Commit f053a568 authored by congzhao's avatar congzhao

[建机]电子合同开发 电子签约查询修改

parent d7d5ee56
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ select *
where t1.data_class in ('NORMAL','CHANGE_REQ')
and t1.ec_sign_type in ('INITIATE', 'SIGNING')
and t1.sign_type = 'ELE_SIGN'
and exists (select 1 from con_contract_ele_flow cf where cf.contract_id = t1.contract_id)
and ((${@account_type} = 'PE' and exists
(select 1
from con_contract_bp ccb, hls_bp_master hb
......@@ -97,6 +98,9 @@ select *
from hls_bp_master_signer hs
where hs.hls_bp_signer_id = t1.signer
and hs.id_card = ${@id_no})
and exists (select 1 from hls_bp_master hbm
where hbm.bp_id = t1.bp_id_tenant
and hbm.social_code = ${@organization_id})
and exists (select 1 from con_contract_ele_signer cs
where cs.id_no = ${@id_no}
and cs.contract_id = t1.contract_id)) or
......@@ -108,13 +112,16 @@ select *
and hs.id_card = ${@id_no})
and exists (select 1 from con_contract_ele_signer cs
where cs.id_no = ${@id_no}
and cs.contract_id = t1.contract_id)) or
and cs.contract_id = t1.contract_id)
) or
(${@account_type} = 'AG' and exists
(select 1
from con_contract_bp cb
from con_contract_bp cb,hls_bp_master hbm
where cb.contract_id = t1.contract_id
and cb.bp_category = 'GUARANTOR'
and cb.bp_class = 'ORG'
and cb.bp_id = hbm.bp_id
and hbm.social_code = ${@organization_id}
and cb.id_card_no_leg = ${@id_no})) or
(${@account_type} = 'LP' and exists
(select 1
......@@ -48,27 +48,27 @@ select fa.file_name,fa.file_path,fa.attachment_id
from con_ele_signer_file cf, con_contract_ele_signer cs
where cf.con_ele_signer_id = cs.con_ele_signer_id
and cs.contract_id = ${@contract_id}
and ((((select cb.bp_category
and ((('AGENT' not in (select cb.bp_category
from con_contract_bp cb, hls_bp_master hm
where cb.bp_id = hm.bp_id
and hm.social_code = ${@id_no}
and cb.contract_id = cs.contract_id) != 'AGENT' or
(select cb.bp_category
and cb.contract_id = cs.contract_id) or
not exists (select 1
from con_contract_bp cb, hls_bp_master hm
where cb.bp_id = hm.bp_id
and hm.social_code = ${@id_no}
and cb.contract_id = cs.contract_id) is null)
and cb.contract_id = cs.contract_id))
and exists (select 1 from hls_doc_file_templet_signer hs,con_clause_templet ct,hls_doc_file_templet ht
where hs.templet_id = ht.templet_id
and ht.templet_code = ct.templet_code
and ct.templet_id = cf.templet_id
and hs.enable_flag = 'Y'
or (select cb.bp_category
or 'AGENT' in (select cb.bp_category
from con_contract_bp cb, hls_bp_master hm
where cb.bp_id = hm.bp_id
and hm.social_code = ${@id_no}
and cb.contract_id = cs.contract_id) = 'AGENT'))
and cb.contract_id = cs.contract_id)))
and pi.cdd_list_id =
(select cc.cdd_list_id
from con_contract cc
......@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ select fa.file_name, fa.file_path, fa.file_size, ct.order_seq
from con_ele_signer_file cf, con_contract_ele_signer cs
where cf.con_ele_signer_id = cs.con_ele_signer_id
and cs.contract_id = cc.contract_id
and ((((select cb.bp_category
and ((('AGENT' not in(select cb.bp_category
from con_contract_bp cb, hls_bp_master hm
where cb.bp_id = hm.bp_id
and hm.social_code = ${@id_no}
and cb.contract_id = cc.contract_id) != 'AGENT' or
(select cb.bp_category
and cb.contract_id = cc.contract_id)or
not exists(select 1
from con_contract_bp cb, hls_bp_master hm
where cb.bp_id = hm.bp_id
and hm.social_code = ${@id_no}
and cb.contract_id = cc.contract_id) is null) and
and cb.contract_id = cc.contract_id)) and
exists (select 1
from hls_doc_file_templet_signer hs,
con_clause_templet ct,
......@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ select fa.file_name, fa.file_path, fa.file_size, ct.order_seq
(select cb.bp_category
'AGENT' in (select cb.bp_category
from con_contract_bp cb, hls_bp_master hm
where cb.bp_id = hm.bp_id
and hm.social_code = ${@id_no}
and cb.contract_id = cc.contract_id) = 'AGENT'))
and cb.contract_id = cc.contract_id)))
order by ct.order_seq
......@@ -13,14 +13,16 @@
contract_list_map = contract_list_bm.queryAsMap({
account_type: $ctx.parameter.accountType
account_type: $ctx.parameter.accountType,
contract_list_map = contract_list_bm.queryAsMap({
account_type: $ctx.parameter.accountType,
contract_list_details = contract_list_map.getChildren();
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