Commit eb107304 authored by TIANZHI.HU's avatar TIANZHI.HU

对账单打印bug修复 add by 39135 HuTianzhi

parent 7bd2aabf
...@@ -277,21 +277,7 @@ ...@@ -277,21 +277,7 @@
cc2.cf_direction = 'NONCASH' And cc2.cf_direction = 'NONCASH' And
cc2.cf_status = 'BLOCK' And cc2.cf_status = 'BLOCK' And
nvl(cc2.write_off_flag, 'NOT') != 'NOT')) nvl(cc2.write_off_flag, 'NOT') != 'NOT'))
And rownum = 1) - And rownum = 1) ) As due_amount,
nvl((Select nvl(Sum(cc2.received_amount), 0)
From con_contract_cashflow cc2
Where cc2.contract_id = t2.contract_id
And cc2.times = t2.times
And cc2.cf_item Not In (0, 9)
And ((cc2.cf_direction = 'INFLOW' And
cc2.cf_status = 'RELEASE') Or
(t2.contract_status In
cc2.cf_direction = 'NONCASH' And
cc2.cf_status = 'BLOCK' And
nvl(cc2.write_off_flag, 'NOT') !=
0)) As due_amount,
nvl(t1.transaction_date, t2.transaction_date) transaction_date, nvl(t1.transaction_date, t2.transaction_date) transaction_date,
nvl(t1.write_off_date, t2.write_off_date) write_off_date, nvl(t1.write_off_date, t2.write_off_date) write_off_date,
nvl(t1.received_amount, 0) As received_amount, nvl(t1.received_amount, 0) As received_amount,
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