Commit 5db93804 authored by Jefferyne's avatar Jefferyne

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parent 0b5a1ede
# dataSource标签
<h:dataSource id="gridDataSource" batch="true" pageSize="10" serverPaging="true" error="requestError">
<h:transport parameterMap="parameterMap">
<h:read url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/query" type="POST" dataType="json"/>
<h:create url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/submit" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>
<h:update url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/submit" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>
<h:destroy url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/remove" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>
<h:schema data="rows" total="total" errors="schemaError">
<h:model id="resourceId" editable="dsEditable">
<h:item name="loginRequire" defaultValue="Y" type="boolean" checkedValue="Y" uncheckedValue="N"/>
<h:item name="accessCheck" defaultValue="Y" type="boolean" checkedValue="Y" uncheckedValue="N"/>
<h:item name="type" defaultValue=""/>
<h:item name="url">
<h:validation required="true"/>
<h:item name="name">
<h:validation required="true"/>
### **主要属性**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| data | Array & String |
| autoSync | Boolean |
| batch | Boolean |
| page | Integer |
| pageSize | Integer |
| serverAggregates | Boolean |
| serverFiltering | Boolean |
| serverGrouping | Boolean |
| serverPaging | Boolean |
| serverSorting | Boolean |
| type | String |
| change | Function |
| error | Function |
| push | Function |
| requestEnd | Function |
| requestStart | Function |
| sync | Function |
> **提示:** 属性用法请参考kendoui API文档 [](
### **主要子节点**
* transport
* schema
* sort
### **transport**
#### **transport属性**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| parameterMap | Function |
| push | Function |
<h:dataSource id="gridDataSource" >
<h:transport parameterMap="parameterMap">
#### **transport子节点**
* read
* create
* update
* destroy
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| cache | Boolean |
| contentType | String |
| data | Object \| Function |
| dataType | String |
| type | String |
| url | String \| Function |
<h:transport parameterMap="parameterMap">
<h:read url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/query" type="POST" dataType="json"/>
<h:create url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/submit" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>
<h:update url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/submit" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>
<h:destroy url="${base.contextPath}/sys/resource/remove" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>
### **schema**
#### **schema属性**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| data | String \| Function |
| errors | String \| Function |
| groups | String \| Function |
| parse | Function |
| total | String \| Function |
| type | String |
<h:dataSource id="gridDataSource" >
<h:schema data="rows" total="total" errors="schemaError">
#### **schema子节点**
* model
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| id | String |
| editable | Function |
<h:schema data="rows" total="total" errors="schemaError">
<h:model id="resourceId" editable="dsEditable">
#### **model子节点**
* field
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| name | String |
| defaultValue | Object |
| editable | Boolean |
| nullable | Boolean |
| parse | Function |
| type | String |
| from | String |
| checkedValue | String |
| uncheckedValue | String |
<h:schema data="rows" total="total" errors="schemaError">
<h:model id="resourceId" editable="dsEditable">
<h:item name="loginRequire" defaultValue="Y" type="boolean" checkedValue="Y" uncheckedValue="N"/>
<h:item name="accessCheck" defaultValue="Y" type="boolean" checkedValue="Y" uncheckedValue="N"/>
<h:item name="type" defaultValue=""/>
<h:item name="url">
<h:validation required="true"/>
<h:item name="name">
<h:validation required="true"/>
#### **field子节点**
* validation
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| required | Boolean |
| max | Integer |
| min | Integer |
### **sort**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| dir | String |
| field | String |
| compare | function |
<h:dataSource id="gridDataSource" batch="true" pageSize="10" serverPaging="true" serverSorting="true" error="requestError">
<h:transport parameterMap="parameterMap">
<h:schema data="rows" total="total" errors="schemaError">
<h:model id="resourceId" editable="dsEditable">
<h:item field="url" dir="desc"/>
## Grid
#### 表格
#### xml配置
<h:grid id="grid"/>
<h:grid dataSource="dataSource" selectable="multiple, rowbox" editable="true">
<h:pageable pageSizes="5, 10, 20, 50" buttonCount="5" refresh="true">
<h:column field="moduleCode" title='' width="100"/>
<h:column field="functionCode" title='' width="180"/>
### **一般属性 **
> **提示:**
> * 属性用法请参考kendoui API文档的grid: [http:\/\/\/kendo-ui\/api\/javascript\/ui\/gird](
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| :--- | :--- |
| allowCopy | Boolean |
| altRowTemplate | String & Function |
| autoBind | Boolean |
| columnResizeHandleWidth | Integer |
| columnMenu | Boolean |
| dataSource |\(Function\) |
| detailTemplate | String & Function |
| editable | Boolean & String |
| groupable | Boolean |
| height | Integer & String |
| mobile | Boolean & String |
| navigatable | Boolean |
| noRecords | Boolean |
