# hlsCombobox标签 hlsCombobox 下拉列表组件 ```xml <h: hlsCombobox placeholder="hlsCombobox" valuePrimitive="true" dataTextField="text" dataValueField="value" bind="enabled: isEnabled, source: comboboxSource, value:data.productId" style="width: 100%;"/> ``` ### **主要属性** | 属性名 | 类型 | | --- | --- | | animation | Boolean | | autoBind | Boolean | | autoWidth | Boolean | | cascadeFrom | String | | cascadeFromField | String | | clearButton | Boolean | | dataSource | DataSource | | dataTextField | String | | dataValueField | String | | delay | Number | | enable | Boolean | | enforceMinLength | Boolean | | filter | String | | fixedGroupTemplate | String \| Function | | footerTemplate | String \| Function | | groupTemplate | String \| Function | | height | Number | | highlightFirst | Boolean | | ignoreCase | Boolean | | index | Number | | minLength | Number | | noDataTemplate | String \| Function | | placeholder | String | | suggest | Boolean | | headerTemplate | String \| Function | | template | String \| Function | | text | String | | value | String | | valuePrimitive | Boolean | | virtual | Boolean | | change | Function | | close | Function | | dataBound | Function | | filtering | Function | | open | Function | | select | Function | | cascade | Function | > 属性用法请参考KendoUI文档 [http:\/\/docs.telerik.com\/kendo-ui\/api\/javascript\/ui\/combobox](http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/combobox) ### **用法示例** ```xml <h: hlsCombobox id="hlsCombobox" dataSource="dataSource" clearButton="true" placeholder="test" enable="false" template="fn:itemTemplate" change="onComboboxChange"/> ``` > **提示:** 某些属性类型为**String \| Function** 时,表明它可以定义为字符串或者函数。因此当需要定义为Function时需要增加前缀**fn:**来区分\(例如函数template="fn:itemTemplate" \) ### **主要子节点** * animation * popup * virtual ### **animation** 主要用来定义动画效果,例如打开关闭效果 * open 打开效果 * close 关闭效果 | 属性 | 类型 | | --- | --- | | effects | String | | duration | Number | ```xml <h: hlsCombobox id=" hlsCombobox "> <h:animation> <h:close effects="zoom:out" duration="300"/> <h:open effects="zoom:in" duration="300"/> </h:animation> </h: hlsCombobox > ``` ### **popup** 弹出窗口设置 | 属性 | 类型 | | --- | --- | | appendTo | String | | origin | String | | position | String | ```xml <h: hlsCombobox id="combobox"> <h:popup appendTo="container" origin="top left" position="top left"/> </h: hlsCombobox > ``` ### **virtual** 动态加载相关设置 | 属性 | 类型 | | --- | --- | | itemHeight | Number | | mapValueTo | String | | valueMapper | Function | ```javascript function valueMapper(){ $.ajax({ url: "http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/Orders/ValueMapper", type: "GET", dataType: "jsonp", data: convertValues(options.value), success: function(data) { //the **data** is either index or array of indices. //Example: // 10258 -> 10 (index in the Orders collection) // [10258, 10261] -> [10, 14] (indices in the Orders collection) options.success(data); } }) } ``` ```xml <h: hlsCombobox id="combobox"> <h:virtual itemHeight ="20" mapValueTo="index" valueMapper="valueMapper"/> </h: hlsCombobox > ```