Commit fb2f7657 authored by chenzhuo's avatar chenzhuo


parent 9eefd7a4
......@@ -3,16 +3,25 @@
<bm:operation name="query">
select decode(v.bp_count,0,'1','0') existsFlag
from (select count(1) bp_count from hls_bp_master h,
hls_bp_master_signer hb
select decode(v.bp_count, 0, '1', '0') existsFlag
from ( select (select count(1)
from hls_bp_master h, hls_bp_master_signer hb
where h.social_code = ${@social_code}
and h.bp_name = ${@bp_name}
and hb.id_card = ${@agent_id_no}
and = ${@agent_name}
and h.bp_id = hb.bp_id
and h.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and h.bp_class = 'ORG') v
and h.bp_class = 'ORG') +
(select count(1)
where t.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and t.bp_class = 'ORG'
and t.bp_type = 'AGENT'
and t.social_code = ${@social_code}
and t.bp_name = ${@bp_name}
and t.id_card_no_ag = ${@agent_id_no}
and t.bp_name_ag = ${@agent_name}) bp_count from dual) v
......@@ -77,7 +77,25 @@
and ((cc.cf_type = 1 and cc.cf_item in (1,200,250)) or (cc.cf_item = 11 and cc.cf_type =11)
or (cc.cf_item = 8 and cc.cf_type = 8) or (cc.cf_item = 9 and cc.cf_type = 9))
and cc.cf_direction = 'INFLOW'
and cc.cf_status = 'RELEASE') due_amount_all --应还总额
and cc.cf_status = 'RELEASE') due_amount_all, --应还总额
(SELECT cs.sign_url
from con_contract_ele_signer cs
where cs.contract_id = t1.contract_id
and ((${@account_type} = 'AG' and
(cs.id_no =
(select hm.social_code
from hls_bp_master hm, con_contract_bp cb
where hm.bp_id = cb.bp_id
and cb.contract_id = t1.contract_id
and cb.id_card_no_leg = ${@id_no}) or
cs.id_no =
(select hm.social_code
from hls_bp_master hm, hls_bp_master_signer hs
where hm.bp_id = hs.bp_id
and hm.bp_id = t1.bp_id_tenant
and hs.id_card = ${@id_no}))) or
(${@account_type} != 'AG' and cs.id_no = ${@id_no}))
and rownum = 1) sign_url
from con_contract t1
where t1.data_class = 'NORMAL'
and t1.sign_contract_status = decode(t1.contract_status,'NEW','SIGN',t1.sign_contract_status)
......@@ -97,7 +115,7 @@
where ccb.bp_id = hb.bp_id
and ccb.contract_id = t1.contract_id
and (ccb.bp_category in ('TENANT', 'GUARANTOR') and
(ccb.id_card_no = ${@id_no} or ccb.id_no_sp = ${@id_no})))) or
(ccb.id_card_no = ${@id_no} or (ccb.id_no_sp = ${@id_no} and ccb.sp_sign_flag = 'Y'))))) or
(${@account_type} = 'AG' and exists
(select 1
from hls_bp_master_signer hs
......@@ -158,6 +176,7 @@
<bm:field name="bank_branch_num"/>
<bm:field name="lease_times"/>
<bm:field name="due_amount_all"/>
<bm:field name="sign_url"/>
<bm:query-field name="contract_number" queryExpression="v.contract_number like '%'||${@contract_number}||'%' "/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bm:model xmlns:bm="">
<bm:operation name="query">
select (case
when to_date(${@lease_start_date}, 'yyyy-MM-dd') <
trunc(sysdate) then
end) lease_flag
from dual
<bm:field name="lease_flag"/>
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
$ctx.success = "false";
$ctx.parameter.return_status = '1';
$ctx.parameter.return_message = String(e);
existsFlag = '1'
existsFlag = '1';
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
"docsList": docsList
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<a:service xmlns:ns1="leaf.application.action" xmlns:p="uncertain.proc" xmlns:a="" xmlns:s="leaf.plugin.script" trace="true">
<s:server-script import="app/app_login_check.js"><![CDATA[
function get_current_time() {
var leaseFlag_map;
var leaseFlag;
try {
var leaseFlag_query = $bm('wx.WX100.get_current_time');
leaseFlag_map = leaseFlag_query.queryAsMap({
var existsFlag_details = leaseFlag_map.getChildren();
leaseFlag = existsFlag_details[0].lease_flag;
$ctx.parameter.return_status = '0';
$ctx.parameter.return_message = '执行成功';
} catch (e) {
$ctx.success = "false";
$ctx.parameter.return_status = '1';
$ctx.parameter.return_message = String(e);
leaseFlag = '';
var result = {
code: $ctx.parameter.return_status,
message: $ctx.parameter.return_message,
leaseFlag: leaseFlag
$ctx.parameter.json = JSON.stringify(result);
if ($ctx.parameter.return_status != 'E' && $ctx.parameter.return_status != 'TIMEOUT') {
<a:service-output output="/parameter/@json"/>
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