Commit fad61571 authored by 18083's avatar 18083


parent a7b74921
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
$Author: 18083
$Revision: 1.0
<bm:model xmlns:bm="">
<bm:operation name="query">
Select decode(cc.division,'70',nvl(had.division_detail,'01'),'') division_detail
From csh_payment_req_ln t, con_contract cc,hls_bp_master_agent_division had
Where t.payment_req_id = ${/parameter/@payment_req_id}
And t.ref_doc_category = 'CONTRACT'
and t.ref_doc_id = cc.contract_id
and cc.division= had.division
and cc.bp_id_agent_level1= had.bp_id
and rownum = 1
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