Commit f7497c7a authored by 陆正友's avatar 陆正友


parent b030ac03
......@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
t1.contract_status in ('INCEPT','NEW','ETING','REPURING')
and t1.data_class = 'NORMAL'
and t1.company_id in ((
select company_id
select company_id
from fnd_companies t
where t.company_id = ${/session/@company_id} or
t.parent_company_id = ${/session/@company_id}
select t.parent_company_id company_id
select t.parent_company_id company_id
from fnd_companies t
where t.parent_company_id is not null
and (t.company_id = ${/session/@company_id} or t.parent_company_id = ${/session/@company_id})))
......@@ -60,11 +60,12 @@ select t.parent_company_id company_id
<!--<bm:query-field name="bp_id"
queryExpression="(t.bp_id_tenant = ${@bp_id} or t.bp_id_agent_level1 = ${@bp_id} or ((select bp_category from hls_bp_master where bp_id = ${@bp_id}) = 'VENDER'))"/>-->
<bm:query-field name="bp_id" queryExpression="(Exists (Select 1
From hls_bp_master h, hls_bp_master_role hbr
From hls_bp_master h, hls_bp_master_role hbr,con_contract_bp bp
Where h.bp_name in ( select hbm.bp_name from hls_bp_master hbm where hbm.bp_id= ${@bp_id})
and hbr.bp_id = h.bp_id
and hbr.bp_type = 'TENANT'
and h.bp_id = t.bp_id_tenant) Or not Exists
and h.bp_id= bp.bp_id
and hbr.bp_type in('TENANT','GUTA_NP')
and bp.contract_id=t.contract_id) Or not Exists
(Select 1
From hls_bp_master h, hls_bp_master_role hbr
Where h.bp_id = ${@bp_id}
......@@ -73,4 +74,18 @@ select t.parent_company_id company_id
<bm:query-field name="bp_name" queryExpression="t.bp_name like '%' || ${@bp_name} || '%'"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" Expression=" exists
(select 1
from con_contract_cashflow ccc
where ccc.contract_id = t.contract_id
and ccc.cf_status = 'RELEASE'
and ccc.write_off_flag != 'FULL'
and ccc.cf_direction = 'INFLOW'
and ccc.cf_item not in (251)
and ((nvl(${@deposit_flag}, 'N') = 'Y' and cf_item in (1, 8, 9, 200, 11, 250)) or
(nvl(${@deposit_flag}, 'N') = 'N'))
and ccc.due_amount - nvl(ccc.received_amount, 0)>0
......@@ -148,7 +148,9 @@
<a:dataSet id="csh_lov_con_contract_ds" selectable="true" autoQuery="true" selectionModel="single"
model="csh.CSH531N.con_contract" queryDataSet="csh_query_con_ds">
<a:event name="indexchange" handler="indexChangeFunction"/>
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