| pageable | Boolean |
| reorderable | Boolean |
| resizable | Boolean |
| rowTemplate | String & Function |
| scrollable | Boolean |
| selectable | Boolean & String |
| sortable | Boolean |
| toolbar | String & Function |
| cancel | Function |
| change | Function |
| columnHide | Function |
| columnMenuInit | Function |
| columnReorder | Function |
| columnResize | Function |
| columnShow | Function |
| dataBinding | Function |
| dataBound | Function |
| detailCollapse | Function |
| detailExpand | Function |
| detailInit | Function |
| edit | Function |
| excelExport | Function |
| filter | Function |
| group | Function |
| page | Function |
| pdfExport | Function |
| filterMenuInit | Function |
| remove | Function |
| save | Function |
| saveChanges | Function |
| sort | Function |
| columnLock | Function |
| columnUnlock | Function |
| navigate | Function |
var dataSource = new{
data: [
{ name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
{ name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
function edit(){
function rowTemplate(){
<h:grid id="grid" dataSource="dataSource" resizable= "true" height= "100%" edit ="edit" rowTemplate="fn:rowTemplate"/>
> **提示:**
> * 上述所有属性直接添加在标签内即可,(**\[\*\***属性名\]**\*\* = "..."**),对于类型是函数的属性,需要另外在script标签中具体定义函数,这里只是一个引用,对于类型**既是函数又是字符串**类型的属性,一定要加**fn:** 来区分,加fn:的代表这是一个函数,对于**既是字符串又是布尔类型**的属性,照常输入就行了。
#### **子标签**
| 属性名 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| allowCopy | Object |
| columns | Array |
| columnMenu | Object |
| editable | Object |
| messages | Object |
| scrollable | Object |
| sortable | Object |
| toolbar | Array |
#### **allowCopy**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| delimeter | String & Object |
<h:delimeter />
<h:allowCopy delimeter=",">
#### **columns**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| attributes | Object |
| command | Object |
| editor | Function |
| encoded | Boolean |
| expandable | Boolean |
| field | String |
| footerTemplate | String & Function |
| format | String |
| headerAttributes | Object |
| headerTemplate | String & Function |
| minScreenWidth | Integer |
| sortable | Object |
| template | String & Function |
| title | String |
| width | Integer & String |
| hidden | Boolean |
| menu | Boolean |
| locked | Boolean |
| lockable | Boolean |
| aggregates | Array |
| columns | Object |
| filterable | Object |
| groupable | Boolean |
| groupHeaderTemplate | String & Function |
| groupFooterTemplate | String & Function |
| values | Array |
| footerAttributes | Object |
#### **columns-filterable**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| cell | Object |
| multi | Boolean |
| dataSource | Function |
| checkAll | Boolean |
| itemTemplate | Function |
| operators | Object |
| search | Boolean |
| ignoreCase | Boolean |
| ui | Object |
<h:attributes "style"="text-align:center"/>
<!--对于数组来说,有两种形式,一种是直接用逗号分隔,放在标签上的,如 aggregates;另一种是创建子标签,再创建item子标签,再将数组内的内容整合到item子标签上,如command,先创建command子标签,再创建item子标签,再将数组中的每一个集合放在item标签上-->
<h:columns aggregates="count,min,max">
<h:column template="fn:template"/>
<h:column field="functionId" width="30px/>
<h:column title="列头" locked="true">
<h:item name="edit"></h:item>
<h:item name="destroy"></h:item>
function editor(){
<h:column editor="editor">
<!--以filterable举例 遇到对象就向下添加子标签-->
<h:cell dataTextField="name"/>
<h:headerAttributes "style"="color:red">
#### **ColumnMenu**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| columns | Boolean |
| filterable | Boolean |
| sortable | Boolean |
| messages | Object |
<h:grid id="grid">
<h:columnMenu columns="true" fileterable="false">
<h:messages columns="choose columns"/>
</h:grid >
#### **editable**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| confirmation | Object |
| cancelDelete | String |
| confirmDelete | String |
| createAt | String |
| destroy | Boolean |
| mode | String |
| template | String & Function |
| update | Boolean |
<h:grid id="grid">
<h:columnMenu columns="true" fileterable="false">
<h:messages columns="choose columns"/>
</h:grid >
#### **pageable**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| pageSize | Integer |
| previousNext | Boolean |
| numeric | Boolean |
| buttonCount | Integer |
| input | Boolean |
| pageSizes | Boolean & Array |
| refresh | Boolean |
| info | Boolean |
| messages | Object |
<!--pageSizes 为array时-->
<h:pageable pageSizes="all,5,10,20,50" buttonCount="5" refresh="true">
<h:messages display="show"/>
#### **messages**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| commands | Object |
| noRecords | String |
<h:messages noRecords="no data">
<h:commands cancel="cancel"/>
</h:messages >
#### **noRecords**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| template | String & Function |
<h:noRecords template="no records">
#### **scrollable**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| virtual | Boolean |
<h:scrollable virtual="true"/>
#### **sortable**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| allowUnsort | Boolean |
| mode | String |
<h:sortable allowUnsort="true" mode="multiple"/>
#### **toolbar**子标签
| 属性 | 类型 |
| --- | --- |
| name | String |
| template | String & Function |
| text | String |
function template(){
<!--toolbar是数组 所以属性都是针对于数组内的集合来说的-->
<h:item name="create">
<![CDATA[<span class=" btn btn-primary k-grid-add">#=text#</span>]]>
> **提示**:
> * 遇到**object**类型 就向下添加子标签,当遇到普通类型时,就添加到当前的标签上,就像处理一般属性那样。
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