<bm:query-fieldname="approve_user_code"queryExpression="t1.approve_user_code like ${@approve_user_code}"/>
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN','WFL_FEE_REMIT')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1))"/>
<!--<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN','WFL_FEE_REMIT')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1))"/>-->
<bm:data-filtername="query"expression="( (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0006') and t1.workflow_code in ('CONTRACT_INCEPT_WFL', 'DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ')) or (${/session/@role_id} in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in ('0012', '0013', '0014')) and t1.workflow_code in ('DCFL_CSH_PAYMENT_REQ', 'DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0005') and t1.workflow_code in ('PROJECT_WFL')) or (${/session/@role_id} = (select role_id from sys_role where role_code = '0008') and t1.workflow_code in ('CON_ET_WFL','TENANT_CHANGE_WFL','CON_BUYBACK_WFL','DEPOSIT_RETURN')) or (${/session/@role_id} not in (select role_id from sys_role where role_code in('0005', '0006', '0008', '0012', '0013', '0014')) and 1 = 1)
or( ((t1.SUBMITTED_BY = ${/session/@user_id}) or (
in (Select t.user_id
From zj_wfl_instance_node_recipient t
Where t.instance_id = t1.instance_id
And t.record_type = 'APPROVER')
and t1.instance_status = 1)
in (Select t.user_id
From zj_wfl_instance_node_rcpt_ht t
Where t.instance_id = t1.instance_id
And t.record_type = 'APPROVER')
and t1.instance_status in (-1000,-1,10))
) ) and t1.workflow_code in('HLS_JOURNAL_WFL','HLS_JOURNAL_REVERSE_WFL')))"/>
var templatetype = $('template_ds').getAt(0).get('template_type');
if (document.getElementById('importFile').value) {
var fileName = document.getElementById('importFile').value;
var fileType = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
fileType = fileType.toLowerCase();
if (fileType != '.xls'&&fileType != '.xlsx') {
} else {
function doSubmit(templatetype) {
var form = document.getElementById('importForm');
var url = '${/request/@context_path}/modules/hls/HLS536/hls_journal_import_trans_upload.lview?_csrf=${/session/@_csrf.token}&template_type='+templatetype;