import Autosize from 'autosize' function vueTouch (el, binding, type) { var _this = this this.obj = el this.binding = binding this.touchType = type this.vueTouches = {x: 0, y: 0} this.vueMoves = true this.vueLeave = true this.longTouch = true this.vueCallBack = typeof (binding.value) === 'object' ? binding.value.fn : binding.value this.obj.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) { _this.start(e) }, false) this.obj.addEventListener('touchend', function (e) { _this.end(e) }, false) this.obj.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) { _this.move(e) }, false) }; vueTouch.prototype = { start: function (e) { this.vueMoves = true this.vueLeave = true this.longTouch = true this.vueTouches = {x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX, y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY} this.time = setTimeout(function () { if (this.vueLeave && this.vueMoves) { this.touchType === 'longtap' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) this.longTouch = false } }.bind(this), 1000) }, end: function (e) { var disX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX - this.vueTouches.x var disY = e.changedTouches[0].pageY - this.vueTouches.y clearTimeout(this.time) if (Math.abs(disX) > 100 || Math.abs(disY) > 100) { this.touchType === 'swipe' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) if (Math.abs(disX) > Math.abs(disY)) { if (disX > 100) { this.touchType === 'swiperight' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) } if (disX < -100) { this.touchType === 'swipeleft' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) } } else { if (disY > 100) { this.touchType === 'swipedown' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) } if (disY < -100) { this.touchType === 'swipeup' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) } } } else { if (this.longTouch && this.vueMoves) { this.touchType === 'tap' && this.vueCallBack(this.binding.value, e) this.vueLeave = false } } }, move: function (e) { this.vueMoves = false }, } // prop.autosize export default (Vue) => { Vue.directive('focus', { // 自动获取鼠标焦点 inserted: function (el) { el.focus() }, }) Vue.directive('tap', {// 点击事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'tap') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('swipe', {// 滑动事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'swipe') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('swipeleft', {// 左滑事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'swipeleft') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('swiperight', {// 右滑事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'swiperight') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('swipedown', {// 下滑事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'swipedown') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('swipeup', {// 上滑事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'swipeup') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('longtap', {// 长按事件 bind: function (el, binding) { new vueTouch(el, binding, 'longtap') // eslint-disable-line }, }) Vue.directive('hlsImgZoom', { componentUpdated: function (element) { var elWidth, elHeight // mode : 'pinch' or 'swipe' var mode = '' // distance between two touche points (mode : 'pinch') var distance = 0 var initialDistance = 0 // image scaling var scale = 1 var relativeScale = 1 var initialScale = 1 var maxScale = 5 if (isNaN(maxScale) || maxScale <= 1) { maxScale = 3 } // position of the upper left corner of the element var positionX = 0 var positionY = 0 var initialPositionX = 0 var initialPositionY = 0 // central origin (mode : 'pinch') var originX = 0 var originY = 0 // start coordinate and amount of movement (mode : 'swipe') var startX = 0 var startY = 0 var moveX = 0 var moveY = 0 var image = new Image() image.onload = function () { elWidth = element.clientWidth elHeight = element.clientHeight = '0px 0px 0px' = '0px 0px 0px' element.