += '-' + key.toLowerCase(); } unvalidMessage += '<br/>'; errorCount += 1; // break; } $L.showInfoMessage(_lang['dataset.info'], unvalidMessage || _lang['dataset.info.validate'], null, 350, 85 + errorCount * 20); } } return this.isValid; }, /** * 设置查询的Url. * * @param {String} * url 查询的Url. */ setQueryUrl: function (url) { this.queryurl = url; }, /** * 设置查询的参数. * * @param {String} * para 参数名. * @param {Object} * value 参数值. */ setQueryParameter: function (para, value) { this.qpara[para] = value; }, /** * 设置查询的DataSet. * * @param {Leaf.DataSet} * ds DataSet. */ setQueryDataSet: function (ds) { this.qds = ds; if (this.qds.getCurrentRecord() == null) this.qds.create(); }, /** * 设置提交的Url. * * @param {String} * url 提交的Url. */ setSubmitUrl: function (url) { this.submiturl = url; }, /** * 设置提交的参数. * * @param {String} * para 参数名. * @param {Object} * value 参数值. */ setSubmitParameter: function (para, value) { this.spara[para] = value; }, isAllReady: function (isSelected) { var sf = this, records = isSelected ? sf.getSelected() : sf.getAll(), isReady = true; for (var i = 0, l = records.length; i < l; i++) { var r = records[i]; if (!r.isReady) { isReady = false; break; } Ext.iterate(r.data, function (name, item) { if (item && item.xtype == 'dataset') { var field = sf.fields[name]; var ds = field.pro['dataset']; ds.reConfig(item); if (!ds.isAllReady(isSelected)) { isReady = false; return false; } } }); } return isReady; }, /** * 等待ds中的所有record都ready后执行回调函数 * * @param {String} * isAll 判断所有的record还是选中的record * @param {Function} * callback 回调函数 * @param {Object} * scope 回调函数的作用域 */ wait: function (isAll, callback, scope) { var sf = this, records = isAll ? sf.getAll() : sf.getSelected(); sf.fireBindDataSetEvent('wait'); for (var i = 0, r; r = records[i]; i++) { Ext.iterate(r.data, function (name, item) { if (item && item.xtype == 'dataset') { records = records.concat(item.data); } }); } var intervalId = setInterval(function () { for (var i = 0, l = records.length; i < l; i++) { if (!records[i].isReady)return; } clearInterval(intervalId); sf.fireBindDataSetEvent('afterwait'); if (callback) callback.call(scope || window); }, 10); }, /** * 查询数据. * * @param {Number} * page(可选) 查询的页数. */ query: function (page, opts) { $L.slideBarEnable = $L.SideBar.enable; if (!this.queryurl) return; if (this.qds) { if (this.qds.getCurrentRecord() == null) this.qds.create(); this.qds.wait(true, function () { /* * 徐昭 2017/12/12 14:26 * 如果dataset的bindtarget和queryDataSet相同时,不做queryDataSet的校验 */ // if(!this.qds.validate()) return; if (this.bindtarget != this.qds.id) { if (!this.qds.validate()) return; } this.doQuery(page, opts); }, this); } else { this.doQuery(page, opts); } }, doQuery: function (page, opts) { var sf = this, r, q = {}, pagesize = sf.pagesize, autocount = sf.autocount, qds = sf.qds; sf.loading = true; if (qds) r = qds.getCurrentRecord(); if (!page) sf.currentIndex = 1; page = sf.currentPage = page || 1; if (r != null) Ext.apply(q, r.data); sf.fireEvent("query", sf, sf.qpara, opts); /* * fixed by 20839 * 保证qurl能取到query事件函数中更改后的新sf.queryurl */ var qurl = sf.queryurl, isRest = /\/rest\//.test(qurl) || sf.hybrisws, isModel = /\/autocrud\//.test(qurl), isRest = isRest && !isModel; Ext.apply(q, sf.qpara); for (var k in q) { var v = q[k]; if (Ext.isEmpty(v, false) || v.xtype == 'dataset') delete q[k]; } if (isRest) { var format_xmlattribute = function (key) { if (/^@/.test(key)) { return key.substring(1); } return key; }, path = qurl.split(/[?#]/g)[0].match(/\/([^\/]*)$/)[1], para = path + '_autocount=' + autocount + '&' + path + '_size=' + pagesize + '&' + path + '_page=' + (page - 1), // attributes=[], query = []; /* * Ext.iterate(sf.fields,function(key){ * attributes.push(format_xmlattribute(key)); }); * if(attributes.length) * para+='&'+dtoName+'_attributes='+attributes.join(','); */ Ext.iterate(q, function (key, value) { var qfield = qds.fields[key], returnfield; if (!qfield || !(returnfield = qfield.getPropertity('returnfield')) || returnfield == key) { if (value != 'true' && value != 'false') { value = "'" + value + "'"; } query.push('{' + format_xmlattribute(key) + '}' + (String(value).indexOf('%') == -1 ? ' = ' : ' like ') + value); } }) if (query.length) para += '&' + path + '_query=' + encodeURIComponent(query.join(' and ')) } else { var para = 'pagesize=' + pagesize + '&pagenum=' + page + '&_fetchall=' + sf.fetchall + '&_autocount=' + autocount // + '&_rootpath=list' } var url = Ext.urlAppend(qurl, para); // sf.fireBindDataSetEvent("beforeload", sf);//主dataset无数据,子dataset一直loading if(sf.qtId) Ext.Ajax.abort(sf.qtId); sf.qtId = $L.request(Ext.apply({ url: url, success: sf.onLoadSuccess, error: sf.onLoadError, scope: sf, failure: sf.onAjaxFailed, opts: opts, method:sf.querymethod, ext: opts ? opts.ext : null, queryDataFormat: sf.queryDataFormat }, isRest ? { isRest: true, method: 'GET', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } } : { para: q })); }, /** * 判断当前数据集是否发生改变. * * @return {Boolean} modified 是否发生改变. */ isModified: function () { var modified = false; var records = this.getAll(); for (var k = 0, l = records.length; k < l; k++) { var record = records[k]; if (record.dirty == true || record.isNew == true) { modified = true; break; } else { for (var key in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[key]; if (field.type == 'dataset') { var ds = field.pro['dataset']; ds.reConfig(record.data[field.name]); if (ds.isModified()) { modified = true; break; } } } } } return modified; }, // isDataModified : function(){ // var modified = false; // for(var i=0,l=this.data.length;i<l;i++){ // var r = this.data[i]; // if(r.dirty || r.isNew){ // modified = true; // break; // } // } // return modified; // }, /** * 以json格式返回当前数据集. * * @return {Object} json 返回的json对象. */ getJsonData: function (selected, fields) { var sf = this, datas = [], items = selected ? sf.getSelected() : sf.data, dsfields = sf.fields; Ext.each(items, function (r) { // var isAdd = r.dirty; //MAS云新增特性 var isAdd = r.dirty || r.isNew, d = Ext.apply({}, r.data); Ext.iterate(d, function (k, item) { if (fields && fields.indexOf(k) == -1) { delete d[k]; } else { if (item && item.xtype == 'dataset') { // if(item.data.length > 0){ var ds = new $L.DataSet({});// $le(item.id); // ds.fields = item.data[0].ds.fields; ds.reConfig(item); isAdd = isAdd == false ? ds.isModified() : isAdd; d[k] = ds.getJsonData(); // } } } }); d['_id'] = r.id; d['_status'] = r.isNew ? 'insert' : 'update'; if (isAdd || selected) { datas.push(d); } }); return datas; }, checkEmptyData: function (items) { var sf = this; Ext.each(items, function (data) { Ext.iterate(data, function (key, d, f) { if (Ext.isArray(d)) { sf.checkEmptyData(d); } else if (d === '') { data[key] = null; } }) }); }, doSubmit: function (url, items) { var sf = this, url = url || sf.submiturl; if (Ext.isEmpty(url)) return; var isRest = /\/rest\//.test(url) || sf.hybrisws; sf.fireBindDataSetEvent("submit", url, items); // var p = items;//sf.getJsonData(); sf.checkEmptyData(items); // for(var i=0;i<p.length;i++){ // var data = p[i] // for(var key in data){ // var f = sf.fields[key]; // if(f && f.type != 'dataset' && data[key]==='')data[key]=null; // } // // p[i] = Ext.apply(p[i],sf.spara) // } // if(p.length > 0) { // sf.fireEvent("submit", sf); $L.request(Ext.apply({ showSuccessTip: true, url: url, ext: sf.spara, success: sf.onSubmitSuccess, error: sf.onSubmitError, scope: sf, failure: sf.onAjaxFailed, para: items }, isRest ? { isRest: true, dtoName: sf.dtoname, restDataFormat: sf.restDataFormat, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } } : {})); // } }, /** * 提交选中数据. * * @param {String} * url(可选) 提交的url. * @param {Array} * fields(可选) 根据选定的fields提交. */ submitSelected: function (url, fields) { this.submit(url, fields, true); }, /** * 提交数据. * * @param {String} * url(可选) 提交的url. * @param {Array} * fields(可选) 根据选定的fields提交. */ submit: function (url, fields, selected) { var sf = this; sf.wait(!selected, function () { sf.fireEvent("beforesubmit", sf) && sf.validate(selected) && sf.doSubmit(url, sf.getJsonData(selected, fields)); }); }, /** * post方式提交数据. * * @param {String} * url(可选) 提交的url. */ post: function (url) { var sf = this, r = sf.getCurrentRecord(); r && sf.wait(true, function () { sf.validate() && $L.post(url, r.data); }); }, /** * 重置数据. */ reset: function () { var record = this.getCurrentRecord(); if (!record || !record.fields)return; for (var c in record.fields) { var v = record.fields[c].get('defaultvalue'); if (v != record.get(c)) record.set(c, v == undefined || v == null ? "" : v); } }, fireBindDataSetEvent: function () {// event var a = Ext.toArray(arguments); var event = a[0]; a[0] = this; this.fireEvent.apply(this, [event].concat(a)) // this.fireEvent(event,this); for (var k in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[k]; if (field.type == 'dataset') { var ds = field.pro['dataset']; if (ds) { ds.fireBindDataSetEvent(event) } } } }, beforeEdit: function (record, name, value, oldvalue) { return this.fireEvent("beforeupdate", this, record, name, value, oldvalue); }, afterEdit: function (record, name, value, oldvalue) { this.fireEvent("update", this, record, name, value, oldvalue); }, afterReject: function (record, name, value) { this.fireEvent("reject", this, record, name, value); }, onSubmitSuccess: function (res) { var datas = [] if (res.result.record) { datas = [].concat(res.result.record); this.commitRecords(datas, true) } this.fireBindDataSetEvent('submitsuccess', res); }, commitRecords: function (datas, fire, record) { // this.resetConfig(); for (var i = 0, l = datas.length; i < l; i++) { var data = datas[i]; var r = this.findById(data['_id']); if (!r) continue; if (r.isNew) this.totalCount++; r.commit(); var haschange = false; for (var k in data) { var field = k; var f = this.fields[field]; if (f && f.type == 'dataset') { var ds = f.pro['dataset']; ds.reConfig(r.data[f.name]); if (data[k].record) { ds.commitRecords([].concat(data[k].record), this.getCurrentRecord() === r && fire, r); } } else if (f && f.type == 'hidden') { continue } else { var ov = r.get(field); var nv = data[k] if (field == '_id' || field == '_status' || field == '__parameter_parsed__') continue; if (f) { nv = this.processData(data, k, f); } if (ov != nv) { haschange = true; if (fire) { // 由于commit放到上面,这个时候不改变状态,防止重复提交 r.set(field, nv, true); } else { r.data[field] = nv; if (record) record.data[this.bindname] = this.getConfig(); } } } } // 提交后,如果没有sequence,就不会有值改变,所以手动触发一下update。 if (!haschange && fire) { r.set('__for_update__', true, true); delete r.data['__for_update__']; r.commit(); } // r.commit();//挪到上面了,record.set的时候会触发update事件,重新渲染.有可能去判断isNew的状态 } }, processData: function (data, key, field) { var v = data[key]; if (v) { var dt = field.getPropertity('datatype'); dt = dt ? dt.toLowerCase() : ''; switch (dt) { case 'date': v = $L.parseDate(v); break; case 'java.util.date': v = $L.parseDate(v); break; case 'java.sql.date': v = $L.parseDate(v); break; case 'java.sql.timestamp': v = $L.parseDate(v); v.xtype = 'timestamp'; break; case 'int': v = parseInt(v); break; case 'float': v = parseFloat(v); break; case 'boolean': v = v == "true"; break; } } // TODO:处理options的displayField return this.processValueListField(data, v, field); }, processValueListField: function (data, v, field) { var op = field.getPropertity('options'); var df = field.getPropertity('displayfield'); var vf = field.getPropertity('valuefield'); var mp = field.getPropertity('mapping') if (df && vf && op && mp && !v) { var rf; for (var i = 0; i < mp.length; i++) { var map = mp[i]; if (vf == map.from) { rf = map.to; break; } } var rv = data[rf]; var options = $le(op); if (options && !Ext.isEmpty(rv)) { var r = options.find(vf, rv); if (r) { v = r.get(df); } } } return v; }, onSubmitError: function (res) { // $L.showErrorMessage('错误', // res.error.message||res.error.stackTrace,null,400,200); this.fireBindDataSetEvent('submitfailed', res); }, onLoadSuccess: function (res, options) { try { if (res == null) return; if (!res.result.record) res.result.record = []; var records = [].concat(res.result.record); // var total = res.result.totalCount; var total = res.result[this.totalcountfield] var datas = []; if (records.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, l = records.length; i < l; i++) { var item = { data: records[i] } datas.push(item); } } else if (records.length == 0) { this.currentIndex = 0 } this.loading = false; this.loadData(datas, total, options); if (datas.length != 0) this.locate(this.currentIndex, true); $L.SideBar.enable = $L.slideBarEnable; this.qtId = null; this.fireEvent('loadsuccess', this); } catch (e) { window.console && console.error(e.stack); } }, onAjaxFailed: function (res, opt) { this.fireBindDataSetEvent('ajaxfailed', res, opt); this.qtId = null; }, onLoadError: function (res, opt) { this.fireBindDataSetEvent('loadfailed', res, opt); // $L.showWarningMessage('错误', // res.error.message||res.error.stackTrace,null,350,150); this.loading = false; $L.SideBar.enable = $L.slideBarEnable; this.qtId = null; this.keepData = false; }, onFieldChange: function (record, field, type, value) { this.fireEvent('fieldchange', this, record, field, type, value) }, onMetaChange: function (record, meta, type, value) { this.fireEvent('metachange', this, record, meta, type, value) }, onRecordValid: function (record, name, valid) { if (valid == false && this.isValid !== false) this.isValid = false; this.fireEvent('valid', this, record, name, valid) } // spreedsheet : function(){ // // } }); /** * @class Leaf.Record * <p> * Record是一个数据对象. * @constructor * @param {Object} * data 数据对象. * @param {Array} * fields 配置对象. */ $L.Record = function (data, fields) { /** * Record的id. (只读). * * @type Number * @property */ this.id = ++$L.AUTO_ID; /** * Record的数据 (只读). * * @type Object * @property */ this.data = data; /** * Record的Fields (只读). * * @type Object * @property */ this.fields = {}; /** * Record的验证信息 (只读). * * @type Object * @property */ this.valid = {}; /** * Record的验证结果 (只读). * * @type Boolean * @property */ this.isValid = true; /** * 是否是新数据 (只读). * * @type Boolean * @property */ this.isNew = false; /** * 是否发生改变 (只读). * * @type Boolean * @property */ this.dirty = false; /** * 编辑状态 (只读). * * @type Boolean * @property */ this.editing = false; /** * 编辑信息对象 (只读). * * @type Object * @property */ this.modified = null; /** * 是否是已就绪数据 (只读). * * @type Boolean * @property */ this.isReady = true; /** * 是否被选中 * * @type Boolean * @property */ this.isSelected = false; this.meta = new $L.Record.Meta(this); if (fields) this.initFields(fields); }; $L.Record.prototype = { commit: function () { this.editing = false; this.valid = {}; this.isValid = true; this.isNew = false; this.dirty = false; this.modified = null; }, initFields: function (fields) { for (var i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++) { var f = new $L.Record.Field(fields[i]); f.record = this; this.fields[f.name] = f; } }, validateRecord: function () { this.isValid = true; this.valid = {}; var df = this.ds.fields; var rf = this.fields; var names = []; for (var k in df) { if (df[k].type != 'dataset') names.push(k); } for (var k in rf) { if (names.indexOf(k) == -1) { if (rf[k].type != 'dataset') names.push(k); } } for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.isValid == true) { this.isValid = this.validate(names[i]); } else { this.validate(names[i]); } } return this.isValid; }, validate: function (name) { var sf = this, valid = true, oldValid = sf.valid[name], v = sf.get(name), field = sf.getMeta().getField(name), validator = field.get('validator'), requiredFunc = field.get('requiredfunction'), vv = v && v.trim ? v.trim() : v; if (Ext.isEmpty(vv)) { var required = field.get('required') == true; if (requiredFunc) { var rf = eval(requiredFunc); if (rf) { required = rf(sf, name, v); } else { alert('未找到函数' + requiredFunc); } } if (required) { sf.valid[name] = field.get('requiredmessage') || _lang['dataset.validate.required']; valid = false; } } if (valid == true) { var isvalid = true; if (validator) { var vc = eval(validator); if (vc) { isvalid = vc(sf, name, v); if (isvalid !== true) { valid = false; sf.valid[name] = isvalid; } } else { alert('未找到函数' + validator) } } } if (valid == true) delete sf.valid[name]; if (oldValid != sf.valid[name] || !Ext.isDefined(oldValid)) sf.ds.onRecordValid(sf, name, valid); return valid; }, setDataSet: function (ds) { this.ds = ds; }, /** * 获取field对象 * * @param {String} * name * @return {Leaf.Record.Field} */ getField: function (name) { return this.getMeta().getField(name); }, getMeta: function () { return this.meta; }, copy: function (record) { if (record == this) { alert('不能copy自身!'); return; } if (record.dirty) { for (var n in record.modified) { this.set(n, record.get(n)) } } }, /** * 设置值. * * @param {String} * name 设定值的名字. * @param {Object} * value 设定的值. * @param {Boolean} * notDirty true 不改变record的dirty状态. */ set: function (name, value, notDirty) { var old = this.data[name]; if (this.ds.beforeEdit(this, name, value, old)) { if (!(old === value || (Ext.isEmpty(old) && Ext.isEmpty(value)) || (Ext.isDate(old) && Ext.isDate(value) && old.getTime() == value.getTime()))) { if (!notDirty) { this.dirty = true; if (!this.modified) { this.modified = {}; } if (typeof this.modified[name] == 'undefined') { this.modified[name] = old; } } this.data[name] = value; if (!this.editing && this.ds) { this.ds.afterEdit(this, name, value, old); } /* * set方法不触发validate,只有在submit或者显式validate时触发 */ // this.validate(name) } /* * 放在这个位置日期判断会弹出两次提示框 * 2017-12-14 向平 */ this.validate(name) } }, /** * 设置值. * * @param {String} * name 名字. * @return {Object} value 值. */ get: function (name) { return this.data[name]; }, /** * 返回record的data对象. 可以通过obj.xx的方式获取数据 * * @return {Object} */ getObject: function () { return Ext.apply({}, this.data); }, /** * 更新data数据. * * @param {Object} * o */ setObject: function (o) { for (var key in o) { this.set(key, o[key]); } }, reject: function (silent) { var m = this.modified; for (var n in m) { if (typeof m[n] != "function") { this.data[n] = m[n]; this.ds.afterReject(this, n, m[n]); } } delete this.modified; this.editing = false; this.dirty = false; }, // beginEdit : function(){ // this.editing = true; // this.modified = {}; // }, // cancelEdit : function(){ // this.editing = false; // delete this.modified; // }, // endEdit : function(){ // delete this.modified; // this.editing = false; // if(this.dirty && this.ds){ // this.ds.afterEdit(this);//name,value怎么处理? // } // }, onFieldChange: function (name, type, value) { var field = this.getMeta().getField(name); this.ds.onFieldChange(this, field, type, value); }, onFieldClear: function (name) { var field = this.getMeta().getField(name); this.ds.onFieldChange(this, field); }, onMetaChange: function (meta, type, value) { this.ds.onMetaChange(this, meta, type, value); }, onMetaClear: function (meta) { this.ds.onMetaChange(this, meta); }, setDirty: function (dirty) { this.dirty = dirty; } } $L.Record.Meta = function (r) { this.record = r; this.pro = {}; } $L.Record.Meta.prototype = { clear: function () { this.pro = {}; this.record.onMetaClear(this); }, getField: function (name) { if (!name)return null; var f = this.record.fields[name]; var df = this.record.ds.fields[name]; var rf; if (!f) { if (df) { f = new $L.Record.Field({name: df.name, type: df.type || 'string'}); } else { f = new $L.Record.Field({name: name, type: 'string'});// } f.record = this.record; this.record.fields[f.name] = f; } var pro = {}; if (df) pro = Ext.apply(pro, df.pro); pro = Ext.apply(pro, this.pro); pro = Ext.apply(pro, f.pro); delete pro.name; delete pro.type; f.snap = pro; return f; }, setRequired: function (r) { var op = this.pro['required']; if (op !== r) { this.pro['required'] = r; this.record.onMetaChange(this, 'required', r); } }, setReadOnly: function (r) { var op = this.pro['readonly']; if (op !== r) { this.pro['readonly'] = r; this.record.onMetaChange(this, 'readonly', r); } } } /** * @class Leaf.Record.Field * <p> * Field是一个配置对象,主要配置指定列的一些附加属性,例如非空,只读,值列表等信息. * @constructor * @param {Object} * data 数据对象. */ $L.Record.Field = function (c) { this.name = c.name; this.type = c.type; this.pro = c || {}; this.record; }; $L.Record.Field.prototype = { /** * 清除所有配置信息. */ clear: function () { this.pro = {}; this.record.onFieldClear(this.name); }, setPropertity: function (type, value) { var op = this.pro[type]; if (op !== value) { this.pro[type] = value; if (this.snap) this.snap[type] = value; if (this.record) this.record.onFieldChange(this.name, type, value); } }, /** * 获取配置信息 * * @param {String} * name 配置名 * @return {Object} value 配置值 */ get: function (name) { var v = null; if (this.snap) { v = this.snap[name]; } else if (this.pro) { v = this.pro[name]; } return v; }, getPropertity: function (name) { return this.pro[name] }, /** * 设置当前Field是否必输 * * @param {Boolean} * required 是否必输. */ setRequired: function (r) { this.setPropertity('required', r); var promptSpans = Ext.query('span[title=' + this.name + '].prompt-required'); for (var key = 0; key < promptSpans.length; key++) { var promptSpan = Ext.get(promptSpans[key]); r ? promptSpan.addClass("prompt-required-show") : promptSpan.removeClass("prompt-required-show"); } if (!r && this.record) this.record.validate(this.name); }, /** * 当前Field是否必输. * * @return {Boolean} required 是否必输. */ isRequired: function () { return this.get('required'); }, /** * 设置当前Field是否只读. * * @param {Boolean} * readonly 是否只读 */ setReadOnly: function (r) { if (r && this.record) delete this.record.valid[this.name]; this.setPropertity('readonly', r); }, /** * 当前Field是否只读. * * @return {Boolean} readonly 是否只读 */ isReadOnly: function () { return this.get('readonly'); }, /** * 设置当前Field的数据集. * * @param {Object} * r 数据集 */ setOptions: function (r) { this.setPropertity('options', r); }, /** * 获取当前的数据集. * * @return {Object} r 数据集 */ getOptions: function () { return this.get('options'); }, /** * 设置当前Field的映射. 例如: * <p> * var mapping = [{from:'name', to: 'code'},{from:'service', to: 'name'}]; * </p> * field.setMapping(mapping); * * @return {Array} mapping 映射列表. * */ setMapping: function (m) { this.setPropertity('mapping', m); }, /** * 获取当前的映射. * * @return {Array} array 映射集合 */ getMapping: function () { return this.get('mapping'); }, /** * 设置Lov弹出窗口的Title. * * @param {String} * title lov弹出窗口的Tile */ setTitle: function (t) { this.setPropertity('title', t); }, /** * 设置Lov弹出窗口的宽度. * * @param {Number} * width lov弹出窗口的Width */ setLovWidth: function (w) { this.setPropertity('lovwidth', w); }, /** * 设置Lov弹出窗口的高度. * * @param {Number} * height lov弹出窗口的Height */ setLovHeight: function (h) { this.setPropertity('lovheight', h); }, /** * 设置Lov弹出窗口中grid的高度. 配置这个主要是由于查询条件可能存在多个,导致查询的form过高. * * @param {Number} * height lov弹出窗口的grid组件的Height */ setLovGridHeight: function (gh) { this.setPropertity("lovgridheight", gh) }, /** * 设置Lov的Model对象. Lov的配置可以通过三种方式.(1)model (2)service (3)url. * * @param {String} * model lov配置的model. */ setLovModel: function (m) { this.setPropertity("lovmodel", m) }, /** * 设置Lov的Service对象. Lov的配置可以通过三种方式.(1)model (2)service (3)url. * * @param {String} * service lov配置的service. */ setLovService: function (m) { this.setPropertity("lovservice", m) }, /** * 设置Lov的Url地址. Lov的配置可以通过三种方式.(1)model (2)service (3)url. * 通过url打开的lov,可以不用调用setLovGridHeight * * @param {String} * url lov打开的url. */ setLovUrl: function (m) { this.setPropertity("lovurl", m) }, /** * 设置Lov的查询参数 * * @param {String} * name * @param {Object} * value */ setLovPara: function (name, value) { var p = this.get('lovpara') || {}; if (value == null) { delete p[name] } else { p[name] = value; } this.setPropertity("lovpara", p) } } /** * @class Leaf.Component * @extends Ext.util.Observable * <p> * 所有组件对象的父类. * <p> * 所有的子类将自动继承Component的所有属性和方法. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.Component = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { focusCss: 'item-focus', constructor: function (config) { $L.Component.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.id = config.id || Ext.id(); this.hostid = config.hostid; $L.CmpManager.put(this.id, this) this.initConfig = config; this.isHidden = false; this.isFireEvent = false; this.hasFocus = false; this.initComponent(config); this.initEvents(); this.hidden && this.setVisible(false); }, initComponent: function (config) { config = config || {}; Ext.apply(this, config); this.wrap = Ext.get(this.id); if (this.listeners) { this.on(this.listeners); } }, processListener: function (ou) { this.processMouseOverOut(ou) // if(this.id == 'mainTab'){ // // } if ((this.clientresize && (!Ext.isEmpty(this.marginwidth) || !Ext.isEmpty(this.marginheight)) || this.constructor == $L.Window)) { // this.windowResizeListener();//TODO:以后修改服务端component,去掉自身尺寸的判断 Ext.EventManager[ou](window, "resize", this.windowResizeListener, this); $L.auWindow.on("resize", this.windowResizeListener, this); } }, processMouseOverOut: function (ou) { if (this.wrap) { this.wrap[ou]("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); this.wrap[ou]("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this); } }, initEvents: function () { this.addEvents( /** * @event focus 获取焦点事件 * @param {Component} * this 当前组件. */ 'focus', /** * @event blur 失去焦点事件 * @param {Component} * this 当前组件. */ 'blur', /** * @event change 组件值改变事件. * @param {Component} * this 当前组件. * @param {Object} * value 新的值. * @param {Object} * oldValue 旧的值. */ 'change', /** * @event valid 组件验证事件. * @param {Component} * this 当前组件. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record record对象. * @param {String} * name 对象绑定的Name. * @param {Boolean} * isValid 验证是否通过. */ 'valid', /** * @event mouseover 鼠标经过组件事件. * @param {Component} * this 当前组件. * @param {EventObject} * e 鼠标事件对象. */ 'mouseover', /** * @event mouseout 鼠标离开组件事件. * @param {Component} * this 当前组件. * @param {EventObject} * e 鼠标事件对象. */ 'mouseout'); this.processListener('on'); }, windowResizeListener: function () { if (Ext.isIE7 || Ext.isIE6) { return; } var ht, wd; var _rc = 'refresh'; Ext.getBody().addClass(_rc); // Ext.getBody().setStyle('overflow','hidden') /** * resize只做宽度的自动调整,高度不进行调整 */ if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.marginheight) && !this.autoadjustheight) { ht = Leaf.getViewportHeight() - Math.max($L.usedHeight, 0); var h = ht - this.marginheight, /* * 徐昭 2017/12/22 16:22 * 高度重绘时增加最小高度的判断 */ mh = this.minheight || 100; this.setHeight(h >= mh ? h : mh); } if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.marginwidth)) { wd = Leaf.getViewportWidth(); var v = wd - this.marginwidth - Math.max($L.usedWidth, 0); this.setWidth(v); // 非标准做法,中集特殊要求! // this.setWidth(v < this.initConfig.width ? v : // this.initConfig.width); } Ext.getBody().removeClass(_rc); // Ext.getBody().setStyle('overflow','auto'); }, isEventFromComponent: function (el) { return this.wrap.contains(el) || this.wrap.dom === (el.dom ? el.dom : el); }, move: function (x, y) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(x)) this.wrap.setX(x); if (!Ext.isEmpty(y)) this.wrap.setY(y); }, getBindName: function () { return this.binder ? this.binder.name : null; }, getBindDataSet: function () { return this.binder ? this.binder.ds : null; }, /** * 将组件绑定到某个DataSet的某个Field上. * * @param {String/Leaf.DataSet} * dataSet 绑定的DataSet. 