Commit 6564e8b4 authored by 38823's avatar 38823


parent 526e856e
......@@ -53,6 +53,16 @@
function open_downloadfile_win_acr_reverse(instance_id) {
new Leaf.Window({
id: 'zj_wfl_approve_history_downloadfile_win',
url: $('prj_attach_downloadfile_link').getUrl() + '?table_name=ZJ_WFL_INSTANCE_ACR_REVERSE&header_id=' + instance_id,
title: '附件查看',
width: 850,
height: 400
function open_uploadfile_win(rcpt_record_id) {
new Leaf.Window({
id: 'zj_wfl_approve_history_downloadfile_win',
......@@ -90,6 +100,13 @@
if(record.get('workflow_code') == 'ACR_INVOICE_REVERSE_WFL'){
if (record.get('attach_count') > 0) {
return '<a style="color:red" href="javascript:open_downloadfile_win_acr_reverse(' + record.get('instance_id') + ')">附件查看</a>';
return '<a href="javascript:open_downloadfile_win_acr_reverse(' + record.get('instance_id') + ')">附件查看</a>';
if (record.get('attach_count') > 0) {
return '<a style="color:red" href="javascript:open_downloadfile_win(' + record.get('rcpt_record_id') + ')">附件查看</a>';
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