<bm:query-fieldname="phone"queryExpression="exists (select 1 from hls_Bp_master tt1,con_contract_bp tt2 where tt1.bp_id = tt2.bp_id and tt2.contract_id = t1.contract_id and (phone_extra like '%' || ${@phone} || '%' or phone like '%' || ${@phone} || '%' or phone_2 like '%' || ${@phone} || '%'))"/>
<bm:query-fieldname="due_days"queryExpression="exists (select 1 from con_contract_cashflow cf where cf.cf_item = 1 and cf.times = 2 and cf.contract_id = t1.contract_id and extract(day from cf.due_date) = ${@due_days})"/>
<!-- <bm:data-filter enforceOperations="query" expression="exists (select 1 from con_contract_cashflow where contract_id = t1.contract_id and cf_type = 9 and due_amount != nvl(received_amount,0) and generated_source not in ('CREATE'))"/> -->
var brwt = new BookmarksReplaceWithText($instance('leaf.database.service.IDatabaseServiceFactory'), $instance('uncertain.ocm.IObjectRegistry'), $ctx.getData());
var brwt = new BookmarksReplaceWithText($instance('leaf.database.service.IDatabaseServiceFactory'), $instance('uncertain.ocm.IObjectRegistry'), $ctx.getData());