可以是具体某个DataSet对象,也可以是某个DataSet的id. * @param {String} * name Field的name. */ bind: function (ds, name) { this.clearBind(); if (typeof(ds) == 'string') { ds = $le(ds); } if (!ds)return; this.binder = { ds: ds, name: name } this.record = ds.getCurrentRecord(); var field = ds.fields[this.binder.name]; if (field) { var config = {}; Ext.apply(config, this.initConfig); Ext.apply(config, field.pro); delete config.name; delete config.type; this.initComponent(config); } ds.on('metachange', this.onRefresh, this); ds.on('valid', this.onValid, this); ds.on('remove', this.onRemove, this); ds.on('clear', this.onClear, this); ds.on('update', this.onUpdate, this); ds.on('reject', this.onUpdate, this); ds.on('fieldchange', this.onFieldChange, this); ds.on('indexchange', this.onRefresh, this); this.onRefresh(ds) }, /** * 清除组件的绑定信息. * <p> * 删除所有绑定的事件信息. */ clearBind: function () { if (this.binder) { var bds = this.binder.ds; bds.un('metachange', this.onRefresh, this); bds.un('valid', this.onValid, this); bds.un('remove', this.onRemove, this); bds.un('clear', this.onClear, this); bds.un('update', this.onUpdate, this); bds.un('reject', this.onUpdate, this); bds.un('fieldchange', this.onFieldChange, this); bds.un('indexchange', this.onRefresh, this); } this.binder = null; this.record = null; this.value = null; }, /** * <p> * 销毁组件对象. * </p> * <p> * 1.删除所有绑定的事件. * </p> * <p> * 2.从对象管理器中删除注册信息. * </p> * <p> * 3.删除dom节点. * </p> */ destroy: function () { this.processListener('un'); $L.CmpManager.remove(this.id); this.clearBind(); delete this.wrap; }, onMouseOver: function (e) { this.fireEvent('mouseover', this, e); }, onMouseOut: function (e) { this.fireEvent('mouseout', this, e); }, onRemove: function (ds, record) { if (this.binder.ds == ds && this.record == record) { this.clearValue(); } }, onCreate: function (ds, record) { this.clearInvalid(); this.record = ds.getCurrentRecord(); this.setValue('', true); }, onRefresh: function (ds) { if (this.isFireEvent == true || this.isHidden == true) return; this.clearInvalid(); this.render(ds.getCurrentRecord()); }, render: function (record) { this.record = record; if (this.record) { var value = this.record.get(this.binder.name); var field = this.record.getMeta().getField(this.binder.name); var config = {}; Ext.apply(config, this.initConfig); Ext.apply(config, field.snap); this.initComponent(config); if (this.record.valid[this.binder.name]) { this.markInvalid(); } // TODO:和lov的设值有问题 // if(this.value == value) return; if (!Ext.isEmpty(value, true)) { this.setValue(value, true); } else { this.clearValue(); } } else { this.setValue('', true); } }, onValid: function (ds, record, name, valid) { if (this.binder.ds == ds && this.binder.name == name && this.record == record) { if (valid) { this.fireEvent('valid', this, this.record, this.binder.name, true) this.clearInvalid(); } else { this.fireEvent('valid', this, this.record, this.binder.name, false); this.markInvalid(); } } }, onUpdate: function (ds, record, name, value) { if (this.binder.ds == ds && this.record == record && this.binder.name == name && this.getValue() !== value) { this.setValue(value, true); } }, onFieldChange: function (ds, record, field) { if (this.binder.ds == ds && this.record == record && this.binder.name == field.name) { this.onRefresh(ds); } }, onClear: function (ds) { this.clearValue(); }, /** * 设置当前的值. * * @param {Object} * value 值对象 * @param {Boolean} * silent 是否更新到dataSet中 */ setValue: function (v, silent) { var ov = this.value; this.value = v; if (silent === true)return; if (this.binder) { this.record = this.binder.ds.getCurrentRecord(); if (this.record == null) { this.record = this.binder.ds.create({}, false); } this.record.set(this.binder.name, v); if (Ext.isEmpty(v, true)) delete this.record.data[this.binder.name]; } // if(ov!=v){ if (!(ov === v || (Ext.isEmpty(ov) && Ext.isEmpty(v)))) { this.fireEvent('change', this, v, ov); } }, /** * 返回当前值 * * @return {Object} value 返回值. */ getValue: function () { var v = this.value; v = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); return v; }, setWidth: function (w) { if (this.width == w) return; this.width = w; this.wrap.setWidth(w); }, setHeight: function (h) { if (this.height == h) return; this.height = h; this.wrap.setHeight(h); }, /** * 显示组件 */ show: function () { this.wrap.show(); var prompt = Ext.fly(this.id + '_prompt'); if (prompt) { prompt.show(); } }, /** * 隐藏组件 */ hide: function () { this.wrap.hide(); var prompt = Ext.fly(this.id + '_prompt'); if (prompt) { prompt.hide(); } }, setVisible: function (v) { this[v ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }, clearInvalid: function () { }, markInvalid: function () { }, clearValue: function () { }, initMeta: function () { }, setDefault: function () { }, setRequired: function () { }, onDataChange: function () { } }); /** * @class Leaf.Field * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 带有input标记的输入类的组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.Field = Ext.extend($L.Component, { autoselect: true, transformcharacter: true, validators: [], requiredCss: 'item-notBlank', readOnlyCss: 'item-readOnly', emptyTextCss: 'item-emptyText', invalidCss: 'item-invalid', wrapInvalidCss: 'item-wrap-invalid', wrapRequiredCss: 'item-wrap-notBlank', constructor: function (config) { config.required = config.required || false; config.readonly = config.readonly || false; config.autocomplete = config.autocomplete || false; config.autocompletefield = config.autocompletefield || null; // config.autocompletesize = config.autocompletesize||2; /* * 徐昭 2017/12/20 14:22 * 自动查询触发字符长度改为1 */ config.autocompletesize = config.autocompletesize || 1; config.autocompletepagesize = config.autocompletepagesize || 10; this.context = config.context || ''; $L.Field.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initElements: function () { this.el = this.wrap.child('input[atype=field.input]'); this.inputWrap = this.wrap.child('.item-input-wrap'); if (this.wrap.child(".tipIcon")) { this.tipIcon = this.wrap.child(".tipIcon"); } }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; $L.Field.superclass.initComponent.call(sf, config); sf.service = sf.autocompleteservice || sf.lovservice || sf.lovmodel; sf.para = {} sf.initElements(); sf.originalValue = sf.getValue(); sf.applyEmptyText(); sf.initStatus(); // sf.hidden && sf.setVisible(false); sf.initService() sf.initAutoComplete(); var inputWrap = sf.wrap.child(".item-input-wrap"); if (sf.tipdisplay) { var tipIcon = sf.wrap.child(".tipIcon"); tipIcon.setStyle("display", "block"); if (sf.width === inputWrap.getWidth()) { if (inputWrap.hasClass("item-trigger-wrap")) { inputWrapW = inputWrap.getWidth() - tipIcon.getWidth() - 25 + "px"; } else { inputWrapW = inputWrap.getWidth() - tipIcon.getWidth() - 5 + "px"; } inputWrap.setStyle({"width": inputWrapW, "float": "left"}); } } }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.Field.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); // sf.el[ou](Ext.isIE || Ext.isSafari3 ? "keydown" : "keypress", sf.fireKey, // sf); sf.el[ou]("focus", sf.onFocus, sf) [ou]("blur", sf.onBlur, sf) [ou]("change", sf.onChange, sf) [ou]("keyup", sf.onKeyUp, sf) [ou]("keydown", sf.onKeyDown, sf) [ou]("keypress", sf.onKeyPress, sf); // [ou]("mouseup", sf.onMouseUp, sf) // [ou]("mouseover", sf.onMouseOver, sf) // [ou]("mouseout", sf.onMouseOut, sf); if (this.wrap.child(".tipIcon")) { sf.tipIcon[ou]("mouseover", sf.onTipMouseOver, sf); sf.tipIcon[ou]("mouseout", sf.onTipMouseOut, sf); } }, processMouseOverOut: function (ou) { var sf = this; sf.el[ou]("mouseover", sf.onMouseOver, sf) [ou]("mouseout", sf.onMouseOut, sf); }, initEvents: function () { $L.Field.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event keydown 键盘按下事件. * @param {Leaf.Field} * field field对象. * @param {EventObject} * e 键盘事件对象. */ 'keydown', /** * @event keyup 键盘抬起事件. * @param {Leaf.Field} * field field对象. * @param {EventObject} * e 键盘事件对象. */ 'keyup', /** * @event keypress 键盘敲击事件. * @param {Leaf.Field} * field field对象. * @param {EventObject} * e 键盘事件对象. */ 'keypress', /** * @event enterdown 回车键事件. * @param {Leaf.Field} * field field对象. * @param {EventObject} * e 键盘事件对象. */ 'enterdown'); }, onTipMouseOver: function () { var sf = this, tipIcon = sf.wrap.child(".tipIcon"); $L.ToolFloat.show(tipIcon, sf.promptContentRenderer()); }, promptContentRenderer: function (record) { var sf = this, renderer = sf.tipcontentrenderer, NOT_FOUND = '未找到', METHOD = '方法', value = $L.escapeHtml(value); if (renderer) {//&&!IS_EMPTY(value) 去掉对value是否为空的判断 var rder = $L.getRenderer(renderer); if (rder == null) { alert(NOT_FOUND + renderer + METHOD) return value; } value = rder(value, record); } return value == null ? '' : value; }, onTipMouseOut: function () { $L.ToolFloat.hide(); }, destroy: function () { var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; $L.Field.superclass.destroy.call(sf); if (view) { view.destroy(); view.un('select', sf.onViewSelect, sf); delete sf.autocompleteview; } delete this.el; }, setWidth: function (w) { this.wrap.setStyle("width", (w + 3) + "px"); // this.el.setStyle("width",w+"px"); }, setHeight: function (h) { this.wrap.setStyle("height", h + "px"); this.el.setStyle("height", h + "px"); }, // setVisible: function(v){ // this.wrap[v?'show':'hide'](); // // if(v==true) // // this.wrap.show(); // // else // // this.wrap.hide(); // }, initStatus: function () { var sf = this; sf.clearInvalid(); sf.initReadOnly(sf.readonly); sf.initRequired(sf.required, sf.readonly); sf.initEditable(sf.editable); sf.initMaxLength(sf.maxlength); }, // onMouseOver : function(e){ // $L.ToolTip.show(this.id, "测试"); // }, // onMouseOut : function(e){ // $L.ToolTip.hide(); // }, onChange: function (e) { }, onKeyUp: function (e) { this.fireEvent('keyup', this, e); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { var sf = this, keyCode = e.keyCode; sf.fireEvent('keydown', sf, e); if ((sf.isEditor == true && keyCode == 9) || ((sf.readonly || !sf.editable) && keyCode == 8)) e.stopEvent();// 9:tab // 8:backspace if (keyCode == 13 || keyCode == 27) {// 13:enter 27:esc sf.blur();// 为了获取到新的值 if (keyCode == 13) { (function () { sf.fireEvent('enterdown', sf, e); }).defer(5); } } }, onKeyPress: function (e) { this.fireEvent('keypress', this, e); }, // fireKey : function(e){ // this.fireEvent("keydown", this, e); // }, onFocus: function (e) { // (Ext.isGecko||Ext.isGecko2||Ext.isGecko3) ? this.select() : // this.select.defer(10,this); var sf = this; sf.autoselect && sf.select.defer(1, sf); if (!sf.hasFocus) { sf.hasFocus = true; sf.startValue = sf.getValue(); if (sf.emptytext && !sf.readonly) { sf.el.dom.value == sf.emptytext && sf.setRawValue(''); sf.wrap.removeClass(sf.emptyTextCss); } sf.wrap.addClass(sf.focusCss); sf.fireEvent("focus", sf); } }, // onMouseUp : function(e){ // this.isSelect && e.stopEvent(); // this.isSelect = false; // }, processValue: function (v) { return v; }, onBlur: function (e) { var sf = this; if (sf.hasFocus) { sf.hasFocus = false; // var rv = sf.getRawValue(); // rv = sf.processMaxLength(rv); // rv = sf.processValue(rv); // if(String(rv) !== String(sf.startValue)){ // sf.fireEvent('change', sf, rv, sf.startValue); // } !sf.readonly && sf.setValue(sf.processValue(sf.processMaxLength(sf.getRawValue()))); sf.wrap.removeClass(sf.focusCss); sf.fireEvent("blur", sf); } }, processMaxLength: function (rv) { var sb = [], cLength = $L.defaultChineseLength; if (this.isOverMaxLength(rv)) { for (var i = 0, k = 0; i < rv.length; i++) { var cr = rv.charAt(i), cl = cr.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/g); k += cl != null && cl.length > 0 ? cLength : 1; if (k <= this.maxlength) { sb.push(cr); } else { break; } } return sb.join(''); } return rv; }, setValue: function (v, silent) { var sf = this; if (sf.emptytext && sf.el && !Ext.isEmpty(v)) { sf.wrap.removeClass(sf.emptyTextCss); } sf.setRawValue(sf.formatValue(Ext.isEmpty(v) ? '' : v)); sf.applyEmptyText(); $L.Field.superclass.setValue.call(sf, v, silent); }, formatValue: function (v) { var sf = this, rder = sf.renderer ? $L.getRenderer(sf.renderer) : null, binder = sf.binder; return rder != null ? rder(v, sf.record, binder && binder.name) : v; }, getRawValue: function () { var sf = this, v = sf.el.getValue(), typecase = sf.typecase; v = v === sf.emptytext || v === undefined ? '' : v; if (sf.isDbc(v)) { v = sf.dbc2sbc(v); } if (typecase) { if (typecase == 'upper') { v = v.toUpperCase(); } else if (typecase == 'lower') { v = v.toLowerCase(); } } return v; }, // getValue : function(){ // var v= this.value; // v=(v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); // return v; // }, initRequired: function (required, readonly) { // 只读的字段不提示是否必输 if (!readonly) { var sf = this; if (sf.currentRequired == required)return; sf.clearInvalid(); sf.currentRequired = sf.required = required; sf.inputWrap[required ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](sf.requiredCss); var wrapElement = Ext.get(sf.inputWrap).parent('.item-wrap'); if (wrapElement) { wrapElement[required ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](sf.wrapRequiredCss); } } }, initEditable: function (editable) { var sf = this; if (sf.currentEditable == editable)return; sf.currentEditable = sf.editable = editable; sf.el.dom.readOnly = sf.readonly ? true : (editable === false); }, initReadOnly: function (readonly) { var sf = this; if (sf.currentReadonly == readonly)return; sf.currentReadonly = sf.readonly = readonly; sf.el.dom.readOnly = readonly; sf.inputWrap[readonly ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](sf.readOnlyCss); }, isOverMaxLength: function (str) { if (!this.maxlength) return false; var c = 0, i = 0, cLength = $L.defaultChineseLength; for (; i < str.length; i++) { var cl = str.charAt(i).match(/[^\x00-\xff]/g); // var st = escape(str.charAt(i)); c += cl != null && cl.length > 0 ? cLength : 1; } return c > this.maxlength; }, initMaxLength: function (maxlength) { if (maxlength) this.el.dom.maxLength = maxlength; }, initService: function () { var sf = this, svc = sf.service; if (svc) { sf.service = sf.processParmater(svc); } }, initAutoComplete: function () { var sf = this, svc = sf.service, view = sf.autocompleteview, name = sf.binder && sf.binder.name, field = sf.autocompletefield || name, displayField; if (sf.autocomplete && svc) { if (!view) { view = sf.autocompleteview = new $L.AutoCompleteView({ id: sf.id, el: sf.el, hostid: sf.hostid, fuzzyfetch: sf.fuzzyfetch, cmp: sf }); view.on('select', sf.onViewSelect, sf); } else if (!view.active) { view.processListener('on'); } view.active = true; Ext.each(sf.getMapping(), function (map, index) { if (map.to == name) { displayField = map.from; return false; } else if (!index) { displayField = map.from; } ; }); view.bind({ url: sf.context + 'autocrud/' + svc + '/query', name: field, displayField: displayField, size: sf.autocompletesize, pagesize: sf.autocompletepagesize, renderer: sf.autocompleterenderer, binder: sf.binder, fetchremote: sf.fetchremote === false ? false : true }); } else if (view) { view.processListener('un'); view.active = false; } }, onViewSelect: function (r) { var sf = this, record = sf.record; Ext.each(r && sf.getMapping(), function (map) { var from = r.get(map.from); record.set(map.to, Ext.isEmpty(from) ? '' : from); }); }, getMapping: function () { var mapping, r = this.record, name = this.binder.name; if (r) { var field = r.getMeta().getField(name); if (field) { mapping = field.get('mapping'); } } return mapping ? mapping : [{from: name, to: name}]; }, applyEmptyText: function () { var sf = this, emptytext = sf.emptytext; if (emptytext && sf.getRawValue().length < 1) { sf.setRawValue(emptytext); sf.wrap.addClass(sf.emptyTextCss); } }, processParmater: function (url) { var li = url.indexOf('?') if (li != -1) { this.para = Ext.urlDecode(url.substring(li + 1, url.length)); return url.substring(0, li); } return url; }, getPara: function () { return Ext.apply({}, this.getFieldPara(), this.para); }, getFieldPara: function (obj) { return (obj = this.record) && (obj = obj.getMeta().getField(this.binder.name)) && Ext.apply({}, obj.get('lovpara')); }, // validate : function(){ // if(this.readonly || this.validateValue(this.getValue())){ // this.clearInvalid(); // return true; // } // return false; // }, clearInvalid: function () { this.invalidMsg = null; this.inputWrap.removeClass(this.invalidCss); var wrapElement = Ext.get(this.inputWrap).parent('.item-wrap'); if (wrapElement) { wrapElement.removeClass(this.wrapInvalidCss); } // this.fireEvent('valid', this); }, markInvalid: function (msg) { this.invalidMsg = msg; this.inputWrap.addClass(this.invalidCss); var wrapElement = Ext.get(this.inputWrap).parent('.item-wrap'); if (wrapElement) { wrapElement.addClass(this.wrapInvalidCss); } }, // validateValue : function(value){ // if(value.length < 1 || value === this.emptyText){ // if it's blank // if(!this.required){ // this.clearInvalid(); // return true; // }else{ // this.markInvalid('字段费控');//TODO:测试 // return false; // } // } // Ext.each(this.validators.each, function(validator){ // var vr = validator.validate(value) // if(vr !== true){ // //TODO: // return false; // } // }) // return true; // }, select: function (start, end) { if (!this.hasFocus)return; var v = this.getRawValue(); if (v.length > 0) { start = start === undefined ? 0 : start; end = end === undefined ? v.length : end; var d = this.el.dom; if (start === 0 && end === v.length && d.select) { d.select(); } else { if (d.setSelectionRange) { d.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (d.createTextRange) { var range = d.createTextRange(); range.moveStart("character", start); range.moveEnd("character", end - v.length); range.select(); } } } // this.isSelect = true; }, setRawValue: function (v) { var dom = this.el.dom; if (dom.value === (v = Ext.isEmpty(v) ? '' : v)) return; return dom.value = v; }, reset: function () { var sf = this; sf.setValue(sf.originalValue); sf.clearInvalid(); sf.applyEmptyText(); }, /** * 组件获得焦点 */ focus: function () { this.el.dom.focus(); /* * 因为上面的onFocus有fireEvent监听,这里再加上的话会触发两次 * 所以去掉这个事件 * 向平 2017-12-08 */ // this.fireEvent('focus', this); }, /** * 组件失去焦点 */ blur: function () { this.el.blur(); this.fireEvent('blur', this); }, clearValue: function () { this.setValue('', true); this.clearInvalid(); this.applyEmptyText(); }, /** * 设置prompt * * @param {String} * text prompt. */ setPrompt: function (text) { var prompt = Ext.fly(this.id + '_prompt'); if (prompt) { prompt.update(text); } }, isDbc: function (s) { if (!this.transformcharacter) return false; var dbc = false; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var c = s.charCodeAt(i); if ((c > 65248) || (c == 12288)) { dbc = true break; } } return dbc; }, dbc2sbc: function (str) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var code = str.charCodeAt(i);// 获取当前字符的unicode编码 if (code >= 65281 && code <= 65373 && code !== 65288 && code !== 65289) {// 在这个unicode编码范围中的是所有的英文字母已及各种字符 全角的左右圆括号不转为半角圆括号 result.push(String.fromCharCode(code - 65248));// 把全角字符的unicode编码转换为对应半角字符的unicode码 } else if (code == 12288) {// 空格 result.push(' '); } else { result.push(str.charAt(i)); } } return result.join(''); } }); /** * @class Leaf.Box * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * Box组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.Box = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { this.errors = []; $L.Box.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, // initComponent : function(config){ // config = config || {}; // Ext.apply(this, config); // TODO:所有的组件? // for(var i=0;i<this.cmps.length;i++){ // var cmp = $le(this.cmps[i]); // if(cmp){ // cmp.on('valid', this.onValid, this) // cmp.on('invalid', this.onInvalid,this) // } // } // }, initEvents: function () { // this.addEvents('focus','blur','change','invalid','valid'); }, onValid: function (cmp, record, name, isvalid) { if (isvalid) { this.clearError(cmp.id); } else { var error = record.errors[name]; if (error) { this.showError(cmp.id, error.message) } } }, showError: function (id, msg) { Ext.fly(id + '_vmsg').update(msg) }, clearError: function (id) { Ext.fly(id + '_vmsg').update('') }, clearAllError: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.errors.length; i++) { this.clearError(this.errors[i]) } } }); /** * @class Leaf.ImageCode * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 图片验证码组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor */ $L.ImageCode = Ext.extend($L.Component, { processListener: function (ou) { $L.ImageCode.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.wrap[ou]("click", this.onClick, this); }, onClick: function () { if (this.enable == true) this.refresh(); }, setEnable: function (isEnable) { if (isEnable == true) { this.enable = true; this.refresh(); } else { this.enable = false; this.wrap.dom.src = ""; } }, /** * 重新加载验证码 * */ refresh: function () { this.wrap.dom.src = "imagecode?r=" + Math.random(); } }); /** * @class Leaf.Label * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * Label组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor */ $L.Label = Ext.extend($L.Component, { onUpdate: function (ds, record, name, value) { if (this.binder.ds == ds && this.binder.name == name) { this.updateLabel(record, name, value); } }, /** * 绘制Label * * @param {Leaf.Record} * record record对象 */ render: function (record) { this.record = record; if (this.record) { var value = this.record.get(this.binder.name); this.updateLabel(this.record, this.binder.name, value); } }, updateLabel: function (record, name, value) { var rder = $L.getRenderer(this.renderer); if (rder != null) { value = rder.call(window, value, record, name); } this.wrap.update(value); }, setPrompt: function (text) { var prompt = Ext.fly(this.id + '_prompt'); if (prompt) { prompt.update(text); } } }); /** * @class Leaf.Link * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * Link组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor */ $L.Link = Ext.extend($L.Component, { params: {}, constructor: function (config) { this.url = config.url || ""; $L.Link.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, processListener: function (ou) { }, reset: function () { this.params = {}; }, /** * 增加参数值 * * @param {String} * name 参数名 * @param {Object} * value 参数值 */ set: function (name, value) { this.params[name] = value; }, /** * 返回参数值 * * @param {String} * name 参数名 * @return {Object} obj 返回值 */ get: function (name) { return this.params[name]; }, /** * 返回生成的URL * * @return {String} url */ getUrl: function () { var url; var pr = Ext.urlEncode(this.params); if (Ext.isEmpty(pr)) { url = this.url; } else { url = this.url + (this.url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + Ext.urlEncode(this.params); } return url; } }); $L.HotKey = function () { var CTRL = 'CTRL', ALT = 'ALT', SHIFT = 'SHIFT', hosts = {}, enable = true, onKeyDown = function (e, t) { var key = e.keyCode, bind = [], handler, sf = this; if (key != 16 && key != 17 && key != 18) { e.ctrlKey && bind.push(CTRL); e.altKey && bind.push(ALT); e.shiftKey && bind.push(SHIFT); bind.push(String.fromCharCode(key)); handler = hosts[sf.id][bind.join('+').toUpperCase()]; if (handler) { e.stopEvent(); if (enable) { enable = false; var focuser = Ext.get(t), tagName = t.tagName.toLowerCase(), fns = function (e) { Ext.each(handler, function (fn) { return fn(); }); focuser.un('focus', fns); } if (tagName == 'input' || tagName == 'textarea') focuser.on('focus', fns).blur().focus(); else fns(); } } } }, onKeyUp = function () { enable = true; }, on = function (host) { host.on('keydown', onKeyDown, host, {stopPropagation: true}) .on('keyup', onKeyUp); }, pub = { addHandler: function (bind, handler) { var binds = bind.toUpperCase().split('+'), key = [], host = window['__host'] || Ext.getBody(), id = host.id, keys = hosts[id]; if (!keys) { hosts[id] = keys = {}; on(host); } binds.indexOf(CTRL) != -1 && key.push(CTRL); binds.indexOf(ALT) != -1 && key.push(ALT); binds.indexOf(SHIFT) != -1 && key.push(SHIFT); if (key.length < binds.length) { key.push(binds.pop()); key = key.join('+'); (keys[key] || (keys[key] = [])).add(handler); } } }; return pub; }(); (function (A) { var TR = 'TR', SELECTED_CLS = 'autocomplete-selected', EVT_CLICK = 'click', EVT_MOUSE_MOVE = 'mousemove', EVT_MOUSE_DOWN = 'mousedown', TEMPLATE = ['<div id="{id}" tabIndex="-2" class="item-popup item-shadow" style="visibility:hidden;background-color:#fff;width:{width}px">{shadow}', '<div class="item-popup-content"></div>', '</div>'], SHADOW_TEMPLATE = ['<div id="{id}" class="item-ie-shadow">', '</div>'], AUTO_COMPLATE_TABLE_START = '<table class="autocomplete" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'; A.AutoCompleteView = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { var sf = this; config.id = config.id + '_autocomplete'; sf.isLoaded = false; sf.maxHeight = 280; sf.minWidth = 180; sf.delay = 500; $L.AutoCompleteView.superclass.constructor.call(sf, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; $L.AutoCompleteView.superclass.initComponent.call(sf, config); sf.wrap = new Ext.Template(TEMPLATE).insertFirst(document.body, { width: sf.width, height: sf.height, id: sf.id, shadow: Ext.isIE ? SHADOW_TEMPLATE.join('') : '' }, true); sf.popupContent = sf.wrap.child('div.item-popup-content'); // sf.shadow = new // Ext.Template(SHADOW_TEMPLATE).insertFirst(document.body,{width:sf.width,height:sf.height,id:sf.id+'_shadow'},true); sf.ds = new A.DataSet({id: sf.id + "_ds", autocount: false, hostid: sf.id}); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.AutoCompleteView.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); var sf = this, ds = sf.ds; sf.el[ou]('keyup', sf.onKeyUp, sf) [ou]('keydown', sf.onKeyDown, sf) [ou]('blur', sf.onBlur, sf); ds[ou]('load', sf.onLoad, sf); ds[ou]('query', sf.onQuery, sf); sf.wrap[ou](EVT_CLICK, sf.onClick, sf) [ou]('mousedown', sf.onMouseDown, sf, {preventDefault: true}) }, initEvents: function () { $L.AutoCompleteView.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event select 选择记录. * @param {Leaf.Record} * r 选择的记录. */ 'select', EVT_CLICK); }, bind: function (obj) { Ext.apply(this, obj); }, destroy: function () { var sf = this, wrap = sf.wrap; Ext.iterate(wrap.cmps, function (key, cmp) { try { cmp.destroy && cmp.destroy(); } catch (e) { alert('销毁AutoCompleteView出错: ' + e) } ; }) // sf.ds.destroy(); // sf.shadow.remove(); $L.AutoCompleteView.superclass.destroy.call(sf); wrap.remove(); delete sf.ds; // delete sf.shadow; }, onQuery: function () { var sf = this; sf.popupContent.update('<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr tabIndex="-2"><td>' + _lang['lov.query'] + '</td></tr></table>') .un(EVT_MOUSE_MOVE, sf.onMove, sf); sf.correctViewSize(); }, onLoad: function () { var sf = this, datas = sf.ds.getAll(), l = datas.length, view = sf.popupContent, sb; sf.selectedIndex = null; if (l == 0) { sb = [AUTO_COMPLATE_TABLE_START, '<tr tabIndex="-2"><td>', _lang['lov.notfound'], '</td></tr></table>']; } else { sb = sf.createListView(datas, sf.binder); view.on(EVT_MOUSE_MOVE, sf.onMove, sf); } sf.isLoaded = true; view.update(sb.join('')); sf.correctViewSize(); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { if (this.isShow) { var sf = this, keyCode = e.keyCode, index = sf.selectedIndex; if (keyCode == 13) { if (index != null) { sf.el.blur(); (function () { sf.onSelect(index); sf.hide(); }).defer(10, sf); } else { sf.hide(); } } else if (keyCode == 27 || keyCode == 9) { sf.hide(); // sf.el.blur(); } else if (sf.ds.getAll().length > 0) { if (keyCode == 38) { sf.selectItem(index == null ? -1 : index - 1, true); } else if (keyCode == 40) { sf.selectItem(index == null ? 