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartHandler) element.addEventListener('touchmove', touchmoveHandler) element.addEventListener('touchend', touchendHandler) } image.src = element.src /** * @param {object} evt */ function touchstartHandler (evt) { var touches = evt.originalEvent ? evt.originalEvent.touches : evt.touches startX = touches[0].clientX startY = touches[0].clientY initialPositionX = positionX initialPositionY = positionY moveX = 0 moveY = 0 } /** * @param {object} evt */ function touchmoveHandler (evt) { var touches = evt.originalEvent ? evt.originalEvent.touches : evt.touches if (mode === '') { if (touches.length === 1 && scale > 1) { mode = 'swipe' } else if (touches.length === 2) { mode = 'pinch' initialScale = scale initialDistance = getDistance(touches) originX = touches[0].clientX - parseInt((touches[0].clientX - touches[1].clientX) / 2, 10) - element.offsetLeft - initialPositionX originY = touches[0].clientY - parseInt((touches[0].clientY - touches[1].clientY) / 2, 10) - element.offsetTop - initialPositionY } } if (mode === 'swipe') { evt.preventDefault() moveX = touches[0].clientX - startX moveY = touches[0].clientY - startY positionX = initialPositionX + moveX positionY = initialPositionY + moveY transformElement() } else if (mode === 'pinch') { evt.preventDefault() distance = getDistance(touches) relativeScale = distance / initialDistance scale = relativeScale * initialScale positionX = originX * (1 - relativeScale) + initialPositionX + moveX positionY = originY * (1 - relativeScale) + initialPositionY + moveY transformElement() } } /** * @param {object} evt */ function touchendHandler (evt) { var touches = evt.originalEvent ? evt.originalEvent.touches : evt.touches if (mode === '' || touches.length > 0) { return } if (scale < 1) { scale = 1 positionX = 0 positionY = 0 } else if (scale > maxScale) { scale = maxScale relativeScale = scale / initialScale positionX = originX * (1 - relativeScale) + initialPositionX + moveX positionY = originY * (1 - relativeScale) + initialPositionY + moveY } else { if (positionX > 0) { positionX = 0 } else if (positionX < elWidth * (1 - scale)) { positionX = elWidth * (1 - scale) } if (positionY > 0) { positionY = 0 } else if (positionY < elHeight * (1 - scale)) { positionY = elHeight * (1 - scale) } } transformElement(0.1) mode = '' } /** * @param {Array} touches * @return {number} */ function getDistance (touches) { var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touches[0].clientX - touches[1].clientX, 2) + Math.pow(touches[0].clientY - touches[1].clientY, 2)) return parseInt(d, 10) } /** * @param {number} [duration] */ function transformElement (duration) { var transition = duration ? 'all cubic-bezier(0,0,.5,1) ' + duration + 's' : '' var matrixArray = [scale, 0, 0, scale, positionX, positionY] var matrix = 'matrix(' + matrixArray.join(',') + ')' = transition = transition = matrix + ' translate3d(0,0,0)' = matrix + ' translate3d(0,0,0)' } }, }) Vue.directive('keyboardAttach', {// 监听键盘 inserted: function (el, binding) { let KEYBOARD_OPEN_CSS = 'foot-keyboard-open' function keyboardHeight () { let innerHeight = window.innerHeight let innerWidth = window.innerWidth if (vum.Platform.isIOS()) { if (!vum.Platform.isWebView()) { return 266 } if (innerWidth >= 375 && innerHeight >= 812) { return 330 } return 300 } else { return 275 } } let height = keyboardHeight() function hasClass (element, csName) { return element.className.match(RegExp('(\\s|^)' + csName + '(\\s|$)')) } function addClass (element, csName) { if (!hasClass(element, csName)) { element.className += ' ' + csName } = height + 'px' } function removeClass (element, csName) { if (hasClass(element, csName)) { element.classList.remove(csName) } = 0 + 'px' } window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', function (e) { addClass(el, KEYBOARD_OPEN_CSS) }) window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', function (e) { removeClass(el, KEYBOARD_OPEN_CSS) }) }, unbind: function (el, binding) { let KEYBOARD_OPEN_CSS = 'foot-keyboard-open' function hasClass (element, csName) { return element.className.match(RegExp('(\\s|^)' + csName + '(\\s|$)')) } function removeClass (element, csName) { if (hasClass(element, csName)) { element.classList.remove(csName) } = 0 + 'px' } removeClass(el, KEYBOARD_OPEN_CSS) window.removeEventListener('native.keyboardshow', function (e) { }) window.removeEventListener('native.keyboardhide', function (e) { }) }, }) Vue.directive('autoSize', { bind: function (el, binding) { if (el.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') { Autosize(el) } el.addEventListener('oninput', function (e) { Autosize.update(el) }) }, unbind: function (el, binding) { Autosize.update(el) Autosize.destroy(el) el.removeEventListener('oninput', function (e) { }) }, }) }