# hlsCombobox标签 ComboBox下拉列表组件,通常数据源以code - meaning形式出现,用户操作的是meaning,实际保存的是code。 ```xml <h:hlsCombobox name="hlsCombobox" id="hlsCombobox" bind="enabled: isEnabled,source: sdDataSource, value:data.code" colspan="3" dataTextField="meaning" dataValueField="code" placeholder="hlsCombobox" prompt="hlsCombobox" promptColspan="1" valuePrimitive="true" style="width:100%" /> ``` ### **主要属性** 属性名 | 类型 -------- | --- id | String promptColspan | String promptClassName | String promptImage | String prompt | String colspan | String hlsClassName | String animation | Boolean autoBind | Boolean autoWidth | Boolean cascadeFrom| String cascadeFromField | String clearButton| Boolean dataSource | DataSource dataTextField | String dataValueField| String delay | Number enable | Boolean enforceMinLength| Boolean filter | String fixedGroupTemplate| String \| Function footerTemplate| String \| Function groupTemplate| String \| Function height| Number highlightFirst| Boolean ignoreCase| Boolean index| Number minLength| Number noDataTemplate| String \| Function placeholder | String suggest| Boolean headerTemplate| String \| Function template| String \| Function text| String value| String valuePrimitive| Boolean virtual| Boolean change| Function close| Function dataBound | Function filtering| Function open| Function select| Function cascade| Function > 属性用法请参考KendoUI文档 [http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/combobox](http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/combobox) ### **用法示例* ```javascript //对于系统定义好的数据源 <script src="${base.contextPath}/common/code?sdDataSource=FND.CODING_RULE_TYPE" type="text/javascript"></script> //自定义静态数据源sdDataSource var sdDataSource= new kendo.data.DataSource({ data:["one","two"] }); //自定义动态查询到的数据源sdDataSource $.ajax({ type : 'GET', url : url, async: false, contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", success : function(datas) { viewModel.set("sdDataSource,",datas.rows); } }); //需要注意,bind中写dataSource,需要在viewModel中定义 var viewModel = kendo.observable({ enabled: true, isEnabled: false, data: {}, sdDataSource:sdDataSource, }); //下拉列表渲染函数 var itemTemplate = function (){ //... } //选中某一个列表选项后触发 function onComboboxChange(e){ var value = this.value(); // Use the value of the widget. } //以上两种函数定义方法皆可 ``` ```xml <h:hlsCombobox name="hlsCombobox" id="hlsCombobox" bind="enabled: isEnabled,source: sdDataSource, value:data.code" colspan="3" dataTextField="meaning" dataValueField="code" placeholder="hlsCombobox" prompt="hlsCombobox" promptColspan="1" valuePrimitive="true" style="width:100 change="onComboboxChange" template="fn:itemTemplate" /> ``` #### 特别注意 valuePrimitive="true" 如果该值为false,选中的值将不会匹配给dataTextField和dataValueField dataValueField > **提示:** 某些属性类型为**String \| Function** 时,表明它可以定义为字符串或者函数。因此当需要定义为Function时需要增加前缀**fn:**来区分(例如函数template="fn:itemTemplate" )