0 : index + 1, true); } } } }, onKeyUp: function (e) { var sf = this, svc = sf.url, cmp = sf.cmp, v = (cmp ? cmp.getRawValue() : sf.el.getValue()).trim(), code = e.keyCode; sf.fireEvent('keyup', sf, e); if (code > 40 || (code < 37 && code != 13 && code != 27 && code != 9 && code != 17)) { if (v.length >= sf.size) { if (sf.showCompleteId) clearTimeout(sf.showCompleteId); sf.showCompleteId = function () { var ds = sf.ds; ds.setQueryUrl(Ext.urlAppend(svc, Ext.urlEncode(cmp ? cmp.getPara() : sf.para))); ds.setQueryParameter(sf.name, sf.fuzzyfetch ? v + '%' : v); ds.pagesize = sf.pagesize; sf.show(); ds.query(); delete sf.showCompleteId; }.defer(sf.delay); } else { if (sf.showCompleteId) { clearTimeout(sf.showCompleteId); delete sf.showCompleteId; } sf.hide(); } } }, onBlur: function (e) { var sf = this; if (sf.showCompleteId) { clearTimeout(sf.showCompleteId); delete sf.showCompleteId; } }, onMove: function (e, t) { this.selectItem((Ext.fly(t).findParent(TR) || t).tabIndex); }, onClick: function (e, t) { t = Ext.fly(t).findParent(TR) || t; if (t.tagName != TR) { return; } this.onSelect(t); this.hide(); }, onMouseDown: function () { var sf = this; (function () { sf.el.focus(); }).defer(Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, sf); }, onSelect: function (target) { var sf = this, r, index = Ext.isNumber(target) ? target : target.tabIndex; if (index > -1) { r = sf.ds.getAt(index); } sf.fireEvent('select', r); sf.el.focus(); }, selectItem: function (index, focus) { if (Ext.isEmpty(index) || index < -1) { return; } var sf = this, node = sf.getNode(index), selectedIndex = sf.selectedIndex; if (node && (index = node.tabIndex) != selectedIndex) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(selectedIndex)) { Ext.fly(sf.getNode(selectedIndex)).removeClass(SELECTED_CLS); } sf.selectedIndex = index; if (focus) sf.focusRow(index); Ext.fly(node).addClass(SELECTED_CLS); } }, focusRow: function (row) { var binder = this.binder, displayFields = binder ? binder.ds.getField(binder.name).getPropertity('displayFields') : null, head = displayFields && displayFields.length ? 23 : 0, r = 22, ub = this.popupContent, stop = ub.getScroll().top, h = ub.getHeight(), sh = ub.dom.scrollWidth > ub.dom.clientWidth ? 16 : 0; if (row * r < stop) { ub.scrollTo('top', row * r - 1) } else if ((row + 1) * r + head > (stop + h - sh)) {// this.ub.dom.scrollHeight ub.scrollTo('top', (row + 1) * r - h + sh + head); } }, getNode: function (index) { var nodes = this.popupContent.query('tr[tabindex!=-2]'), l = nodes.length; if (index >= l) index = index % l; else if (index < 0) index = l + index % l; return nodes[index]; }, show: function () { var sf = this, view; if (!sf.isShow) { sf.isShow = true; view = sf.popupContent; sf.position(); view.dom.className = 'item-popup-content item-comboBox-view'; view.update(''); sf.wrap.show(); // sf.shadow.show(); Ext.get(document).on(EVT_MOUSE_DOWN, sf.trigger, sf); } $jq(".item-comboBox-view").niceScroll({horizrailenabled: false}); }, trigger: function (e) { var sf = this; if (!sf.wrap.contains(e.target) && (!sf.owner || !sf.owner.wrap.contains(e.target))) { sf.hide(); } }, hide: function (e) { var sf = this; if (sf.isShow) { sf.isShow = false; sf.isLoaded = false; Ext.get(document).un(EVT_MOUSE_DOWN, sf.trigger, sf) sf.wrap.hide(); // sf.shadow.hide(); } }, position: function () { var sf = this, wrap = sf.cmp ? sf.cmp.wrap : sf.el, scroll = Ext.getBody().getScroll(), sl = scroll.left, st = scroll.top, xy = wrap.getXY(), _x = xy[0] - sl, _y = xy[1] - st, W = sf.getWidth(), H = sf.getHeight(), PH = wrap.getHeight(), PW = wrap.getWidth(), BH = A.getViewportHeight() - 3, BW = A.getViewportWidth() - 3, x = ((_x + W) > BW ? ((BW - W) < 0 ? _x : (BW - W)) : _x) + sl; y = ((_y + PH + H) > BH ? ((_y - H) < 0 ? (_y + PH) : (_y - H)) : (_y + PH)) + st; sf.moveTo(x, y); }, createListView: function (datas, binder) { var sb = [AUTO_COMPLATE_TABLE_START], displayFields; if (binder) { displayFields = binder.ds.getField(binder.name).getPropertity('displayFields'); if (displayFields && displayFields.length) { sb.push('<tr tabIndex="-2" class="autocomplete-head">'); Ext.each(displayFields, function (field) { sb.push('<td>', field.prompt, '</td>'); }); sb.push('</tr>'); } } for (var i = 0, l = datas.length; i < l; i++) { var d = datas[i]; sb.push('<tr tabIndex="', i, '"', i % 2 == 1 ? ' class="autocomplete-row-alt"' : '', '>', this.getRenderText(d, displayFields), '</tr>'); // sf.litp.applyTemplate(d)等数据源明确以后再修改 } sb.push('</table>'); return sb; }, getRenderText: function (record, displayFields) { var sf = this, rder = A.getRenderer(sf.renderer), text = [], fn = function (t) { var v = record.get(t); text.push('<td>', Ext.isEmpty(v) ? ' ' : v, '</td>'); }; if (rder) { text.push(rder.call(window, sf, record)); } else if (displayFields && displayFields.length) { Ext.each(displayFields, function (field) { fn(field.name); }); } else { fn(sf.displayField); } return text.join(''); }, correctViewSize: function () { var sf = this, table = sf.popupContent.child('table'), width = Math.max(sf.minWidth, table.getWidth()); sf.setHeight(Math.max(Math.min(table.getHeight() + 2, sf.maxHeight), 20)); sf.setWidth(width); table.setStyle({width: '100%'}); sf.position(); }, moveTo: function (x, y) { this.wrap.moveTo(x, y); // this.shadow.moveTo(x+3,y+3); }, setHeight: function (h) { this.wrap.setHeight(h); // this.shadow.setHeight(h); }, setWidth: function (w) { this.wrap.setWidth(w); // this.shadow.setWidth(w); }, getHeight: function () { return this.wrap.getHeight(); }, getWidth: function () { return this.wrap.getWidth(); } }); })($L); /** * @class Leaf.DynamicElement * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 窗口组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.DynamicElement = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (id) { this.cmps = {}; $L.DynamicElement.superclass.constructor.call(this, {id: id}); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.DynamicElement.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this; sf.wrap.cmps = sf.cmps; if (sf.url) { sf.load(sf.url, config.params) } }, initEvents: function () { $L.DynamicElement.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event unload 卸载完毕. */ 'unload', /** * @event load 加载完毕. */ 'load'); }, clearBody: function () { for (var key in this.cmps) { var cmp = this.cmps[key]; if (cmp.destroy) { try { cmp.destroy(); } catch (e) { alert('DynamicElement卸载失败: ' + e) } } } }, /** * 卸载. * */ unload: function () { this.clearBody(); this.fireEvent('unload', this); }, /** * 加载. * * @param {String} * url 加载的url * @param {Object} * params 加载的参数 */ load: function (url, params) { this.clearBody(); var header = $jq('meta[name=_csrf_header]').attr('content'); var token = $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); var headers = {}; headers[header] = token; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, headers:headers, params: params || {}, success: this.onLoad.createDelegate(this) }); }, onLoad: function (response, options) { var html = response.responseText; var res try { res = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } catch (e) { } if (res && res.success == false) { if (res.error) { if (res.error.code && res.error.code == 'session_expired' || res.error.code == 'login_required') { if ($L.manager.fireEvent('timeout', $L.manager)) $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], _lang['session.expired']); } else { $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxfailed', $L.manager, options.url, options.para, res); var st = res.error.stackTrace; st = (st) ? st.replaceAll('\r\n', '</br>') : ''; if (res.error.message) { var h = (st == '') ? 150 : 250; $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['window.error'], res.error.message + '</br>' + st, null, 400, h); } else { $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['window.error'], st, null, 400, 250); } } } return; } var sf = this; sf.wrap.update(html, true, function () { sf.fireEvent('load', sf) }, sf.wrap); }, destroy: function () { var wrap = this.wrap; $L.DynamicElement.superclass.destroy.call(this); this.clearBody(); wrap.remove(); } }); /** * @class Leaf.Button * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 按钮组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.Button = Ext.extend($L.Component, { disableCss: 'item-btn-disabled', overCss: 'item-btn-over', pressCss: 'item-btn-pressed', disabled: false, // constructor: function(config) { // $L.Button.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); // }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.Button.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); this.el = this.wrap.child('button[atype=btn]'); this.textEl = this.el.child('div'); // if(this.hidden == true)this.setVisible(false) if (this.disabled == true) this.disable(); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.Button.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.wrap[ou]("click", this.onClick, this); this.wrap[ou]("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this); this.el[ou]("focus", this.onFocus, this); this.el[ou]("blur", this.onBlur, this); this.el[ou]("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this); }, initEvents: function () { $L.Button.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event click 鼠标点击事件. * @param {Leaf.Button} * button 按钮对象. * @param {EventObject} * e 键盘事件对象. */ 'click'); }, /** * 点击按钮 */ click: function () { this.el.dom.click(); }, destroy: function () { $L.Button.superclass.destroy.call(this); delete this.el; }, /** * 设置按钮是否可见. * * @param {Boolean} * visiable 是否可见. */ // setVisible: function(v){ // if(v==true) // this.wrap.show(); // else // this.wrap.hide(); // }, // destroy : function(){ // $L.Button.superclass.destroy.call(this); // this.el.un("click", this.onClick, this); // delete this.el; // }, /** * 获取焦点 */ focus: function () { if (this.disabled)return; this.el.dom.focus(); }, /** * 失去焦点 */ blur: function () { if (this.disabled) return; this.el.dom.blur(); }, /** * 设置不可用状态 */ disable: function () { this.disabled = true; this.wrap.addClass(this.disableCss); this.el.dom.disabled = true; }, /** * 设置可用状态 */ enable: function () { this.disabled = false; this.wrap.removeClass(this.disableCss); this.el.dom.disabled = false; }, onMouseDown: function (e) { if (!this.disabled) { this.wrap.addClass(this.pressCss); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this); } }, onMouseUp: function (e) { if (!this.disabled) { Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this); this.wrap.removeClass(this.pressCss); } }, onKeyDown: function (e) { if (!this.disabled && e.keyCode == 13) { this.wrap.addClass(this.pressCss); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("keyup", this.onKeyUp, this); } }, onKeyUp: function (e) { if (!this.disabled && e.keyCode == 13) { Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("keyup", this.onKeyUp, this); if (this.wrap) this.wrap.removeClass(this.pressCss); } }, onClick: function (e) { if (!this.disabled) { e.stopEvent(); this.fireEvent("click", this, e); } }, onFocus: function (e) { this.hasFocus = true; this.onMouseOver(e); }, onBlur: function (e) { this.hasFocus = false; this.onMouseOut(e) }, onMouseOver: function (e) { if (!this.disabled) this.wrap.addClass(this.overCss); var skin = this.wrap.getAttribute('auskin'); if (skin === 'icon' || skin === 'custom') { var text = this.wrap.getAttribute("text"); $L.ToolTip.show(this.wrap, text); } $L.Button.superclass.onMouseOver.call(this, e); }, onMouseOut: function (e) { if (!this.disabled) this.wrap.removeClass(this.overCss); $L.Button.superclass.onMouseOut.call(this, e); }, /** * 设置按钮的文本. * * @param {String} * text 文本. */ setText: function (text) { this.textEl.update(text); }, /** * 设置按钮的图标. * * @param {String} * url 图片路径. * @param {String} * align 图片定位,可选值:left|top. */ setIcon: function (url, align) { this.wrap.addClass(this.textEl.setStyle({'background-image': 'url(' + url + ')'}).dom.innerHTML.replace(/\s+| /g, '') == '' ? 'item-btn-icon' : ((this.iconalign = align) == 'top' ? 'item-btn-icon-text-top' : 'item-btn-icon-text')); }, setHeight: function (h) { var sf = this; if (sf.height == h) return; sf.height = h; sf.el.setHeight(h); sf.textEl.setStyle({ height: sf.iconalign == 'top' ? '' : (h + 'px') }); } }); /* * 修改提示框中按钮的大小和样式 */ // $L.Button.getTemplate = function(id,text,width){ $L.Button.getTemplate = function (id, text, width, height) { // return '<TABLE class="item-btn " id="'+id+'" style="WIDTH: '+(width||60)+'px" // cellSpacing="0"><TBODY><TR><TD class="item-btn-tl"><I></I></TD><TD // class="item-btn-tc"></TD><TD class="item-btn-tr"><I></I></TD></TR><TR><TD // class="item-btn-ml"><I></I></TD><TD class="item-btn-mc"><BUTTON hideFocus // style="HEIGHT: 17px" atype="btn"><div>'+text+'</div></BUTTON></TD><TD // class="item-btn-mr"><I></I></TD></TR><TR><TD // class="item-btn-bl"><I></I></TD><TD class="item-btn-bc"></TD><TD // class="item-btn-br"><I></I></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><script>new // Leaf.Button({"id":"'+id+'"});</script>'; return '<TABLE class="item-btn " id="' + id + '" style="WIDTH: ' + (width || 80) + 'px; HEIGHT: ' + (height || 26) + 'px" cellSpacing="0"><TBODY><!--<TR><TD class="item-btn-tl"><I></I></TD><TD class="item-btn-tc"></TD><TD class="item-btn-tr"><I></I></TD></TR>--><TR><!--<TD class="item-btn-ml"><I></I></TD>--><TD class="item-btn-mc" auskin="white"><BUTTON hideFocus skin="white" style="HEIGHT: 17px" atype="btn"><div auskin="white">' + text + '</div></BUTTON></TD><!--<TD class="item-btn-mr"><I></I></TD>--></TR><!--<TR><TD class="item-btn-bl"><I></I></TD><TD class="item-btn-bc"></TD><TD class="item-btn-br"><I></I></TD></TR>--></TBODY></TABLE><script>new Leaf.Button({"id":"' + id + '"});</script>'; } $L.SwitchButton = Ext.extend($L.Component, { curCls: 'cur', initComponent: function (config) { $L.SwitchButton.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.SwitchButton.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.wrap[ou]('click', this.onClick, this); }, initEvents: function () { $L.SwitchButton.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event select 选择事件. * @param {Leaf.Tab} * tab Tab对象. * @param {String} * newValue value1. * @param {String} * oldValue value2. */ 'select' ); }, onClick: function (e) { var li = Ext.fly(e.target).findParent('li'); if (li) this.selectButton(Ext.fly(li).getAttributeNS("", "code")); }, selectButton: function (value) { if (this.activeValue == value) return; var oli = this.wrap.child('li[code=' + this.activeValue + ']'), li = this.wrap.child('li[code=' + value + ']'), ov; if (li) { if (oli) { oli.removeClass(this.curCls); ov = Ext.fly(oli).getAttributeNS("", "code"); } li.addClass(this.curCls); this.activeValue = value; this.fireEvent('select', this, value, ov) } } }) /** * @class Leaf.ToogleButton * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * ToogleButton. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.ToogleButton = Ext.extend($L.Component, { disableCss: 'item-btn-disabled', disabled: false, toogled: false, plusText: '', minusText: '', initComponent: function (config) { $L.ToogleButton.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); if (this.disabled == true) this.disable(); var sf = this; $L.onReady(function () { sf.initToogleEl(); }); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.ToogleButton.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.wrap[ou]("click", this.onClick, this); }, initEvents: function () { $L.ToogleButton.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event click 鼠标点击事件. * @param {Leaf.Button} * button 按钮对象. * @param {EventObject} * e 键盘事件对象. */ 'click'); }, destroy: function () { $L.ToogleButton.superclass.destroy.call(this); delete this.wrap; }, blur: function () { if (this.disabled) return; this.el.dom.blur(); }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true; this.wrap.addClass(this.disableCss); }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false; this.wrap.removeClass(this.disableCss); }, initToogleEl: function () { if (this.toogleid) { var el = Ext.get(this.toogleid); if (el) { el.setStyle('display', this.toogled ? 'block' : 'none') } } }, onClick: function (e) { if (!this.disabled) { e.stopEvent(); this.toogled = !this.toogled; this.setText(this.toogled ? this.minusText : this.plusText); this.initToogleEl(); this.fireEvent("click", this, this.toogled, e); } }, setText: function (text) { this.wrap.update(text); } }); /** * @class Leaf.CheckBox * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 可选组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.CheckBox = Ext.extend($L.Component, { checkedCss: 'item-ckb-c', uncheckedCss: 'item-ckb-u', readonyCheckedCss: 'item-ckb-readonly-c', readonlyUncheckedCss: 'item-ckb-readonly-u', constructor: function (config) { config.checked = config.checked || false; config.readonly = config.readonly || false; $L.CheckBox.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { this.checkedvalue = 'Y'; this.uncheckedvalue = 'N'; $L.CheckBox.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); this.wrap = Ext.get(this.id); this.el = this.wrap.child('div[atype=checkbox]'); }, processListener: function (ou) { this.wrap [ou]('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this) [ou]('click', this.onClick, this); this.el[ou]('keydown', this.onKeyDown, this); this.el[ou]('focus', this.onFocus, this) this.el[ou]('blur', this.onBlur, this) }, initEvents: function () { $L.CheckBox.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event click 鼠标点击事件. * @param {Leaf.CheckBox} * checkBox 可选组件. * @param {Boolean} * checked 选择状态. */ 'click'); }, destroy: function () { $L.CheckBox.superclass.destroy.call(this); delete this.el; }, onKeyDown: function (e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; if (keyCode == 32) { this.onClick.call(this, e); e.stopEvent(); } }, onMouseDown: function (e) { var sf = this; sf.hasFocus && e.stopEvent(); sf.focus.defer(Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, sf); }, onClick: function (event) { if (!this.readonly) { this.checked = this.checked ? false : true; this.setValue(this.checked); this.fireEvent('click', this, this.checked); this.focus(); } }, focus: function () { this.el.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.el.blur(); }, onFocus: function () { var sf = this; /* * 添加对ie11浏览器的判断 * 向平 2018-03-20 */ var isIE11 = (/Trident\/7\./).test(navigator.userAgent); if (!sf.hasFocus) { sf.hasFocus = true; sf.el.addClass(sf.focusCss); sf.fireEvent('focus', sf); } /* * 解决复选框在火狐浏览器下和ie11下需要点击两下才能选择的问题 * 2017-12-19 * 向平 */ if (Ext.isGecko2 || (Ext.isGecko && !isIE11) || Ext.isGecko3) { sf.onClick(); } }, onBlur: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.hasFocus) { sf.hasFocus = false; sf.el.removeClass(sf.focusCss); sf.fireEvent('blur', sf); } }, setValue: function (v, silent) { if (typeof(v) === 'boolean') { this.checked = v ? true : false; } else { this.checked = ('' + v == '' + this.checkedvalue) // this.checked = v === this.checkedvalue ? true : false; } this.initStatus(); var value = this.checked == true ? this.checkedvalue : this.uncheckedvalue; $L.CheckBox.superclass.setValue.call(this, value, silent); }, getValue: function () { var v = this.value; v = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); return v; }, // setReadOnly:function(b){ // if(typeof(b)==='boolean'){ // this.readonly=b?true:false; // this.initStatus(); // } // }, initStatus: function () { this.el.removeClass(this.checkedCss); this.el.removeClass(this.uncheckedCss); this.el.removeClass(this.readonyCheckedCss); this.el.removeClass(this.readonlyUncheckedCss); if (this.readonly) { this.el.addClass(this.checked ? this.readonyCheckedCss : this.readonlyUncheckedCss); } else { this.el.addClass(this.checked ? this.checkedCss : this.uncheckedCss); } }, clearValue: function () { this.setValue(this.uncheckedvalue, true); } }); /** * @class Leaf.CheckButton * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 可选组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.CheckButton = Ext.extend($L.Component, { checkedCss: 'item-ckb-c', uncheckedCss: 'item-ckb-u', readonyCheckedCss: 'item-ckb-readonly-c', readonlyUncheckedCss: 'item-ckb-readonly-u', constructor: function (config) { config.checked = config.checked || false; config.readonly = config.readonly || false; $L.CheckButton.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { this.checkedvalue = 'Y'; this.uncheckedvalue = 'N'; $L.CheckButton.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); this.wrap = Ext.get(this.id); }, processListener: function (ou) { this.wrap[ou]('click', this.onClick, this); }, initEvents: function () { $L.CheckButton.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event click 鼠标点击事件. * @param {Leaf.CheckButton} * checkBox 可选组件. * @param {Boolean} * checked 选择状态. */ 'click'); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; if (keyCode == 32) { this.onClick.call(this, e); e.stopEvent(); } }, onMouseDown: function (e) { var sf = this; sf.hasFocus && e.stopEvent(); sf.focus.defer(Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, sf); }, onClick: function (event) { if (!this.readonly) { this.checked = this.checked ? false : true; this.setValue(this.checked); this.fireEvent('click', this, this.checked); } }, setValue: function (v, silent) { if (typeof(v) === 'boolean') { this.checked = v ? true : false; } else { this.checked = ('' + v == '' + this.checkedvalue) } this.initStatus(); var value = this.checked == true ? this.checkedvalue : this.uncheckedvalue; $L.CheckButton.superclass.setValue.call(this, value, silent); }, getValue: function () { var v = this.value; v = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); return v; }, // setReadOnly:function(b){ // if(typeof(b)==='boolean'){ // this.readonly=b?true:false; // this.initStatus(); // } // }, initStatus: function () { this.wrap.removeClass(this.checkedCss); this.wrap.removeClass(this.uncheckedCss); this.wrap.removeClass(this.readonyCheckedCss); this.wrap.removeClass(this.readonlyUncheckedCss); if (this.readonly) { this.wrap.addClass(this.checked ? this.readonyCheckedCss : this.readonlyUncheckedCss); } else { this.wrap.addClass(this.checked ? this.checkedCss : this.uncheckedCss); } }, clearValue: function () { this.setValue(this.uncheckedvalue, true); } }); /** * @class Leaf.Radio * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 单选框组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.Radio = Ext.extend($L.Component, { ccs: 'item-radio-img-c', ucs: 'item-radio-img-u', rcc: 'item-radio-img-readonly-c', ruc: 'item-radio-img-readonly-u', // optionCss:'item-radio-option', imgCss: 'item-radio-img', valueField: 'value', constructor: function (config) { config.checked = config.checked || false; config.readonly = config.readonly || false; $L.Radio.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.Radio.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); this.wrap = Ext.get(this.id); this.nodes = Ext.DomQuery.select('.item-radio-option', this.wrap.dom); this.initStatus(); // this.select(this.selectIndex); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.Radio.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.wrap[ou]('click', this.onClick, this); this.wrap[ou]("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this); this.wrap[ou]('focus', this.onFocus, this); this.wrap[ou]('blur', this.onBlur, this); }, clearInvalid: function () { // this.invalidMsg = null; this.wrap.removeClass('item-invalid'); }, markInvalid: function (msg) { this.wrap.addClass('item-invalid'); }, focus: function () { this.wrap.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.wrap.blur(); }, onFocus: function () { this.fireEvent('focus', this); }, onBlur: function () { this.fireEvent('blur', this); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { var sf = this, keyCode = e.keyCode, options = sf.options, valueField = sf.valueField; sf.fireEvent('keydown', sf, e); if (keyCode == 13) { (function () { sf.fireEvent('enterdown', sf, e); }).defer(5); } else { var i = options.indexOf(sf.getValueItem()); if (keyCode == 40 || keyCode == 39) { ++i < options.length && sf.setValue(options[i][valueField]); e.stopEvent(); } else if (keyCode == 38 || keyCode == 37) { --i >= 0 && sf.setValue(options[i][valueField]); e.stopEvent(); } } }, initEvents: function () { $L.Radio.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event click 点击事件. * @param {Leaf.Tree} * Radio对象 * @param {Object} * 当前选中的值 */ 'click', /** * @event keydown 键盘事件. * @param {Leaf.Tree} * Radio对象 * @param {Event} * 键盘事件对象 */ 'keydown', /** * @event enterdown 回车事件. * @param {Leaf.Tree} * Radio对象 * @param {Event} * 键盘事件对象 */ 'enterdown'); }, setValue: function (value, silent) { if (value == '')return; $L.Radio.superclass.setValue.call(this, value, silent); this.initStatus(); this.focus(); }, getItem: function () { var item = this.getValueItem(); if (item != null) { item = new $L.Record(item); } return item; }, getValueItem: function () { var v = this.getValue(); var l = this.options.length; var r = null; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var o = this.options[i]; if (o[this.valueField] == v) { r = o; break; } } return r; }, select: function (i) { var v = this.getItemValue(i); if (v) { this.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { var v = this.value; v = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); return v; }, // setReadOnly:function(b){ // if(typeof(b)==='boolean'){ // this.readonly=b?true:false; // this.initStatus(); // } // }, initStatus: function () { var l = this.nodes.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var node = Ext.fly(this.nodes[i]).child('.' + this.imgCss); node.removeClass(this.ccs); node.removeClass(this.ucs); node.removeClass(this.rcc); node.removeClass(this.ruc); var value = Ext.fly(this.nodes[i]).getAttributeNS("", "itemvalue"); // if((i==0 && !this.value) || value === this.value){ if (value == this.value) { this.readonly ? node.addClass(this.rcc) : node.addClass(this.ccs); } else { this.readonly ? node.addClass(this.ruc) : node.addClass(this.ucs); } } }, getItemValue: function (i) { var node = Ext.fly(this.nodes[i]); if (!node)return null; var v = node.getAttributeNS("", "itemvalue"); return v; }, onClick: function (e) { if (!this.readonly) { var l = this.nodes.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var node = Ext.fly(this.nodes[i]); if (node.contains(e.target)) { var v = node.getAttributeNS("", "itemvalue"); this.setValue(v); this.fireEvent('click', this, v); break; } } } } }); /** * @class Leaf.TextField * @extends Leaf.Field * <p> * 文本输入组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.TextField = Ext.extend($L.Field, { initComponent: function (config) { $L.TextField.