and ((${@account_type} = 'PE' and exists (select 1 from con_contract_bp ccb ,hls_bp_master hb
where ccb.bp_id = hb.bp_id
and ccb.contract_id = t1.contract_id
and ccb.bp_category in ('TENANT','GUARANTOR') and (ccb.id_card_no = ${@id_no} or ccb.id_no_sp = ${@id_no})))
or (${@account_type} = 'AG' and exists (select 1 from hls_bp_master_signer hs where hs.hls_bp_signer_id = t1.signer and hs.id_card = ${@id_no}))
or (${@account_type} = 'AG' and exists (select 1 from con_contract_bp cb where cb.contract_id = t1.contract_id and cb.bp_category = 'GUARANTOR' and cb.bp_class = 'ORG' and cb.id_card_no_leg = ${@id_no}))
(${@account_type} != 'AG' and cs.id_no = ${@id_no}))
and rownum = 1) sign_url,
(SELECT nvl(cs.ec_sign_status, 'N')
from con_contract_ele_signer cs
where cs.contract_id = t1.contract_id
@@ -172,20 +88,32 @@ select *
where t1.data_class = 'NORMAL'
and t1.ec_sign_type in ('INITIATE', 'SIGNING')
and t1.sign_type = 'ELE_SIGN'
and ((${@account_type} = 'PE' and exists (select 1 from con_contract_bp ccb ,hls_bp_master hb
where ccb.bp_id = hb.bp_id
and ccb.contract_id = t1.contract_id
and ccb.bp_category in ('TENANT','GUARANTOR') and (ccb.id_card_no = ${@id_no} or ccb.id_no_sp = ${@id_no})))
or (${@account_type} = 'AG' and exists (select 1 from hls_bp_master_signer hs where hs.hls_bp_signer_id = t1.signer and hs.id_card = ${@id_no}))
or (${@account_type} = 'AG' and exists (select 1 from con_contract_bp cb where cb.contract_id = t1.contract_id and cb.bp_category = 'GUARANTOR' and cb.bp_class = 'ORG' and cb.id_card_no_leg = ${@id_no}))
var up_file_token_url = ''; //文件上传获取token的地址
var up_file_token_url = info_query('UP_FILE_TOKEN_URL').code_value;
function info_query(parameter_code) {
var info = new Object();
@@ -23,9 +23,15 @@
var sign_cancel_map = sign_cancel_bm.queryAsMap({
var flow_Id = sign_cancel_map.getChildren()[0].ele_flow_id;
var sign_cancel_data = sign_cancel_map.getChildren();
var revoke_flows = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sign_cancel_data.length;i++){
var revokeParam = {
var info = info_query('HL_SIGN_FLOW_CANCEL');
@@ -47,14 +53,31 @@
var result_ob = JSON.parse(result); //根据返回参数形式再定
var revoke_flag_update_bm = $bm('cont.CON505.contract_revoke_flag_update');
var up_file_token_url = ''; //文件上传获取token的地址
function copyFile(fOld, fNew) {
var fis = new;
var fos = new;
@@ -82,259 +80,277 @@
info.code_value = data[0].code_value;
return info;
var up_file_token_url = info_query('UP_FILE_TOKEN_URL').code_value;
var ele_contract_signer_bm = $bm('wx.WX100.con_ele_contract_signer_save');
/* ele_contract_signer_bm.update({
var flow_count_bm = $bm('wx.WX100.con_ele_flow_update');
var brwt = new BookmarksReplaceWithText($instance('leaf.database.service.IDatabaseServiceFactory'), $instance('uncertain.ocm.IObjectRegistry'), $ctx.getData());
var pdf_file_path = datePath + guid_file_name_tables[0].guid_file_name + 'con_' + record_data.content_id;
var outputfilepath = wordToPdf(to_file_path, pdf_file_path);
var outputfilename = record_data.to_file_name + '.pdf';
var pdf_file = new File(outputfilepath);
var file_size = 0;
if (pdf_file.exists()) {
file_size = pdf_file.length();
try {
var brwt = new BookmarksReplaceWithText($instance('leaf.database.service.IDatabaseServiceFactory'), $instance('uncertain.ocm.IObjectRegistry'), $ctx.getData());
var up_file_token_url = ''; //文件上传获取token的地址
var up_file_token_url = info_query('UP_FILE_TOKEN_URL').code_value;
var up_file_token_url = ''; //文件上传获取token的地址
var up_file_token_url = info_query('UP_FILE_TOKEN_URL').code_value;
function copyFile(fOld, fNew) {
var fis = new;
@@ -284,10 +284,11 @@
}else if(result_ob.code == 0){
var flow_id = result_ob.flowId;
var flow_update_bm = $bm('wx.WX100.con_et_flow_update');
var flow_update_bm = $bm('wx.WX100.con_ele_flow_update');
contract_id: $ctx.parameter.contract_id,
flow_id: flow_id,
esign_type: 'ET'
var sign_url_list = result_ob.signUrlList;
var ele_con_info_bm = $bm('wx.WX100.con_ele_con_info_update');
var up_file_token_url = ''; //文件上传获取token的地址
var up_file_token_url = info_query('UP_FILE_TOKEN_URL').code_value;