Commit 7f63fe50 authored by Spencer Chang's avatar Spencer Chang

[fix] 会计逾期金额默认营业数据,当会计没核销实际上和营业逾期一致

parent 4069b188
......@@ -218,6 +218,22 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_deposit_pkg is
values v_deposit_calc_overdue_tmp_rec;
end if;
end if;
if p_contract_cashflow_rec.write_off_flag <> 'FULL' then
calc_penalty(p_cashflow_rec => p_contract_cashflow_rec,
p_contract_rec => p_contract_rec,
p_calc_date => p_calc_date,
p_total_penalty_amt => v_total_penalty_amt,
p_user_id => p_user_id);
set OVERDUE_PENALTY_AMT = v_total_penalty_amt,
f_overdue_amount = overdue_amount,
f_overdue_penalty_amt = v_total_penalty_amt
where calc_id = v_deposit_calc_overdue_tmp_rec.calc_id;
end if;
for c_f in (select gwo.cf_item,
......@@ -287,18 +303,6 @@ create or replace package body cus_con_deposit_pkg is
and t.session_id = p_session_id;
end if;
end loop;
if p_contract_cashflow_rec.write_off_flag <> 'FULL' then
calc_penalty(p_cashflow_rec => p_contract_cashflow_rec,
p_contract_rec => p_contract_rec,
p_calc_date => p_calc_date,
p_total_penalty_amt => v_total_penalty_amt,
p_user_id => p_user_id);
set OVERDUE_PENALTY_AMT = v_total_penalty_amt
where calc_id = v_deposit_calc_overdue_tmp_rec.calc_id;
end if;
procedure overdue_dayend(p_contract_id number,
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