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this, restrict = sf.restrict, typecase = sf.typecase; if (restrict) { sf.restrict = restrict.replace(/^\[|\]$/mg, ''); } typecase && sf.el.setStyle('text-transform', typecase + 'case'); }, isCapsLock: function (e) { var keyCode = e.getKey(), isShift = e.shiftKey; if (((keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) && !isShift) || ((keyCode >= 97 && keyCode <= 122) && isShift)) { if (this.dcl != true) $L.showWarningMessage(_lang['textfield.warn'], _lang['textfield.warn.capslock']); this.dcl = true; } else { this.dcl = false; } }, onKeyPress: function (e) { var sf = this, k = e.getCharCode(), restrict = sf.restrict, restrictinfo = sf.restrictinfo; if ((Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) && (e.isSpecialKey() || k == 8 || k == 46)) {// BACKSPACE // or // DELETE return; } // restrict匹配的是输入的字符串,不是每次键盘按下的字符 // if (restrict && !new RegExp('[' + restrict + ']').test(String.fromCharCode(k))) { // if (restrictinfo) $L.ToolTip.show(sf.id, restrictinfo); // e.stopEvent(); // return; // } $L.TextField.superclass.onKeyPress.call(sf, e); if (sf.detectCapsLock) sf.isCapsLock(e); }, processValue: function (v) { var sf = this, restrict = sf.restrict, restrictinfo = sf.restrictinfo; if (restrict) { if (restrictinfo && !new RegExp(restrict).test(v)) $L.ToolTip.show(sf.id, restrictinfo); } return v; } }) /** * @class Leaf.NumberField * @extends Leaf.TextField * <p> * 数字输入组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.NumberField = Ext.extend($L.TextField, { allowdecimals: true, allownegative: true, allowformat: true, baseChars: "0123456789", decimalSeparator: ".", decimalprecision: 2, constructor: function (config) { $L.NumberField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; $L.NumberField.superclass.initComponent.call(sf, config); sf.max = Ext.isEmpty(config.max) ? Number.MAX_VALUE : Number(config.max); sf.min = Ext.isEmpty(config.min) ? -Number.MAX_VALUE : Number(config.min); sf.restrict = sf.baseChars + ''; sf.restrictinfo = _lang['numberfield.only']; if (sf.allowdecimals) { sf.restrict += sf.decimalSeparator; } if (sf.allownegative) { sf.restrict += "-"; } }, // initEvents : function(){ // $L.NumberField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); // }, onBlur: function (e) { $L.ToolTip.hide(); $L.NumberField.superclass.onBlur.call(this, e); }, formatValue: function (v) { var sf = this, rv = $L.parseScientific(sf.fixPrecision(sf.parseValue(v))); if (sf.allowformat) rv = $L.formatNumber(rv); return $L.NumberField.superclass.formatValue.call(sf, rv); }, processMaxLength: function (rv) { var s = $L.parseScientific(rv).split('.'), isNegative = false; if (s[0].search(/-/) != -1) isNegative = true; return (isNegative ? '-' : '') + $L.NumberField.superclass.processMaxLength.call(this, s[0].replace(/[-,]/g, '')) + (s[1] ? '.' + s[1] : ''); }, initMaxLength: function (maxlength) { if (maxlength && !this.allowdecimals) this.el.dom.maxLength = maxlength; }, processValue: function (v) { var sf = this, info; v = sf.parseValue(v); if (v > sf.max) { v = sf.max; info = _lang['numberfield.max'] + v; } else if (v < sf.min) { v = sf.min info = _lang['numberfield.min'] + v; } if (info) $L.ToolTip.show(sf.id, info); return v; }, onFocus: function (e) { var sf = this; if (!sf.readonly && sf.allowformat) { sf.setRawValue($L.removeNumberFormat(sf.getRawValue())); } $L.NumberField.superclass.onFocus.call(sf, e); }, parseValue: function (value) { var sf = this; value = String(value); if (value.indexOf(",") != -1) value = value.replace(/,/g, ""); if (!sf.allownegative) value = value.replace('-', ''); if (!sf.allowdecimals) value = value.indexOf(".") == -1 ? value : value.substring(0, value.indexOf(".")); value = parseFloat(sf.fixPrecision(value.replace(sf.decimalSeparator, "."))); return isNaN(value) ? '' : value; }, fixPrecision: function (value) { var nan = isNaN(value); if (!this.allowdecimals || this.decimalprecision == -1 || nan || !value) { return nan ? '' : value; } var vs = parseFloat(value).toFixed(this.decimalprecision); if (this.allowpad == false) vs = String(parseFloat(vs)) return vs; } }) /** * @class Leaf.Spinner * @extends Leaf.TextField * <p> * 微调范围输入组件. * @author huazhen.wu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.Spinner = Ext.extend($L.NumberField, { // constructor: function(config) { // $L.Spinner.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); // }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; $L.Spinner.superclass.initComponent.call(sf, config); var decimal = String(sf.step = Number(config.step || 1)).split('.')[1]; sf.decimalprecision = decimal ? decimal.length : 0; sf.btn = sf.wrap.child('div.item-spinner-btn'); $L.onReady(function () { sf.setTriggerBtnPosition(); }); }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.Spinner.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.btn[ou]('mouseover', sf.onBtnMouseOver, sf) [ou]('mouseout', sf.onBtnMouseOut, sf) [ou]('mousedown', sf.onBtnMouseDown, sf) [ou]('mouseup', sf.onBtnMouseUp, sf); }, onBtnMouseOver: function (e, t) { if (this.readonly)return; Ext.fly(t).addClass('spinner-over'); }, onBtnMouseOut: function (e, t) { if (this.readonly)return; Ext.fly(t).removeClass('spinner-over'); this.onBtnMouseUp(e, t); }, onBtnMouseDown: function (e, t) { var target = Ext.fly(t); if (this.readonly || !target.parent('span'))return; var isPlus = !!target.addClass('spinner-select').parent('.item-spinner-plus'), sf = this; sf.goStep(isPlus, function () { sf.intervalId = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(sf.intervalId); sf.intervalId = setInterval(function () { sf.goStep(isPlus, null, function () { clearInterval(sf.intervalId); }); }, 40); }, 500); }); }, onBtnMouseUp: function (e, t) { var sf = this; if (sf.readonly)return; Ext.fly(t).removeClass('spinner-select'); if (sf.intervalId) { clearInterval(sf.intervalId); sf.setValue(sf.getRawValue()); delete sf.intervalId; } }, /** * 递增 */ plus: function () { this.goStep(true, function (n) { this.setValue(n); }); }, /** * 递减 */ minus: function () { this.goStep(false, function (n) { this.setValue(n); }); }, goStep: function (isPlus, callback, callback2) { if (this.readonly)return; var sf = this, step = sf.step, min = sf.min, max = sf.max, raw = sf.getRawValue(), n = raw ? Number(raw) + (isPlus ? step : -step) : (0 < min ? min : (0 > max ? max : 0)), mod = sf.toFixed(sf.toFixed(n - min) % step); n = sf.toFixed(n - (mod == step ? 0 : mod)); if (n <= max && n >= min) { sf.setRawValue(sf.formatValue(n)); if (callback) callback.call(sf, n); } else { if (callback2) callback2.call(sf, n) } }, toFixed: function (n) { return Number(n.toFixed(this.decimalprecision)); }, setHeight: function (h) { var sf = this; if (this.height == h) return; $L.Spinner.superclass.setHeight.call(sf, h); sf.setTriggerBtnPosition(); }, setTriggerBtnPosition: function () { this.btn.setStyle({'padding-top': Math.round((this.btn.getHeight() - 20) / 2) + 'px'}); } }); /** * @class Leaf.TriggerField * @extends Leaf.TextField * <p> * 触发类组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.TriggerField = Ext.extend($L.TextField, { constructor: function (config) { $L.TriggerField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.TriggerField.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); this.trigger = this.wrap.child('div[atype=triggerfield.trigger]'); this.initPopup(); }, initPopup: function () { if (this.initpopuped == true) return; this.popup = this.wrap.child('div[atype=triggerfield.popup]'); this.popupContent = this.popup.child('div.item-popup-content'); Ext.isIE && new Ext.Template('<div class="item-ie-shadow"></div>').insertFirst(this.popup, {}); // this.shadow = this.wrap.child('div[atype=triggerfield.shadow]'); Ext.getBody().insertFirst(this.popup); // Ext.getBody().insertFirst(this.shadow); this.initpopuped = true }, initEvents: function () { $L.TriggerField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event expand 展开事件. * @param {Leaf.TriggerField} * triggerField 所有可展开控件对象. */ 'expand', /** * @event collapse 收缩事件. * @param {Leaf.TriggerField} * triggerField 所有可展开控件对象. */ 'collapse' ); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.TriggerField.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.trigger[ou]('click', this.onTriggerClick, this, {preventDefault: true}) this.popup[ou]('click', this.onPopupClick, this, {stopPropagation: true}) }, /** * 判断当时弹出面板是否展开 * * @return {Boolean} isexpanded 是否展开 */ isExpanded: function () { var xy = this.popup.getXY(); return !(xy[0] < -500 || xy[1] < -500) }, setWidth: function (w) { this.wrap.setStyle("width", (w + 3) + "px"); // this.el.setStyle("width",(w-20)+"px"); }, onPopupClick: function () { this.hasExpanded = true; this.el.focus(); }, onFocus: function () { $L.TriggerField.superclass.onFocus.call(this); if (!this.readonly && !this.isExpanded() && !this.hasExpanded) this.expand(); this.hasExpanded = false; }, onBlur: function (e) { // if(this.isEventFromComponent(e.target)) return; // if(!this.isExpanded()){ this.hasFocus = false; this.wrap.removeClass(this.focusCss); this.fireEvent("blur", this); // } }, onKeyDown: function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 9: case 13: case 27: if (this.isExpanded()) this.collapse(); break; case 40: if (!this.isExpanded() && !this.readonly) this.expand(); } $L.TriggerField.superclass.onKeyDown.call(this, e); }, isEventFromComponent: function (el) { return $L.TriggerField.superclass.isEventFromComponent.call(this, el) || this.popup.dom == el || this.popup.contains(el); }, destroy: function () { if (this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); } // this.shadow.remove(); // this.popup.remove(); $L.TriggerField.superclass.destroy.call(this); delete this.popup; delete this.popupContent; // delete this.shadow; }, triggerBlur: function (e, t) { if (!this.isEventFromComponent(t)) { if (this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); } } }, setVisible: function (v) { $L.TriggerField.superclass.setVisible.call(this, v); if (v == false && this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); } }, /** * 折叠弹出面板 */ collapse: function () { Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mousedown", this.triggerBlur, this); this.popup.moveTo(-1000, -1000); this.popup.removeClass('animated zoomInDownPopup'); this.popup.addClass('animated zoomOut'); // this.shadow.moveTo(-1000,-1000); this.fireEvent("collapse", this); }, /** * 展开弹出面板 */ expand: function () { // Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mousedown", this.triggerBlur, this, // {delay: 10}); // 对于某些行上的cb,如果是二级关联的情况下,会expand多次,导致多次绑定事件 Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mousedown", this.triggerBlur, this); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mousedown", this.triggerBlur, this); this.syncPopup(); this.fireEvent("expand", this); }, syncPopup: function () { var sf = this, wrap = sf.wrap, popup = sf.popup, scroll = Ext.getBody().getScroll(), sl = scroll.left, st = scroll.top, xy = wrap.getXY(), _x = xy[0] - sl, _y = xy[1] - st, W = popup.getWidth(), H = popup.getHeight(), PH = wrap.getHeight(), PW = wrap.getWidth(), BH = $L.getViewportHeight() - 3, BW = $L.getViewportWidth() - 3, x = ((_x + W) > BW ? ((BW - W) < 0 ? _x : (BW - W)) : _x) + sl; // y=((_y+PH+H)>BH?((_y-H)<0?(_y+PH):(_y-H)):(_y+PH))+st+2; y = _y + PH + st + 2; popup.removeClass('animated zoomOut'); /* * 当下拉选展开是出现在控件的上面时,添加由下到上的动画效果,否则为由上到下 * 向平 2018-01-22 */ if (!Ext.isIE8) { if (BH - _y > PH / 2 + H) { popup.addClass('animated zoomInDownPopup'); setTimeout(function () { popup.removeClass('animated zoomInDownPopup'); }, 600); popup.moveTo(x, y); } else { y = _y - H / 10 + st; popup.addClass('animated zoomInUpPopup'); setTimeout(function () { popup.removeClass('animated zoomInUpPopup'); }, 600); popup.moveTo(x, y); } } else { popup.moveTo(x, y); } // sf.shadow.moveTo(x+3,y+3); }, onTriggerClick: function () { if (this.readonly) return; if (this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); this.el.focus(); } } }); /** * @class Leaf.ComboBox * @extends Leaf.TriggerField * <p> * Combo组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.ComboBox = Ext.extend($L.TriggerField, { maxHeight: 262, blankOption: true, rendered: false, selectedClass: 'item-comboBox-selected', // currentNodeClass:'item-comboBox-current', // constructor : function(config) { // $L.ComboBox.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); // }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.ComboBox.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var opt = config.options; if (opt) { this.setOptions(opt); } else { this.clearOptions(); } }, initEvents: function () { $L.ComboBox.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event select 选择事件. * @param {Leaf.Combobox} * combo combo对象. * @param {Object} * value valueField的值. * @param {String} * display displayField的值. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 选中的Record对象 */ 'select'); var self = this; Ext.get(document.body)['on']("mousewheel", function(){ self.collapse(); }, self); }, // onTriggerClick : function() { // this.doQuery(); // $L.ComboBox.superclass.onTriggerClick.call(this); // }, onBlur: function (e) { if (this.hasFocus) { $L.ComboBox.superclass.onBlur.call(this, e); if (!this.readonly/* !this.isExpanded() */) { var raw = this.getRawValue(); if (raw != this.value) { if (this.fetchrecord === false) { this.setValue(raw) } else { var record = this.getRecordByDisplay(raw); this.setValue(record && this.getRenderText(record) || ''); } } } } }, getRecordByDisplay: function (name) { if (!this.optionDataSet)return null; var record = null; Ext.each(this.optionDataSet.getAll(), function (r) { if (this.getRenderText(r) == name) { record = r; return false; } }, this); return record; }, /** * 展开下拉菜单. */ expand: function () { if (!this.optionDataSet)return; if (this.rendered === false) this.doQuery(); $L.ComboBox.superclass.expand.call(this); // !this.isExpanded() && $L.ComboBox.superclass.expand.call(this); var v = this.getValue(); this.currentIndex = this.getIndex(v); // if(!this.currentIndex) return; if (!Ext.isEmpty(v)) { this.selectItem(this.currentIndex, true); } if (!Ext.isIE8) { $jq('div.item-comboBox-view').getNiceScroll().resize(); } }, onKeyDown: function (e) { if (this.readonly)return; var current = Ext.isEmpty(this.selectedIndex) ? -1 : this.selectedIndex, keyCode = e.keyCode; if (keyCode == 40 || keyCode == 38) { this.inKeyMode = true; if (keyCode == 38) { current--; if (current >= 0) { this.selectItem(current, true) } } else if (keyCode == 40) { current++; if (current < this.view.dom.childNodes.length) { this.selectItem(current, true) } } } else if (this.inKeyMode && keyCode == 13) { this.inKeyMode = false; var cls = this.selectedClass; Ext.each(this.view.dom.childNodes, function (t) { if (Ext.fly(t).hasClass(cls)) { this.onSelect(t) return false; } }, this); this.collapse(); return; } $L.ComboBox.superclass.onKeyDown.call(this, e); }, onKeyUp: function (e) { if (this.readonly || !this.editable)return; var c = e.keyCode; if (!e.isSpecialKey() || c == 8 || c == 46) { // if(this.timeoutId) // clearTimeout(this.timeoutId) // this.timeoutId = function(){ this.doQuery(this.getRawValue()); if (!this.isExpanded()) $L.ComboBox.superclass.expand.call(this); else this.syncPopup(); this.rendered = false; // delete this.timeoutId; // }.defer(300,this); } $L.ComboBox.superclass.onKeyUp.call(this, e); }, /** * 收起下拉菜单. */ collapse: function () { $L.ComboBox.superclass.collapse.call(this); if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.currentIndex)) Ext.fly(this.getNode(this.currentIndex)).removeClass(this.selectedClass); // this.doQuery(); }, clearOptions: function () { this.processDataSet('un'); this.optionDataSet = null; }, setOptions: function (name) { var ds = typeof(name) === 'string' ? $le(name) : name; if (this.optionDataSet != ds) { this.processDataSet('un'); this.optionDataSet = ds; this.processDataSet('on'); this.rendered = false; if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.value)) this.setValue(this.value, true) } }, processDataSet: function (ou) { var ds = this.optionDataSet, loadFn = this.onDataSetLoad; if (ds) { ds[ou]('load', loadFn, this); ds[ou]('query', loadFn, this); ds[ou]('add', loadFn, this); ds[ou]('update', loadFn, this); ds[ou]('remove', loadFn, this); ds[ou]('clear', loadFn, this); ds[ou]('reject', loadFn, this); } }, onDataSetLoad: function () { this.rendered = false; if (this.isExpanded()) { this.expand(); } }, onRender: function () { if (!this.view) { this.view = this.popupContent.update('<ul></ul>').child('ul') .on('click', this.onViewClick, this) .on('mousemove', this.onViewMove, this); } if (this.optionDataSet) { this.initList(); this.rendered = true; } this.correctViewSize(); }, correctViewSize: function () { var widthArray = [], mw = this.wrap.getWidth(); var sf = this, wrap = sf.wrap, popup = sf.popup, scroll = Ext.getBody().getScroll(), st = scroll.top, xy = wrap.getXY(), _y = xy[1] - st, H = popup.getHeight(), PH = wrap.getHeight(), BH = $L.getViewportHeight() - 3; Ext.each(this.view.dom.childNodes, function (li) { mw = Math.max(mw, $L.TextMetrics.measure(li, li.innerHTML).width) || mw; }); var lh = Math.max(27, Math.min(this.popupContent.child('ul').getHeight() + 2, this.maxHeight)); this.popup.setWidth(mw).setHeight(lh); }, onViewClick: function (e, t) { if (t.tagName != 'LI') { return; } this.onSelect(t); this.collapse(); }, // onViewOver:function(e,t){ // this.inKeyMode = false; // }, onViewMove: function (e, t) { // if(this.inKeyMode){ // prevent key nav and mouse over conflicts // return; // } this.selectItem(t.tabIndex); }, onSelect: function (target) { var index = target.tabIndex; if (index == -1)return; var sf = this, value = null, display = '', record = null; if (sf.blankoption) { index--; } if (index != -1) { record = sf.optionDataSet.getAt(index); value = record.get(sf.valuefield); display = sf.getRenderText(record);// record.get(this.displayfield); } sf.setValue(display, null, record); sf.fireEvent('select', sf, value, display, record); }, // initQuery: function(){//事件定义中调用 // this.doQuery(); // }, doQuery: function (q) { // if(q === undefined || q === null){ // q = ''; // } // if(forceAll){ // this.store.clearFilter(); // }else{ // this.store.filter(this.displayField, q); // } var ds = this.optionDataSet; if (ds) if (Ext.isEmpty(q)) { ds.clearFilter(); } else { var reg = new RegExp(q.replace(/[+?*.^$\[\](){}\\|]/g, function (v) { return '\\' + v; }), 'i'), field = this.displayfield; ds.filter(function (r) { return reg.test(r.get(field)); }, this); } // 值过滤先不添加 this.onRender(); }, initList: function () { // this.refresh(); this.currentIndex = this.selectedIndex = null; var ds = this.optionDataSet, v = this.view; // this.litp=new Ext.Template('<li // tabIndex="{index}">{'+this.displayfield+'} </li>'); if (ds.loading == true) { v.update('<li tabIndex="-1">' + _lang['combobox.loading'] + '</li>'); } else { var sb = [], n = 0; if (this.blankoption) { sb.push('<li tabIndex="0"> </li>'); n = 1; } Ext.each(ds.getAll(), function (d, i) { // var d = Ext.apply(datas[i].data, {index:i}) // var rder = $L.getRenderer(this.renderer); // var text = this.getRenderText(datas[i]); sb.push('<li'); if (this.tipfield && d.get(this.tipfield)) { sb.push(' title="', d.get(this.tipfield), '"') } sb.push(' tabIndex="', i + n, '">', this.getRenderText(d), '</li>'); }, this); // if(sb.length){ v.update(sb.join('')); // } } }, getRenderText: function (record) { var rder = $L.getRenderer(this.displayrenderer); if (rder) { return rder(this, record); } else { return record.get(this.displayfield); } }, // refresh:function(){ // this.view.update(''); // this.selectedIndex = null; // }, selectItem: function (index, focus) { if (Ext.isEmpty(index) || index == -1) { return; } var node = this.getNode(index), sindex = this.selectedIndex, cls = this.selectedClass; if (node && node.tabIndex != sindex) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(sindex)) { Ext.fly(this.getNode(sindex)).removeClass(cls); } this.selectedIndex = node.tabIndex; if (focus) this.focusRow(this.selectedIndex); Ext.fly(node).addClass(cls); } }, focusRow: function (row) { var r = 27, ub = this.popupContent, stop = ub.getScroll().top, h = ub.getHeight(), sh = ub.dom.scrollWidth > ub.dom.clientWidth ? 17 : 1; if (row * r < stop) { ub.scrollTo('top', row * r - 1) } else if ((row + 1) * r > (stop + h - sh)) {// this.ub.dom.scrollHeight ub.scrollTo('top', (row + 1) * r - h + sh); } }, getNode: function (index) { return this.view.query('li[tabindex!=-1]')[index]; }, destroy: function () { if (this.view) { this.view.un('click', this.onViewClick, this) // .un('mouseover',this.onViewOver,this) .un('mousemove', this.onViewMove, this); } this.processDataSet('un'); $L.ComboBox.superclass.destroy.call(this); delete this.view; }, // getText : function() { // return this.text; // }, // processValue : function(rv){ // var r = this.optionDataSet == null ? null : // this.optionDataSet.find(this.displayfield, rv); // if(r != null){ // return r.get(this.valuefield); // }else{ // return this.value; // } // }, // formatValue : function(){ // var v = this.getValue(); // var r = this.optionDataSet == null ? null : // this.optionDataSet.find(this.valuefield, v); // this.text = ''; // if(r != null){ // this.text = r.get(this.displayfield); // }else{ // // this.text = v; // } // return this.text; // }, setValue: function (v, silent, vr) { $L.ComboBox.superclass.setValue.call(this, v, silent); var r = this.record; if (r && !silent) { var field = r.getMeta().getField(this.binder.name); if (field) { var raw = this.getRawValue(), record = vr || this.getRecordByDisplay(raw); Ext.each(field.get('mapping'), function (map) { var vl = record ? record.get(map.from) : (this.fetchrecord === false ? raw : ''); // var vl = record ? (record.get(map.from)||'') : ''; // if(vl!=''){ if (!Ext.isEmpty(vl, true)) { // 避免render的时候发生update事件 // if(silent){ // r.data[map.to] = vl; // }else{ r.set(map.to, vl); // } } else { delete r.data[map.to]; } }, this); } } }, getIndex: function (v) { var df = this.displayfield; return Ext.each(this.optionDataSet.getAll(), function (d) { if (d.data[df] == v) { return false; } }); } }); /** * @class Leaf.DateField * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 日期组件. * @author huazhen.wu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.DateField = Ext.extend($L.Component, { bodyTpl: ['<TABLE cellspacing="0">', '<CAPTION class="item-dateField-caption">', '{preYearBtn}', '{nextYearBtn}', '{preMonthBtn}', '{nextMonthBtn}', '<SPAN>', '<SPAN atype="item-year-span" style="margin-right:5px;cursor:pointer"></SPAN>', '<SPAN atype="item-month-span" style="cursor:pointer"></SPAN>', '</SPAN>', '</CAPTION>', '<THEAD class="item-dateField-head">', '<TR>', '<TD>{sun}</TD>', '<TD>{mon}</TD>', '<TD>{tues}</TD>', '<TD>{wed}</TD>', '<TD>{thur}</TD>', '<TD>{fri}</TD>', '<TD>{sat}</TD>', '</TR>', '</THEAD>', '<TBODY>', '</TBODY>', '</TABLE>'], preMonthTpl: '<DIV class="item-dateField-pre" title="{preMonth}" onclick="$le(\'{id}\').preMonth()"></DIV>', nextMonthTpl: '<DIV class="item-dateField-next" title="{nextMonth}" onclick="$le(\'{id}\').nextMonth()"></DIV>', preYearTpl: '<DIV class="item-dateField-preYear" title="{preYear}" onclick="$le(\'{id}\').preYear()"></DIV>', nextYearTpl: '<DIV class="item-dateField-nextYear" title="{nextYear}" onclick="$le(\'{id}\').nextYear()"></DIV>', popupTpl: '<DIV class="item-popup" atype="date-popup" style="vertical-align: middle;background-color:#fff;visibility:hidden"></DIV>', initComponent: function (config) { $L.DateField.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); if (this.height) this.rowHeight = (this.height - 18 * (Ext.isIE ? 3 : 2)) / 6; var data = { sun: _lang['datefield.sun'], mon: _lang['datefield.mon'], tues: _lang['datefield.tues'], wed: _lang['datefield.wed'], thur: _lang['datefield.thur'], fri: _lang['datefield.fri'], sat: _lang['datefield.sat'] } if (this.enableyearbtn == "both" || this.enableyearbtn == "pre") data.preYearBtn = new Ext.Template(this.preYearTpl).apply({ preYear: _lang['datefield.preYear'], id: this.id }); if (this.enableyearbtn == "both" || this.enableyearbtn == "next") data.nextYearBtn = new Ext.Template(this.nextYearTpl).apply({ nextYear: _lang['datefield.nextYear'], id: this.id }); if (this.enablemonthbtn == "both" || this.enablemonthbtn == "pre") data.preMonthBtn = new Ext.Template(this.preMonthTpl).apply({ preMonth: _lang['datefield.preMonth'], id: this.id }); if (this.enablemonthbtn == "both" || this.enablemonthbtn == "next") data.nextMonthBtn = new Ext.Template(this.nextMonthTpl).apply({ nextMonth: _lang['datefield.nextMonth'], id: this.id }); this.body = new Ext.Template(this.bodyTpl).append(this.wrap.dom, data, true); this.yearSpan = this.body.child("span[atype=item-year-span]"); this.monthSpan = this.body.child("span[atype=item-month-span]"); this.popup = new Ext.Template(this.popupTpl).append(this.body.child('caption').dom, {}, true); // this.popup = new // Ext.Template(this.popupTpl).append(this.wrap.dom,true); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.DateField.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.body[ou]('mousewheel', this.onMouseWheel, this); this.body[ou]("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); this.body[ou]("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this); this.body[ou]("click", this.onSelect, this); this.yearSpan[ou]("click", this.onViewShow, this); this.monthSpan[ou]("click", this.onViewShow, this); // this.body[ou]("keydown",this.onKeyDown,this); }, initEvents: function () { $L.DateField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event select 选择事件. * @param {Leaf.DateField} * dateField 日期组件. * @param {Date} * date 选择的日期. */ 'select', /** * @event draw 绘制事件. * @param {Leaf.DateField} * dateField 日期组件. */ 'draw'); }, destroy: function () { $L.DateField.superclass.destroy.call(this); delete this.preMonthBtn; delete this.nextMonthBtn; delete this.body; }, onMouseWheel: function (e) { this[(e.getWheelDelta() > 0 ? 'pre' : 'next') + (e.ctrlKey ? 'Year' : 'Month')](); e.stopEvent(); }, onMouseOver: function (e, t) { this.out(); if (((t = Ext.fly(t)).hasClass('item-day') || (t = t.parent('.item-day'))) && t.getAttributeNS("", '_date') != '0') { $L.DateField.superclass.onMouseOver.call(this, e); this.over(t); } }, onMouseOut: function (e) { $L.DateField.superclass.onMouseOut.call(this, e); this.out(); }, over: function (t) { t = t || this.body.last().child('td.item-day') this.overTd = t; t.addClass('dateover'); }, out: function () { if (this.overTd) { this.overTd.removeClass('dateover'); this.overTd = null; } }, onSelect: function (e, t) { var sf = this, td = Ext.get(t), _date; if (td.parent('div[atype="date-popup"]')) { sf.onViewClick(e, td); } else { _date = td.getAttributeNS('', '_date'); if (_date && _date != '0') { sf.fireEvent("select", e, t, sf, new Date(Number(_date))); } } }, onSelectDay: function (o) { if (!o.hasClass('onSelect')) o.addClass('onSelect'); }, onViewShow: function (e, t) { var span = Ext.get(t); this.focusSpan = span; var head = this.body.child('thead'), xy = head.getXY(); this.popup.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1]); this.popup.setWidth(head.getWidth()); this.popup.setHeight(head.getHeight() + head.next().getHeight()); if (span.getAttributeNS("", "atype") == "item-year-span") this.initView(this.year, 100, true); else this.initView(7, 60); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mousedown", this.viewBlur, this); this.popup.show(); }, onViewHide: function () { Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mousedown", this.viewBlur, this); this.popup.hide(); }, viewBlur: function (e, t) { if (!this.popup.contains(t) && !