Commit 86619936 authored by 18083's avatar 18083


parent f6253bbe
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
<bm:field name="extra_nam" expression="(Select u.unit_name From exp_org_unit_v u Where u.unit_id = (select v.unit_id from hls_bp_master v where v.enabled_flag = 'Y' and v.bp_id = t1.bp_id))" forInsert="false" forUpdate="false"/>
<bm:field name="import_source"/>
<bm:field name="import_source_desc" expression="(select v.code_value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'CSH510_IMPORT_SOURCE' and v.code_value =t1.import_source)" forInsert="false" forUpdate="false"/>
<bm:field name="extend_receipt_pre_flag"/>
<bm:field name="extend_receipt_pre_flag" expression="nvl(t1.extend_receipt_pre_flag,&apos;N&apos;)" forInsert="false" forUpdate="false"/>
......@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@
<bm:field name="transaction_wfl_id"/>
<bm:field name="import_source"/>
<bm:field name="import_source_desc" expression="(select v.code_value_name from sys_code_values_v v where v.code = 'CSH510_IMPORT_SOURCE' and v.code_value =t1.import_source)" forInsert="false" forUpdate="false"/>
<bm:field name="extend_receipt_pre_flag"/>
......@@ -180,6 +180,6 @@
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.returned_flag = 'NOT')"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.write_off_flag = 'NOT')"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="(t1.confirmed_flag in ('ACCAUDITED','APPROVED','WF_REJECTED'))"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="((t1.transaction_type = 'DEPOSIT' and t1.ref_contract_id is null) or (t1.collection_classes = 'REFUND' and t1.ref_contract_id is null and t1.source_csh_trx_id is null ) or (t1.transaction_type in ('RECEIPT') and nvl(t1.collection_classes,'NON') != 'REFUND') or (t1.transaction_type = 'ADVANCE_RECEIPT' and t1.transaction_amount = (select sum(cwo.csh_write_off_amount) from csh_write_off cwo where cwo.subsequent_csh_trx_id = t1.transaction_id and cwo.reversed_flag = 'N' and cwo.write_off_type = 'RECEIPT_ADVANCE_RECEIPT')))"/>
<bm:data-filter name="query" expression="((t1.transaction_type = 'DEPOSIT' and t1.ref_contract_id is null) or (t1.collection_classes = 'REFUND' and t1.ref_contract_id is null and t1.source_csh_trx_id is null ) or (t1.transaction_type in ('RECEIPT') and nvl(t1.collection_classes,'NON') != 'REFUND') or (t1.transaction_type = 'ADVANCE_RECEIPT' and t1.transaction_amount = (select cwo.transaction_amount from csh_transaction cwo where cwo.transaction_id = t1.source_csh_trx_id and cwo.reversed_flag = 'N' and cwo.write_off_flag='FULL')))"/>
\ No newline at end of file
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