Commit 9058f6f6 authored by gzj34291's avatar gzj34291


parent 5dbe0a28
......@@ -124,9 +124,16 @@
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.company_id=${/session/@company_id})"/>
<!--<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="((nvl(t1.transaction_amount,0)-nvl(t1.write_off_amount,0)-nvl(t1.returned_amount,0)) >0)"/>-->
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.ref_contract_id is not null)"/>
<!-- <bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.ref_contract_id is not null)"/>-->
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.transaction_type ='DEPOSIT')"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.source_type is not null)"/>
<!-- <bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.source_type is not null)"/>-->
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="((t1.ref_contract_id is not null and t1.source_type is not null) or
exists (select hm.bp_id
from hls_bp_master hm
where hm.bp_code = 'D00010012'
and hm.bp_id = t1.bp_id
and t1.collection_classes = 'DEPOSIT'
and t1.paid_byother_flag = 'F'))"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(exists (
(select 1
from exp_emp_assign_e_v ee
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