(this.focusSpan.contains(t) || this.focusSpan.dom == t)) { this.onViewHide(); } }, onViewClick: function (e, t) { if (t.hasClass('item-day')) { if (this.focusSpan.getAttributeNS("", "atype") == "item-year-span") this.year = t.getAttributeNS("", '_data'); else this.month = t.getAttributeNS("", '_data'); this.year--; this.nextYear(); this.onViewHide(); } }, /** * 当前月 */ nowMonth: function () { this.predraw(new Date()); }, /** * 上一月 */ preMonth: function () { this.predraw(new Date(this.year, this.month - 2, 1, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds)); }, /** * 下一月 */ nextMonth: function () { this.predraw(new Date(this.year, this.month, 1, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds)); }, /** * 上一年 */ preYear: function () { this.predraw(new Date(this.year - 1, this.month - 1, 1, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds)); }, /** * 下一年 */ nextYear: function () { this.predraw(new Date(this.year + 1, this.month - 1, 1, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds)); }, /** * 根据日期画日历 * * @param {Date} * date 当前日期 */ predraw: function (date, notFire) { if (!date || !date instanceof Date) date = new Date(); this.date = date; this.hours = date.getHours(); this.minutes = date.getMinutes(); this.seconds = date.getSeconds(); this.year = date.getFullYear(); this.month = date.getMonth() + 1; this.draw(new Date(this.year, this.month - 1, 1, this.hours, this.minutes, this.seconds)); if (!notFire) this.fireEvent("draw", this); }, /** * 渲染日历 */ draw: function (date) { // 用来保存日期列表 var arr = [], year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth() + 1, hour = date.getHours(), minute = date.getMinutes(), second = date.getSeconds(); this.yearSpan.update(year + _lang['datefield.year']); this.monthSpan.update(month + _lang['datefield.month']); // 用当月第一天在一周中的日期值作为当月离第一天的天数,用上个月的最后天数补齐 for (var i = 1, firstDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay(), lastDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 0).getDate(); i <= firstDay; i++) { arr.push((this.enablebesidedays == "both" || this.enablebesidedays == "pre") ? new Date(year, month - 2, lastDay - firstDay + i, hour, minute, second) : null); } // 用当月最后一天在一个月中的日期值作为当月的天数 for (var i = 1, monthDay = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); i <= monthDay; i++) { arr.push(new Date(year, month - 1, i, hour, minute, second)); } // 用下个月的前几天补齐6行 for (var i = 1, monthDay = new Date(year, month, 0).getDay(), besideDays = 43 - arr.length; i < besideDays; i++) { arr.push((this.enablebesidedays == "both" || this.enablebesidedays == "next") ? new Date(year, month, i, hour, minute, second) : null); } // 先清空内容再插入(ie的table不能用innerHTML) var body = this.body.dom.tBodies[0]; while (body.firstChild) { Ext.fly(body.firstChild).remove(); } // 插入日期 var k = 0; while (arr.length) { // 每个星期插入一个tr var row = Ext.get(body.insertRow(-1)); row.set({'r_index': k}); if (k % 2 == 0) row.addClass('week-alt'); if (this.rowHeight) row.setHeight(this.rowHeight); k++; // 每个星期有7天 for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { var d = arr.shift(); if (Ext.isDefined(d)) { var cell = Ext.get(row.dom.insertCell(-1)); var div = document.createElement("div"); cell.appendChild(div); div = Ext.get(div); if (d) { div.set({'c_index': i - 1}); div.addClass(date.getMonth() == d.getMonth() ? "item-day" : "item-day item-day-besides"); /* * if(((i-1)==0||(i-1)==6)&&(date.getMonth()==d.getMonth())){ * cell.set({'style':'color:#f15353'}); } */ div.update(this.renderCell(cell, d, d.getDate(), month) || d.getDate()); if (div.disabled) { div.set({'_date': '0'}); div.addClass("item-day-disabled"); } else { div.set({'_date': ('' + d.getTime())}); if (this.format) div.set({'title': d.format(this.format)}) } // 判断是否今日 if (this.isSame(d, new Date())) div.addClass("onToday"); // 判断是否选择日期 if (this.selectDay && this.isSame(d, this.selectDay)) this.onSelectDay(div); } else div.update(' '); } } } }, renderCell: function (cell, date, day, currentMonth) { if (this.dayrenderer) return $L.getRenderer(this.dayrenderer).call(this, cell, date, day, currentMonth); }, /** * 判断是否同一日 * * @param {Date} * d1 日期1 * @param {Date} * d2 日期2 * @return {Boolean} 是否同一天 */ isSame: function (d1, d2) { if (!d2.getFullYear || !d1.getFullYear)return false; return (d1.getFullYear() == d2.getFullYear() && d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() && d1.getDate() == d2.getDate()); }, initView: function (num, width, isYear) { var html = ["<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'><tr><td width='45%'></td><td width='10%'></td><td width='45%'></td></tr>"]; for (var i = 0, rows = (isYear ? 5 : 6), year = num - rows, year2 = num; i < rows; i++) { html.push("<tr><td class='item-day' _data='" + year + "'>" + year + "</td><td></td><td class='item-day' _data='" + year2 + "'>" + year2 + "</td></tr>"); year += 1; year2 += 1; } html.push(""); if (isYear) { html.push("<tr><td><div class='item-dateField-pre' onclick='$le(\"" + this.id + "\").initView(" + (num - 10) + "," + width + ",true)'></div></td>"); html.push("<td><div class='item-dateField-close' onclick='$le(\"" + this.id + "\").onViewHide()'></div></td>") html.push("<td><div class='item-dateField-next' onclick='$le(\"" + this.id + "\").initView(" + (num + 10) + "," + width + ",true)'></div></td></tr>"); } else { html.push("<td colspan='3' align='center'><div class='item-dateField-close' onclick='$le(\"" + this.id + "\").onViewHide()'></div></td>") } html.push("</table>"); this.popup.update(html.join('')); } }); /** * @class Leaf.DatePicker * @extends Leaf.TriggerField * <p> * DatePicker组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.DatePicker = Ext.extend($L.TriggerField, { nowTpl: ['<DIV class="item-day" style="cursor:pointer" title="{title}">{now}</DIV>'], constructor: function (config) { this.dateFields = []; this.cmps = {}; $L.DatePicker.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.DatePicker.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); Ext.isIE6 && this.popup.setHeight(184); this.initFormat(); this.initDatePicker(); }, initFormat: function () { this.format = this.format || $L.defaultDateFormat; }, initDatePicker: function () { if (!this.inited) { this.initDateField(); this.initFooter(); this.inited = true; // this.processListener('un'); // this.processListener('on'); } }, initDateField: function () { this.popup.setStyle({'width': 260 * this.viewsize + 'px'}) if (this.dateFields.length == 0) { // window['__host']=this; for (var i = 0; i < this.viewsize; i++) { var cfg = { id: this.id + '_df' + i, hostid: this.id, height: 130, enablemonthbtn: 'none', enablebesidedays: 'none', dayrenderer: this.dayrenderer, listeners: { // "select":this.onSelect.createDelegate(this), "draw": this.onDraw.createDelegate(this), "mouseover": this.mouseOver.createDelegate(this), "mouseout": this.mouseOut.createDelegate(this) } } if (i == 0) { if (this.enablebesidedays == "both" || this.enablebesidedays == "pre") cfg.enablebesidedays = "pre"; if (this.enablemonthbtn == "both" || this.enablemonthbtn == "pre") cfg.enablemonthbtn = "pre"; if (this.enableyearbtn == "both" || this.enableyearbtn == "pre") cfg.enableyearbtn = "pre"; } if (i == this.viewsize - 1) { if (this.enablebesidedays == "both" || this.enablebesidedays == "next") cfg.enablebesidedays = cfg.enablebesidedays == "pre" ? "both" : "next"; if (this.enablemonthbtn == "both" || this.enablemonthbtn == "next") cfg.enablemonthbtn = cfg.enablemonthbtn == "pre" ? "both" : "next"; if (this.enableyearbtn == "both" || this.enableyearbtn == "next") cfg.enableyearbtn = cfg.enableyearbtn == "pre" ? "both" : "next"; } else Ext.fly(this.id + '_df' + i).dom.style.cssText = "border-right:1px solid #BABABA"; this.dateFields.add(new $L.DateField(cfg)); } // window['__host']=null; } }, initFooter: function () { if (!this.now) this.now = new Ext.Template(this.nowTpl).append(this.popup.child("div.item-dateField-foot").dom, { now: _lang['datepicker.today'], title: new Date().format(this.format) }, true); var now = new Date(), cell = this.now, dr = this.dayrenderer; dr && $L.getRenderer(dr).call(this, cell, now, now.getDate()); if (cell.disabled) { cell.set({'_date': '0'}); cell.addClass("item-day-disabled"); } else { cell.set({"_date": new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), 0, 0, 0).getTime()}); } }, initEvents: function () { $L.DatePicker.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event select 选择事件. * @param {Leaf.DatePicker} * datePicker 日期选择组件. * @param {Date} * date 选择的日期. */ 'select'); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.DatePicker.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); this.el[ou]('click', this.mouseOut, this); this.popup[ou]("click", this.onSelect, this); }, mouseOver: function (cmp, e) { if (this.focusField) this.focusField.out(); this.focusField = cmp }, mouseOut: function () { if (this.focusField) this.focusField.out(); this.focusField = null; }, onKeyUp: function (e) { if (this.readonly)return; $L.DatePicker.superclass.onKeyUp.call(this, e); var c = e.keyCode; if (!e.isSpecialKey() || c == 8 || c == 46) { try { this.selectDay = this.getRawValue().parseDate(this.format); this.wrapDate(this.selectDay); $L.Component.prototype.setValue.call(this, this.selectDay || ""); this.predraw(this.selectDay); } catch (e) { } } }, onKeyDown: function (e) { if (this.readonly)return; if (this.focusField) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 37: this.goLeft(e); break; case 38: this.goUp(e); break; case 39: this.goRight(e); break; case 40: this.goDown(e); break; case 13: this.onSelect(e, this.focusField.overTd); default: { if (this.focusField) this.focusField.out(); this.focusField = null; } } } else { $L.DatePicker.superclass.onKeyDown.call(this, e); if (e.keyCode == 40) { this.focusField = this.dateFields[0]; this.focusField.over(); } } }, goLeft: function (e) { var field = this.focusField; var td = field.overTd, prev = td.prev('.item-day'); field.out(); if (prev) { field.over(prev); } else { var f = this.dateFields[this.dateFields.indexOf(field) - 1], index = td.parent().getAttributeNS('', 'r_index') if (f) { this.focusField = f; } else { field.preMonth(); this.focusField = this.dateFields[this.dateFields.length - 1]; } var l = this.focusField.body.child('tr[r_index=' + index + ']').select('td.item-day') this.focusField.over(l.item(l.getCount() - 1)); } e.stopEvent(); }, goUp: function (e) { var field = this.focusField; var td = field.overTd, prev = td.parent().prev(), index = td.getAttributeNS('', 'c_index'), t; field.out(); if (prev) t = prev.child('td[c_index=' + index + ']'); if (t) field.over(t); else { var f = this.dateFields[this.dateFields.indexOf(field) - 1]; if (f) { this.focusField = f; } else { field.preMonth(); this.focusField = this.dateFields[0]; } var l = this.focusField.body.select('td[c_index=' + index + ']') this.focusField.over(l.item(l.getCount() - 1)); } }, goRight: function (e) { var field = this.focusField; var td = field.overTd, next = td.next('.item-day'), parent = td.parent(); field.out(); if (next) { field.over(next); } else { var f = this.dateFields[this.dateFields.indexOf(field) + 1]; if (f) { this.focusField = f; } else { field.nextMonth(); this.focusField = this.dateFields[0]; } this.focusField.over(this.focusField.body.child('tr[r_index=' + parent.getAttributeNS('', 'r_index') + ']').child('td.item-day')); } e.stopEvent(); }, goDown: function (e) { var field = this.focusField; var td = field.overTd, next = td.parent().next(), t, index = td.getAttributeNS('', 'c_index'); field.out(); if (next) t = next.child('td[c_index=' + index + ']'); if (t) field.over(t); else { var f = this.dateFields[this.dateFields.indexOf(field) + 1]; if (f) { this.focusField = f; } else { field.nextMonth(); this.focusField = this.dateFields[this.dateFields.length - 1]; } this.focusField.over(this.focusField.body.child('td[c_index=' + index + ']')); } }, onDraw: function (field) { if (this.dateFields.length > 1) this.sysnDateField(field); }, onSelect: function (e, t) { // if(((t =Ext.fly(t)).hasClass('item-day'))){ var _date = Ext.fly(t).getAttributeNS('', '_date'); if (_date && _date != '0') { var sf = this, date = new Date(Number(_date)); sf.collapse(); sf.processDate(date); sf.setValue(date); sf.fireEvent("select", sf, date); } // } }, wrapDate: function (d) { }, processDate: function (d) { }, onBlur: function (e) { if (this.hasFocus) { $L.DatePicker.superclass.onBlur.call(this, e); if (!this.readonly && !this.isExpanded()) { try { var d = this.getRawValue().parseDate(this.format) this.wrapDate(d); this.setValue(d || ""); } catch (e) { // alert(e.message); this.setValue(""); } } } }, formatValue: function (date) { if (date instanceof Date)return date.format(this.format); return date; }, expand: function () { this.selectDay = this.getValue(); this.predraw(this.selectDay); $L.DatePicker.superclass.expand.call(this); }, collapse: function () { $L.DatePicker.superclass.collapse.call(this); this.focusField = null; }, destroy: function () { var sf = this, wrap = sf.wrap; $L.DatePicker.superclass.destroy.call(this); Ext.iterate(wrap.cmps, function (key, cmp) { try { cmp.destroy && cmp.destroy(); } catch (e) { alert('销毁datePicker出错: ' + e) } ; }) delete this.format; delete this.viewsize; // setTimeout(function(){ // for(var key in sf.cmps){ // var cmp = sf.cmps[key]; // if(cmp.destroy){ // try{ // cmp.destroy(); // }catch(e){ // alert('销毁window出错: ' + e) // } // } // } // },10) }, predraw: function (date) { if (date && date instanceof Date) { this.selectDay = new Date(date); } else { date = new Date(); date.setHours(this.hour || 0); date.setMinutes(this.minute || 0); date.setSeconds(this.second || 0); date.setMilliseconds(0); } this.draw(date); }, draw: function (date) { this.dateFields[0].selectDay = this.selectDay; this.dateFields[0].format = this.format; this.dateFields[0].predraw(date); }, sysnDateField: function (field) { var date = new Date(field.date); for (var i = 0; i < this.viewsize; i++) { if (field == this.dateFields[i]) date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - i); } for (var i = 0; i < this.viewsize; i++) { this.dateFields[i].selectDay = this.selectDay; if (i != 0) date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); this.dateFields[i].format = this.format; if (field != this.dateFields[i]) this.dateFields[i].predraw(date, true); } } }); /** * @class Leaf.DateTimePicker * @extends Leaf.DatePicker * <p> * DatePicker组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.DateTimePicker = Ext.extend($L.DatePicker, { initFormat: function () { this.format = this.format || $L.defaultDateTimeFormat; }, initFooter: function () { this.hourSpan = this.popup.child("input[atype=field.hour]"); this.minuteSpan = this.popup.child("input[atype=field.minute]"); this.secondSpan = this.popup.child("input[atype=field.second]"); this.hourSpanParent = this.hourSpan.parent(); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.DateTimePicker.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); if (this.hourSpan) { this.hourSpan[ou]("click", this.onDateClick, this, {stopPropagation: true}); this.hourSpan[ou]("focus", this.onDateFocus, this); this.hourSpan[ou]("blur", this.onDateBlur, this); this.minuteSpan[ou]("focus", this.onDateFocus, this); this.minuteSpan[ou]("blur", this.onDateBlur, this); this.minuteSpan[ou]("click", this.onDateClick, this, {stopPropagation: true}); this.secondSpan[ou]("focus", this.onDateFocus, this); this.secondSpan[ou]("blur", this.onDateBlur, this); this.secondSpan[ou]("click", this.onDateClick, this, {stopPropagation: true}); this.hourSpanParent[ou]("keydown", this.onDateKeyDown, this); this.hourSpanParent[ou]("keyup", this.onDateKeyUp, this); } }, onDateKeyDown: function (e) { var c = e.keyCode, el = e.target; if (c == 13) { el.blur(); } else if (c == 27) { el.value = el.oldValue || ""; el.blur(); } else if (c != 8 && c != 9 && c != 37 && c != 39 && c != 46 && (c < 48 || c > 57 || e.shiftKey)) { e.stopEvent(); return; } }, onDateKeyUp: function (e) { var c = e.keyCode, el = e.target; if (c != 8 && c != 9 && c != 37 && c != 39 && c != 46 && (c < 48 || c > 57 || e.shiftKey)) { e.stopEvent(); return; } else { if (this.value && this.value instanceof Date) { var date = new Date(this.value.getTime()); this.processDate(date); this.setValue(date); // this.fireEvent('select',this, date); } this.draw(new Date(this.dateFields[0].year, this.dateFields[0].month - 1, 1, this.hourSpan.dom.value, this.minuteSpan.dom.value, this.secondSpan.dom.value)); } }, onDateClick: function () { }, onDateFocus: function (e) { Ext.fly(e.target.parentNode).addClass("item-dateField-input-focus"); e.target.select(); }, onDateBlur: function (e) { var el = e.target; Ext.fly(el.parentNode).removeClass("item-dateField-input-focus"); if (!el.value.match(/^[0-9]*$/)) el.value = el.oldValue || ""; }, draw: function (date) { $L.DateTimePicker.superclass.draw.call(this, date); if (this.hourSpan.dom.value) { if (this.hourSpan.dom.value > 9) { this.hourSpan.dom.oldValue = this.hourSpan.dom.value = $L.dateFormat.pad(this.dateFields[0].hours); } } else { this.hourSpan.dom.oldValue = this.hourSpan.dom.value = $L.dateFormat.pad(this.dateFields[0].hours); } if (this.minuteSpan.dom.value) { if (this.minuteSpan.dom.value > 9) { this.minuteSpan.dom.oldValue = this.minuteSpan.dom.value = $L.dateFormat.pad(this.dateFields[0].minutes); } } else { this.minuteSpan.dom.oldValue = this.minuteSpan.dom.value = $L.dateFormat.pad(this.dateFields[0].minutes); } if (this.secondSpan.dom.value) { if (this.secondSpan.dom.value > 9) { this.secondSpan.dom.oldValue = this.secondSpan.dom.value = $L.dateFormat.pad(this.dateFields[0].seconds); } } else { this.secondSpan.dom.oldValue = this.secondSpan.dom.value = $L.dateFormat.pad(this.dateFields[0].seconds); } }, processDate: function (d) { if (d) { d.setHours((el = this.hourSpan.dom).value.match(/^[0-9]*$/) ? el.value : el.oldValue); d.setMinutes((el = this.minuteSpan.dom).value.match(/^[0-9]*$/) ? el.value : el.oldValue); d.setSeconds((el = this.secondSpan.dom).value.match(/^[0-9]*$/) ? el.value : el.oldValue); this.wrapDate(d) } }, wrapDate: function (d) { if (d) d.xtype = 'timestamp'; } // ,collapse : function(){ // $L.DateTimePicker.superclass.collapse.call(this); // if(this.getRawValue()){ // var d = this.selectDay; // if(d){ // d.setHours((el=this.hourSpan.dom).value.match(/^[0-9]*$/)?el.value:el.oldValue); // d.setMinutes((el=this.minuteSpan.dom).value.match(/^[0-9]*$/)?el.value:el.oldValue); // d.setSeconds((el=this.secondSpan.dom).value.match(/^[0-9]*$/)?el.value:el.oldValue); // } // d.xtype = 'timestamp'; // this.setValue(d); // } // } }); $L.ToolBar = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { $L.ToolBar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.ToolBar.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); }, initEvents: function () { $L.ToolBar.superclass.initEvents.call(this); } }); $L.NavBar = Ext.extend($L.ToolBar, { initComponent: function (config) { $L.NavBar.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this, type = sf.type, wrap = sf.wrap; sf.dataSet = $le(sf.dataSet); sf.navInfo = wrap.child('div[atype=displayInfo]');// Ext.get(sf.infoId); if (sf.type != "simple" && sf.type != "tiny") { sf.pageInput = $le(sf.inputId); sf.currentPage = wrap.child('div[atype=currentPage]'); sf.pageInfo = wrap.child('div[atype=pageInfo]');// Ext.get(sf.pageId); if (sf.comboBoxId) { sf.pageSizeInput = $le(sf.comboBoxId); // sf.pageSizeInfo = wrap.child('div[atype=pageSizeInfo]'); sf.pageSizeInfo2 = wrap.child('div[atype=pageSizeInfo2]'); // sf.pageSizeInfo.update(_lang['toolbar.pageSize']); sf.pageSizeInfo2.update(_lang['toolbar.pageSize2']); } sf.pageInfo.update(_lang['toolbar.total'] + '  ' + _lang['toolbar.page']); sf.currentPage.update(_lang['toolbar.ctPage']); } }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.NavBar.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.dataSet[ou]('load', sf.onLoad, sf); if (sf.type != "simple" && sf.type != "tiny") { sf.pageInput[ou]('change', sf.onPageChange, sf); if (sf.pageSizeInput) { sf.pageSizeInput[ou]('change', sf.onPageSizeChange, sf); } } }, onLoad: function () { var sf = this, ds = sf.dataSet, pagesize = ds.pagesize, input = sf.pageSizeInput; sf.navInfo.update(sf.creatNavInfo()); if (sf.type != "simple" && sf.type != "tiny") { if(sf.pageSizeInfo2) { sf.pageSizeInfo2.update("每页"); } sf.pageInput.setValue(ds.currentPage, true); sf.pageInfo.update('/' + ds.totalPage); if (input && !input.optionDataSet) { if (ds.fetchall) { pagesize = ds.totalCount; input.initReadOnly(true); } var pageSize = [10, 20, 50, 100,'all']; if (pageSize.indexOf(pagesize) == -1) { pageSize.unshift(pagesize); pageSize.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b }); } var datas = []; while (Ext.isDefined(pageSize[0])) { var ps = pageSize.shift(); datas.push({'code': ps, 'name': ps}); } var dataset = new $L.DataSet({'datas': datas}); input.valuefield = 'code'; input.displayfield = 'name'; input.setOptions(dataset); input.setValue(pagesize, true); } } }, creatNavInfo: function () { var sf = this, ds = sf.dataSet, currentPage = ds.currentPage, totalPage = ds.totalPage, totalCount = ds.totalCount, pagesize = ds.pagesize, type = sf.type, html = []; if (ds.fetchall) pagesize = totalCount; if (type == "simple") { if (totalPage) { html.push('<span>共' + totalPage + '页</span>'); html.push(currentPage == 1 ? '<span>' + _lang['toolbar.firstPage'] + '</span>' : sf.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.firstPage'], 1)); html.push(currentPage == 1 ? '<span>' + _lang['toolbar.prePage'] + '</span>' : sf.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.prePage'], currentPage - 1)); for (var i = 1; i < 4 && i <= totalPage; i++) { html.push(i == currentPage ? '<b>' + currentPage + '</b>' : sf.createAnchor(i, i)); } if (totalPage > sf.maxPageCount) { if (currentPage > 5) sf.createSplit(html); for (var i = currentPage - 1; i < currentPage + 2; i++) { if (i > 3 && i < totalPage - 2) { html.push(i == currentPage ? '<b>' + currentPage + '</b>' : this.createAnchor(i, i)); } } if (currentPage < totalPage - 4) this.createSplit(html); } else if (totalPage > 6) { for (var i = 4; i < totalPage - 2; i++) { html.push(i == currentPage ? '<b>' + currentPage + '</b>' : this.createAnchor(i, i)); } } for (var i = totalPage - 2; i < totalPage + 1; i++) { if (i > 3) { html.push(i == currentPage ? '<b>' + currentPage + '</b>' : this.createAnchor(i, i)); } } html.push(currentPage == totalPage ? '<span>' + _lang['toolbar.nextPage'] + '</span>' : this.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.nextPage'], currentPage + 1)); html.push(currentPage == totalPage ? '<span>' + _lang['toolbar.lastPage'] + '</span>' : this.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.lastPage'], totalPage)); } } else if (type == 'tiny') { html.push(currentPage == 1 ? '<span>' + _lang['toolbar.firstPage'] + '</span>' : this.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.firstPage'], 1)); html.push(currentPage == 1 ? '<span>' + _lang['toolbar.prePage'] + '</span>' : this.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.prePage'], currentPage - 1)); html.push(sf.createAnchor(_lang['toolbar.nextPage'], currentPage + 1)); html.push('<span>第' + currentPage + '页</span>'); } else { var from = ((currentPage - 1) * pagesize + 1), to = currentPage * pagesize, theme = $L.getTheme(); if (to > totalCount && totalCount > from) to = totalCount; if (to == 0) from = 0; html.push(_lang['toolbar.visible'], _lang['toolbar.entry'], ' ', from, ' - ', to); if (theme != 'mac') html.push(' ', _lang['toolbar.total'], ' ', totalCount); } return html.join(''); }, createAnchor: function (text, page) { return '<a href="javascript:$le(\'' + this.dataSet.id + '\').goPage(' + page + ')">' + text + '</a>'; }, createSplit: function (html) { html.push('<span>···</span>'); }, onPageChange: function (el, value, oldvalue) { var ds = this.dataSet; if (isNaN(value) || value <= 0 || value > ds.totalPage) { el.setValue(oldvalue, true); } else { ds.goPage(value); } }, // onPageChange : function(el,value,oldvalue){ // if(this.dataSet.totalPage == 0){ // el.setValue(1); // }else if(isNaN(value) || value<=0 || value>this.dataSet.totalPage){ // el.setValue(oldvalue) // }else if(this.dataSet.currentPage!=value){ // this.dataSet.goPage(value); // } // }, onPageSizeChange: function (el, value, oldvalue) { var max = this.dataSet.maxpagesize; if(value == "all"){ this.dataSet.pagesize = this.dataSet.totalCount; this.dataSet.query(); }else if (isNaN(value) || value < 0) { el.setValue(oldvalue, true); } else if (value > max) { $L.showMessage(_lang['toolbar.errormsg'], _lang['toolbar.maxPageSize'] + max + _lang['toolbar.item'], null, 240); el.setValue(oldvalue, true); } else { this.dataSet.pagesize = Math.round(value); this.dataSet.query(); } } }); (function (A) { var cache = [], documentOverFlow, WINDOW_MANAGER = A.WindowManager = { put: function (win) { cache.add(win) }, getAll: function () { return cache; }, getCurrentCache:function(){ if(cache.length){ return cache[cache.length-1]; }else{ return null; } }, remove: function (win) { cache.remove(win); }, get: function (id) { var win = null; Ext.each(cache, function (w) { if (w.id == id) { win = w; return false; } }); return win; }, getZindex: function () { var zindex = 600; Ext.each(cache, function (win) { zindex = Math.max(Number(win.wrap.getStyle('z-index')) || 0, zindex); }); return zindex; }, getTopZindex: function () { var zindex = 9999; Ext.each(cache, function (win) { zindex = Math.max(Number(win.wrap.getStyle('z-index')) || 0, zindex); }); return zindex; }, hasFullWindow: function () { var has = false; Ext.each(cache, function (win) { if (win.fullScreen && !win.usecache || win.isShow) { has = true; } }); return has; }, hasSideWindow: function () { var hsw = false; Ext.each(cache, function (win) { if (win.side && !win.usecache || win.isShow) { hsw = true; } }); return hsw; } } /** * @class Leaf.Window * @extends Leaf.Component * <p> * 窗口组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ A.Window = Ext.extend(A.Component, { constructor: function (config) { var win = WINDOW_MANAGER.get(config.id); if (win) { if (win.usecache) { win.show(); } return; } var sf = this; sf.draggable = true; sf.closeable = true; sf.fullScreen = false; sf.side = null; sf.modal = config.modal || true; sf.cmps = {}; // A.focusWindow = null; A.Window.superclass.constructor.call(sf, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; A.Window.superclass.initComponent.call(sf, config); sf.rememberDocumentOverflow(); WINDOW_MANAGER.put(sf); sf.width = 1 * (sf.width || 350); sf.height = 1 * (sf.height || 400); sf.titleheight = (sf.titleheight || 32); if (sf.fullScreen) { sf.width = A.getViewportWidth(); sf.height = A.getViewportHeight() - sf.titleheight; sf.draggable = false; sf.side = 'right'; // sf.marginheight=1; // sf.marginwidth=1; } else if (sf.side) { sf.draggable = false; if (sf.side == 'top' || sf.side == 'bottom') { sf.width = A.getViewportWidth() - 2; } else if (sf.side == 'left' || sf.side == 'right') { // sf.height=A.getViewportHeight()-42; sf.height = A.getViewportHeight() - sf.titleheight; } } var url = sf.url, isIE = Ext.isIE, wrap = sf.wrap = new Ext.Template(sf.getTemplate(config)).insertFirst(document.body, { id: sf.id, title: sf.title, titleheight: sf.titleheight, width: sf.width, bodywidth: sf.width, height: sf.height, url: url ? ('url="' + url + '"') : '', clz: (sf.fullScreen ? 