Commit 47f16167 authored by Nature's avatar Nature

Merge branch 'hmap' of into hmap

parents badb634f cb5adcf5
......@@ -44,18 +44,3 @@ For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the [guide](http://vuej
{path: '/tab/user-info', component: UserInfo, name: 'UserInfo', meta: {keepAlive: true}},
# keyStore签名信息
keystore文件 hlscar.keystore
别名 HLSkey
# 签名
jarsigner -verbose -keystore hls.keystore -signedjar 车租易.apk hls.apk HLSkey
# 打包冲突解决
各项目如果安装了 com.hls.plugins.barcode 扫码插件与cordova-plugin-open-camera 媒体插件
两个插件之间存在一些冲突 请注释掉媒体插件 plugin.xml 第83行 <uses-feature android:name="" />
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