'full-window ' : '') + (sf.className || ''), shadow: isIE ? '<DIV class="item-ie-shadow"></DIV>' : '' }, true); wrap.cmps = sf.cmps; sf.title = wrap.child('div[atype=window.title]'); sf.head = wrap.child('td[atype=window.head]'); sf.body = wrap.child('div[atype=window.body]'); sf.closeBtn = wrap.child('div[atype=window.close]'); if (sf.draggable) sf.initDraggable(); if (!sf.closeable) sf.closeBtn.hide(); if (!sf.side && sf.url && sf.url.indexOf("sys_lov.lview") == -1 && (A.getViewportHeight() - sf.titleheight - 2) <= sf.height) { sf.side = 'right'; } if (sf.side) { if (sf.side == 'top') { sf.move(0, 0); sf.toFront(); sf.focus.defer(10, sf); sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomInSideTop'); setTimeout(function () { sf.wrap.removeClass('animated zoomInSideTop'); }, 600); } else if (sf.side == 'bottom') { sf.move(0, A.getViewportHeight() - sf.titleheight - 2 - sf.height); sf.toFront(); sf.focus.defer(10, sf); sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomInSideBottom'); setTimeout(function () { sf.wrap.removeClass('animated zoomInSideBottom'); }, 600); } else if (sf.side == 'left') { sf.move(0, 0); sf.toFront(); sf.focus.defer(10, sf); sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomInSideLeft'); setTimeout(function () { sf.wrap.removeClass('animated zoomInSideLeft'); }, 600); } else if (sf.side == 'right') { var scroll = sf.wrap.parent().getScroll(), sy = scroll.top; sf.move(A.getViewportWidth() - sf.width, sy); try { if (global_body_no_scroll_flag && global_body_no_scroll_flag == 'Y') { sf.move(A.getViewportWidth() - sf.width, sy); } else { sf.move(A.getViewportWidth() - sf.width, 0); } }catch (e) { sf.move(A.getViewportWidth() - sf.width, 0); } if (Ext.isIE8) { sf.move(A.getViewportWidth() - sf.width + 17, sy); } sf.toFront(); sf.focus.defer(10, sf); sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomInSideRight'); setTimeout(function () { sf.wrap.removeClass('animated zoomInSideRight'); }, 600); } } else if (Ext.isEmpty(config.x) || Ext.isEmpty(config.y) || sf.fullScreen) { sf.center(); sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomIn'); setTimeout(function () { sf.wrap.removeClass('animated zoomIn'); }, 600); } else { sf.move(config.x, config.y); sf.toFront(); sf.focus.defer(10, sf); sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomIn'); setTimeout(function () { sf.wrap.removeClass('animated zoomIn'); }, 600); } url && sf.load(url, config.params); //如果首页窗口置于置于最上方 if (top.location === self.location) { this.wrap.setStyle('z-index', WINDOW_MANAGER.getTopZindex()); } }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; A.Window.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.closeable && sf.closeBtn[ou]("click", sf.onCloseClick, sf) [ou]("mouseover", sf.onCloseOver, sf) [ou]("mouseout", sf.onCloseOut, sf) [ou]("mousedown", sf.onCloseDown, sf); sf.wrap[ou]("click", sf.onClick, sf, {stopPropagation: false}) [ou]("keydown", sf.onKeyDown, sf); sf.draggable && sf.head[ou]('mousedown', sf.onMouseDown, sf); sf.body[ou]('DOMSubtreeModified', sf.bodyUpdate, sf); }, initEvents: function () { A.Window.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event beforeclose 窗口关闭前的事件. * <p> * 监听函数返回值为false时,不执行关闭 * </p> * @param {Window} * this 当前窗口. * */ 'beforeclose', /** * @event close 窗口关闭事件. * @param {Window} * this 当前窗口. * */ 'close', /** * @event load 窗口加载完毕. * @param {Window} * this 当前窗口. */ 'load'); }, bodyUpdate: function () { // if(!Ext.isIE8){ // $("div.win-content").getNiceScroll().resize(); // } }, onClick: function (e) { if (!this.modal) this.toFront(); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { var key = e.getKey(); if (key == 9) { var fk, lk, ck, cmp, cmps = this.cmps; for (var k in cmps) { cmp = cmps[k]; if (cmp.focus) { if (!fk) fk = k; lk = k; } if (cmp.hasFocus) { ck = k; } } if (e.shiftKey) { var temp = lk; lk = fk; fk = temp; } if (ck == lk) { e.stopEvent(); if (cmp && cmp.blur) cmp.blur(); fk && cmps[fk].focus(); } } else if (key == 27) { e.stopEvent(); this.close(); } }, initDraggable: function () { this.head.addClass('item-draggable'); }, /** * 窗口获得焦点. * */ focus: function () { this.wrap.focus(); }, /** * 窗口居中. * */ center: function () { var sf = this, screenWidth = A.getViewportWidth(), screenHeight = A.getViewportHeight(), scroll = Ext.getBody().getScroll(), sl = scroll.left, st = scroll.top, x = sl + Math.max((screenWidth - sf.width) / 2, 0), y = st + Math.max((screenHeight - sf.height - (Ext.isIE ? 26 : 23)) / 2, 0); // sf.shadow.setWidth(sf.wrap.getWidth()); // sf.shadow.setHeight(sf.wrap.getHeight()); if (sf.fullScreen) { x = sl; y = st; sf.move(x, y, true); } else { sf.move(x, y) } // sf.wrap.moveTo(x,y); sf.toFront(); sf.focus.defer(10, sf); }, /** * 移动窗口到指定位置. * */ move: function (x, y, m) { this.wrap.moveTo(x, y); }, getTemplate: function (config) { if (config.isDialog) { return [ '<DIV id="{id}" class="win-wrap {clz}" style="left:-10000px;top:-10000px;width:{width}px;outline:none" hideFocus tabIndex="-1" {url}>', '{shadow}', '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0" width="100%">', '<TBODY>', '<TR>', '<TD class="win-caption win-dialog">', '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" class="win-cap" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select:none;" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0" unselectable="on">', '<TBODY>', '<TR>', '<TD unselectable="on" class="win-caption-label" atype="window.head" width="99%">', '<DIV unselectable="on" atype="window.title" unselectable="on">{title}</DIV>', '</TD>', '<TD unselectable="on" class="win-caption-button" noWrap>', '<DIV class="win-close" atype="window.close" unselectable="on"></DIV>', '</TD>', /* '<TD><DIV style="width:5px;"/></TD>', */ '</TR>', '</TBODY>', '</TABLE>', '</TD>', '</TR>', '<TR>', '<TD class="win-body" vAlign="top" unselectable="on">', '<DIV class="win-content win-dialog-content" id="win-content" atype="window.body" style="position:relative;width:{bodywidth}px;" unselectable="on"></DIV>', '</TD>', '</TR>', '</TBODY>', '</TABLE>', '</DIV>' ] } if (true) { return [ '<DIV id="{id}" class="win-wrap {clz}" style="left:-10000px;top:-10000px;width:{width}px;outline:none" hideFocus tabIndex="-1" {url}>', '{shadow}', '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0" width="100%">', '<TBODY>', '<TR style="height:{titleheight}px;" >', '<TD class="win-caption" style="background: #fff;border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(220,223,230,1)">', '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" class="win-cap" unselectable="on" style="height:23px;-moz-user-select:none;" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0" unselectable="on">', '<TBODY>', '<TR>', '<TD unselectable="on" class="win-caption-label" atype="window.head" width="93%">', '<DIV unselectable="on" atype="window.title" unselectable="on" style="margin-left: 16px;color: rgba(75,80,90,0.85)">{title}</DIV>', '</TD>', '<TD unselectable="on" class="win-caption-button" noWrap style="display: block;float: right">', '<DIV class="win-close" atype="window.close" unselectable="on" style=""></DIV>', '</TD>', /* '<TD><DIV style="width:5px;"/></TD>', */ '</TR>', '</TBODY>', '</TABLE>', '</TD>', '</TR>', '<TR style="height:{height}px">', '<TD class="win-body" vAlign="top" unselectable="on">', '<DIV class="win-content" id="win-content" atype="window.body" style="position:relative;width:{bodywidth}px;height:{height}px;" unselectable="on"></DIV>', '</TD>', '</TR>', '</TBODY>', '</TABLE>', '</DIV>' ]; } else { return [ '<DIV id="{id}" class="win-wrap {clz}" style="left:-10000px;top:-10000px;width:{width}px;outline:none" hideFocus tabIndex="-1" {url}>', '{shadow}', '<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0" width="100%">', '<TBODY>', '<TR>', '<TD unselectable="on" class="win-caption-label" atype="window.head" width="99%">', '</TD>', '</TR>', '<TR style="height:{height}px">', '<TD class="win-body" vAlign="top" unselectable="on">', '<DIV class="win-close-fixed" atype="window.close" unselectable="on"></DIV>', '<DIV class="win-content" atype="window.body" style="position:relative;width:{bodywidth}px;height:{height}px;" unselectable="on"></DIV>', '</TD>', '</TR>', '</TBODY>', '</TABLE>', '</DIV>' ]; } }, /** * 窗口定位到最上层. * */ toFront: function () { var myzindex = this.wrap.getStyle('z-index'); var zindex = WINDOW_MANAGER.getZindex(); if (myzindex == 'auto') myzindex = 0; if (myzindex < zindex) { this.wrap.setStyle('z-index', zindex + 5); if (this.modal) A.Cover.cover(this.wrap); } if (this.modal) { // 去除下面window遮盖的透明度 var alls = WINDOW_MANAGER.getAll() for (var i = 0; i < alls.length; i++) { var pw = alls[i]; if (pw != this) { var cover = A.Cover.container[pw.wrap.id]; if (cover) cover.setStyle({ filter: 'alpha(opacity=0)', opacity: '0', mozopacity: '0' }) } } } /* * 如果窗口含有side属性,在打开时去除父页面的滚动条 * 向平 2018-01-05 */ /*if (this.side) { var style = document.documentElement.style; documentOverFlow = style.overflow; style.overflow = "hidden"; }*/ // A.focusWindow = this; }, onMouseDown: function (e) { var sf = this; // e.stopEvent(); sf.toFront(); var xy = sf.wrap.getXY(); sf.relativeX = xy[0] - e.getPageX(); sf.relativeY = xy[1] - e.getPageY(); sf.screenWidth = A.getViewportWidth(); sf.screenHeight = A.getViewportHeight(); if (!this.proxy) this.initProxy(); this.proxy.show(); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("click", sf.stopClick, sf); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mousemove", sf.onMouseMove, sf); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mouseup", sf.onMouseUp, sf); // sf.focus(); }, stopClick: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("click", this.stopClick, this); }, onMouseUp: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); var sf = this; Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mousemove", sf.onMouseMove, sf); Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mouseup", sf.onMouseUp, sf); if (sf.proxy) { sf.wrap.moveTo(sf.proxy.getX(), sf.proxy.getY()); sf.proxy.hide(); } }, onMouseMove: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); var sl = document[Ext.isStrict && !Ext.isWebKit ? 'documentElement' : 'body'].scrollLeft; var st = document[Ext.isStrict && !Ext.isWebKit ? 'documentElement' : 'body'].scrollTop; var sw = sl + this.screenWidth; var sh = st + this.screenHeight; var tx = e.getPageX() + this.relativeX; var ty = e.getPageY() + this.relativeY; if (tx <= sl) tx = sl; if ((tx + this.width) >= (sw - 3)) tx = sw - this.width - 3; if (ty <= st) ty = st; if ((ty + this.height) >= (sh - 30)) ty = Math.max(sh - this.height - 30, 0); this.proxy.moveTo(tx, ty); }, checkDataSetNotification: function () { var r = Leaf.checkNotification(this.cmps); if (r) { var sf = this; A.showConfirm(_lang['dataset.info'], r, function () { sf.close(true); }) return false; } return true; }, showLoading: function () { this.body.update(_lang['window.loading']); this.body.setStyle('text-align', 'center'); this.body.setStyle('line-height', 5); }, clearLoading: function () { this.body.update(''); this.body.setStyle('text-align', ''); this.body.setStyle('line-height', ''); }, initProxy: function () { var sf = this; var p = '<DIV style="border:1px dashed black;Z-INDEX: 10000; LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 100%; CURSOR: move; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 621px;-moz-user-select:none;" unselectable="on"></DIV>' sf.proxy = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.getBody(), p)); // sf.proxy.hide(); var xy = sf.wrap.getXY(); sf.proxy.setWidth(sf.wrap.getWidth()); sf.proxy.setHeight(sf.wrap.getHeight()); sf.proxy.setLocation(xy[0], xy[1]); }, onCloseClick: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); this.close(); }, onCloseOver: function (e) { this.closeBtn.addClass("win-btn-over"); }, onCloseOut: function (e) { this.closeBtn.removeClass("win-btn-over"); }, onCloseDown: function (e) { this.closeBtn.removeClass("win-btn-over"); this.closeBtn.addClass("win-btn-down"); Ext.get(document.documentElement).on("mouseup", this.onCloseUp, this); }, onCloseUp: function (e) { this.closeBtn.removeClass("win-btn-down"); Ext.get(document.documentElement).un("mouseup", this.onCloseUp, this); }, hide: function () { var sf = this; sf.isShow = false; if (sf.modal) A.Cover.uncover(sf.wrap); sf.wrap.setStyle({ display: 'none' }); sf.restoreDocumentOverflow(); }, show: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.modal) A.Cover.cover(sf.wrap); sf.wrap.setStyle({ display: '' }); sf.rememberDocumentOverflow(); sf.isShow = true; }, rememberDocumentOverflow: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.fullScreen) { if(WINDOW_MANAGER.getCurrentCache()){ $jq(Ext.fly(WINDOW_MANAGER.getCurrentCache()).dom.wrap.dom).find(".win-content").css("overflow","hidden") }else{ Ext.fly(document.documentElement).setStyle("overflow","hidden"); } } }, restoreDocumentOverflow: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.fullScreen) { if(WINDOW_MANAGER.getCurrentCache()){ $jq(Ext.fly(WINDOW_MANAGER.getCurrentCache()).dom.wrap.dom).find(".win-content").css("overflow","") }else{ Ext.fly(document.documentElement).setStyle("overflow",""); } } }, close: function (nocheck) { var sf = this; jQuery(".grid-uh").click(); if (sf.fireEvent('beforeclose', sf)) { /* * 当窗口是由右向左弹出,点击关闭是让窗口由左向右收起 * 向平 2017-11-15 */ if (sf.side === 'right') { sf.wrap.addClass('animated slideOutRight'); } /* * 当窗口是由左向右弹出,点击关闭是让窗口由右向左收起 * 向平 2018-02-27 */ if (sf.side === 'left') { sf.wrap.addClass('animated slideOutLeft'); } sf.wrap.addClass('animated zoomOut'); // 增加淡出效果 if (sf.modal) { // 去除下面window遮盖的透明度 var alls = WINDOW_MANAGER.getAll(); for (var i = 0; i < alls.length - 1; i++) { var pw = alls[i]; if (pw != sf) { var cover = A.Cover.container[pw.wrap.id]; } } var cw = alls[alls.length - 1]; if (cw) { var cover = A.Cover.container[cw.wrap.id]; if (cover) { cover.addClass('animated fadeOut03'); } } } // 调整成渐变效果 var d = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function () { if (!nocheck && !sf.checkDataSetNotification()) return; if (sf.usecache) { sf.hide(); return; } if (sf.wrap) sf.wrap.destroying = true; WINDOW_MANAGER.remove(sf); sf.restoreDocumentOverflow(); if (sf.fullScreen && !WINDOW_MANAGER.hasFullWindow() && !WINDOW_MANAGER.hasSideWindow() && !Ext.isIE8) { /*$jq("html").getNiceScroll().remove(); $jq("html").niceScroll({enablemousewheel: true});*/ } if (sf.side && !WINDOW_MANAGER.hasSideWindow() && !WINDOW_MANAGER.hasFullWindow() && !Ext.isIE8) { /*$jq("html").getNiceScroll().remove(); $jq("html").niceScroll({enablemousewheel: true});*/ } sf.destroy(); sf.fireEvent('close', sf); if (this.modal) { // 去除下面window遮盖的透明度 var alls = WINDOW_MANAGER.getAll() for (var i = 0; i < alls.length - 1; i++) { var pw = alls[i]; if (pw != sf) { var cover = A.Cover.container[pw.wrap.id]; if (cover) cover.setStyle({ filter: 'alpha(opacity=0)', opacity: '0', mozopacity: '0' }) } } var cw = alls[alls.length - 1]; if (cw) { var cover = A.Cover.container[cw.wrap.id]; if (cover) { cover.setStyle({ opacity: '', mozopacity: '' }) cover.dom.style.cssText = cover.dom.style.cssText.replace(/filter[^;]*/i, ''); } } } }); if (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7 || Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9) { d.delay(0); } else { d.delay(300); } } if (!Ext.isIE8) { /*$jq("html").getNiceScroll().remove(); $jq("html").niceScroll({enablemousewheel: true});*/ } }, clearBody: function () { for (var key in this.cmps) { var cmp = this.cmps[key]; if (cmp.destroy) { try { cmp.destroy(); } catch (e) { alert('销毁window出错: ' + e) } } } }, destroy: function () { // A.focusWindow = null; var wrap = this.wrap; if (!wrap)return; if (this.proxy) this.proxy.remove(); if (this.modal) A.Cover.uncover(this.wrap); A.Window.superclass.destroy.call(this); this.clearBody(); delete this.title; delete this.head; delete this.body; delete this.closeBtn; delete this.proxy; wrap.remove(); // var sf = this; // setTimeout(function(){ // for(var key in sf.cmps){ // var cmp = sf.cmps[key]; // if(cmp.destroy){ // try{ // cmp.destroy(); // }catch(e){ // alert('销毁window出错: ' + e) // } // } // } // },10) }, /** * 窗口加载. * * @param {String} * url 加载的url * @param {Object} * params 加载的参数 */ load: function (url, params) { // var cmps = A.CmpManager.getAll(); // for(var key in cmps){ // this.oldcmps[key] = cmps[key]; // } this.clearBody(); this.showLoading(); var header = $jq('meta[name=_csrf_header]').attr('content'); var token = $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); if(url.indexOf("function_code")==-1){ if(!params){ params = {}; } if(params&&!params.function_code&&typeof leaf_current_function_code!=="undefined"){ params.function_code = leaf_current_function_code; } } var headers = {}; headers[header] = token; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, headers:headers, params: params || {}, success: this.onLoad.createDelegate(this) }); }, setChildzindex: function (z) { for (var key in this.cmps) { var c = this.cmps[key]; c.setZindex(z) } }, setWidth: function (w) { w = A.getViewportWidth(); A.Window.superclass.setWidth.call(this, w); this.body.setWidth(w - 2); }, setHeight: function (h) { var sf = this, scroll = Ext.getBody().getScroll(), sl = scroll.left, st = scroll.top; h = A.getViewportHeight() - 40; Ext.fly(sf.body.dom.parentNode.parentNode).setHeight(h); sf.body.setHeight(h); sf.wrap.moveTo(sl, st); }, onLoad: function (response, options) { if (!this.body) return; this.clearLoading(); var html = response.responseText; var res try { res = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } catch (e) { } if (res && res.success == false) { if (res.error) { if (res.error.code && res.error.code == 'session_expired' || res.error.code == 'login_required') { if (A.manager.fireEvent('timeout', A.manager)) A.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], _lang['session.expired']); } else { A.manager.fireEvent('ajaxfailed', A.manager, options.url, options.para, res); var st = res.error.stackTrace; st = (st) ? st.replaceAll('\r\n', '</br>') : ''; if (res.error.message) { var h = (st == '') ? 150 : 250; A.showErrorMessage(_lang['window.error'], res.error.message + '</br>' + st, null, 400, h); } else { A.showErrorMessage(_lang['window.error'], st, null, 400, 250); } } } return; } var sf = this this.body.update(html, true, function () { // var cmps = A.CmpManager.getAll(); // for(var key in cmps){ // if(sf.oldcmps[key]==null){ // sf.cmps[key] = cmps[key]; // } // } sf.fireEvent('load', sf) }, this.wrap); if (!Ext.isIE8) { if (!$jq(sf.body.dom).find("div").hasClass("navigationBarContent")) { /*$jq(sf.body.dom).niceScroll();*/ } } } }); /** * * 显示提示信息窗口 * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * callback 回调函数 * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showMessage = function (title, msg, callback, width, height) { return A.showTypeMessage(title, msg, width || 300, height || 120, 'win-info', callback); } /** * 显示带警告图标的窗口 * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * callback 回调函数 * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showWarningMessage = function (title, msg, callback, width, height) { return A.showTypeMessage(title, msg, width || 300, height || 120, 'win-warning', callback); } /** * 显示带信息图标的窗口 * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * callback 回调函数 * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showInfoMessage = function (title, msg, callback, width, height) { return A.showTypeMessage(title, msg, width || 300, height || 120, 'win-info', callback); } /** * 显示带错误图标的窗口 * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * callback 回调函数 * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showErrorMessage = function (title, msg, callback, width, height) { return A.showTypeMessage(title, msg, width || 300, height || 120, 'win-error', callback); } /** * 显示带成功图标的窗口 * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * callback 回调函数 * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showSuccessMessage = function (title, msg, callback, width, height) { return A.showTypeMessage(title, msg, width || 300, height || 120, 'win-success', callback); } A.showTypeMessage = function (title, msg, width, height, css, callback) { var iconCss; if (css == 'win-info') { iconCss = "title-info" } else if (css == 'win-warning') { iconCss = "title-warning" } else if (css == 'win-error') { iconCss = "title-error" } else if (css == 'win-success') { iconCss = "title-success" } else { iconCss = "title-question" } title = '<div class="title-icon ' + iconCss + '"></div>' + '<p style="float: left;margin: 0">' + title + '</p>'; var cutObj = A.cutTextLength({ lines:2, str:msg, width:(width>433?width:433) - 82 }); msg = cutObj.cutStr; if(cutObj.cutFlag){ var msg = '<div class="win-icon ' + css + '"><div class="win-type" title="'+cutObj.str+'" style="max-height:' + (height - 55) + 'px;min-height: 60px">' + msg + '</div></div>'; }else{ var msg = '<div class="win-icon ' + css + '"><div class="win-type" style="max-height:' + (height - 55) + 'px;min-height: 60px">' + msg + '</div></div>'; } return A.showOkWindow(title, msg, width, height, callback); } /** * 带图标的确定窗口. * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * okfun 确定的callback * @param {Function} * cancelfun 取消的callback * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showConfirm = function (title, msg, okfun, cancelfun, width, height) { return A.showOkCancelWindow(title, msg, okfun, cancelfun, width, height); } // A.hideWindow = function(){ // var cmp = A.CmpManager.get('leaf-msg') // if(cmp) cmp.close(); // } // A.showWindow = function(title, msg, width, height, cls){ // cls = cls ||''; // var cmp = A.CmpManager.get('leaf-msg') // if(cmp == null) { // cmp = new A.Window({id:'leaf-msg',title:title, height:height,width:width}); // if(msg){ // cmp.body.update('<div class="'+cls+'" // style="height:'+(height-68)+'px;">'+msg+'</div>'); // } // } // return cmp; // } /** * 带确定取消按钮的窗口. * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * okfun 确定的callback * @param {Function} * cancelfun 取消的callback * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showOkCancelWindow = function (title, msg, okfun, cancelfun, width, height) { // var cmp = A.CmpManager.get('leaf-msg-ok-cancel') // if(cmp == null) { /* * 判断传过来的width是否大于400,是就用传过来的值作为宽度,否则使用默认宽度 * 向平 2017-11-29 */ if (width > 433) { width = width; } else { width = 433; } /* width = width||400; height = height||120;*/ var id = Ext.id(), okid = 'leaf-msg-ok' + id, cancelid = 'leaf-msg-cancel' + id, cancelbtnhtml = A.Button.getTemplate(cancelid, _lang['window.button.cancel']), okbtnhtml = A.Button.getTemplate(okid, _lang['window.button.ok']), cmp = new A.Window({ id: 'leaf-msg-ok-cancel' + id, closeable: true, title: '<div class="title-icon title-question"></div>' + '<p style="float: left;margin: 0">' + title + '</p>', height: height || 239, width: width || 433, isDialog: true }); if (!Ext.isEmpty(msg, true)) { msg = '<div class="win-icon win-question"><div class="win-type" style="width:' + (width - 70) + 'px;max-height:' + (height - 55) + 'px;min-height: 60px">' + msg + '</div></div>'; cmp.body.update(msg + '<center style="float:right;padding:5px;padding-bottom: 24px;padding-right: 28px"><table cellspacing="5"><tr><td style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;">' + okbtnhtml + '</td><td style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;">' + cancelbtnhtml + '</td></tr></table></center>', true, function () { var cancelbtn = $le(cancelid); var okbtn = $le(okid); cmp.cmps[okid] = okbtn; cmp.cmps[cancelid] = cancelbtn; okbtn.on('click', function () { if (okfun && okfun.call(this, cmp) === false)return; cmp.close(); }); cancelbtn.on('click', function () { if (cancelfun && cancelfun.call(this, cmp) === false)return; cmp.close(); }); okbtn.focus.defer(10, okbtn); }); } // } return cmp; } A.showYesNoCancelWindow = function (title, msg, yesfun, nofun, width, height) { // var cmp = A.CmpManager.get('leaf-msg-ok-cancel') // if(cmp == null) { width = width || 433; height = height || 239; var id = Ext.id(), yesid = 'leaf-msg-yes' + id, noid = 'leaf-msg-no' + id, cancelid = 'leaf-msg-cancel' + id, yesbtnhtml = A.Button.getTemplate(yesid, _lang['window.button.yes']), nobtnhtml = A.Button.getTemplate(noid, _lang['window.button.no']), cancelbtnhtml = A.Button.getTemplate(cancelid, _lang['window.button.cancel']), cmp = new A.Window({ id: 'leaf-msg-yes-no-cancel' + id, closeable: true, title: '<div class="title-icon title-question"></div>' + '<p style="float: left;margin: 0">' + title + '</p>', height: height || 239, width: width || 433 }); if (!Ext.isEmpty(msg, true)) { msg = '<div class="win-icon win-question"><div class="win-type" style="width:' + (width - 70) + 'px;max-height:' + (height - 55) + 'px;min-height: 60px">' + msg + '</div></div>'; cmp.body.update(msg + '<center style="padding:5px;padding-bottom: 24px;padding-right: 28px"><table cellspacing="5"><tr><td style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;">' + yesbtnhtml + '</td><td style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;">' + nobtnhtml + '</td><td>' + cancelbtnhtml + '</td></tr></table></center>', true, function () { var yesbtn = $le(yesid), nobtn = $le(noid), cancelbtn = $le(cancelid); cmp.cmps[yesid] = yesbtn; cmp.cmps[noid] = nobtn; cmp.cmps[cancelid] = cancelbtn; yesbtn.on('click', function () { if (yesfun && yesfun.call(this, cmp) === false)return; cmp.close(); }); nobtn.on('click', function () { if (nofun && nofun.call(this, cmp) === false)return; cmp.close(); }); cancelbtn.on('click', function () { cmp.close(); }); yesbtn.focus.defer(10, yesbtn); }); } // } return cmp; } /** * 带确定按钮的窗口. * * @param {String} * title 标题 * @param {String} * msg 内容 * @param {Function} * okfun 确定的callback * @param {Function} * cancelfun 取消的callback * @param {int} * width 宽度 * @param {int} * height 高度 * @return {Window} 窗口对象 */ A.showOkWindow = function (title, msg, width, height, callback) { // var cmp = A.CmpManager.get('leaf-msg-ok'); // if(cmp == null) { if (width > 433) { width = width; } else { width = 433; } var id = Ext.id(), yesid = 'leaf-msg-yes' + id, btnhtml = A.Button.getTemplate(yesid, _lang['window.button.ok']), cmp = new A.Window({ id: 'leaf-msg-ok' + id, closeable: true, title: title, height: height || 239, width: width || 433, isDialog: true }); if (!Ext.isEmpty(msg, true)) { msg = '<div class="win-icon win-question"><div class="win-type" style="width:' + (width - 70) + 'px;max-height:' + (height - 55) + 'px;min-height: 60px">' + msg + '</div></div>'; cmp.body.update(msg + '<center style="padding:12px;float:right;margin-bottom: 24px">' + btnhtml + '</center>', true, function () { var btn = $le(yesid); cmp.cmps[yesid] = btn; btn.on('click', function () { if (callback && callback.call(this, cmp) === false)return; cmp.close(); }); // btn.focus(); btn.focus.defer(10, btn); }); } // } return cmp; } A.cutTextLength = function(opts){ var lines = opts.lines; var str = opts.str; var width = opts.width || 200; var maxLength = width* lines; var temp_str = ""; var flag = false; var temp_span = $jq('<span style="display:none;font-size:14px;"></span>').appendTo($jq("body")); for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ temp_str = str.substring(0,i+1); temp_span.html(temp_str); if(temp_span.width() >= maxLength){ flag = true; temp_str = temp_str.substring(0,temp_str.length-3); temp_str = temp_str + "..."; break; } } temp_span.remove(); return { cutStr:temp_str, str:str, cutFlag:flag }; } /** * 上传附件窗口. * * @param {String} * path 当前的context路径 * @param {String} * title 上传窗口标题 * @param {int} * pkvalue pkvalue * @param {String} * source_type source_type * @param {int} * max_size 最大上传大小(单位kb) 0表示不限制 * @param {String} * file_type 上传类型(*.doc,*.jpg) * @param {String} * callback 回调函数的名字 */ A.showUploadWindow = function (path, title, source_type, pkvalue, max_size, file_type, callback) { new Leaf.Window({ id: 'upload_window', url: path + '/upload.lview?callback=' + callback + '&pkvalue=' + pkvalue + '&source_type=' + source_type + '&max_size=' + (max_size || 0) + '&file_type=' + (file_type || '*.*'), title: title || _lang['window.upload.title'], height: 330, width: 595 }); }; })($L); (function (A) { var CH_REG = /[^\x00-\xff]/g, _N = '', TR$TABINDEX = 'tr[tabindex]', DIV$ITEM_RECEIVER_INFO = 'div.item-receiver-info', SYMBOL = ';', SELECTED_CLS = 'autocomplete-selected', EVT_MOUSE_MOVE = 'mousemove', EVT_COMMIT = 'commit'; /** * @class Leaf.MultiTextField * @extends Leaf.TextField * <p> * 多文本输入组件. * @author huazhen.wu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ A.MultiTextField = Ext.extend(A.TextField, { infoTpl: ['<div class="item-receiver-info" _data="{data}" style="float:left;margin-right:10px;"><span class="item-receiver-info-name">{text};</span></div>'], processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; A.MultiTextField.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.wrap[ou]('mousedown', sf.onWrapFocus, sf, {preventDefault: true}) [ou]('mouseup', sf.onWrapClick, sf); }, initEvents: function () { A.MultiTextField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event commit commit事件. * @param {Leaf.MultiTextField} * multiTextField 当前MultiTextField组件. * @param {Leaf.Record} * r1 当前MultiTextField绑定的Record * @param {Leaf.Record} * r2 选中的Record. */ EVT_COMMIT ); }, onWrapClick: function (e, t) { t = Ext.fly(t); if (t.hasClass('item-receiver-info-close')) { this.removeItem(t.parent(DIV$ITEM_RECEIVER_INFO)); } }, onWrapFocus: function (e, t) { var sf = this; e.stopEvent(); if (Ext.isIE && t !== sf.el.dom) sf.hasFocus = false; sf.focus.defer(Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, sf); }, onBlur: function () { var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; if (sf.hasFocus) { if (Ext.isIE && sf.hasChange) {// for IE sf.fetchRecord(); sf.hasChange = false; } else if (!sf.fetching && ( !view || !view.isShow)) { A.MultiTextField.superclass.onBlur.call(sf); } sf.hasFocus = false; sf.wrap.removeClass(sf.focusCss); } }, onChange: function () { var sf = this, value = sf.getRawValue(), view = sf.autocompleteview; A.MultiTextField.superclass.onChange.call(sf); if (!view || !view.isShow) if (sf.hasFocus) { sf.fetchRecord(); } else if (Ext.isIE) { sf.hasChange = true;// for IE } }, processValue: function (v) { if (this.binder) { var name = this.binder.name, arr = []; Ext.each(this.items, function (item) { arr.push(item[name]); }); return arr.join(SYMBOL); } else { return v; } }, formatValue: function (v) { var sf = this, v, r = sf.record, binder = sf.binder, name, mapTos = []; sf.clearAllItems(); if (r && !Ext.isEmpty(v = r.get(name = sf.binder.name))) { Ext.each(sf.getMapping(), function (map) { var to = map.to, toValue = String(r.get(to)); if (name != to) { mapTos.push({name: to, values: Ext.isEmpty(toValue) ? [] : toValue.split(SYMBOL)}); } }) Ext.each(String(v).split(SYMBOL), function (item, index) { var obj = {}; Ext.each(mapTos, function (mapTo) { obj[mapTo.name] = mapTo.values[index]; }); obj[name] = item; sf.items.push(obj); sf.addItem(A.MultiTextField.superclass.formatValue.call(sf, item)).item = obj; }); } return _N; }, onKeyDown: function (e) { var sf = this, value = sf.getRawValue(), length = sf.getValueLength(value); if (e.keyCode === 8) { if (value === _N) { sf.removeItem(sf.el.prev()); } else { sf.setSize(length - 1); } } else if (e.keyCode === 186) { sf.fetchRecord(); e.stopEvent(); } else sf.setSize(length + 1); A.MultiTextField.superclass.onKeyDown.call(sf, e); }, getValueLength: function (str) { var c = 0, i = 0, cLength = A.defaultChineseLength; for (; i < str.length; i++) { var cl = str.charAt(i).match(CH_REG); c += cl != null && cl.length > 0 ? cLength : 1; } return c; }, onKeyUp: function () { this.setSize(this.getValueLength(this.getRawValue())); }, onViewSelect: function (r) { var sf = this; if (!r) { if (sf.autocompleteview.isLoaded) sf.fetchRecord(); } else { sf.commit(r); } sf.focus(); }, commit: function (r, lr, mapping) { var sf = this, record = lr || sf.record, name = sf.binder.name, obj = {}; if (record && r) { Ext.each(mapping || sf.getMapping(), function (map) { var from = r.get(map.from), v = record.get(map.to); if (!Ext.isEmpty(from)) { obj[map.to] = from; if (!Ext.isEmpty(v)) { from = v + SYMBOL + from; } } else { from = v; } record.set(map.to, from); }); } sf.win.close(); sf.fireEvent(EVT_COMMIT, sf, record, r) }, setSize: function (size) { this.el.set({size: size + 2 || 1}); }, addItem: function (text, noCloseBtn) { if (text) { var sf = this, tpl = sf.infoTpl; sf.setSize(1); return new Ext.Template(noCloseBtn ? tpl[0] + tpl[2] : tpl).insertBefore(sf.el, { text: text, data: text }, true); } }, removeItem: function (t) { if (t) { var sf = this, r = sf.record; Ext.each(sf.getMapping(), function (map) { var arr = []; Ext.each(sf.items.remove(t.item), function (item) { arr.push(item[map.to]); }); r.set(map.to, arr.join(SYMBOL)); }); } }, clearAllItems: function () { this.items = []; this.wrap.select(DIV$ITEM_RECEIVER_INFO).remove(); }, fetchRecord: function () { if (this.readonly || !this.binder)return; var sf = this, binder = sf.binder, v = sf.getRawValue(), record = sf.record, name = binder.name; if (sf.fetchremote) { sf.fetching = true; var url, svc = sf.service, mapping = sf.getMapping(), p = {}, sidebar = A.SideBar, autocompletefield = sf.autocompletefield; if (!Ext.isEmpty(svc)) { url = Ext.urlAppend(sf.context + 'autocrud/' + svc + '/query?pagenum=1&_fetchall=false&_autocount=false', Ext.urlEncode(sf.getPara())); } if (record == null && binder) record = binder.ds.create({}, false); record.isReady = false; if (autocompletefield) { p[autocompletefield] = v; } else { Ext.each(mapping, function (map) { if (name == map.to) { p[map.from] = v; } }); } A.slideBarEnable = sidebar.enable; sidebar.enable = false; if (Ext.isEmpty(v) || Ext.isEmpty(svc)) { sf.fetching = false; record.isReady = true; sidebar.enable = A.slideBarEnable; return; } sf.setRawValue(_N); var info = sf.addItem(_lang['lov.query'], true); sf.qtId = A.request({ url: url, para: p, success: function (res) { var r = new A.Record({}); if (res.result.record) { var datas = [].concat(res.result.record), l = datas.length; if (l > 0) { if (sf.fetchsingle && l > 1) { var sb = sf.createListView(datas, binder).join(_N), div = new Ext.Template('<div style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0">{sb}</div>').append(document.body, {'sb': sb}, true), cmp = sf.fetchSingleWindow = new A.Window({ id: sf.id + '_fetchmulti', closeable: true, title: '请选择', height: Math.min(div.getHeight(), sf.maxHeight), width: Math.max(div.getWidth(), 200) }); div.remove(); cmp.body.update(sb) .on(EVT_MOUSE_MOVE, sf.onViewMove, sf) .on('dblclick', function (e, t) { t = Ext.fly(t).parent(TR$TABINDEX); var index = t.dom.tabIndex; if (index < -1)return; var r2 = new A.Record(datas[index]); sf.commit(r2, record, mapping); cmp.close(); }) .child('table').setWidth('100%'); } else { r = new A.Record(datas[0]); } } } sf.fetching = false; info.remove(); sf.commit(r, record, mapping); record.isReady = true; sidebar.enable = A.slideBarEnable; }, error: sf.onFetchFailed, scope: sf }); } else { var v2 = record.get(name); record.set(name, Ext.isEmpty(v2) ? v : v2 + SYMBOL + v); } }, createListView: function (datas, binder, isRecord) { var sb = ['<table class="autocomplete" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'], displayFields = binder.ds.getField(binder.name).getPropertity('displayFields'); if (displayFields && displayFields.length) { sb.push('<tr tabIndex="-2" class="autocomplete-head">'); Ext.each(displayFields, function (field) { sb.push('<td>', field.prompt, '</td>'); }); sb.push('</tr>'); } for (var i = 0, l = datas.length; i < l; i++) { var d = datas[i]; sb.push('<tr tabIndex="', i, '"', i % 2 == 1 ? ' class="autocomplete-row-alt"' : _N, '>', this.getRenderText(isRecord ? d : new A.Record(d), displayFields), '</tr>'); // sf.litp.applyTemplate(d)等数据源明确以后再修改 } sb.push('</table>'); return sb; }, getRenderText: function (record, displayFields) { var sf = this, rder = A.getRenderer(sf.autocompleterenderer), text = [], fn = function (t) { var v = record.get(t); text.push('<td>', Ext.isEmpty(v) ? ' ' : v, '</td>'); }; if (rder) { text.push(rder(sf, record)); } else if (displayFields) { Ext.each(displayFields, function (field) { fn(field.name); }); } else { fn(sf.autocompletefield) } return text.join(_N); }, onViewMove: function (e, t) { this.selectItem((Ext.fly(t).findParent(TR$TABINDEX) || t).tabIndex); }, selectItem: function (index) { if (Ext.isEmpty(index) || index < -1) { return; } var sf = this, node = sf.getNode(index), selectedIndex = sf.selectedIndex; if (node && node.tabIndex != selectedIndex) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(selectedIndex)) { Ext.fly(sf.getNode(selectedIndex)).removeClass(SELECTED_CLS); } sf.selectedIndex = node.tabIndex; Ext.fly(node).addClass(SELECTED_CLS); } }, getNode: function (index) { var nodes = this.fetchSingleWindow.body.query('tr[tabindex!=-2]'), l = nodes.length; if (index >= l) index = index % l; else if (index < 0) index = l + index % l; return nodes[index]; }, select: function () { } }); })($L); (function (A) { var _N = '', TR$TABINDEX = 'tr[tabindex]', WIDTH = 'width', PX = 'px', SELECTED_CLS = 'autocomplete-selected', EVT_CLICK = 'click', EVT_MOUSE_MOVE = 'mousemove', EVT_BEFORE_COMMIT = 'beforecommit', EVT_COMMIT = 'commit', EVT_BEFORE_TRIGGER_CLICK = 'beforetriggerclick', EVT_FETCHING = 'fetching', EVT_FETCHED = 'fetched'; /** * @class Leaf.Lov * @extends Leaf.TextField * <p> * Lov 值列表组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ A.Lov = Ext.extend(A.TextField, { constructor: function (config) { var sf = this; sf.isWinOpen = false; sf.fetching = false; sf.fetchremote = true; sf.maxHeight = 240; A.Lov.superclass.constructor.call(sf, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; A.Lov.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); // lovservice = sf.lovservice, // lovmodel = sf.lovmodel, // autocomplete = sf.autocomplete; // field = sf.autocompletefield, // view = sf.autocompleteview; // if(!Ext.isEmpty(lovservice)){ // svc = sf.lovservice = sf.processParmater(lovservice); // }else if(!Ext.isEmpty(lovmodel)){ // svc = sf.lovmodel = sf.processParmater(lovmodel); // } // if(sf.autocomplete && svc){ // if(!field){ // Ext.each(sf.getMapping(),function(map){ // if(map.to == sf.binder.name) field = sf.autocompletefield = map.from; // }); // } // if(view){ // view.destroy(); // view.un('select',sf.onViewSelect,sf); // } // view = sf.autocompleteview = new A.AutoCompleteView({ // id:sf.id, // el:sf.el, // url:sf.context + 'autocrud/'+svc+'/query', // name:field, // size:sf.autocompletesize, // pagesize:sf.autocompletepagesize, // renderer:sf.autocompleterenderer, // binder : sf.binder // }); // view.bind(sf); // view.on('select',sf.onViewSelect,sf); // } sf.trigger = sf.wrap.child('div[atype=triggerfield.trigger]'); }, processParmater: function (url) { var li = url.indexOf('?') if (li != -1) { this.para = Ext.urlDecode(url.substring(li + 1, url.length)); return url.substring(0, li); } return url; }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; A.Lov.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.trigger[ou]('mousedown', sf.onWrapFocus, sf, {preventDefault: true}) [ou](EVT_CLICK, sf.onTriggerClick, sf, {preventDefault: true}); }, initEvents: function () { A.Lov.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event beforecommit commit之前事件. * @param {Leaf.Lov} * lov 当前Lov组件. * @param {Leaf.Record} * r1 当前lov绑定的Record * @param {Leaf.Record} * r2 选中的Record. */ EVT_BEFORE_COMMIT, /** * @event commit commit事件. * @param {Leaf.Lov} * lov 当前Lov组件. * @param {Leaf.Record} * r1 当前lov绑定的Record * @param {Leaf.Record} * r2 选中的Record. */ EVT_COMMIT, /** * @event beforetriggerclick 点击弹出框按钮之前的事件。 * @param {Leaf.Lov} * lov 当前Lov组件. */ EVT_BEFORE_TRIGGER_CLICK, /** * @event fetching 正在获取记录的事件 * @param {Leaf.Lov} * lov 当前Lov组件. */ EVT_FETCHING, /** * @event fetched 获得记录的事件 * @param {Leaf.Lov} * lov 当前Lov组件. */ EVT_FETCHED); }, onWrapFocus: function (e, t) { var sf = this; e.stopEvent(); sf.focus.defer(Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, sf); }, onTriggerClick: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; if (sf.fireEvent(EVT_BEFORE_TRIGGER_CLICK, sf)) { sf.showLovWindow(); } }, destroy: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.qtId) { Ext.Ajax.abort(sf.qtId); } A.Lov.superclass.destroy.call(sf); }, clearBind: function () { var sf = this; A.Lov.superclass.clearBind.call(sf); sf.lovurl = null; sf.service = null; sf.autocompleteservice = null sf.lovservice = null; sf.lovmodel = null; }, setWidth: function (w) { this.wrap.setStyle(WIDTH, (w + 3) + PX); // this.el.setStyle(WIDTH,(w-20)+PX); }, onBlur: function () { var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; if (!view || !view.isShow) { $L.Lov.superclass.onBlur.call(sf); } }, onChange: function (e) { var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; A.Lov.superclass.onChange.call(sf); if (!view || !view.isShow) sf.fetchRecord(); }, onKeyDown: function (e) { if (this.isWinOpen)return; var sf = this, keyCode = e.keyCode, view = sf.autocompleteview; if (!view || !view.isShow) { if (!e.ctrlKey && keyCode == 40) { e.stopEvent(); sf.showLovWindow(); } A.Lov.superclass.onKeyDown.call(sf, e); } }, onViewSelect: function (r) { var sf = this; if (!r) { if (sf.autocompleteview.isLoaded) sf.fetchRecord(); } else { sf.setValue(''); sf.commit(r); } sf.focus(); }, createListView: function (datas, binder, isRecord) { var sb = ['<table class="autocomplete" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'], displayFields = binder.ds.getField(binder.name).getPropertity('displayFields'); if (displayFields && displayFields.length) { sb.push('<tr tabIndex="-2" class="autocomplete-head">'); Ext.each(displayFields, function (field) { sb.push('<td>', field.prompt, '</td>'); }); sb.push('</tr>'); } for (var i = 0, l = datas.length; i < l; i++) { var d = datas[i]; sb.push('<tr tabIndex="', i, '"', i % 2 == 1 ? ' class="autocomplete-row-alt"' : _N, '>', this.getRenderText(isRecord ? d : new $L.Record(d), displayFields), '</tr>'); // sf.litp.applyTemplate(d)等数据源明确以后再修改 } sb.push('</table>'); return sb; }, getRenderText: function (record, displayFields) { var sf = this, rder = A.getRenderer(sf.autocompleterenderer), text = [], fn = function (t) { var v = record.get(t); text.push('<td>', Ext.isEmpty(v) ? ' ' : v, '</td>'); }; if (rder) { text.push(rder(sf, record)); } else if (displayFields) { Ext.each(displayFields, function (field) { fn(field.name); }); } else { fn(sf.autocompletefield) } return text.join(_N); }, canHide: function () { return this.isWinOpen == false; }, commit: function (r, lr, mapping) { var sf = this, record = lr || sf.record; if (sf.fireEvent(EVT_BEFORE_COMMIT, sf, record, r) !== false) { if (sf.win) sf.win.close(); // sf.setRawValue(_N) if (record && r) { Ext.each(mapping || sf.getMapping(), function (map) { var from = r.get(map.from); record.set(map.to, Ext.isEmpty(from) ? _N : from); }); } // else{ // sf.setValue() // } sf.fireEvent(EVT_COMMIT, sf, record, r) } }, // setValue: function(v, silent){ // A.Lov.superclass.setValue.call(this, v, silent); // if(this.record && this.dataRecord && silent !== true){ // var mapping = this.getMapping(); // for(var i=0;i<mapping.length;i++){ // var map = mapping[i]; // this.record.set(map.to,this.dataRecord.get(map.from)); // } // } // }, onWinClose: function () { var sf = this; sf.isWinOpen = false; sf.win = null; if (!Ext.isIE6 && !Ext.isIE7) {// TODO:不知什么地方会导致冲突,ie6 ie7 会死掉 sf.focus(); } else { (function () { sf.focus() }).defer(10); } }, getLovPara: function () { return this.getPara(); }, fetchRecord: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.readonly == true || !sf.fetchremote) return; sf.fetching = true; var v = sf.getRawValue(), url, svc = sf.service, mapping = sf.getMapping(), record = sf.record, p = {}, binder = sf.binder, sidebar = A.SideBar, autocompletefield = sf.autocompletefield; if (!Ext.isEmpty(v) && sf.fuzzyfetch) { v += '%'; } if (!Ext.isEmpty(svc)) { // url = sf.context + // 'sys_lov.lsc?svc='+sf.lovservice+'&pagesize=1&pagenum=1&_fetchall=false&_autocount=false&'+ // Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara()); url = Ext.urlAppend(sf.context + 'autocrud/' + svc + '/query?pagenum=1&_fetchall=false&_autocount=false', Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara())); } if (record == null && binder) record = binder.ds.create({}, false); record.isReady = false; if (autocompletefield) { p[autocompletefield] = v; Ext.each(mapping, function (map) { record.set(map.to, _N); }); } else { Ext.each(mapping, function (map) { if (binder.name == map.to) { p[map.from] = v; } record.set(map.to, _N); }); } A.slideBarEnable = sidebar.enable; sidebar.enable = false; if (Ext.isEmpty(v) || Ext.isEmpty(svc)) { sf.fetching = false; record.isReady = true; sidebar.enable = A.slideBarEnable; return; } $L.Masker.mask(sf.wrap, _lang['lov.query']); // sf.setRawValue(_lang['lov.query']) sf.fireEvent(EVT_FETCHING, sf); sf.qtId = A.request({ url: url, para: p, success: function (res) { var r = new A.Record({}); if (res.result.record) { var datas = [].concat(res.result.record), l = datas.length; if (l > 0) { if (sf.fetchsingle && l > 1) { var sb = sf.createListView(datas, binder).join(_N), div = new Ext.Template('<div style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0">{sb}</div>').append(document.body, {'sb': sb}, true), xy = sf.wrap.getXY(), cmp = sf.fetchSingleWindow = new A.Window({ id: sf.id + '_fetchmulti', closeable: true, title: '请选择', height: Math.min(div.getHeight(), sf.maxHeight), width: Math.max(div.getWidth(), 200), x: xy[0], y: xy[1] + sf.wrap.getHeight() }); div.remove(); cmp.on('close', function () { sf.focus(); }); cmp.body.update(sb) .on(EVT_MOUSE_MOVE, sf.onViewMove, sf) .on('dblclick', function (e, t) { t = Ext.fly(t).parent(TR$TABINDEX); var index = t.dom.tabIndex; if (index < -1)return; var r2 = new A.Record(datas[index]); sf.commit(r2, record, mapping); cmp.close(); }) .child('table').setWidth('100%'); } else { r = new A.Record(datas[0]); } } } sf.fetching = false; $L.Masker.unmask(sf.wrap); // sf.setRawValue(_N); sf.commit(r, record, mapping); record.isReady = true; sidebar.enable = A.slideBarEnable; sf.fireEvent(EVT_FETCHED, sf); }, error: sf.onFetchFailed, scope: sf }); }, onViewMove: function (e, t) { this.selectItem((Ext.fly(t).findParent(TR$TABINDEX) || t).tabIndex); }, selectItem: function (index) { if (Ext.isEmpty(index) || index < -1) { return; } var sf = this, node = sf.getNode(index), selectedIndex = sf.selectedIndex; if (node && node.tabIndex != selectedIndex) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(selectedIndex)) { Ext.fly(sf.getNode(selectedIndex)).removeClass(SELECTED_CLS); } sf.selectedIndex = node.tabIndex; Ext.fly(node).addClass(SELECTED_CLS); } }, getNode: function (index) { var nodes = this.fetchSingleWindow.body.query('tr[tabindex!=-2]'), l = nodes.length; if (index >= l) index = index % l; else if (index < 0) index = l + index % l; return nodes[index]; }, onFetchFailed: function (res) { var sf = this; sf.fetching = false; A.SideBar.enable = A.slideBarEnable; sf.fireEvent(EVT_FETCHED, sf); }, showLovWindow: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.fetching || sf.isWinOpen || sf.readonly) return; var v = sf.getRawValue(), lovurl = sf.lovurl, svc = sf.service, ctx = sf.context, w = Math.max(sf.lovwidth || 515, 515), url; sf.blur(); var h = 510,girdH=355; if($L.getViewportHeight()<505){ h = 435; girdH=275; } if (sf.lovheight&&sf.lovheight >= h) { h = sf.lovheight; } if (!Ext.isEmpty(lovurl)) { url = Ext.urlAppend(lovurl, Ext.urlEncode(sf.getFieldPara())); } else if (!Ext.isEmpty(svc)) { // url = sf.context + 'sys_lov.lview?url='+encodeURIComponent(sf.context + // 'sys_lov.lsc?svc='+sf.lovservice + '&'+ // Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara()))+'&service='+sf.lovservice+'&'; if(svc[0] == '/'){ url = ctx + 'sys_lov_common.lview?url=' + encodeURIComponent(ctx + sf.controller.substr(1), Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara())) + '&service=' + encodeURIComponent(svc) + '&dto=' + encodeURIComponent(sf['dto']); }else { url = ctx + 'sys_lov.lview?url=' + encodeURIComponent(Ext.urlAppend(ctx + 'autocrud/' + svc + '/query', Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara()))) + '&service=' + svc; } } if (url) { sf.isWinOpen = true; sf.win = new A.Window({ title: sf.title || 'Lov', url: Ext.urlAppend(url, "lovid=" + sf.id + "&key=" + encodeURIComponent(v) + "&gridheight=" + Math.max(sf.lovgridheight || girdH, girdH) + "&innerwidth=" + (w - 15) + "&lovautoquery=" + (Ext.isEmpty(sf.lovautoquery) ? 'true' : sf.lovautoquery) + "&lovlabelwidth=" + Math.max(sf.lovlabelwidth || 110, 110) + "&lovpagesize=" + (sf.lovpagesize || '')), height: h, width: w }); sf.win.on('close', sf.onWinClose, sf); } }, isEventFromComponent: function (el) { var popup = this.autocompleteview; return $L.Lov.superclass.isEventFromComponent.call(this, el) || (popup && popup.wrap.contains(el)); } }); /** * @class Leaf.Tledit * @extends Leaf.TextField * <p> * Tledit 多语言输入框 * @author zhao.xu@hand-china.com */ A.Tledit = Ext.extend($L.TextField, { constructor: function (config) { var sf = this; sf.isWinOpen = false; A.Tledit.superclass.constructor.call(sf, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; A.Tledit.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); sf.trigger = sf.wrap.child('div[atype=triggerfield.trigger]'); }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; A.Tledit.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.trigger[ou]('mousedown', sf.onWrapFocus, sf, {preventDefault: true}) [ou](EVT_CLICK, sf.onTriggerClick, sf, {preventDefault: true}); }, initEvents: function () { A.Tledit.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( EVT_BEFORE_TRIGGER_CLICK); }, onWrapFocus: function (e, t) { var sf = this; e.stopEvent(); sf.focus.defer(Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, sf); }, commit: function (r, currentLang) { var sf = this, fieldName = sf.getBindName(), // field_multi =fieldName+'_multi'; record = sf.record; if (record && r && currentLang) { sf.setValue(r.get(currentLang)); // record.set(field_multi,r.data); for (key in r.data) { // /** * 徐昭 2017/11/06 19:03 * 多语言字段修改,王子明让添加的多语言后缀 */ record.set(fieldName + '_' + key + '_mutl', r.data[key]); } } if (sf.win) sf.win.close(); }, onWinClose: function () { var sf = this; sf.isWinOpen = false; sf.win = null; if (!Ext.isIE6 && !Ext.isIE7) {// TODO:不知什么地方会导致冲突,ie6 ie7 会死掉 sf.focus(); } else { (function () { sf.focus() }).defer(10); } }, onTriggerClick: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); var sf = this; if (sf.fireEvent(EVT_BEFORE_TRIGGER_CLICK, sf)) { sf.showTleditWindow(); } }, showTleditWindow: function () { var sf = this, ctx = sf.context, record = sf.record, descIdField = sf.descidfield, width = sf.tleditWidth || 400, height = sf.tleditHeight || 190, margin = sf.tleditMargin || 30; description_id = record ? (record.get(descIdField) || '') : '', url = ctx + 'sys_tledit.lview?description_id=' + description_id; sf.isWinOpen = true; sf.win = new A.Window({ title: sf.title || '输入多语言信息', url: Ext.urlAppend(url, "tleditid=" + sf.id + "&margin=" + margin), width: width, height: height }); sf.win.on('close', sf.onWinClose, sf); } }); })($L); /* * (function(A){ var TEMPLATE = ['<div tabIndex="-2" class="item-popup" * style="visibility:hidden;background-color:#fff;">','</div>'], * SHADOW_TEMPLATE = ['<div class="item-shadow" style="visibility:hidden;">','</div>'], * EVT_MOUSE_DOWN = 'mousedown', EVT_SHOW = 'show', EVT_HIDE = 'hide', * EVT_RENDER = 'render', EVT_BEFORE_RENDER = 'beforerender'; A.Popup = * Ext.extend(A.Component,{ constructor : function(config) { var id = * 'leaf-item-popup',popup = A.CmpManager.get(id); if(popup)return popup; * config.id=id; A.Popup.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, * initComponent : function(config){ var sf = this; * A.Popup.superclass.initComponent.call(sf,config); sf.wrap = new * Ext.Template(TEMPLATE).insertFirst(document.body,{width:sf.width,height:sf.height},true); * sf.shadow = new * Ext.Template(SHADOW_TEMPLATE).insertFirst(document.body,{width:sf.width,height:sf.height},true); }, * initEvents : function(){ A.Popup.superclass.initEvents.call(this); * this.addEvents( EVT_SHOW, EVT_HIDE, EVT_BEFORE_RENDER, EVT_RENDER ); }, * processDataSet: function(ou){ var sf = this,ds = sf.optionDataSet; if(ds){ * ds[ou]('load', sf.onDataSetLoad, sf); ds[ou]('query', sf.onDataSetQuery, sf); } }, * * onDataSetQuery : function(){ this.fireEvent(EVT_BEFORE_RENDER,this) }, * onDataSetLoad : function(){ this.fireEvent(EVT_RENDER,this) }, // update : * function(){ // this.wrap.update.apply(this.wrap,Ext.toArray(arguments)); // }, * show : function(){ var sf = this; if(!sf.isShow){ sf.isShow=true; * sf.fireEvent(EVT_SHOW,sf); sf.wrap.show(); sf.shadow.show(); * Ext.get(document).on(EVT_MOUSE_DOWN,sf.trigger,sf); } }, trigger : * function(e){ var sf = this; if(!sf.wrap.contains(e.target) * &&(!sf.owner||!sf.owner.wrap.contains(e.target))){ sf.hide(); } }, hide : * function(e){ var sf = this; if(sf.isShow){ sf.isShow=false; * sf.fireEvent(EVT_HIDE,sf) Ext.get(document).un(EVT_MOUSE_DOWN,sf.trigger,sf) * sf.wrap.hide(); sf.shadow.hide(); } }, moveTo : function(x,y){ * this.wrap.moveTo(x,y); this.shadow.moveTo(x+3,y+3); }, setHeight : * function(h){ this.wrap.setHeight(h); this.shadow.setHeight(h); }, setWidth : * function(w){ //this.wrap.setWidth(w); this.shadow.setWidth(w); }, getHeight : * function(){ return this.wrap.getHeight(); }, getWidth : function(){ return * this.wrap.getWidth(); }, addClass : function(className){ * this.wrap.dom.className = "item-popup "+className; // if(this.customClass == * className)return; // * if(this.customClass)this.wrap.removeClass(this.customClass); // * this.customClass = className; // this.wrap.addClass(this.customClass); }, * bind : function(ds,cmp){ var sf = this; sf.owner = cmp; if(sf.optionDataSet != * ds){ sf.processDataSet('un'); sf.optionDataSet = ds; sf.processDataSet('on'); } }, * destroy : function(){ A.Popup.superclass.destroy.call(this); * this.processDataSet('un'); delete this.shadow; } }); * * })($L); */ /** * @class Leaf.MultiLov * @extends Leaf.Lov * <p> * MultiLov 值列表组件. * @author huazhen.wu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.MultiLov = Ext.extend($L.MultiTextField, { constructor: function (config) { this.fetchremote = true; $L.MultiLov.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { var sf = this; $L.MultiLov.superclass.initComponent.call(sf, config); sf.trigger = sf.wrap.child('div[atype=triggerfield.trigger]'); sf.saveRecord = {}; }, initEvents: function () { $L.MultiLov.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event beforetriggerclick 点击弹出框按钮之前的事件。 * @param {Leaf.Lov} * lov 当前Lov组件. */ 'beforetriggerclick' ); }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.MultiLov.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.trigger[ou]('mousedown', sf.onWrapFocus, sf, {preventDefault: true}) [ou]('click', sf.onTriggerClick, sf, {preventDefault: true}); }, onTriggerClick: function (e) { e.stopEvent(); var sf = this, view = sf.autocompleteview; if (sf.fireEvent('beforetriggerclick', sf)) { sf.showLovWindow(); } }, getLovPara: function () { return this.getPara(); }, onWinClose: function () { var sf = this; sf.isWinOpen = false; sf.win = null; if (!Ext.isIE6 && !Ext.isIE7) {// TODO:不知什么地方会导致冲突,ie6 ie7 会死掉 sf.focus(); } else { (function () { sf.focus() }).defer(10); } }, showLovWindow: function () { var sf = this; var fieldRecord = sf.saveRecord; if (sf.fetching || sf.isWinOpen || sf.readonly) return; var v = sf.getRawValue(), lovurl = sf.lovurl, svc = sf.service, ctx = sf.context, w = sf.lovwidth || 600, h = sf.lovheight || 400, url; sf.blur(); var url; if (!Ext.isEmpty(lovurl)) { url = Ext.urlAppend(lovurl, Ext.urlEncode(sf.getFieldPara())); } else if (!Ext.isEmpty(svc)) { // url = sf.context + 'sys_lov.lview?url='+encodeURIComponent(sf.context + // 'sys_lov.lsc?svc='+sf.lovservice + '&'+ // Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara()))+'&service='+sf.lovservice+'&'; var showCode = sf.autocompletefield; if (showCode) { url = ctx + 'sys_multiLov.lview?url=' + encodeURIComponent(Ext.urlAppend(ctx + 'autocrud/' + svc + '/query', Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara()))) + '&service=' + svc + '&fieldRecord=' + JSON.stringify(fieldRecord) + '&showCode=' + showCode; } else { var mapps = sf.getMapping(); var showCode = mapps[1].from; url = ctx + 'sys_multiLov.lview?url=' + encodeURIComponent(Ext.urlAppend(ctx + 'autocrud/' + svc + '/query', Ext.urlEncode(sf.getLovPara()))) + '&service=' + svc + '&fieldRecord=' + JSON.stringify(fieldRecord) + '&showCode=' + showCode; } } if (url) { sf.isWinOpen = true; sf.win = new $L.Window({ title: sf.title || 'Lov', url: Ext.urlAppend(url, "lovid=" + sf.id + "&key=" + encodeURIComponent(v) + "&gridheight=" + (sf.lovgridheight - 60 || 200) + "&innerwidth=" + (w - 30) + "&innergridwidth=" + Math.round((w - 90) / 2) + "&lovautoquery=" + (Ext.isEmpty(sf.lovautoquery) ? 'true' : sf.lovautoquery) + "&lovlabelwidth=" + (sf.lovlabelwidth || 75) + "&lovpagesize=" + (sf.lovpagesize || '')), height: h, width: w }); sf.win.on('close', sf.onWinClose, sf); } }, commit: function (r, lr, mapping) { var sf = this, record = lr || sf.record, name = sf.binder.name, obj = {}; var item_textField = sf.wrap.child('.item-textField'); if (r.length > 0) { item_textField.setStyle('display', 'none'); } else { item_textField.setStyle('display', 'block'); } sf.saveRecord = {}; sf.clearAllItems(); sf.record.ds.reset(); for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { if (record && r[i]) { sf.saveRecord[i] = r[i].data; Ext.each(mapping || sf.getMapping(), function (map) { var from = r[i].get(map.from), v = record.get(map.to); if (!Ext.isEmpty(from)) { obj[map.to] = from; if (!Ext.isEmpty(v)) { var SYMBOL = ";"; from = v + SYMBOL + from; } } else { from = v; } record.set(map.to, from); }); } } sf.win.close(); // sf.fireEvent(EVT_COMMIT, sf, record, r) }, setSize: function (size) { this.el.set({size: size + 2 || 1}); } }); /** * @class Leaf.TextArea * @extends Leaf.Field * <p> * TextArea组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.TextArea = Ext.extend($L.Field, { constructor: function (config) { $L.TextArea.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.TextArea.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); }, initEvents: function () { $L.TextArea.superclass.initEvents.call(this); }, initElements: function () { this.inputWrap = this.el = this.wrap; }, onKeyDown: function (e) { } // ,setRawValue : function(v){ // this.el.update(v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); // } // ,getRawValue : function(){ // var v = this.el.dom.innerHTML; // if(v === this.emptytext || v === undefined){ // v = ''; // } // return v; // } }) $L.Customization = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function (config) { $L.Customization.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.id = config.id || Ext.id(); $L.CmpManager.put(this.id, this) this.initConfig = config; }, start: function (config) { var sf = this; this.scanInterval = setInterval(function () { var cmps = $L.CmpManager.getAll(); for (var key in cmps) { var cmp = cmps[key]; if (cmp.iscust == true) { cmp.on('mouseover', sf.onCmpOver, sf); } } }, 500); }, mask: function (el) { var w = el.getWidth(); var h = el.getHeight();// leftp:0px;top:0px; 是否引起resize? var p = '<div title="点击设置个性化" style="border:2px solid #000;cursor:pointer;left:-10000px;top:-10000px;width:' + (w) + 'px;height:' + (h) + 'px;position: absolute;"><div style="width:100%;height:100%;filter: alpha(opacity=0);opacity: 0;mozopacity: 0;background-color:#ffffff;"> </div></div>'; this.masker = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.getBody(), p)); this.masker.setStyle('z-index', 10001); var xy = el.getXY(); this.masker.setX(xy[0] - 2); this.masker.setY(xy[1] - 2); this.masker.on('click', this.onClick, this); this.cover.on('mouseover', this.onCmpOut, this); }, onClick: function () { var path = window.location.pathname; var str = path.indexOf('modules'); var screen_path = path.substring(str, path.length); var screen = screen_path.substring(screen_path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, screen_path.length); var context_path = path.substring(0, str); var parent = this.el.parent('[url]'); if (parent) { var url = parent.getAttributeNS("", "url"); if (url) { url = url.split('?')[0]; if (url.indexOf(context_path) == -1) { var li = url.lastIndexOf('/'); if (li != -1) { url = url.substring(li + 1, url.length); } screen_path = screen_path.replaceAll(screen, url); } else { screen_path = url.substring(url.indexOf(context_path) + new String(context_path).length, url.length); } } } new Leaf.Window({ id: 'sys_customization_window', url: context_path + 'modules/sys/sys_customization_window.lview?screen_path=' + screen_path + '&id=' + this.cmp.id, title: '个性化设置', height: 170, width: 400 }); this.onCmpOut(); }, hideMask: function () { if (this.masker) { Ext.fly(this.masker).remove(); this.masker = null; } }, showCover: function () { var scrollWidth = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.scrollWidth : document.body.scrollWidth; var scrollHeight = Ext.isStrict ? document.documentElement.scrollHeight : document.body.scrollHeight; var screenWidth = Math.max(scrollWidth, Leaf.getViewportWidth()); var screenHeight = Math.max(scrollHeight, Leaf.getViewportHeight()); var st = (Ext.isIE6 ? 'position:absolute;width:' + (screenWidth - 1) + 'px;height:' + (screenHeight - 1) + 'px;' : '') // var p = '<DIV class="leaf-cover" style="'+st+'" unselectable="on"></DIV>'; var p = '<DIV class="leaf-cover" style="' + st + 'filter: alpha(opacity=0);background-color: #fff;opacity: 0;mozopacity: 0;" unselectable="on"></DIV>'; this.cover = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.getBody(), p)); this.cover.setStyle('z-index', 9999); }, hideCover: function () { if (this.cover) { this.cover.un('mouseover', this.onCmpOut, this); Ext.fly(this.cover).remove(); this.cover = null; } }, getEl: function (cmp) { var el; if (Leaf.Grid && cmp instanceof Leaf.Grid) { el = cmp.wb; } else { el = cmp.wrap; } return el; }, onCmpOver: function (cmp, e) { if (this.isInSpotlight) return; this.isInSpotlight = true; this.showCover(); this.cmp = cmp; this.el = this.getEl(cmp); if (this.el) { // this.backgroundcolor = this.el.getStyle('background-color'); // this.currentPosition = this.el.getStyle('position'); this.currentZIndex = this.el.getStyle('z-index'); // this.el.setStyle('background-color','#fff') // this.el.setStyle('position','relative'); this.el.setStyle('z-index', 10000); } this.mask(this.el) }, onCmpOut: function (e) { this.isInSpotlight = false; if (this.el) { // this.el.setStyle('position',this.currentPosition||'') this.el.setStyle('z-index', this.currentZIndex); // this.el.setStyle('background-color', this.backgroundcolor||''); this.el = null; } this.hideMask(); this.hideCover(); this.cmp = null; }, stop: function () { if (this.scanInterval) clearInterval(this.scanInterval) this.onCmpOut(); var cmps = $L.CmpManager.getAll(); for (var key in cmps) { var cmp = cmps[key]; if (cmp.iscust == true) { cmp.un('mouseover', this.onCmpOver, this); } } } }); $L.QueryForm = Ext.extend($L.Component, { initComponent: function (config) { $L.QueryForm.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this, wrap = sf.bodyWrap = sf.wrap.child('.form_body_wrap'); if (wrap) { sf.body = wrap.first(); sf.hasbody = true; if (!sf.isopen) sf.body.hide(); } sf.searchInput = $L.CmpManager.get(sf.id + '_query'); sf.rds = $L.CmpManager.get(sf.resulttarget); }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.QueryForm.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); Ext.fly(document)[ou]('click', this.formBlur, this); }, formBlur: function (e, t) { if (!this.isEventFromComponent(t)) { this.close(); } }, bind: function (ds) { if (Ext.isString(ds)) { ds = $le(ds); } this.qds = ds; }, doSearch: function () { var sf = this, input = sf.searchInput, queryhook = sf.queryhook, queryfield = sf.queryfield; if (sf.rds) { if (!sf.isopen && input) { var value = input.getValue(), qds = sf.qds; if (queryhook) { queryhook(value, qds); } else if (queryfield) if (qds.getCurrentRecord()) qds.getCurrentRecord().set(queryfield, value); } sf.rds.query(); sf.close(); } }, doReset: function () { var sf = this; sf.qds.reset(); sf.close(); }, open: function () { var sf = this, body = sf.body; if (sf.isopen && sf.hasbody)return; sf.isopen = true; sf.bodyWrap.parent('TBODY').setStyle('display', 'block'); if (sf.isopen) body.show() sf.bodyWrap.setHeight(body.getHeight() + 10); sf.bodyWrap.fadeIn(); }, close: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.isopen && sf.hasbody) { sf.isopen = false; sf.body.hide(); sf.bodyWrap.parent('TBODY').setStyle('display', 'none'); sf.bodyWrap.setHeight(0, true); } }, trigger: function () { this[this.isopen ? 'close' : 'open'](); }, reset: function () { if (this.searchInput) this.searchInput.setValue(''); this.qds.reset(); } }); /** * @class Leaf.ComboBox * @extends Leaf.TriggerField * <p> * Combo组件. * @author njq.niu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.MultiComboBox = Ext.extend($L.ComboBox, { initEvents: function () { $L.MultiComboBox.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event unselect 选择事件. * @param {Leaf.Combobox} * combo combo对象. * @param {Object} * value valueField的值. * @param {String} * display displayField的值. * @param {Leaf.Record} * record 选中的Record对象 */ 'unselect'); }, onBlur: function (e) { if (this.hasFocus) { $L.ComboBox.superclass.onBlur.call(this, e); } }, onKeyDown: function (e) { }, onKeyUp: function (e) { }, clearOptions: function () { this.processDataSet('un'); this.optionDataSet = null; }, setOptions: function (name) { var sf = this, ds = typeof(name) === 'string' ? $le(name) : name; if (sf.optionDataSet != ds) { sf.processDataSet('un'); sf.optionDataSet = ds; sf.processDataSet('on'); sf.rendered = false; ds.selectable = true; if (!Ext.isEmpty(sf.value)) sf.setValue(sf.value, true) } }, processDataSet: function (ou) { var sf = this, ds = sf.optionDataSet; $L.MultiComboBox.superclass.processDataSet.call(sf, ou); if (ds) { ds[ou]('select', sf.onDatasetSelect, sf) ds[ou]('unselect', sf.onDatasetUnSelect, sf); } }, onDatasetSelect: function (ds, record) { var sf = this, v = []; if (sf.rendered) { sf.view.select('li .item-ckb').item(ds.indexOf(record) + 1).removeClass('item-ckb-u').addClass('item-ckb-c'); if (ds.getSelected().length == ds.getAll().length) { sf.view.select('li.item-multicombobox-select-all .item-ckb').removeClass('item-ckb-u').addClass('item-ckb-c'); } } Ext.each(ds.getSelected(), function (r) { v.push(r.get(sf.displayfield)); }); sf.setValue(v.join(';')); }, onDatasetUnSelect: function (ds, record) { var sf = this, v = []; if (sf.rendered) { sf.view.select('li .item-ckb').item(ds.indexOf(record) + 1).removeClass('item-ckb-c').addClass('item-ckb-u'); sf.view.select('li.item-multicombobox-select-all .item-ckb').removeClass('item-ckb-c').addClass('item-ckb-u'); } Ext.each(ds.getSelected(), function (r) { v.push(r.get(sf.displayfield)); }); sf.setValue(v.join(';')); }, onViewClick: function (e, t) { t = Ext.fly(t) if (t.is('div.item-ckb')) { t = t.parent('li'); } else if (!t.is('li')) { return; } this.onSelect(t.dom); }, onSelect: function (target) { var sf = this, index = target.tabIndex, ds = sf.optionDataSet; if (index == -1) { if ((target = Ext.fly(target)).hasClass('item-multicombobox-select-all')) { if (ds.getSelected().length == ds.getAll().length) { target.select('div').removeClass('item-ckb-c').addClass('item-ckb-u'); ds.unSelectAll(); } else { target.select('div').removeClass('item-ckb-').addClass('item-ckb-c'); ds.selectAll(); } } return; } var record = sf.optionDataSet.getAt(index), value = record.get(sf.valuefield), display = sf.getRenderText(record), method = ds.getSelected().indexOf(record) == -1 ? 'select' : 'unSelect'; ds[method](record); sf.fireEvent(method.toLowerCase(), sf, value, display, record); }, initList: function () { var sf = this, ds = sf.optionDataSet, v = sf.view; sf.currentIndex = sf.selectedIndex = null; if (ds.loading == true) { v.update('<li tabIndex="-1">' + _lang['ComboBox.loading'] + '</li>'); } else { var sb = [], selected = ds.getSelected(); sb.push('<li tabIndex="-1" class="item-multicombobox-select-all"><div class="item-ckb item-ckb-', selected.length == ds.getAll().length ? 'c' : 'u', '"></div>', '全选', '</li>') Ext.each(ds.getAll(), function (d, i) { sb.push('<li tabIndex="', i, '"><div class="item-ckb item-ckb-', selected.indexOf(d) == -1 ? 'u' : 'c', '"></div>', sf.getRenderText(d), '</li>'); }); v.update(sb.join('')); } }, setValue: function (v, silent, vr) { var sf = this, r, field, ds = sf.optionDataSet; $L.ComboBox.superclass.setValue.call(sf, v, silent); if (r = sf.record) { if (silent) { ds.unSelectAll(); Ext.each(v && v.split(';'), function (_v) { ds.select(ds.find(sf.displayfield, _v)); }); } else if (field = r.getMeta().getField(sf.binder.name)) { Ext.each(field.get('mapping'), function (map) { var vl = []; Ext.each(ds.getSelected(), function (record) { vl.push(record.get(map.from)); }); r.set(map.to, vl.join(';')); }); } } }, getIndex: function (v) { return null; } }); /** * @class Leaf.PercentField * @extends Leaf.NumberField * <p> * 百分数输入组件. * </p> * @author huazhen.wu@hand-china.com * @constructor * @param {Object} * config 配置对象. */ $L.PercentField = Ext.extend($L.NumberField, { formatValue: function (v) { if (Ext.isEmpty(v))return ''; return $L.PercentField.superclass.formatValue.call(this, $L.FixMath.mul(v, 100)); }, processValue: function (v) { if (Ext.isEmpty(v))return ''; return $L.FixMath.div($L.PercentField.superclass.processValue.call(this, v), 100); } }); $L.SideBarPanel = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { this.collapsible = true; this.cmps = {}; $L.SideBarPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.SideBarPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); this.collapseBtn = this.wrap.child('.arrow'); this.body = this.wrap.child('.bar-body'); this.wrap.cmps = this.cmps; this.initSize(); this.center(); if (this.url) { this.load(this.url) } }, processListener: function (ou) { $L.SideBarPanel.superclass.processListener.call(this, ou); if (this.collapsible) { this.collapseBtn[ou]("click", this.onCollapseBtnClick, this); } }, initSize: function () { if (this.fullHeight) { var screenHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); this.height = screenHeight; this.wrap.setHeight(screenHeight); } this.collapseBtn.setStyle('top', (this.height - 45) / 2 + 'px'); }, center: function () { var screenHeight = $L.getViewportHeight(); var st = document[Ext.isStrict ? 'documentElement' : 'body'].scrollTop; var y = st + Math.max((screenHeight - this.height - (Ext.isIE ? 26 : 23)) / 2, 0); this.wrap.setStyle('top', y + 'px'); }, onCollapseBtnClick: function () { var w = this.wrap.getWidth() - 2; if (w == 0) { this.wrap.setWidth(this.width, { duration: .35, easing: 'easeOut', callback: function () { this.body.setStyle('display', 'block'); }, scope: this }); } else { this.body.setStyle('display', 'none'); this.wrap.setWidth(0, true) } }, showLoading: function () { this.body.update(_lang['window.loading']); this.body.setStyle('text-align', 'center'); this.body.setStyle('line-height', 5); }, clearLoading: function () { this.body.update(''); this.body.setStyle('text-align', ''); this.body.setStyle('line-height', ''); }, clearBody: function () { for (var key in this.cmps) { var cmp = this.cmps[key]; if (cmp.destroy) { try { cmp.destroy(); } catch (e) { alert('销毁sidebar出错: ' + e) } } } }, load: function (url) { this.clearBody(); this.showLoading(); var header = $jq('meta[name=_csrf_header]').attr('content'); var token = $jq('meta[name=_csrf]').attr('content'); var headers = {}; headers[header] = token; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, header:headers, success: this.onLoad.createDelegate(this) }); }, onLoad: function (response, options) { if (!this.body) return; this.clearLoading(); var html = response.responseText; var res try { res = Ext.decode(response.responseText); } catch (e) { } if (res && res.success == false) { if (res.error) { if (res.error.code && res.error.code == 'session_expired' || res.error.code == 'login_required') { if ($L.manager.fireEvent('timeout', $L.manager)) $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['ajax.error'], _lang['session.expired']); } else { $L.manager.fireEvent('ajaxfailed', $L.manager, options.url, options.para, res); var st = res.error.stackTrace; st = (st) ? st.replaceAll('\r\n', '</br>') : ''; if (res.error.message) { var h = (st == '') ? 150 : 250; $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['window.error'], res.error.message + '</br>' + st, null, 400, h); } else { $L.showErrorMessage(_lang['window.error'], st, null, 400, 250); } } } return; } var sf = this; this.body.update(html, true, function () { var w = sf.wrap.getWidth() - 2; if (w == 0) sf.body.setStyle('display', 'none'); // var cmps = $L.CmpManager.getAll(); // for(var key in cmps){ // if(sf.oldcmps[key]==null){ // sf.cmps[key] = cmps[key]; // } // } sf.fireEvent('load', sf) }, this.wrap); } }) $L.Form = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { var sf = this; sf.toggleBtnId = config.togglebtnid; sf.defaultExpand = config.defaultexpand; sf.currentExpand = config.defaultexpand; $L.Form.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.Form.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this; /* *添加form_body_out以及下面的onControlClick事件是为了实现form_body的展开和收缩 *定义一个sf.isShrink属性,其值为boolean类型 *true : 当前状态为收缩 *false : 当前状态为展开 * 向平 */ sf.isShrink = false; sf.shrink = sf.wrap.child(".form_body_out"); sf.formBody = sf.wrap.child(".form_body"); sf.formTitle = sf.wrap.child("td.form-title"); }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.Form.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); if (sf.shrink) { sf.shrink[ou]("click", sf.onShrinkToggle, sf); } // this.formTitle[ou]("mouseover", this.onMouseover, this); }, // onMouseover : function(e){ // var text = this.title; // $L.ToolTip.show(this.formTitle,text); // }, /* * 添加一个boolean的参数force, * force值: * true : 将form收起来 * false : 将form展开 */ onShrinkToggle: function (force) { var sf = this, formWidth = sf.wrap.getWidth(); if (typeof(force) === "boolean") { sf.isShrink = !force; } if (sf.isShrink) { if (this.shrink.parent(".layout-table").parent(".layout-table")) { this.shrink.parent(".layout-table").parent(".layout-table").setStyle("width", formWidth + "px"); } this.shrink.parent(".layout-table").setStyle("width", formWidth + "px"); this.formBody.removeClass("form_body_hide"); this.shrink.removeClass("form_body_spread"); sf.isShrink = false; } else { if (this.shrink.parent(".layout-table").parent(".layout-table")) { this.shrink.parent(".layout-table").parent(".layout-table").setStyle("width", formWidth + "px"); } this.shrink.parent(".layout-table").setStyle("width", formWidth + "px"); this.formBody.addClass("form_body_hide"); this.shrink.addClass("form_body_spread"); sf.isShrink = true; } }, initEvents: function () { $L.Form.superclass.initEvents.call(this); }, /* * 徐昭 2018-1-15 11:28:24 * form添加setTitle方法 */ setTitle: function (title) { var sf = this, width = (title ? title.length : 0) * 14 + 10 + 2; if (sf.formTitle) { sf.formTitle.setWidth(width); sf.formTitle.dom.innerText = title ? title : ''; } }, doToggle: function () { var sf = this; sf.currentExpand = !sf.currentExpand; var button = Ext.get(sf.toggleBtnId).query('button')[0]; var textDiv = Ext.get(sf.toggleBtnId).query('div')[0]; Ext.get(button).toggleClass("item-icon-btn-more"); Ext.get(button).toggleClass("item-icon-btn-less"); button.setAttribute('text', sf.currentExpand ? _lang['toggle.shrink'] : _lang['toggle.expand']); button.setAttribute('title', sf.currentExpand ? _lang['toggle.shrink'] : _lang['toggle.expand']); textDiv.setAttribute('text', sf.currentExpand ? _lang['toggle.shrink'] : _lang['toggle.expand']); textDiv.innerHTML = sf.currentExpand ? _lang['toggle.shrink'] : _lang['toggle.expand']; Ext.get(this.wrap).query('*[cantoggle=""]').forEach(function (ele) { Ext.get(ele).toggleClass("item-shrink"); }); } }); $L.ButtonGroup = Ext.extend($L.Component, { initComponent: function (config) { $L.ButtonGroup.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this, wrap = sf.bodyWrap = sf.wrap.child(".item-btn-group-body"); if (wrap) { sf.body = wrap.first(); sf.hasbody = true; // if(!sf.isopen)sf.body.hide(); } sf.item_icon = sf.wrap.child('div.item-icon-text').setStyle('float', 'left'); sf.button = sf.wrap.child('button.operation'); sf.button.createChild('<div class="operation-icon"/>'); }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.ButtonGroup.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.bodyWrap[ou]("mouseover", sf.onMouseOver, sf); sf.bodyWrap[ou]("mouseout", sf.onMouseOut, sf); }, onMouseOver: function () { var sf = this; sf.open(); }, onMouseOut: function () { var sf = this; sf.close(); }, /* * 将按钮组原来的点击显示所有按钮更换成鼠标经过显示所有按钮 * 向平 2017-11-09 */ open: function () { var sf = this, body = sf.body; // if(sf.isopen && sf.hasbody)return; // sf.isopen = true; sf.bodyWrap.parent('TBODY').setStyle({'display': 'block', 'position': 'absolute'}); // if(sf.isopen)body.show() sf.bodyWrap.setHeight(body.getHeight()); //sf.bodyWrap.fadeIn(); }, close: function () { var sf = this; if (sf.hasbody) { // sf.isopen = false; // sf.body.hide(); sf.bodyWrap.parent('TBODY').setStyle('display', 'none'); // sf.bodyWrap.setHeight(0,true); } } // trigger : function(){ // this[this.isopen?'close':'open'](); // } }); $L.TagBox = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { var sf = this; sf.bindTarget = config.bindtarget; sf.ds = $le(sf.bindTarget); $L.TagBox.superclass.constructor.call(sf, config); }, initComponent: function (config) { $L.TagBox.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var sf = this; sf.processDataSetListener('on'); }, processListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; $L.TagBox.superclass.processListener.call(sf, ou); sf.wrap[ou]("click", sf.onClick, sf); }, processDataSetListener: function (ou) { var sf = this; if (sf.ds) { sf.ds[ou]('load', sf.onLoad, sf); sf.ds[ou]('update', sf.onLoad, sf); sf.ds[ou]('add', sf.onLoad, sf); } }, onLoad: function () { this.initList(); }, onClick: function (e) { if (Ext.get(e.target).dom.className === "tagBox") { var tagSpan = Ext.get(e.target), tagView = Ext.get(tagSpan.dom.children[0]), sf = this, clientW = document.documentElement.clientWidth, tagTop = tagSpan.dom.offsetHeight, tagLeft = tagSpan.dom.offsetLeft, tagBox = sf.wrap.child(".item-tagBox"), tagAll = tagBox.dom.children; for (var i = 0; i < tagAll.length; i++) { if (tagSpan.id === tagAll[i].id && tagSpan.dom.lastChild.style.display === 'none') { tagAll[i].lastChild.style.display = 'block'; var tagW = tagAll[i].lastChild.offsetWidth; var tagTriangle = Ext.get(tagAll[i].lastChild); if (tagLeft + tagW > clientW) { tagAll[i].lastChild.style.right = '5px'; tagTriangle.dom.lastChild.style.right = '30px'; } else { tagTriangle.dom.lastChild.style.left = '15px'; } tagAll[i].lastChild.style.top = tagTop + 10 + 'px'; } else { tagAll[i].lastChild.style.display = 'none'; } } } else { var tagSpan = Ext.get(Ext.get(e.target).findParent(".tagBox")), tagView = tagSpan.child(".item-tagBox-view"), sf = this, clientW = document.documentElement.clientWidth, tagTop = tagSpan.dom.offsetHeight, tagLeft = tagSpan.dom.offsetLeft, tagBox = sf.wrap.child(".item-tagBox"), tagAll = tagBox.dom.children; for (var i = 0; i < tagAll.length; i++) { if (tagSpan.id === tagAll[i].id && tagSpan.dom.lastChild.style.display === 'none') { tagAll[i].lastChild.style.display = 'block'; var tagW = tagAll[i].lastChild.offsetWidth; var tagTriangle = Ext.get(tagAll[i].lastChild); if (tagLeft + tagW > clientW) { tagAll[i].lastChild.style.right = '5px'; tagTriangle.dom.lastChild.style.right = '30px'; } else { tagTriangle.dom.lastChild.style.left = '15px'; } tagAll[i].lastChild.style.top = tagTop + 10 + 'px'; } else { tagAll[i].lastChild.style.display = 'none'; } } } }, renderText: function (record, tag) { var sf = this, renderer = sf.renderer, NOT_FOUND = '未找到', METHOD = '方法', value = $L.escapeHtml(value); if (renderer) {//&&!IS_EMPTY(value) 去掉对value是否为空的判断 var rder = $L.getRenderer(renderer); if (rder == null) { alert(NOT_FOUND + renderer + METHOD) return value; } value = rder(value, record, tag); } return value == null ? '' : value; }, contentRenderer: function (record) { var sf = this, renderer = sf.contentrenderer, NOT_FOUND = '未找到', METHOD = '方法', value = $L.escapeHtml(value); if (renderer) {//&&!IS_EMPTY(value) 去掉对value是否为空的判断 var rder = $L.getRenderer(renderer); if (rder == null) { alert(NOT_FOUND + renderer + METHOD) return value; } value = rder(value, record); } return value == null ? '' : value; }, initList: function () { var records = this.ds.getAll(), sf = this, tagBox = sf.wrap.child(".item-tagBox"), displayField = sf.displayfield, tpl = ''; for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { var dataName = records[i].get(displayField); if (sf.renderText(records[i], dataName)) { tpl += '<span class="tagBox" id="tagBox-' + records[i].id + '">' + sf.renderText(records[i], dataName) + '<div class="item-tagBox-view" data-tabIndex="tagBox-' + records[i].id + '" style="display:none;">' + sf.contentRenderer(records[i]) + '<div class="triangle"><div class="triangle1"></div><div class="triangle2"></div></div></div></span>'; } else { tpl += '<span class="tagBox" id="tagBox-' + records[i].id + '">' + dataName + '<div class="item-tagBox-view" data-tabIndex="tagBox-' + records[i].id + '" style="display:none;">' + sf.contentRenderer(records[i]) + '<div class="triangle"><div class="triangle1"></div><div class="triangle2"></div></div></div></span>'; } } tagBox.update(tpl); } }); /* * 右边导航栏对象 * * */ $L.RightNavBars = Ext.extend($L.Component, { constructor: function (config) { $L.RightNavBars.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }, //通过index索引返回对应的对象 getItem: function (index) { var item = "该位置未找到对象!"; jQuery(".hls-selectBar div.contain").each(function (i, obj) { if (index == i) { item = obj; } }); return item; }, //切换图片源 index src setImgBySrc: function (index, src) { jQuery(".hls-selectBar div.contain img").each(function (i, obj) { if (index == i) { jQuery(obj).attr("src", src); } }); }, //设置第几个的背景颜色 setItemBackground: function (index, color) { jQuery(".hls-selectBar div.contain div").each(function (i, obj) { if (index == i) { jQuery(obj).css("background", color); } }); } }); jQuery(window).click(function () { var fastButton = $jq(top.document.getElementById("fastButton")); if (fastButton.height() == 60) { jQuery("#fast-menu-toolbar").css("background", "none"); jQuery(".fast_toolbar").animate({height: "0px"}, function () { jQuery(".fast_toolbar").hide(); }); } });